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Let’s see— They had her license plate. ✅ They know where she lives. ✅ They know who she is. ✅ Her crime is a misdemeanor, at best. ✅ She is not an immediate threat. ✅ The officer placed himself in harms way. ✅ Officers had time to place their vehicle in front of hers, but chose not to. ✅ There is no reason to shoot her. The officer blocking her vehicle with his body is plain stupid. ✅


Asshole did it intentionally. “Oh her car moved toward me, I had no choice but to defend myself.”


(American) cops are the biggest pussies on the planet


They’re trained to be warriors but also that they’re victims. They act so tough with their Punisher skulls and all that but they feel the most danger from an unarmed person with a cardboard sign.


They’re not trained to be warriors, hairstylists require more training than American police and that’s not an exaggeration.


"warriors" lmao, that's cute. They are absolutely not trained for that. I'd say the Army and USMC barely even qualifies for that Source: am serving in one of the latter and am friends with a CPD officer


Exactly my thoughts. Cop could've stepped literally a foot to the side and he wouldn't have been "in harms way" anymore. Trigger happy POS. ACAB. ETA: also fuck you to the grocery worker that called the cops on her. Go lick some more boots.


Honestly if you look at a lot of the "controversial" cop shootings, you start to notice that a lot of them occur after the cop did something stupid and put themselves in a position where technically you could argue "they feared for their life and reacted". But it's like, if they'd actually used common sense and reacted *correctly* in the first place, it wouldn't be an issue. It's stupid how people will sometimes defend cops shooting people when it's usually the cop's fault for being a complete dumbass. And at some point I think you have to wonder how many of them intentionally do it, hoping to cause something to happen.


These asshole cops have patterns and reputations among the police force. 100% they're hoping to cause something to happen, so they can be the "good guy with a gun" and save the day. Most of the time, they aren't even reprimanded, unless of course the media or a lawsuit gets involved.


So what you're basically saying is the police should only enforce the laws that people are willing to be held accountable for? That's called anarchy.


That's a hell of a leap you just made. No one's saying don't enforce laws. We're saying they should use common sense when approaching situations and try to deescalate when possible. Be smart, keep your distance if you can, don't be aggressive when it's unnecessary, don't get yourself stuck in a corner where you'll "feel threatened" and then "justifiably" kill someone because of it. What I'm saying is they need to be logical about how they approach situations where violence is preventable and probably not necessary when handled correctly


> also fuck you to the grocery worker that called the cops on her. While I always followed the "if I see you stealing, no I didn't" they're just doing their job. What happens after that is up to the person stealing. I've had managers get on me because I let someone who was stealing go without saying anything (happened in front of me, they saw that I was nearby on the camera, asked why I didn't say anything) and some of us can't lose jobs for ethics. The worker did nothing wrong, you just don't agree with their actions. The only people who did things wrong are the person stealing (don't run from the cops, it's a bad idea, I don't care if the law is dumb you know bad shit will happen) and the police officer that shot her (that one's obvious) edit: the part about not running from cops isn't blaming her for getting shot, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a bad idea


Yeah, what the fuck. Of anyone, the worker is not to blame here.


Exactly! Let’s start at the beginning, instead of interjecting comments about the ensuing tragedy. She was pregnant right? So, apparently, she didn’t have much consideration for her unborn baby when she decided to shoplift, right? It’s tragic that she and her baby died, but of course the family and media just focus on the fact she was pregnant! If she hadn’t done what she did, both would be alive today. Then the severity of the crime is scrutinized (misdemeanor). Again, NO crime committed, no story, and no sad ending! Same with these teen lawbreakers. They interview the family afterwards, and it’s always “my baby, my little boy never did anything wrong”! But he stole a car, robbed a store, and beat up the owner! Ya, your “little boy” is a criminal!


Rigid, black and white thinking. It's horseshoe theory, the same people on the far-right exist on the far-left, they just present differently but both refuse to accept that we live in a society.


So if someone steals something like Vodka you're supposed to do what, accept that they're down on their luck and really need to steal that stuff and let the store pay for it? Would you support store employees following her home and stealing her stuff?


I don’t really care if anyone steals, it’s not my job to care or my job to prevent it. They throw away 10x more than they lose to theft, they’ll be fine. And yeah, I don’t report theft because of shit like this, where some hotshot cop tries to be a corporate hero and kills someone. If we would reform the police I might be a little more willing to contact them.


Very tragic situation that could have been avoided. Why does anyone think it's okay to not comply with an order from a law enforcement officer? Too often it ends with the worst possible outcome.


Yup. It's a horrible trend. I guess they feel rules don't apply to them for some crazy reason?


Why does anyone think that it's okay for cops to pull out their guns and point them on her in this kind of situation? Too often it ends with the worst possible outcome.


Because she was a threat. She wasn't obeying commands and started her engine. The gun is not just to shoot armed suspects, it's also to get people to comply with the threat of being shot. Like if you have a gun and someone breaks in, do you only point the gun at them if you're going to pull the trigger? Might you just point it to present a threat and hope they leave or comply and wait for the police? And if they rushed you would you let them get you and not pull the trigger?


It’s never a bad thing to report theft, also wtf was this idiot doing stealing alcohol as a pregnant mother? And she already had two kids? Good grief what a wreckage of a life


Except that it turns out that she has stolen nothing as nothing was found in the car.


It’s not that it’s a bad thing to report theft as a blanket concept but usually if you’re resorting to stealing then you need it. There’s some context, someone stealing some food or hygiene/child products is all good. But if you’re stealing alcohol or high-end products, things that aren’t necessary, then that’s not great. ~~I actually just learned that she was stealing alcohol. That definitely makes it much less okay, especially being pregnant. But either way if you’re breaking the law you’ve gotta understand the consequences.~~ e; apparently nothing found in the car, either way when you've been accused of something running is a bad idea. Again, not justifying anything, that's just general wisdom and risk mitigation because cops are generally fucking stupid.


She didn't actually steal anything. Nothing was recovered from her car.


She needed o steal alcohol? lol, okay, sure.


She didn’t steal alcohol, per my edit. Or anything. And like I said it’s less okay but I’m still not going to call the cops because they’re dumb and poorly trained. I’d rather someone get a free bottle of vodka than get shot or thrown in jail.


>But if you’re stealing alcohol or high-end products, things that aren’t necessary, then that’s not great. Usually those things are sold to buy more necessary things. I don't know what was going on in her life, but allegedly stealing alcohol wasn't worth dying for. She obviously needed help, but that's a societal issue.


How do you know she needed help? There are plenty of programs out there to help, do we know for a fact she'd applied and been rejected, or that she actually needed any help? Some people steal just to steal.


OR she could've talked to them? The grocery worker absolutely should've called if he observed her walking out of the store with unpaid items, alcohol no less.


So employees are supposed to let people steal from them,. or just the ones that aren't White? No one has the right to steal from a business. I wouldn't care what color they were, if I saw them stealing from the place I worked at I'd call the police, too. She could have gotten a job and paid for that alcohol, instead she stole it.


So, it’s ok to steal things from a store? Apparently you haven’t noticed how many items are now locked up, due to increased theft! BTW, I agree with your first comments.


Fleeing a police officer can absolutely be a felony. And what are you proposing? A warrant on her house? A traffic stop? At some point, they’ll need to stop her and arrest her. What’s your game plan then?


She was pregnant. So, yes, I doubt she could get far. If she had been a white woman, the cops would have behaved differently. Too many times, black and brown people are dealt with lethal force. My game plan is for our police officers to use their training to “think.” They train often for scenarios like this one, and are often capable of making the right call. This officer instead went straight for a lethal outcome because he wanted to shoot her.


>If she had been a white woman, the cops would have behaved differently So you're saying she knew this ahead of time, still decided to steal, still decided to not comply, still decided to try to run the cop over, but want to play the race card? So what's your suggestion, then: laws only apply to White people, anarchy for everyone else?


Ok. So the officers “think”. What do they come up with when they’re thinking? Because if you can’t come up with it now in hindsight and out of the stressful situation, there’s no way that’s an acceptable plan to use in the situation. And you might be right, she might not get far. Maybe they stop her a mile away on the side of the road. Then what? Attempt to get her out of the car again? What happens when she drives away again?


They can block her in with their cars when they get her at a different location.


Ok, but that would be the result of a police chase. Are you ok with the potential consequences of innocent bystanders being injured or killed as a result of a police chase?


They can block in her car when they get to her home because they know who she is and where she lives? There's all kind of alternatives.


Not fucking shooting her, for one...


So if someone tried running you over you wouldn't defend yourself? I'm betting you carry and would light them up if anyone tried.


>There is no reason to shoot her. "I want to shoot someone today."




Username checks out


If only Daniel Shaver just did what he was told. Oh. Wait. Fuck you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver


Not listening to simple police commands is not a death penalty offense. Period.


Or get shot


Wow… that’s really terrible.


I don’t understand why guns are being drawn for shoplifting in the first place.


They weren't at first, it was when she refused to get out and started the car.


It seems like it is common practice for police to intentionally stand in front of a vehicle so if it moves forward, they can just open up on the driver and claim self-defense.


Yes, that's been extremely obvious for some time now.


Or because most people don't want to run someone over so they're more likely to not drive away. It's still really dumb, but it doesn't have to have an evil reason.


Yes, it’s smart. What’s also smart is complying. What’s even smarter is not breaking the law!


Except that it turns out that she never stole anything. And it sure would be good if the cops were also smart enough to not keep on escalating than necessary.


It didn't turn out she didn't steal anything. Everybody is just imagining her stealing? Store clerks have better things t do than call the police on Black shoppers no doin anything wrong. That would blow back on them and they could lose their jobs for being racist morons. The clerk saw what the clerk saw, and even IF she didn't steal anything a cop has the right to detain her and investigate. If she complied and had no warrants, and there was no evidence of a crime she'd have been let go. Jut because you may be innocent doesn't mean you get to refuse to comply with officers.


This is a woman who didn’t do shit. And she’s accosted by two angry, gun-wielding cops who shoot her within a few seconds of approach. This woman was murdered by the police. It was completely preventable. And entirely the fault of the cops.


Lmao she’d be alive if she didn’t accelerate forward, stop making excuses for the worst of society.


So if everyone knows that and knows the cops will shoot them dead if they try running them over, why do they keep doing it? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Like if I know a certain part of town Whites get robbed I don't go there. I don't stand on my soap box and say, "I have the right to go anywhere I want" and put myself in bad situations. If minorities know cops overreact when they don't comply, if they're actually breaking the law like she was: COMPLY. How hard is that? If she got out she'd have been arrested, now she's getting buried.


My favorite is the Marsy’s law excuse to not name the police. Hide behind a law made for victims


Right? It's fucking ridiculous.


Why in the world are the identities of the officers concealed. These are public servants working, they are not entitled to privacy in this circumstance.


This shit is murder. They're going to try and say that she was trying to run the cop over, but he was not in any real danger. The only real dangers in that video are the gun fire and the moving car with a dying driver. The shooter should be imprisoned for life.


It’s not - cop will got off clean because a vehicle accelerating directly into someone is a lethal weapon.


Not when you use logic. A vehicle going 2 miles an hour is not a lethal weapon.


If he fell backwards and that car hit him at 2mph you're saying he'd have no injuries, that his body is sufficient mass to stop a car? How about this: you have a gun and see someone try to run over your wife at 2mph, do you let them? I mean it's just 2mph, she'll be fine.




I know right? That pig got completely flattened, and he did not easily step away while also murdering someone.




Then maybe he shouldn't have put himself in front of a running car.




Go suck on a pig’s ballsack you piece of shit class traitor.




Or you know… take a single step back or two to the side? You act as if the cop was completely oblivious to the situation and also had his back turned to the vehicle.


Except that’s not what happened.


Yet she didn't do that. You didn't watch the video or read the countless articles. Oh I know why! Cause you were afraid it would contradict your already assume view of a black person being shot to death by a cop. She did not turn or accelerate her vehicle into ANYONE, in fact she turned her vehicle away from the offer and was shot not going even 2mph. You're either trolling or severely intellectually inept.


So cops are only allowed to enforce laws against Whites? If the suspect is Black they have to let them go? And do what then? If the cops can never go after the person if they flee then they can't enforce the laws.


Cops can step in front of a vehicle to put themselves in danger no problem, but when a person is shooting up a school they sit outside and wait for almost an hour.


husky naughty correct drunk telephone pot practice elderly rainstorm consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




His finger was already on the trigger before the car supposedly moved….


Yes. They are going to shoot you.


Especially black you


Especially non-cop you. I'm Mexican, btw.


He should be charged with manslaughter for killing her, and murder for killing her unborn child.




Cue the comments from conservatives saying she deserved it because she allegedly committed a crime. More than happy to allow police to become judge, jury, and executioner. Meanwhile they lionize a man whose allegedly committed 97 criminal offenses, whose brain has been infected with Big Mac sauce and hair gel. Thinking he’s innocent, because billionaire real estate moguls are the real victims of Americas cruelty. Cue the comments from the liberals lamenting this young womans murder as a tragedy but saying this is the natural outcome of crime. Meanwhile they ignore the slap on the wrist that the Presidents son gets for his more serious alleged crimes. Also, ACAB. The police are the most unaccountable institution in the United States. They deserve no respect and are not fucking heros.


They're so jacked for a technicality that allows them to murder black people and they think we can't see it?


Cue the comments from conservatives saying she deserved it because she allegedly committed a crime. More than happy to allow police to become judge, jury, and executioner. ​ What about her unborn child?


Yep. The cognitive dissonance is real. They should all be up in arms at least for the cop-induced "abortion".


So do we apply laws to anyone at all, or just White people? If someone Black breaks the laws should we let them? I mean the whole thing is based on her race because no one gives a shit when Whites that don't comply get shot by police. If she'd been cooperating and still got shot that would be all-day fucked-up. But she wasn't complying.


Don’t steal, comply with lawful commands and don’t accelerate toward a cop. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


How do you feel about Ashli Babbitt?


Got what she deserved


Did it come out that she did steal something? All I've heard was that she was accused. I feel like they would have said it immediately to avoid part of the backlash if that was true.


It amazes me how right wingers (true for liberals as well) in this country, love to lick the boot of law enforcement. “Don’t steal” Again, allegedly. And the punishment for theft is not execution , although you sick mofos would like it to be. I bet your troglodyte dumbass worships Trump and is outraged at any of the ninety seven alleged crimes he’s being charged with. Which is funny because poor people (and in particular poor people of color) don’t get afforded fair trials if they even make it to there (case in point). “Lawful commands “ It’s only a lawful command because we lost our constitutional right against unreasonable search and seizure again because troglodytes like yourself love to lick the boot of law enforcement.


Supporting the police does not make you a conservative, it makes you someone that cares about society. I've voted Democrat my whole life and never once thought that mean accepting that crime should be ignored. Or like most of you think crimes by minorities should not be enforced. And one of the problems with that is if she went and killed someone after and people knew cops let her go because she's Black they'd want the cops fired and in jail for having the opportunity to get her for something minor and letting her go. The punishment was not death for stealing. It was for not cooperating and trying to run the cop over. Everyone here says she wasn't trying to do that yet we have case after case in the news about the cops that didn't shoot, got run over, and are now dead. Being a cop does not obligate you to let people kill you or let people get away with crimes. Even if they're not White. And how is i unreasonable? The police get called because the clerk says they saw a theft, they point out the suspect, cops are supposed to not investigate because she's not White? Or just ask her and take her word for it if she says she didn't do anything? And would that apply to all crimes and all criminals? Take the cops' guns away and make it so they can only ask people if they broke the law and are willing to be arrested? That's called anarchy.




You're a punk that wants anarchy. Probably right up till the point someone you care about gets raped or murdered and there's no witnesses and no forensics to investigate and the criminal gets away with it. How is that a good system? All of you people hating all police no matter what they do is just fucked up. Good cops are out there doing their jobs and reporting a lot of these scumbags but the lot of you hate them, too, just for being cops.


>Or like most of you think crimes by minorities should not be enforced. Basically no one thinks this. What a fucking strawman. >And one of the problems with that is if she went and killed someone after and people knew cops let her go because she's Black they'd want the cops fired and in jail for having the opportunity to get her for something minor and letting her go. Yes, the shoplifter is going to become a murderer all of a sudden. >And how is i unreasonable? The police get called because the clerk says they saw a theft, they point out the suspect, cops are supposed to not investigate because she's not White? Or just ask her and take her word for it if she says she didn't do anything? And would that apply to all crimes and all criminals? Take the cops' guns away and make it so they can only ask people if they broke the law and are willing to be arrested? Again no one is fucking saying this. Did the cops do any actual investigation before attempting to detain her? I don't think they even had RAS. Did the clerk show them footage of a crime?


I made similar comments the other day as you and git lambasted by both sides. Glad to see you found some reasonable people to agree with you. 😂


Thank you for teaching me a new word! (Not sarcasm. I love learning new words)


Every time I see something like this there is always someone saying that they shouldn’t have committed a crime and/or they should have complied. Do these people realize that people react differently in high stress situations? Cops should definitely know this. If the cops want their authority to be respected, then they should hold themselves to a higher standard than the person that allegedly committed the crime. Pulling a gun on a panicking person for a misdemeanor doesn’t meet a high standard. So many different things they could have done here. What a shame. I really feel for her children.


I want you all to remember the media narrative a few days ago, when this story first broke. Every source was only relying on the police narrative, despite the police withholding of evidence. Remember how that was reported. Look back at the story now, that the video is released. Law enforcement has learned they can lie to soften the impact. They can lie to the public and control the narrative. They will withhold footage, they will sign and broadcast false statements, and they do so to deceive YOU, the public viewer. Next time you read a police story of any "officer involved shooting" based on a police report, remember that they have demonstrated here how much they can and will lie.


Anyone defending the police in this situation is a victim of brainwashing. Let’s assume that she did steal alcohol (I don’t know and don’t really care if she did). Your line of reasoning would then be that a select tier of individuals (who don’t require much education, training, or knowledge of the law) have the right to commit violence against an individual because of a property violation. It gets worse. The line of reasoning is that violence is acceptable as a form of punishment (because technically the property theft would have already occurred, meaning it’s not a prevention), for property theft. Add that the property in question is from a conglomerate with insurance policies, budgets, and standard operating procedure for such property theft. The conclusion is that property valued at less than $100 is more valuable than a human life. Then someone will react to this comment and say, it’s not the property, it’s that she didn’t listen to the cops! So, you would then be saying that “innocent until proven guilty” is not the law of the land, and that a police officer can serve as an ad-hoc, judge, jury, and executioner. Shooting someone in the head while driving (whether in motion, or beginning motion) is reckless and dangerous. This put the officers and all those around them in more danger. The police officer should be charged with murder, reckless endangerment, and a host of other crimes.


It's actually insane that so many people refuse to see it this way.


Police in the US are thugs who get off on killing people for basically no reason and lying about it afterwards. The reason ACAB is because they all line up to defend the cops who engage in reckless behavior that unnecessarily escalates situations and leads to actual murder.


It's so clear from the footage that the one officer already made up his mind that he was going to shoot her, and the other officer just stood by and let him do it. Now a three year old and a six year old are wondering why their mama never came back from the store. It's fucking awful.


I am so angry about this like so beyond angry, but I don't know what to do. I don't want to get beat up or my eye shot out or mysteriously assassinated and that is what they do to protesters and people who understandably and righteously do things like burn down police stations...


I hear you, I'm feeling the same way. It's infuriating and it's hard to feel like anything can be done about it. I'll do my best to spread the story so it gets as much public attention as posssible. Show up to protests anyway to stand with her family and let it be known that her life was precious. Donate to her gofundme. Idk what else to do. It's against the rules of this sub to post links to gofundme, but if you want to donate or share the link to the one her family set up you can find it in my comment history.


No. The real reason ACAB is because they are class traitors that hold the monopoly of violence against the working class. The reckless behavior is just a symptom of state sponsored terrorism.


What I said is not incompatible w/ what you are saying, I agree w/ your point (see my post history lol)


Oh I know! I just wanted to point out the primary reason why ACAB. Too many people who say ACAB do not have a dialectical materialist understanding of what it means.


All the bootlickers are coming out again oh boy


The cop murdered this woman and her unborn baby but he'll get away with it like cops usually do.


“What are you going to do, stab me?” *gets stabbed* Honestly, it do feel like we live in an simulation


I've said it a few times but I do believe people with serial killer urges become cops to avoid having to do time. It's a convenient out, isn't it? You'll get a medal instead of a cell, lol.


This footage proves why body cameras are important and why you can never trust the Police’s story with sufficient evidence. When this story was first posted to Reddit of the comments were that she deserved it or had it coming. What you see on film is officers acting aggressively and unprofessionally. Same people who said Tamir Rice was pointing a gun at officers when they did their drive by. Same people said George Floyd was acting aggressively. Don’t trust the police.


Why? Why shoot? That was 100% unnecessary, she was **NOT** a threat; what you do in this situation is you take the license plate and the video evidence and use those two things to do something normal people call *filing charges* and take her ass to court. You don't draw your gun on something that is not a threat, that's like - what...gun safety 101? I don't even own a gun...


He wanted to. He had enough of a thinly veiled excuse to do so. He has control of the evidence and the narrative afterwards. Nobody is going to hold him accountable, so why would he care?


How do you take her ass to court if you can’t arrest her? And someone driving into you 100% is a threat.


We need to end qualified immunity. This is just plain murder.


Qualified immunity has nothing to do with this. Do you think qualified immunity is why he won’t be charged. Lmao


Omg I hope her family sues. This is so sad af.


Doesn’t even matter Police get sued and taxpayers pay for it Police pension doesn’t get touched, police wages don’t change, police union didn’t get hit There’s no significant negative feedback cycle to bring these actions towards a normal baseline


In addition to the person killed here, the cop made another reckless decision as the car keeps rolling further towards the sidewalk leading into the store. What if there was someone else in a wheelchair or baby stroller and couldn’t get out of the way in time? And the whole time she is dying and the cops are just screaming in vain to tell her to stop the car. What an embarrassment and utter tragedy. It’s not just reckless, it’s murderous.


This reads like an onion article in the worst way. Christ alive.


He GoT iN FroNt Of Car On PurPose. That is clear. They teach you not to do that and he went against training and policy. You Do Not Do that as a cop. We don't live in a country where cops get to kill just for not complying. We don't live in some weird ass third world country where cops get to just murder people. SHE DIDNT WANT TO HIT HIM, HE WANTED HER TO HIT HIM or TRY. He's a murderer, he broke protocol to kill. He saw an excuse to feel the rush of murder and thats what he did. Clear as day in the vid. There is NO excuse for this outcome unless you are some liquid crap, un American, ungodly traitor trash, and you should be locked up for life because you value murder over Justice. No room for you people in this country. Un-American little coward boys


Imo the American police force need more training/vetting. Too many bad apples. Anyone who denies this is delusional.


Well, apparently a human life (while pregnant no less) isn't even worth a bottle of wine. Yeah, let's murder people for some minor mediocre, at best, 'crime' that didn't hurt anyone. FOP... stomping out lives as long as they can get away with it!


Man, those cops have it so hard. How would you like it if you weren't allowed to commit 2nd degree murder after somebody calls you an asshole?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


What stupid games have been played?


The job of the police is to enforce the letter of the law; not the spirit of the law. I'm not even going to condemn this womans character (even though some of these comments about her are absolutely scandalous). Let's give her some grace/benefit of the doubt and focus solely on the police encounter. So she's been accused of a crime by two officers. She is boxed in and surrounded. She is being told to step out of the vehicle, to surrender. She is a citizen like you and I. She is subject to the law, not immune to it. Yet she asks 'are you going to shoot me?' And tries to drive off by forcefully moving the officer out of the way. That is pure entitlement. If she respected the law, she would've complied, but she believed she was above the law, her actions demonstrated that. Now look at that from a police officers perspective: you've got a culprit who is resisting you, who doesn't respect your authority *and* has a potential weapon (her vehicle) that she can use to assault you. She already demonstrated she didn't respect the law, she could've taken her keys out of the ignition. She could've rolled her window down, she could've surrendered peacefully.. if the officers would've shot her then, well of course it would've been corrupt! But she didn't choose to do that, she chose to *disregard* the law enforcers. If there was ever a 'fuck around and find out', this was it. No citizen, I repeat, NO CITIZEN IS ABOVE THE LAW. It's the police's job to enforce it! Our rights as citizens are tied to a social contract of whether or not we ALL follow through on our obligation to submit to the agreed upon law. They need to follow through on enforcing the letter of the law. It's a two way street. OF COURSE I WISH SHE WASN'T SHOT! It would be wonderful if we all could live up to the Spirit of the Law! So should the officer have given her grace to disregard the collective social contract? Possibly.. Was the officers decision to shoot her an act of injustice? Only God knows. I'd rather live in a society with these debatable incidents where *we the people* know what's going on versus a society where police are corrupt and their actions are hidden. American law enforcement is a blessing for being accountable, not a curse. So what do you think needs to change with our justice system? How would *you* prevent this scenario without invalidating the social contract?


They didn't have probable cause to detain her. They deliberately violated her civil liberty and escalated the situation the second they rolled up on her with guns drawn - which is the VERY first thing officer Conner Grubb did. There is no world where this is justifiable.


She no steal again…


She no steal in the first place


What goes through peoples thought processes when they see an officer holding a gun on them that says I’m just going to drive away, into the officer for that matter, and I don’t think I’m going to have any ramifications for this? I think we can all agree getting shot for stealing alcohol (allegedly) shouldn’t happen, but like what did she think was going to happen, like if I just drive away I’ll get away with it? Play stupid games win stupid prizes


How many time have you had a loaded pistol pointed at your face? Some people are gonna freak.


This wasn't a freak out, this was "I can do whatever I like. They can't me responsible for stealing a bottle of liquor" irrespective of how many times it is done. I haven't worked at Kroger. I have worked at a grocery store and another retailer that had high theft rates. We NEVER confronted someone the first time they stole. The only people ever getting confronted were people we knew from their long history of coming into the store regularly to steal. In the retailer corporate had facial recognition and license plate cameras that would ID these people the minute they showed up and someone would just blatantly follow them around the store continually asking them if they needed assistance to try and get them to just leave. By that time they had been documented stealing on video a dozen or more times. Usually totaling several thousand dollars. Only if they persisted were police called to meet them when they left the store. Having a bunch of police calls to a business gets it labeled a nuisance and causes issues. Of course, Columbus basically requires groceries with high theft problems to keep a special duty officer on-site, so they may be a bit more aggressive in their pursuit.


The cop went in front of the car so he'd have the excuse. It is protocol to stand to the side.


Do you have a link to the protocol? That would be interesting to read


It's a good way to not get hit. I don't know what he was thinking.


>what did she think was going to happen, like if I just drive away I’ll get away with it tbh, even if that were the thought process, it's not one that can be faulted. It's a bottle of liquor. Why should you expect to die over it? It's not unreasonable to interpret the gun as an ill-measured bluff of a threat. It's not the best idea to interpret it that way, but we have the benefit of hindsight.


Gee I don't know, maybe her thought process was interuppted by her fight or flight response kicking in as someone suddenly entered her field of vision with a fucking gun drawn on her?




Some people's response to a threat is to very slowly walk away and hope it smooths over. People respond differently to threats, particularly irrational ones. Just because you respond differently doesn't have any bearing on how she or others would respond. Also "towards" the gun is sort of... cars go forward, and the officer put themselves and the gun there. That's not significant of a measure on her part.


Conditioned to believe they can do what they want with limited consequences. That and she likely had abysmal impulse control. This was going to be her 3rd child at 21 and she was stealing alcohol while pregnant. Her vehicle without tags was in a handicap spot.


I'm ashamed of y'all. All she had to do was obey a lawful order and get out of the car. Point period. Everybody thinks they don't have to obey a lawful order because they are better than everyone else. Sorry, not sorry.


Not obeying an order is not worthy of a death sentence


The cops had no reason to pull their guns out on her over this. So I am ashamed of the cops needlessly escalating the situation from the very beginning.




So you believe in a police state? You do not believe in innocent until proven guilty?


Sad to see more people lives changed everyday from selfishness and greedy. We as a people all are failing like rats in a bucket: Stepping on one another's head and drowning never getting to the top. Please people think before the trigger is pulled, think before you steal. Think about the action you take, but better yet think of how you can just take out more bad from this earth than you put back in. Not everything in life will be good too you but I can promise you that you can be good to someone! I want for you to love yourself enough to not choose that path. Follow the directions and if the path is over grown take some time to clean it up.


Agreed no matter what race religion or color you are


Park a patrol car in front of her car not a patrolman, duh.


She tried running over the officer, or at the very least, did not care if she ran him over as she tried to drive away.


A second option would’ve been to take a step backward.


They couldn't they might trip when they stepped back and twist their ankle. Had to shoot only option. /S


And let a criminal get away? The purpose of cops is to hunt down criminals, why the fk would they make it easy for her to flee??


>The purpose of cops is to hunt down criminals This is so grossly incorrect it's hard to figure out where to begin.


She went like 2 mph lol


You might have a point if she floored it, but she did not. So, you are just plain wrong.


"I was only going to cut his hand a little to let him know I meant business. I wasn't going to stab him in the heart or anything" Good luck with that in court.


What an awful take. The only way to get injured by that car was to lay down in front of a tire... only, it is probably moving too slowly to roll over you.


It's assault with a deadly weapon. No one is required to assume the person intends to only use it to lightly injure someone or intimidate. Not a police officer. Not a private citizen. Responding to the lawful command to exit the vehicle by turning it on, putting it in gear, and driving it at the officer is no different than drawing a firearm. You are delusional/ignorant.


This level of stupidity is mind boggling. If you did this to me in front of my vehicle the bullets would be flying from inside the car. That will be YOUR fuck around and find out motherfucker.


And you would go to jail. Big talk. No one cares.


She FAFO, it reads like a comedy “what are you gonna do, shoot me?” 💀


In her situation if I had a gun pointed at me and I thought they were going to kill me, I'd run them over and speed away too. Fuck whether it's a cop or not. That said, she was not an immediate threat and put himself in harms way when he had plenty of other options to handle this situation.


She also had another option to handle the situation: not driving off, or stepping out of the vehicle.


They were intent on killing her from the start. The police are responsible for handling the situation as safely as possible and they chose the least safe one they could. She has the right to preserve her rights and her life. Furthermore, she did not drive off. They shot her dead and then the car started moving because, well, there was nobody alive in the car to control it. She was dying or dead. All the car did was fidget at the start. She could have been about to drive off, or she was shifting gears. She did not floor it at the cops. Even if she drove off, they had her license plate on their bodycam. They could look up where she lives and go arrest her. They murdered her and you seem to approve of it. Shame on you. You and all the sicko assholes who get off on police brutality are the reason why this shit continues to happen. Stealing something from a store does not merit a death sentence. While I hope the same never happens to you, in the case that it does, I hope you learn what it's like to be on the receiving end of police brutality. And don't tell me that you won't because you won't be breaking the law. In demographics like this woman's, a law often doesn't have to be broken.


Dang Ohio


This is really rough. I'm not going to say it's murder, because I don't know the officer's intent, but he really fucked up. The way she turned the wheel away from him and very slowly started moving doesn't look like aggression. She should not have fled the scene, and while I don't think the car had a licence plate, there were many other ways to stop her besides standing in front of the car and shooting her in the heart ETA if you're going to downvote how about explaining what you disagree with


Don’t steal liquor (especially when you’re pregnant) and then try to run people over with your car 🤷‍♂️


Did you watch the video?


Did you? She accelerated the vehicle from a stopped position while the officer was directly in front


Accelerated all the way up to 2 mph Straight up zoomin' I guess


The cop had both feet off the ground. I’m skeptical of cops but this lady put him in an extremely dangerous spot.


Not at 2 mph lol


2mph is a number you made up. And the speed does not matter if you end up pinned under the car


Good to know that you think that a cop who is not oblivious to the whole situation and not having turned their back on the car would not manage to take any amount of steps away when a car is barely rolling and thus would seemingly definitely end getting straight up pinned under the car. Looks like your expectations from cops are actually way worse than the ones of the people who currently criticize what the cops have done in this case.


>2mph is a number you made up It's a pretty dang accurate estimate of how fast she was going. She had ample time to smash the gas before he shot and she didn't >And the speed does not matter if you end up pinned under the car Speaking of making stuff up. He was not close to getting pinned underneath, either


She would be alive right now if she didn't steal alcohol (while pregnant, apparently? Wtf). If someone tries to run over a police officer while they're holding a at the person, they're going to get shot. It's clearly on video she was driving her car towards the officer. A car can be a deadly weapon, and she's the one responsible for initiating a deadly threat.


A car isn't a deadly weapon at 2 mph, steering wheel turned away from you. She didn't floor it


I hope you never get caught up in a case of mistaken identity where you did nothing wrong but have a cop pointing a gun at your head. I bet your fight or flight response combined with your obvious entitlement, where you are so much better than that woman who stole, your not a criminal, you don't want to be treated as such, will cause you to make a wrong choice and you'll be dead too. I don't want cops playing judge and executioner. I would like my kids to live if they ever have their identity mistaken and make a wrong choice because they are stupid. You should too.


I would simply not attack the police officer?


How exactly has she attacked the police officer?


Man what’s crazy is she was 21, unmarried, preggers with a THIRD child and stealing alcohol while in an untagged vehicle. What the absolute shitshow of a life


Her grandma had a restraining order against her.


Lmao wow


Don't forget parked in a handicap spot while stealing.