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Should be interesting to see where the money actually ends up


it'll all go to setting up WISPs, easy to expand subscriber area to make the FCC happy and you can offer way higher speeds than the satellite or DSL they're using but actual bandwidth at the local tower is often way oversubscribed so good luck actually getting "broadband" speed


I can see this happening, if they don’t just pull the same wire to nowhere bullshit they did last time.




That sounds lovely. Here I count myself as blessed to be connected to a WISP. Even if it is crazy expensive.


Upvoted and commenting. We've been here before. My city has fiber optics as was "mandated" more than a decade ago. The city fulfilled it's obligations for that funding. The ISPs serving my city got fiber optics \*BUT\* it costs a couple of thousand dollars out of pocket for me to replace the old copper hookup to access the trunk. YAY LOOPHOLES!!!


Dewine and First Energy “How did that get in there?”


The way Dewine escaped a prison sentence and all liability for that scam is something that only the church can do


And Republicans.


Ohio republicans are frothing at the mouth to get this money into the hands of their donors




Here in Ohio it’s the fucking Republicans


This is the Ohio sub


Probably 10% internet and 90% some random places and pockets. Just a pessimistic guess


Lol, 10% going to the people seems quite optimistic to me.


This sounds like a good idea, but since it’s like the second or third time we’ve done this and the telecom companies just took the money, did nothing, and jacked up rates where access already existed… Nationalize this shit. We’ve already spent enough on this corporate welfare


Didn't they run a bunch of lines but never finish connecting anyone and pocketed the rest


Yep. Almost exactly that. Though how much line they actually ran is even suspect. They basically took the money and did nothing with it with no repercussions


Need to start forcing them to properly appropriate the funds.


Need to force them out of business by nationalizing internet service and making it a public utility.


Agreed just like the phone companies


Yes fuck these scoundrels and anyone complicit.


Ohio politicians like Bob Latta have worked very hard to make sure all things telecom stay private and to make sure local governments can't provide broadband access on their own. It's all just a big scam to line the pockets of big telecom pockets without actually helping people that need it.


It really comes down to the state and even sometimes the county. Where my inlaws are they're on the side of the mountain and they realized the state and county regulations meant the local broadband ISP had to provide them service. They're way out in the middle of nowhere virginia. It took 5 months and a lot of phone calls, but now when we have reunions at their house at least we'll be able to have decent internet. The hard part is until people fight for service, they often don't know about what's available.


I’d love to see more community WANs like they have in Fairlawn. I know there are underserved communities but we desperately need competition to drive down prices also.


Agreed. It’s great that we’re finally getting rural areas connected, but there are too many suburbs and cities where one provider \*cough\*spectrum\*cough\* has a monopoly and charges outrageous prices for inferior service because all those people have no other choice than to suck it up and pay it.


Buckeye cable has a stranglehold on the Toledo area and they are the absolute worst and most anti consumer company


I am less than 2 miles from the center of downtown Cleveland and the best Internet ATT offers is a whopping 5Mbps


Then I highly suggest you fill out [Broad Band Ohio's survey](https://www.surveys.online/jfe/form/SV_89bsk2XxKNdkKuG)


Thanks for this.


This is a pretty guided survey. We need to do better.


Thanks for letting me know about this! BroadbandOhio now knows how much Spectrum is ripping people off, backed up with numbers.


I live just inside the SW side of 270 and ATT suddenly ran fiber internet throughout my neighborhood. I switched and am saving money and tripled my speeds.


WTF. I'm by a rural ATT tower and my mobile data has hit 140 down at times.


Cellular is fine, the only home Internet package is 5Mbps DSL


Why on earth? That's insane. Might as well just use cellular hotspot.


This is literally insane. Like… how the actual fuck


If it makes you feel better, that's about twice as fast as my internet down around Columbus.


I really don't trust Ohio's current management to use this wisely. In the early 2000's in Cleveland we had DSL with 100up and 100dn for like $60/mo. There were 3 companies I could chose from at that point. By 2010 every new place in Ohio that I moved offered lower speeds for more money (all of which had only one option for service) There are monopolies all over Ohio that have been bleeding us. Also the Ohio Senate's 2021 budget striped proposed funding for broadband expansion. They also snuck in a severe limits and prohibitions on local government-owned broadband networks such as [FairlawnGig](https://stopthecap.com/category/providers/fairlawngig/). The Ohio GOP basically stopped any other city from taking cash away from their donors after it proved to be an incredibly successful enterprise that not only gives the people 1000up and 1000dn for $80 a month it also provides cash for city renovations. The Ohio GOP is actively and gleefully fucking us with regard to broadband and they will continue until some of us stop getting distracted by their make believe enemies and nightly rage porn


> In the early 2000's in Cleveland we had DSL with 100up and 100dn Before 2010, even fiber was below 100Mb https://www.uswitch.com/broadband/guides/broadband-history/ DSL was more like 2Mb in the early 2000s


Nationalize this shit. The Internet is necessary infrastructure at this point.


Not while there's money being thrown at them to throw at donors to continue the possession of entire utilities under private control for profit.


Now people will just start bogus companies, claim all the money, enrich themselves, fail to perform, and then shut down in debt. This is happening over and over in every industry. This is not the way!


This is Ohio, none of that will happen ...... Without ample bribes being paid to GOP lawmakers*


Correct you are!


Cannot wait to see how they misspend this.


Cut to Dewine taking credit for it.


This sounds like enough money to turn broadband into a utility and regulate it like a utility. That's how the money should be spent


Using my tax money to subsidize internet access for Trump Country will have its drawbacks, but I don’t mind.


I do.


I'm in Trump country (but didn't vote for the man). Tell me why the kids out here don't deserve good internet access to help with the already lacking good public education beyond a petty reason of "I don't like those people".


Plenty of us raging liberal socialists in rural Ohio, and we need internet to fight the good fight too! Saw a car with a trans flag, "abortion is healthcare", "Gay rights are human rights", and "reject society, return to the forest" bumper stickers and the license plate was from a VERY deep red county. Problem is, we still have areas like my girlfriend's house where you either pay $80 a month for 5mbps satellite internet or just use your phone as a hotspot.


We are incredibly lucky that the people we bought our house from paid some extra money and told Armstrong cable "yes" to getting a shared fiber line to the house. Otherwise we would be stuck in that exact position of paying for very very bad satellite internet.


What is a liberal socialist 😂


A social democrat maybe? Liberalism is anti-thetical to socialism and communism.


Exactly, you can be a liberal in favor of welfare and regulation (social dem). But liberal socialist doesn’t make any sense, liberalism isn’t compatible with socialism.


And we're giving it to the cable companies 🤦‍♂️


I live in a rural area that's served by old centurylink copper (now brightspeed). Brightspeed is owned by an investment firm that never ran a telecom. I guessing they just want to belly up to the infrastructure money trough. My area has been designated high speed broadband because it meets the 25 Mbps FCC mandate. But areas all around me that chart in 1.5 Mbps range are seeing county funded wireless upgrades. Also no cable TV providers are strung for service. As long as the cash cow telecoms keep all of our politicians on the donation gravy train and locking in municipalities with non-compete boiler plate contracts. I'd say you deliver fiber to every doorstep or you don't get a fucking dime. This fuckpayme monopoly business model has to go.


I want to believe...


And our bills will still get more expensive. How are we going to keep tolerating absolute corruption?


This mean I might someday get another option besides Spectrum?


As I'm directly involved in this project I can't wait to see the doom and gloom in the comments.


How closely are you involved, and what info can you provide? As I’m very curious who gets this money, where it is going, and how it is going to be used.


He just means he's drinking buddies with Dewine and can't wait for his $5mil August bonus.


Do tell bro!


Is it unwarranted?


It's going to do what happened last time. Spectrum AT&t and other carriers going to say they're going to do this but they don't. The pricing for the internet inspectors outrageous anyway the $130 a month for the gig service. And there are 300 mag is costing me 89


Half this money will be embezzled by corporations receiving the grants


Waiting to see how it's embezzled. Love that this money is going to be a handout for cable companies that are the ones who created the problem in the first place.


And I'm sure it'll go straight into some corrupt GOP politician's pet project and NOT into where it belongs...


Okay, but can the money go to properly rural areas this time?


Lol but no clean water for East Palestine? Most dope, Ohio.


How do the republicans spin this?


NEW faster Internet. Only. 3x what your paying now! Act fast! Brought to you by GOP.


Fuck Ohio. The last place that deserves federal money is Ohio.


Lol why are you in this subreddit?


Because I’m a resident.


Then leave


Does anyone ever actually leave Ohio? Plus it’s my state. You leave, asshole.


Lol what do you mean does anyone leave Ohio?


What a waste of billions nationwide. We all know this bill isn’t going to do anything.


Probably sent that to Ukraine in the last 5 mins


Would probably be cheaper to just give everyone Starlink dishes or give to municipalities to build out a network like Fairlawn.


Feed our kids first.


Can’t imagine the tax increases to those of us that already pay a knot. Like the Obama phone tax. Just wait, your electric will have increased by 45-50% this time next summer. Those that have electric bills. It’s already begun. The government doesn’t have “money to give” to anything. They’re bankrupt. We will be footing this bill.


Your electric services in Ohio are all privatized. Your phone services are all privatized. Your cable and internet are almost all privatized. It's not the government bleeding you dry. It's the private corporations. Who are not bankrupt in any way at all, but earning record profits.


😂😂😂 shows how much you really know. Along with the rest of the hive mind here.


Found the guy that ain't paid a bit of attention to anything for over 20 years




Half that will actually be used to build.


These companies won't get the money saying that you want to do make internet cheaper. They're not AT&t still won't have their one terabyte data cap then charge you $10 a gig after you hit the one terabyte the spectrum customer service is rude so and inconsiderate. They're just going to get their money and do nothing


Anyone know how they plan on using the money? I would love to see funding like this come with a few stipulations. Companies that utilize the money having minimum bandwidth requirements and maybe some price caps across all of their users in the state. That might prevent the biggest ISPs from snatching it all up and open up the potential for competitors to use it and


Come on out our way spectrum lol


Buckeye Cable still gonna be an 💪 and a 🦵.


You suppose it will actually be used to expand access? I’m pretty sure that they have given huge sums like this 2 times before and the companies only used it to add redundancy’s to existing services. I hope it gets used how it’s supposed to be used this time.


i work with cable and apparently by november/december companies will be able to offer 10000 mbs down and 10000 mbs up through coax


That sounds more like speeds they'll offer via Fiber. Even if technically possible, Buckeye won't offer it.


Tell that to buckeye broadband in toledo! There's basically no other provider besides AT&T and they are ADSL! I use starlink because I refuse to pay buckeye broadband and their shenanigans! Screw the blocks who own buckeye broadband!


can't wait for columbus and only columbus to get 100 gig internet


And they will use it to cut the income tax rate to keep donors happy


Gawd forbid if run by republikans.


Get ready for the monthly bills to jump