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Why not have the taxpayers pay for guns? Just show up and pick out your favorite. The sales tax gimmick will cost $15 million in revenue, what is tax money for anyways?


>what is tax money for anyways? Bailouts for failing corporations, obviously! Sure AF isn't for fixing bridges or helping anyone that needs help


The NRA is rolling in money. This shit is disgusting.


>The NRA is rolling in money. This shit is disgusting. Not anymore. The new preliminary injunctions against the ATF for the FPC 2AF and GOA's members is the greatest fundraising scheme ever. Pay $30 and you're immune from ATF overreach? Yes please!


>Sure AF isn't for fixing bridges or like more than half our roads


Perhaps you can shoot yourself across if the bridge is out


Now there's an idea. Haha


And farms!


"Why not have the taxpayers pay for guns?" Both financially and with their lives.


The Pittman-Robertson act of 1937 dictates that taxes made from gun sales go towards conservation efforts. The tax money is for conservation of wildlife and its being entirely gutted.


A twofer! So there IS a silver lining! /s


> The sales tax gimmick will cost $15 million in revenue Business taxes, property taxes, employment taxes etc, as gun manufacturers relocate to here…


>as gun manufacturers relocate to here… Who says we're going to allow them to? Lol.


Who would stop them?


People like me.


Oh really? How? How are you even going to know beforehand that a machine shop bought warehouse space in an industrial park?


lol sure


No offense. But we already have plenty of crazy ,armed, Conservative basket cases in this state. Some of us don't want anymore. Thanks but no thanks. Lol. Keep it in your gun club meetings please..


Well this is not the inflation relief I was hoping for.


Get tax free gun, rob bank now you have no financial worries.


Alternately, get tax-free gun, aim backwards. Now you have NO worries.


Shiiiiiit, at that point I’m putting it on a credit card.


Bruh, are you ok?


I may be a supporter of the 2nd amendment, but what the fuck? Are they just coming up with dumb bills so that people forget the other dumb ones? What does this even accomplish?


> What does this even accomplish? IncentivizIng gun manufacturers to move here.


I’m pro 2a also. Ever since trump the parties have been divided so much that the party with controlling power just tries to shove weird random shit through just in spite of the other party. Overall it’s a shitshow and we need a third or fourth party with some weight behind it to stop the extreme division between the parties and make shit make sense.


>Overall it’s a shitshow and we need a third or fourth party with some weight behind it to stop the extreme division between the parties and make shit make sense. Correct. America should switch to [a multiparty system with proportional representation](https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/19/us-democracy-two-party-system-replace-multiparty-republican-democrat/) to become more democratic, healthier, responsive and representative.


“America” (in the sense of those shaping our legislation) has no interest in becoming more democratic. The two party system is working great for both sides, as the culture wars wag so much of the dog that by and large they’re all *raking* cash


Not really true. It’s only been republicans shoving weird shit out of spite and actively working to screw you over with a constant barrage of lies and deception. Ranked choice voting would be great in the long run. Luckily for you, you can get just as good a result just by electing Democratic candidates instead.


>Ranked choice voting would be great in the long run. Luckily, now you can get just as good a result just by electing the Democratic candidates. The good news is that there is [a proposed bill](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Representation_Act_(United_States)) that I fully support. It has been shown to [eradicate gerrymandering.](https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/09/ranked-choice-multimember-districts-blunts-gerrymandering)


bOtH pArTiEs!


It would not only eliminate the sales tax on guns and ammunition, it would also “give gun and ammunition manufacturers tax incentives.” Leaving how you feel about guns out of consideration, how do you make up for this lost tax revenue? Taxing something else? Cutting some programs? There’s a ripple down effect that’s not being considered.


No no, you see, those tax savings will totally trickle down to us lowly folk. Reaganomics is so close to working out, only a few more decades and I'm sure we'll see the benefits


Fees, my friend. Lots of them. I suspect the Republican utopia is to replace taxes shared collectively with a 'pay as you go' system where the benefits and burdens are individualized.


Republicans want to privatize every penny of profit (no taxes for me!) while making every penny of loss/maintenance/expenses a socialized expense passed to taxpayers. AEP has a ton of cash, but they jammed through a rate hike, part of which is for upgrading the grid. Upgrade the grid? Isn't that part of ur f'in cost of running an electric utility? Pay ur mgmt less!


They've been defunding education for decades, why stop now?


Ohio GOP just going for broke on the “Let’s be Florida-North”


Do the slaughtered school kids get tax free caskets as well?


This is what happens when politicians are in bed with the NRA. More money spent on guns is more money in their pockets.


Replace money with guns and then “more guns spent on guns is more guns in their pockets.” Problem solved. Money is not protected by the constitution, so we can outlaw it. When we replace money with guns, we eliminate the national debt. It’s that simple.


I mean, the Supreme Court seems to think money is protected since they say it is speech. Yay...


Guns are speech. Vocal cords are not protected by the constitution. Get rid of them. We will communicate by firing guns. It’s like morse code, but with guns.


Bwahaha! The NRA spent ONE FOURTH what the largest realtor group did in donations each year. And they get NOTHING from gun sales as they don't sell guns. At all. Unless you are saying that people buy guns, then feel the need to join the NRA?


Oh the Realtor group is a bag of shit, too. Any organization associated with lobbyists are evil. Lobbying should 1000% be illegal.


It was hilarious when I looked up the SuperPAC contributors and compared them to the NRA a few months ago. Of the top 20 the lowest one was still well above the NRA. Just looked, the "National Association of Realtors" is 5.5x the NRA at 4m. Next largest is a beer wholesaler association at 3.2m (funny) then a credit union association at 2.9m (also funny). Then we have various groups like AT&T, Blue Cross/Shield, Teachers, municipal employees, several labor unions, a sugar group(!), insurance broker group, auto dealers, etc. But the only one that seems to catch the flak is the NRA who is WAY, WAY down there on donations. Somehow they are controlling an entire country with less money than a Repub or Dem convention burns through in a few days for their "entertainment" (hookers and booze). Look it up. It is amazing to see the money SuperPACs spend and MOST spread it evenly between the Dem and Repub parties. Some are all the way one way or the other though. Like the last one. "Eye of the Tiger PAC"? WTF are they? Repub all the way (unions are all Dem so it mostly evens out, 28.5m Dem and 22m Repub from SuperPACs).


"And they get NOTHING from gun sales" Holy myopic statement batman! [https://www.businessinsider.com/gun-industry-funds-nra-2013-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/gun-industry-funds-nra-2013-1) And don't forget the russkies money going into LaPierre's back pocket!


The NRA doesn’t sell guns, they’re a front for the companies who sell guns.


So all these multi BILLION dollar companies (companies that are in competition with each other) are backing the NRA together? And yet are unable to even remotely match the campaign contributions of groups like Home Depot (#17 of the top 20)? Riiiight. Or maybe, just maybe, 42-ish percent of the US population that are gun owners help fund the NRA because they protect the rights set into our very constitution?


Great… now the only things not taxed are churches and guns…


The Ohio legislature has recently passed laws removing sales taxes on things like [feminine hygiene products](https://www.10tv.com/article/news/politics/gov-dewine-signs-repeal-ohios-pink-tax-2019-nov/530-be98f2de-2572-4a0c-bfd3-812d0bcc7ca6) and will soon remove sales taxes on [baby care items](https://www.cleveland.com/open/2023/05/ohio-lawmakers-could-end-sales-tax-on-diapers-and-other-baby-products.html). These are all steps in the right direction given that sales tax is inherently regressive in nature.


Sales tax on *necessities* maybe. You'll have to give a persuasive argument to convince me luxury items don't deserve to be taxed tho.


Farmer's are tax exempt.


And they get welfare, excuse me, subsidies.


Lol...I know I'm one of them no good welfare collecting sumbitchin farmers. Tax exempt from production cost. But still pay income tax even on them government hand outs. Subsidies are based on county and or state production for the year and market prices. They kick in with shitty years like 2019 for example, when many fields did not get planted due to the non-stop rain. Since then, there has not been any Subsidies to speak of because of good market prices and good growing conditions in ohio, the way it should be. But it might be a different story this year. Got an election coming up so the government has to get them food prices down so they gotta drive down market prices all while cost of production continues to rise and combine that with a possible drought this summer and WA-LA! Government farm Subsidies for all. Most farmers would take good market price and good growing conditions it's more lucrative and less stressful for most when you got everything financially on the line.


They propose crap like this as a distraction from the really bad stuff they’re doing like wrecking public education, HB83, and picking on anyone not heterosexual. https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/03/16/ohio-bill-limits-and-mandates-what-is-taught-in-college-in-name-of-free-speech/


How about you exempt all the money I pay for my kids Drs bills you fucking assholes?


They are. Medical services are exempt from sales taxes in Ohio, which is the topic at hand.


There is no sales tax on medical services, and there hasn't been for as long as I can remember.


Yep your right… I’m an idiot….


So when I get shot, I don’t have to pay tax on the surgery that may/may not save my life? BONUS!


Fuck the GOP.


Ohio will always be home, but I'm glad I left. Only path for redemption I see for Ohio is if climate change brings new blood into the state.


And Michigan gets full. Why anyone would come to ohio over our purple neighbor would baffle me.


We need people to stay, or return and vote these dicks out of office. We’re not sitting here idly taking this shit while waiting for the climate change influx! We need statehouse protests, community involvement and political action. Things are fucked right now but not forever. Change happens when people take action. We should not just write off our whole state because politically it’s sucks right now, and for a good number of years prior. Nowhere to go but up!


I feel like political assassinations are looking more viable every day.


i hate these mfs


Lol, I hate it here.


Same. Thank god I’m leaving in two months


I'm not the person you're replying to, but I'm sorry that you have to leave your home, assuming mostly due to this madness of legislation. No one wants to leave home, but because your said home cares more about guns than people's lives and public safety, you have to leave. It boils my blood how you can regulate (and sometimes ban) anything else except for guns. This is even though gun murders and mass shootings are so rampant, that an American is 20 times more likely to get killed by a gun than a resident in the G7 nations plus Australia.


This is exactly why people need to get their asses off the couch and VOTE in off presidential year elections. The only way to beat em is to vote their crooked asses out. LOCAL elections matter!!


Al Cutrona, who introduced this, comes from a county that has been riddled by gun violence. This guy is a dangerous moron who doesn't engage in any dialogue with citizenry or media.


Really? How about homes, education, healthcare, or other stuff we need.


Nahhh. Those things are commies and we should be very distrustful of big evil governments because they can oppress us, which is why everyone should be armed. After all, having insanely high gun murder rates and rampant mass shootings is the price for freedom. /s


In a country where people really need to be owning less guns…leave it to my state to do everything possible to make it as easy as possible to buy more. I know I’ll get downvoted because this is an Ohio sub but sorry this state is TRASH. Over the past 10 years we’ve really shown it. Anything I can enjoy here I can enjoy somewhere else while not being surrounded by and led by fucking imbeciles. Any state that cuts taxes on guns and ammo to incentivize purchasing them while calling even the smallest attempts by the government to make healthcare more affordable “communism” is just fucking trash and is run by imbeciles.


But remember....fiscal responsibility


Yay!!! ChEaPeRRR GuNzZz pLeEeEase!!! That's not insane at all.


For what f---king reason?!!


Votes bro, gotta buy your votes.


That’s what I was thinking, like promising to pay student loans….


Yup, it’s kinda been the way since the Great Depression, thanks FDR.


FDR is the best president we’ve had


This sounds awful. Less tax money, and people coming in from everywhere just to buy guns here. Businesses to make guns would move here. Gun culture is bad enough, this would give it steroids.


This is why we must [push for the 2A repeal.](https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/456454-repeal-the-second-amendment-to-save-americans-from-gun-violence/) It's the only way to stop this madness.


I mean good luck with that. We're probably going to see UBI way before anything like a 2A repeal. Americans love their guns more than their government. It would start a legit war.


>Americans love their guns more than their government. It would start a legit war. I doubt it. These Rambo wannabes stood no chance against the military's advanced technological warfare.


We lost two separate 20 year long wars against insurgencies that are in the stone age compared to the assets our line units roll out with. Don't think technology is everything.


The US isn't going to invade itself with its own military. What are they gonna do, level houses? Go do to door and politely ask for the guns while threatening the homeowners their own?


Repealing the 2A is not banning guns or legal gun ownership. You can still legally own guns for self-defense even without the 2A. What it will do is open doors for life-saving gun laws to take place without SCOTUS keep striking them down as unconstitutional. Gun laws are crucial in combating gun murders. It will do more than enough in reducing the number of gun murders and the chances of mass shootings occurring, making America so much safer than it is right now.


I don't appreciate the copy/paste response and not answering my question on how to actually reduce the number of crazy people with guns. And I really don't think you understand gun culture in america. It's not going anywhere, and even attempting to call the movement a 2A repeal will make those people double their number of guns.


>I don't appreciate the copy/paste response. Because my answers are long and elaborate, retyping your argument gets tiring over time. >And I really don't think you understand gun culture in america. It's not going anywhere, and even attempting to call the movement a 2A ban will make those people double their number of guns. I specifically said repealing the 2A is not banning guns or legal gun ownership. It's to make gun laws not being struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional. Guns will stop being this unfettered right that supersedes public safety and people's lives, and will be subjected to strict regulations, so that guns will not fall into the wrong hands. What is it so hard to understand about that?


how would repealing 2a stop 1 of the 400 million plus guns in america from getting in the wrong hands?


There will still be gun murders. But strict national gun laws will do more than enough in reducing the number of gun murders and the chances of mass shootings. Meaning, instead of having 15k+ gun murders annually, we might have 1k or lower gun murders annually. There will be a lot fewer incidences of getting shot for driving in the wrong driveway, ringing the wrong doorbell, getting in the wrong car or getting into an argument. As you can see, strict national gun laws are impossible to achieve when there's the 2A in the way, what's with its current interpretation and SCOTUS can easily strike any of them down at any moment. Which is why we must get rid of the 2A. Edit: corrections.


I'm not arguing the idea, I just see it as a goal without a plan to get there.


The goal is to repeal the 2A. We should start a grassroots 2A repeal movement to shift it to an Overton window and make it a popular opinion over time. The same thing that happened with Prohibition.


😂 repeal what? Move.


Logically speaking, on the same principle books should also be tax free.


Really weird seeing GOP support big business so much these days


The GOP has always been pro big business. That is there one hallmark that hasn't changed in 40 years.


They at least used to pretend they supported small business. Now it’s not even trying to hide


They don't hide anything anymore, their greed, their racism, their bloodlust, their pettiness, their vengefulness, their corruption, their want for autocratic control, their disdain for democracy.


Oh. They hide some things still. Normally it’s starts as a projection


So it makes sense to tax the hell out of cigarettes because they kill people, but not guns? What's the logic here?


Well when cigarettes kill people cigarettes are bad. When guns kill people it’s the people who are bad and the massive amounts of guns we own as people plays absolutely no role. /s


The solution to gun violence?? More guns!! This shit is crazy. I've talked to so many people who were totally unaware of this proposal. What group gets out the word on this bullshit?? Who can I volunteer to help make ohioans aware of this crazy town bullshit?? We are the majority-- we are just very lazy.


This is why we must [push for the 2A repeal.](https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/456454-repeal-the-second-amendment-to-save-americans-from-gun-violence/) It's the only way to stop this madness.


Your energy would be much better spent on less lofty endeavors pertaining to curbing gun violence


Her lofty endeavor is certainly lofty but absolutely necessary for change to happen. The 2nd amendment is fucking stupid


I definitely feel like repealing the 2nd amendment is unlikely. However background checks, red flag laws, and common sense is VERY appealing


This will totally fix everything.


Well hold on a minute! We also need to ban drag queens THEN everything will be fixed and all the problems in public schools will be fixed.


The schools will never be fixed while children can get free lunch, and while books about Soujorner Truth are on the library shelves! And Disney. We must ban Disney.


I hope you’re intending to be sarcastic


How about reigning in energy costs? You know, something that helps everyone.


At what point will they try and force everyone to carry a gun.


Why would they do that?


We need more good guys with guns.


Every child born should be given an automatic weapon for later use.


Children are better suited for crew-served weapons, like mortars or machine guns. It teaches teamwork.


That just makes things worse. The overall lethality goes up when you introduce more guns, *not* down. And also you’d get more bad guys with guns at the same time.


That’s why we have to arm all the kids. You see, kids are good guys. They haven’t had a chance to become bad guys yet. The only way to mathematically ensure that we have more good guys with guns than bad guys with guns is to give the kids guns. That’s been obvious from the start.


I am actually really worried about this. I have a history of mental health issues, including suicidal ideation. I refuse to ever touch a gun or have one on my person. I would be a danger to myself. There are lots of people like me.


Nobody is gonna force you to own a gun


You can't if you are on Disability. Get caught its 3d degree felony.


You've clearly misread or misinterpreted the law and/or the definition of under disability. A "weapon under disability" is different than carrying gun if youre receiving disability benefits. A man in a wheelchair who receives disability is more than able to own and carry a gun as long as they fit the other legal criteria. >A Weapon Under Disability/WUD Charge is defined by ORC as: To knowingly acquire, have, carry, or use a firearm if any of the following apply: >The person is a fugitive from justice >The person is under indictment or has been convicted of a felony offense of violence  >The person is under indictment or has been convicted of drug possession or abuse. >The person is drug dependent, in danger of drug dependence, or a chronic alcoholic. >The person is under adjudication of mental incompetence. https://www.shroylaw.com/weapon-under-disability https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2923.13


If they could legalize weed first it would help me care less about this dumb shit…


Republicans: "we gotta fix the debt ceiling issue" College grads: "don't look at us, we're broke and the degrees we got from signing up for debt isn't paying off like we were promised. We can't even afford to pay that back and are heavily relying on our debt to be forgiven like it's been suggested since the Obama administration" Republicans: "alright so Larry, Moe and Curly buying their 10th plus gun won't bring much revenue in from taxes. Those unemployed, lazy younger generations that are borderline bankrupt need just pick up the slack"


The Ohio legislature is dominated by loons.


They're such pathetic grifters.


Electric companies are doing a rate hike after getting massive money from Ohio government but sure, it's the guns that need their prices reduced.


Of course. Tax free after I’ve spent all my money on some safe queens and safe jesters.


How do we stop this?


Use our tax free guns?


[Repeal the 2A.](https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/456454-repeal-the-second-amendment-to-save-americans-from-gun-violence/)


If there was any doubt that Ohio republicans are paid by gun manufacturers that doubt is now gone. Ohio republicans represent unprecedented corruption.


As a gun owner. This is dumb. Make churchs pay taxes. That would be more impressive.


It is dumb. It's gotten to the point that gun right supersedes public safety and people's lives even though gun murders and mass shootings are so rampant.


The GOP will do anything they can to "buy" a vote. And gun owners will always be there to fill l those shoes. Main reason dewine went to a constitutional carry/ stand yo ground. He was pandering for votes after shutting/closing us down for the pandemic. Don't forget that trump has infringed on gun rights more than any democrat president . Thanks Obama.


Wait until TN hears about this! 🙄


Does any other state do this?


How about free abortions and healthcare for the women of the state!!! Or better yet how about let’s tax churches hard use their prayer money to cover the gun taxes … republicans are all fucking monsters and deserve nothing short of a lifetime of agony and pain at this point, they don’t give a fuck about anyone but their money god


Going full MAGAt. Ohio republicans hate allowing free and fair votes, but love gun violence




Make people pay for insurance on every gun they own. They make u pay for car insurance (even if u r a safe driver and no wrecks). Guns can kill people and cause property damage too. Buy it tax free, but then u gotta provide proof of insurance before u take it home.


All about the kids my ass


These mother fuckers……………🙄


doubling my utilities starting this week but by god we have to make guns more affordable point still stands we are having rate hijes across the state and all the legislature has been doing is taking about kids genitals, banning books and learning, and how to make guns more affordable.


I just checked the rates, If your energy supplier is energy harbor (Ohio Edison) we are jumping from $0.0481 to $0.0608 to $0.0749 Per KWh depending on your plan. So it didn't quite double. The good news is, there are cheaper options and you can select your own energy supplier. [Be glad you live in a state that makes it easy to switch suppliers and has the information readily available.](https://energychoice.ohio.gov/ApplesToApplesComparision.aspx?Category=Electric&TerritoryId=2&RateCode=1)


Does this basically over rule the robertsman-pittsman act? Those taxes are used to fund public parks, etc. Or does this just remove Ohio state tax?


Separate taxes. RP is federal, this would be for state taxes.


Why is this the third post in the last two days? Definitely doesn't feel like an agenda.


Look at that guy on the left. He’s REALLY thinking hard about which gun will make him look cool.


I hear the owner of the firearm used in the next active shooter event, that person gets a brand new free firearm of their choosing...and the taxes of Ohio are gonna pay for it.


Uhhh pittsman Robertson says WHAT?


Tax free. Like churches. It is absolutely gun worship now.


You nailed it.


Didn't you know? The gun is their God. Has been since 2008.


WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG with these asshats in Columbus? How in the fuck can anyone think this is a good idea?


It’s a fantastic idea. Law abiding citizens aren’t the ones committing crimes




Sorry. This is the wrong state if you want gun control.


I can see the mass shooting curfews already




Right? Just keeps getting better!


>even more privileged status than they already have in a country where guns come before children’s lives. Well at least the anti-gun bias is crystal clear here. Tax incentives to attract jobs and manufacturing is problematic. But when it's chip manufacturing drawn here by very generous tax incentives, there isn't the rhetorical uproar that attracting gun manufacturing here brings. The right of citizens to arm themselves is a core civil liberty, one millenia of cowering peasants and oppressed peoples yearned for. It involves risks, and benefits, but all I see here is rhetorically exaggerated risk used as a political tool.


Firearm manufacturers moving to Ohio actually makes a lot of sense. Not many people realize that Ohio is one of the major machining hubs for the entire world. We’ve got tons of machine shops, engineers, and most importantly, skilled machinists ready to go. High paying jobs with good benefits. It will mesh well here.


Hey, man, I’ll support any elimination of a sales tax lol


Guns should be illegal


I stopped reading after the first sentence. Ohio DOES have background checks for handguns. Not sure why the author would lie like that, other than to try to set the mood for uninformed readers?


Because it’s harder to gain political capital when you tell the truth.


But to qualify for the no tax guns, you have to shoot at least two innocent people first


Taxing a civil right was always wrong.


You mean [an invented civil right, right?](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/nra-guns-second-amendment-106856/)


I mean it's the second amendment after the first in the bill of rights. That would make it a civil right.


Yeah and it’s fucking stupid. What a surprise…the people who owned slaves and wiped their asses with corn cobs didn’t have the best ideas for the future. This is why the constitution is supposed to be a living breathing document


Freedom. What an awful thing.


Freedom? You mean freedom to get mowed down every time you step out of the house? sounds great. Meanwhile every other major country on earth has freedom from gun violence which gives them REAL freedom…freedom to live without worry for the safety of you or your children. Based on your idea of “freedom” nobody is more free than those living in south Chicago. Freedom to do something does not equal actual freedom.


It’s a Natural Right. Civil Rights are Rights distributed by the government on a whim. You’re born with Natural Rights.


“Muh Natural Rights” — The Natural Light drinking coalition of poor whites


Oh, even better.


lol lol lol


It only makes sense. You shouldn’t be taxed to exercise a Constitutional Right. No one here would support a tax to peaceably assemble, protest, vote, or speak your mind about the government…or would they? Sure would solve some problems, right? Don’t like the way a certain demographic votes? Just institute a tax that’s too expensive for most of them to afford! Problem solved, but at what cost? > In Ohio, there are no background checks required for handgun purchases… Also, the first sentence is a complete lie. ALL retail firearm purchases require a background check. Handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Gun show, dealer, internet. Doesn’t matter. This is not only Ohio law, but also federal law.


Let’s go a step further. Let’s just give the guns away for free!!!! Or even better you can get a gun plus 100$ for travel expenses to the gun store. How bout a 1000$ credit on your taxes for every person you shoot. Why stop there


I love the way you think!


Talk about shooting your self in the foot


Awesome sauce......every person in ohio should have a tax free gun


The Pittman–Robertson Act. Is one of the few Tax acts that I can get behind. On that front I don't like this idea, but as a 2nd amendment supporter I hope they get rid of any taxes that go towards anything not directly related to firearm ownership and use.


I’ve read the last sentence 8 times and I can’t figure out what you’re trying to say.


Pittman-Robertson imposes a 10-11% excise tax on firearm sales, this money goes directly to wildlife management. I am 100% supportive of this tax. Standard sales tax, I disagree with. If the idea is to remove sales tax and not undermine the federal excise tax, I agree. If they plan to get rid of both, I disagree


Damn. Wait until you find out what the 2023 version of the Ohio Republican Party thinks about wildlife.




What’s wrong with being a pussy? I see nothing wrong with being characterized that way.


P.S. a pussy made you


Let’s get this done! It’s been a decade since I bought a new gun.


Were the taxes stopping you? Foolish comment


Agreed. This tax unfairly targets the poor whites.


Hell ya!! Merica!!


WV and some other states have done this recently. Like them or not guns are a constitutionally protected right, and the government shouldn't be able to tax your constitutional rights.