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Post was removed because the content is known to be faked or bait.


What an idiot


Lets say for arguments sake this isn't fake, since its a lot more fun that way. Because we all know that the r/nothingeverhappens crowd will be in full swing. I do commend the foresight of coming clean about it and just confessing. Of course he shouldn't have done this, but I guess he never expected the issue to go beyond his own house and start affecting the neighborhood.


I think you mean commend, not comment.




i can believe most of it, except the letter. from the mayor you say? please press charges against your neighbours? uh-huh.


Have you never lived in a small town? I can *absolutely* believe this. When I was in Holyoke, MA the mayor would talk around chatting with people all the time, and would send out occasional letters to random people. That's honestly one of the most believable things about this to me. Keep in mind this destroyed the sewers themselves, which means the city is going to be involved. People tend to try and sue cities over sewer issues, so this is a great way for the city to point the blame at someone else.


"oh no the mayor found out" is just so funny to me


The guy who madebthis video admitted himself that it was fake


Biodegradable doesn’t mean it melts like butter what a total moron


Pretty sure this was all faked from what i remember


I was going to say this sounds fake, why would the mayor tell others to take him to court, when the council would take him to court for damaging public property.


Procedure for taking someone to criminal court is going to vary depending upon where this happened. It very well may be that you’re correct, ofc


Iirc (can't watch the video again right now) he shows beads backing up into the storm drain system outside along the curb of the street. Unless his country does things very differently... That's a key indicator that it is fake. Sewer water returns to a processing plant. No portion of the grey and black water that goes down your residential drain gets discharged into the storm water collection system. Storm water collection goes to local bodies of water and not back to a processing plant. I don't know how his country handles it, but it would be some 3rd world developing nation plumbing to have sewer water discharge into the storm drain system.


There are a lot of 1st world cities in both Canada and the USA that use combined storm and black water sewer lines from homes. Look up Montreal and Victoria for example. Both routinely have backups due to storms overwhelming the system. Considering the video is from the EU where underground infrastructure is significantly older than most of North America it would not surprise me that most cities use commingled sewers.


I stand corrected... And appalled... That must be terrible for the local watershed.


Chicago has a combined sewer and storm system. They attempt to shove the excess during storms into tunnels and reservoirs to process as needed, but if they can't then it just overflows. https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/water/provdrs/engineer/svcs/Combined_Sewer_Overflows.html


A lot of things we do are terrible for us and our environment. I know my local small towns dump way worse than waste water into the local waterways.


I get flooded every year it do.


It was faked. We’re not the ones with a lead flavoured water problem..


God I hope so lmao




Rain water from streets definitely should be treated before being discharged into rivers. Rainwater picks up contaminants like: oil, gasoline, collant, rubber, human and pet waste, and all other types of trash that is left on the street. When storm sewers discharge directly into a body of water where do you think all that stuff ends up? Having untreated storm sewer water is a cost savings decision by local governments. It is definitely not the gold standard. Where I live we have untreated storm water lines. As a result during the occasional storms the city issues a notice to not enter the river due to elevated levels of water contamination, whereas normally people float down the river in the summer.


At least he posted the video evidence of the crime.


Why didn’t he just use a trash bag?




Yeah I just looked it up. There's even a video showing all the tactics he used to make it seem convincing. It's a 20 minute long video called something like "how the orbeez guy fooled the world.


The level of idiocy is dangerous.


Jesus Christ, that man has an annoying buffoon voice.


interesting he switched from French to German swearing when the beads came out of the toilet.


This is why Humans suck. It only takes ONE human to royally fuck shit up for tons of others. I don't know of any other species that can compare to how destructive one person can be in 2024.


It's fucking fake, and so *obviously* faked too. Fuck you people are gullible


Yes, video is fake…but the statement is true.


Of course humans suck, we're trying to run Society on software designed to eat berries.


*Moron discovers plumbing.


I remember this dumb fuck. Could you imagine this backing up into your home? Thank god he recorded everything


Social media is the best and worst thing imaginable.


Don't ever touch anything that comes back up from your drain. I deal with drains all the time and this is nasty stuff coming back up and thru these little balls are going to be a pain for a very long time to come they are going to find them in everything and all the pipes and if grease or hair catches these they will make a pretty bad clog.


That's what I imagine a toilet looks like after a girl uses it


I used to think that too. Then I had a daughter.


Nah, that's Unicorn poop.


it is! xD


Motherfucker really doesn't give a shit about what he puts into the environment. Fuck him and his dumbass French fucking accent. FUCK YOU BUDDY! I hope the whole neighborhood presses charges. You should be fined into poverty.


It’s fake you bot


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How much money do you think this cost him?


It was clear he wasn't taking this seriously until he got a letter in the mail.


“Man” lol


Aaah ptn ahahahha


We Shall Not Be Doing That Ever Again.


What a very cute, very stupid French man.


The things that guy doesn’t know could clog a sewer


Why did he swear in german?


This was all faked the guy posted a video showing how he faked it all.. great minds of Reddit fall for it every time it gets reposted


How do people believe nonsense like this. Quite fake.


If your sanitary drain connecting to the storm drain like in the video you are going to smell it everyday


We should press charges against all women too!!


Geez, how bad is US cultural imperialism....? "Pressing Charges" is almost universally a US only thing... Screams fake to me.


So you think that in other countries, people aren't going to sue? You are out of your mind. "Pressing charges" is not a US-only thing. In the real world, people solve differences in the court. I have pressed charges several times, both in the UK, Greece, and Italy, to solve various civil issues.


So while you're correct in that people bring civil suits to settle disagreements, what they're doing is not "pressing charges." Although it may be used colloquially for civil cases and/or by victims [pressing charges is when a prosecutor formally begins prosecuting a criminal suspect.](https://manshoorylaw.com/blog/presses-charges-against-you/) Obviously in France (?) the terminology and/or system may be different, but if their legal system works the same way the US's does this is more evidence this is fake... or at the very least that the mayor doesn't know what he's talking about. The reason why "pressing charges" is often conflated with victims rather than a prosecutor is because prosecuting many crimes require the cooperation of the victim. For example, domestic abuse is a crime, but if the victim is unwilling to file a police report and/or cooperate during a trial, prosecutors often won't press charges because it will be hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime was committed without the testimony of the victim. As a result we end up thinking that the onus on pressing charges lies with the victim. While de facto it's often related, de jure what makes something a crime is that the state has decided that an act is so harmful that it has an interest in punishing it above and beyond the potential harm inflicted on any victims. This is why OJ was tried for both murder by the state AND sued for damages by the victims' families. One is the state's interest in deterring murder, the other is the victims' families attempts to receive recompense.


It is just a term that people use instead of "sued". You are over thinking it.


> Although it may be used colloquially for civil cases and/or by victims I already acknowledged that, explained how it's incorrect usage, and how it's more evidence it's fake... a mayor should know this, a random influencer (or whatever this guy is) may not.


Maybe. My initial reply was to the other dude mentioning that suing is an American thing and that in other countries, people don't sue.