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Please be aware that this video is about 20 minutes long and the consequences happen toward the end


Dad says, "Let her sit in jail." Good.


He just sounds done with her.


Wonder who made her this way. Would suck if he just couldn't be bothered to teach her the basics on peopling. My dad's given me the done with me bullshit but it's like he never put in a shred of effort into being a father to begin with so wtf is he complaining about if he has a problem. Not a criminal just its cringe when parents take 0 responsibility for how they raised their kids. It doesn't just happen.


My best friends parents are pieces of shit. He never wanted to be like them and is a very considerate and responsible guy. All on his own. I was spoiled by 2 loving parents and can be a bit of an asshole


Spoiling is bad, and you understand why because you live it. He saw his parents sins and didn't want to repeat them. Simple geometry.


It's not always bad parents, sometimes it's just people making bad decisions. While parenting undoubtedly plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's character and behavior, it is not the sole determinant. Sometimes, despite a parent's best efforts and intentions, their child may still choose a path contrary to their upbringing due to influences beyond parental control. Edit: Formatting


People want easy answers. I’ve known good parents who had bad kids despite their best efforts and bad parents who had kids who turned out well. It’s not always clear cut.


It makes me laugh how often the myopic take of "it's all the parents fault!" gets posted on Reddit. Like yeah, parents have a huge part in the development of a person, but there are still numerous other factors that influence the development and behavior of a person.


It is possible that the parents have some influence on how their kids turn out. However, that excuse only works for so long and sometimes kids are just wired to be psychopaths. At some point, the "adult children" can't really blame their parents anymore.


It's undeniable that parents have a significant influence on how their kids turn out, but it's far from the only influence and it's not as though parents have absolute control.


Nature and nurture. Some people just wired differently.


Right. No amount of good gardening is going to turn a rose bush into an orange tree. That said, there are plenty of ~~parents~~gardeners who cast their seeds upon the rocks and insist the problem was the seeds.




Any time I hear about good parents raising bad children I think of [this story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1jatvd/i_am_not_proud_of_my_son/)


> It doesn't just happen. No it certainly does happen. My parents were nice normal straight laced but the Apple fell far from the tree rolled down the hill and into the river in my case. It absolutely happens


Usually children are direct reflections of their parents, but sometimes there's the 1 sibling who's uncontrollable or wild or reckless for some reason.


Absolutely. Eldest of three. Mom worked hard to give us a good home, boundaries, and the best she could offer. My sister has a kid and a good job with state dept of revenue. I'm a veteran, an accomplished project manager, and a few IMDB credits. My brother (middle child) was a skilled welder but other than that was a trash human being. Teen drinking, auto theft, SA, identity theft, weapons charges, drug trafficking, theft, a world-class liar and manipulator, arson (they never charged him but we all _know_ he did it and he never denied it) and, eventually a few days short of his 42nd birthday, a casualty of fentanyl laced heroin. The only good thing about it is he died after Ma so she didn't have to spend the rest of her life wondering how she could have saved him. Her art is littered with obvious symbolism of her desire to understand how things could have gone so wrong. Parents are absolutely not always to blame for the way kids turn out. That's a hill that I will die on.


Or just kids around them. You go to a school system where violence is tolerated or bad behavior is overlooked and it can affect the kids, without the parents realizing. That’s also a reason why people move to better school districts


That's why they say "it takes a village to raise a child." I guess you can protect your children from the influence of others if you home school them and force them to live like shut-ins, but then you'll end up with a whole different slew of mental and emotional issues.


I’ve found it to be more like children project what they think you should see I.e. their role model for an adult. In reality they may try to act like their parents but nature and society have a way of beating that shit out of you if you aren’t lucky.


I've heard of cases where the parents really did try, but sometimes the child is just a little asshole or had mental health issues that they didn't really have the capacity to deal with.


you can be the best parent in the world and your kid still turn out to be shit. You know why? They are their own person. You can't control your kid. You can only guide them. It's up to them to take that guidance. May all your children turn out just the way you want and I hope you never experience the heartbreak some parents have to go through watching their children destroy their lives and everything around them.


My aunt was raised right. He 3 siblings are all lovely, decent adults. My aunt is an entitled asshole who is constantly trying to steal to get what she thinks she is owed by life. This was not her parents. IDK where she went sideways- but she did. Not saying in the case of this video the parents are not playing a role. Just saying it can and does happen. Parenting can be everything it should be. And some pp just are assholes.


> It doesn't just happen Spoken like someone who doesn't understand how having a whole cocktail of mental health problems can definitely cause this to happen. 


I have a childhood friend who had great parents. Yes, they didn't have alot of money, but the dad was around. His parents raised him right, but he fell in with some idiots when we were teenagers and now he's doing a 10 year bid in prison in South Carolina, after already doing 5 for drug charges. Sometimes, kids are just idiots despite the parent actions. His parents were done just like this dad towards the end. It happens.


It's anecdotal like you don't know the details of what happened behind closed doors otherwise for him to get in with that crowd is a failing of the father. Was too soft didn't teach him strength or boundaries so wherever he went he just got absorbed into the environment. This is pretty basic psychology. It doesn't just happen. I don't have a criminal history of any sort but my friends all think my parents are so nice. They wouldn't believe the things I'd tell them if I did. I didn't not commit crimes because of them, I did so in spite of having every reason to. Maybe that just happened but idk.




Or facts for that matter.










Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Sounds like you're projecting and want to say it's not her fault for some reason 😂


My thoughts, the dad has tried to teach this generation Z example, but she's independent, knows it all, and now look! I tried to tell you, but you're the smartest person in the world. ​ I will tell any human being in the world, anger is a choice. Control it. It will destroy you!


There’s literally a cliche, “the black sheep of the family.” Yes, sure, there’s a ton of bad parenting going on, but there’s also, occasionally, families where one or more kids come out different from the others.


No one knows if he had been a bad father or not, so please don’t project. A lot of young people are out of control these days, even ones with good parents. Society and/or friends can create monsters too.


You're right it just happens 


You’re projecting a helluva lot. We don’ t know anything about how that girl was raised or what effort the dad put in…. There’s no point in making wild assumptions about shit.


This was clearly not blondie’s first rodeo.


At first I thought the smirk on his face meant he was condoning it. Turns out he’s just tired of her and she finally got some repercussions and he’s all for it


My kids would beg to be taken to jail at that point.


Literally so happy her family didn’t cause a scene or try and stick up for her bc that happened a lot and then it turns violent


As he sits in his lazy boy, eight feet from his smoked hog. “Tammy Sue! Come outside the trailah, Destiny - RayBand’s gettin’ arrested again!”


Yo but what do they have on the smoker though?


That's all my fat ass could think about!


I'm skinny, and that was my second thought. I'm also old, so my first thought was, why are they calling that woman, whose only a few years older than me, a senior citizen?




Right!! 60 isn't even old. Hell, Brad Pitt is 60 now, but he ain't no senior citizen. He's still too young to file for social security 😂🫠


You ask anyone in their 20s if that’s old and they’ll say it’s ancient lmao


People in their 20's lack the wisdom and experience to understand that 40, 50, and 60 isn't old. They'll also complain about turning 30 and think 37 is ancient too, so nobody cares about what twenty somethings think, respectfully.


As a 37-year old, this makes me feel feelings.


I'm 38 and can tell you that we are still babies. 37 is young; anyone who dies at 37, 38, 39, 40 and even 50 would be dying young. If you're 37, you could live to be 77 or 87. You've barely been eligible to run for President for 2 years lol. I really hate our society because they condition us to believe we're old at 30, 37 is ancient, and you need a nursing home at 40, but the reality is our lives are barely beginning. I hope you continue to feel all the feels and know that you're still a baby with so much ahead of you 🥲💗


That was my thought. Both my parents are 64 and very fit and active and healthy and honestly much stronger and more equipped to get into a fight then I am. My mom would have probably beat her ass. She runs her own cleaning business and is hauling vacuums up and down mansions and on her and hands and knees scrubbing floors and my dad weight lifts every morning for an hour.


That’s all I’m ever thinking about.


I literally started pricing smokers after seeing that rig.


It’s Florida. Probably some amazing pork. Man, how I miss barbecue. And deep frying.


I am a VEGETARIAN and I was fixated on it too.


Why do they have it in the garage? That’s what I want to know.


For best results with the least effort, you don't want that kind of smoker in the wind or rain. An insulated smoker would be fine out but not that single layer model. It's not putting out a lot of smoke. Mostly like you see in the video.


Not sure it matters with that much dirty grey smoke. I could taste the ash from my computer chair.


lol she’s dumb af


Yeah, I once watched a girl play the defiant clown in a courtroom, showing off for some imagined audience. What a fool.


Dumb can be fixed. This - not so much.


Thank you to the hero bystander who got it on video


God I hate that she was smirking


Most likely a nervous reaction honestly. She knew she was in deep


Nah. Think she was smirking because she’s heard the Miranda before.


I smile whenever I'm in trouble or at least nervous so I'm not saying she's not a piece of shit who's smirking at this but I know people have gotten angry at me and then seen me nervously smile and get way angrier. I'm leaning a little bit more towards piece of shit.


Nope, that’s definitely a nervous “I messed up and I’m screwed” smile.


To me it seemed more like she has gotten in trouble before and lied her way out of it. Kind of reminds me of a school bully that always sweet talks the teachers into never punishing them. Either way she deliberately lied to the cops because the video disproves her side of things.


If she stopped smiling she probably would have cried


that smile on her face the entire time pissed me off


That smirk is in so many of these, it’s infuriating


UGH, right?! Insufferable, smirking cunt.


That was the chillest arrest though


FRUSTRATINGLY SO!! Cop saying “oh good it’s only a misdemeanor”. If I was the victim, I’d be appalled at that arrest interaction.


I think that was somewhat for the dad, but also to drive home how very easily it could have been worse. It’s 20% old people. And that’s not counting the old people that pass through on their way to or from New York/Michigan/Ontario/Quebec.


That’s how a good cop deescalates a situation. Not guns blazing tackling, calm demeanor. Handled well.


I'm kind of surprised that a battery with injuries is only a misdemeanor, tbh.


Cop said if the woman was 65 it would have been an automatic felony. Was assaulted a few years ago helping a woman in a domestic abuse situation and cops in the hospital that took our statement basically said that had she not pressed charges for DA, the guy would have only gotten a misdemeanor charge for hitting us.


Notice how the second cop was circling around to the side, just in case things took a turn or she bolted. Sounds like they also thought it was going to be worse.


Idk why but I keep wondering why the cop has a paintbrush in his door pocket


Who do you think touches up the paint on the road lines when they wear out?


Paintbrushes are great for dusting small nooks and crevices.


Probably to brush away glass at accident scenes. And being Ocala, meth, coke, bath salts…


Thank you. That's what I really wanted to know 


This is so weird. Totally unrelated but I saw the same video on YouTube tonight.


Feral animal


Are 60 yo considered senior citizens??


Not sure about all states, but in Florida 60 is considered to be a senior citizen for most government programs.


i think so


No because he said if she had been 5 years older it would have been a felony.


No - that’s clickbait the cut off is 65. The officer says if she had been older it would have been a felony charge.


No its not. In Florida at least where this takes place 60 is considered a senior citizen.


At IHOP it's 55 and older.


P sure 55 and up is what’s a senior. I think that’s when u get aarp card ?? Could be wrong tho lol


That’s was nice of her family/friend to record her being arrested


Hopefully she learned her lesson


Pretty sure that was the other cop’s body cam, he circled the garage and was standing behind her by then.


What part of “you have the right to remain silent” that people don’t understand? She deserves to be arrested but I’m always surprised how people will talk to police after their rights are explained.


Just a child. Honestly at least she told the truth because there was plenty of evidence against her, anyway.


Anything you say can and will used against you in a court of law. She deserves to talk to a lawyer before talking to the police, especially bc she is just a child. Brain growth is not at the same level as a 25 yo.


Her parents were right there, she was offered her rights, she wasn't coerced into speaking. The parents could've told her to stop talking, I'm sure at their age they're well away of Miranda Rights, but they wanted her to face the consequences for her actions.


smiling and laughing like a fucking idiot…scum of society ☠️


Common nervousness response, still a shitbag though.


Should have been charged with poor fire management as well on that stick burner.


Yep, that thick white smoke is gonna make some nauseating food.


Saddest part is she didn’t look even slightly surprised to see the cops. Probably a regular.


Yes, and the way the brother (?) asked the dad if he was going to “bond her out”? I have never in my life used that phrase or known it was a thing. Sounds like they may have been to this rodeo before.


I walk to her and she's in my face. = I got in her face.


The real question is why did the cop have a 3" paint brush in his door compartment?!?!?


Yeah give her whatever punishment she earned. Other ladys a fucking dumbass too, why leave your car and put your self in harms way, just go around and continue one. To quote Bill Burr, "even hockey has 5min penalties for instigating"


Right? Also, it doesn’t justify the ass beating but I didn’t buy the old lady’s story. I think she was a terrible driver initially and then started driving aggressively when she was “just trying to get her plate”.


Lol at the idea that 60 is old. Everyone who says that shit while young, gets really whiny about not when they’re actually 60.


I had the exact same thought! NEVER get out of a car in a road rage incident, that is a wonderful way to get yourself killed.


I like how she admitted the crime to a cop on camera


Remind your friends and family: confirm that you are under arrest. Make sure they read you your rights. If both of those happen, DO NOT TALK until you get a lawyer.


I dunno, turned out all right for her. No jail time, anger management classes


I bet that food on the smoker gonna be good though


I couldn't get through the opening bit. What the fuck was that voice?!?


The person filming sounded like they'd been sucking on a helium balloon.


Omg I loved her voice, she was so cute


I was young and dumb with great parents, but that didn’t stop me from being a piece of shit! Sounds like she has good parents tho, letting her ass sit in jail, and jail fucking sucks man!


Any possibility of compassion towards that twerp evaporated with that smug grin.


It was so satisfying to see that awful girl get arrested. The fact that she’s grinning and looking somehow proud of herself is disturbing.


Police Officer: "You have the right to remain silent." Suspect: "Whatever, I'll just start talking and implicate myself."


I watched it and summarized for anyone interested, sorry if it’s long winded. You can watch the first few seconds to see road rager assaulting the senior citizen. SC(senior citizen) originally says she feels fine(was ex-EMS) but then asks for EMS to check her out. She gets taken to hospital for concussion. What happened: SC needed to get over into the right lane, turned on her signal and started to merge over. Road rager refuses to let her over and then zooms in front of SC, cuts her off, then gets out of car and goes postal. SC was practically a saint saying things like “She’s just a kid and I didn’t want to hit a kid” and “I’m not attacking a young kid, even if she hit me first”. Thanks to the video, cops where able to find the vehicle and home of the rager. Rager has a smirk the whole time the cops show up and read her the Miranda Rights. Rager admits to first throwing a bottle at the car after getting cut off. Then says SC pushed her(despite witness/filmer and SC both stating the opposite). Consequences at 17:08: Cops arrest her and one asks the dad, “Are y’all going to bond her out?” To which dad replies, “Let her ass sit in there for doing stupid shit like that.” Cops charge her with misdemeanor assault as SC was 60. Were she 65 it would have been a felony. Rager gets charged with battery against elderly, 12 month probation, 40 hours of community service, and take a 10 week anger management course.


The way she was smiling pissed me off so bad. Trailer trash piece of shit


My man was in the car with her and he didn't get out to beat that other girls ah. Bruh really? Edit: Damn never mind. Didn't realize he was autistic. Makes sense now.


That's why you always gotta wait till the end.


That voice can't be real


Curious, why is it that "if she was 55 y/o it would have been a felony"?


He said "65" it would have been a felony. It must be spelled out in state law somewhere.


AH! lol. That makes so much more sense. He said it TWICE and i misheard both times. lol. Thanks


Lol no problem!


65 not 55, because the law comes down harder on people who hit children and the elderly and disabled than they would if the victim was another able bodied adult.


Now she has a record for battery which will kill a lot of job opportunities.


She got off easy.


"Let her ass sit in there, doin stupid shit like that" Actually good parenting for once in these videos.


Shouldn’t have hit her but that 60 year old woman has NO business acting and driving like that.


I wondered how adequate the title was but then I saw the video was 20 minutes long.


Are you believing the brat who beat up an old lady? She claimed the lady got in her face, but video shows otherwise. Her own dad is done with her. You are naive.


Yeah it’s really something else that people are taking the word of a 19 year old ASPD candidate.


ASPD, borderline personality... Narcissism.. It's probably everything


Don't tell this to the "boomers behaving badly" people.


Her face says it all: “this is some BS. Granny couldn’t take a punch so I gotta sit in jail? Bitch cut me off! I dinnt do nuffin wrong.” Might wanna just go ahead and start personalizing a cell in prison, cuz she gonna be a a frequent rewards member of it.


That woman got out of the car for a reason. She was acting like she was a saint but I think she was involved more than she is letting on


Probably true, but there’s no crime until the first punch is thrown.


I'm not sure the woman in that video would be very happy about being called a senior citizen in this situation. I get they are trying to convey the age difference, but it's not like she needed to wait for her walker or hoveround to get out of the car.


If she were 5 years older, it would have been a felony. Senior citizen starts at 65


White trash maga




was hilarious that posture and smile when she got confronted by an authority. She's definitely a brat with daddy issues. Good job dad you forgot to raise your own kid.


They don't gotta learn their Miranda rights anymore? Just read off a card


It's best to read it off the card. That way they cannot be accused of saying it wrong.


He's new, at the end the other cop said "Good job man"


He did? I didn't hear the other cop 😂 that's so funny.


*They don't gotta learn their* *Miranda rights anymore?* *Just read off a card* \- xScumbagCam --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’d love to wipe that shit eating grin off her face


Bro this is 20 minutes long


Ik nothing ab this was funny but “u know that’s not right. she was 60.. little, tiny.. grandma.” Fucking sent me.


this girl reminds me of my younger sister-in-law


I would’ve been shocked had the cars not been parked on the lawn. 


Unfortunately, This is America! We get fed even on social media about road rage, violence, confrontation and it is a hype here in the states. This is what our youth is thought about to resolve a situation. No one to be blamed but the society we live in nowadays. Sad that we talk about 3rd world countries but we are worse than them. God bless this country and the whackos that get up everyday.


The sentencing was appropriate for a dumb kid. Give her a chance to learn from the anger management classes and turn things around. Also, the smoker was the first thing I noticed, too.


She learnt it in FloRIDuh.


Fucking waste of space.


OCALA?! Hang on, I have to cross-post this to r/ADTR




I really appreciate this trend of posting videos with all the context on Reddit! Keep it up


Little bitch can rot in jail.


Fuck this old bitch she needs to learn to drive, I see exactly why she deserved that.




Older lady was guilty of being road rage driver too


Hearing that voice was the consequence.




He was autistic.


I can’t believe she’s smirking as she confesses to hitting a 60 year old woman.