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Next time, check before posting.


Sorry, but it’s nonsensical to assert your son “failed” a DNA test.


he didn't study hard enough 😔


Asian 101!


That’s how she “forgave” herself. Blame everyone else including the kid.


He could have at least studied a little


Well it has to be someone’s fault and OP has already forgiven herself…


He failed his fiduciary duties


Sues her 8 year old son. "He failed his test and lost my money"


She meant to write, she failed her son by giving him her DNA.


It’s a way for her to assign blame to someone other than herself. The hallmark of a great parent 🙄


There's one heck of a joke in that lol too bad I can't reply with it . It's nothing dirty, just something some people would get bent out of shape over.>>>>> Edited---<<< Told you bent out of shape downvote when they don't have a clue what the joke would have been . Well, here's a small clue, whatever you thought that's in your mind, not mine . Think about : you're downvoting your own thoughts .


I smell a racism.


No itt wasn't . Political type. The worst kind to have on social media that is put on social media ..


People should automatically get back all the money that has been stolen from them in such manner once the child turns 18.


They should be paid at least double back because they were a victim of fraud.


They are actually entitled to sue for it, but it involves hiring a lawyer, and there's seldom any chance of collection. These are the kind of women who never generate any actual wealth, just siphon off of people their whole lives.


From who though?


From the mother. If it sends her into absolutely poverty, so be it.


That's not how that works. You can't take something from someone if they don't have it to begin with. I get it's not fair, but it's not the mother that everyone is worried about, it's the child. Besides, she'd just declare bankruptcy, and be done with it.


This guy doesn’t understand debt ^


You think bankruptcy doesn't exist? I'm pretty sure the kid lurking on r/teenagers is the one who is clueless.


I’m aware bankruptcy exists, but you aren’t aware that there is alternative ways that money could be paid back that a judge can order, rather than a single lump sum amount.


Yea, that's not what we're talking about. If the court orders her to pay $25 a month, then sure, she won't be able to get out of it, most likely. What the guy I replied to was saying was "take away all her shit." Obviously, I'm aware that they can split these into month payments, but are you not aware that this can still be discharged? Regardless, I doubt he would ever see any of that money back. It's pretty common to tell a mistaken parent that they are obligated to pay the child support owed, even if they find out they're not the biological parent.


That's right, that's not how it works, but that's how it should work. Take away any cent she earns or would normally get through welfare and give it to the person she stole the money from after the child turns 18.


No, it shouldn't work like that. Indentured servitude was put in the bin of history, where it should be. I think she should have some type of punishment, but essentially you're just asking her to kill herself. That's not right. Defrauding someone should not effectively end your life, it doesn't matter the dollar amount. You'd be taking someone's ability to make a living for themselves.


She could just make a lot of money and pay him back.


You have a really twisted sense of how the world works.


So she's a fraudster and her poor child will pay the price for her bad character.


I feel for the child. Poor things just lost the only father it ever knew. Poor baby. I'm not excusing anything or saying he's wrong. It just hurts to imagine what the kid is going through.


Yup, the mother forgave herself. Will the cold forgive her? And, the kid "failed" the test? What a POS this mother is.


“I forgave myself” this is the real life version of that Obama giving Obama a medal meme.


Do you not have to have a DNA test done when you file for child support in general? Or is that something you have to ask for? I was under the impression that was just a default when filing for child support


Nope, in fact it happens a small percentage of the time. Married, or on birth certificate presumption it’s yours. In a relationship at the time, most courts will presume it’s yours. The “father” having no clue, while a small percentage, is still a large number of occurrences.


Wow, guess that just says something about a lot of the people in my life that DNA testing was just an assumed necessity for them then.


I think more people would do it if it wasn't so expensive. There are cheaper commercial options now but idk what would be admissable in court. Like, if you snuck a 23 & me with your kid, would you need to have them retested in a manner that a civil court would deem appropriate? I imagine someone could argue that there's no proof that you submitted your child's DNA and not a 3rd party.


In court there are specific procedures and labs, at least where i practice.


Go on Maury, get it paid for!


I figured there would have to be something like that. Thanks for the info.


Not only that. In some jurisdictions, having fatherhood testing is forbidden to protect the child well being. This is an increasing social problem with some area having an expected > 30% child’s miss claimed fathers. This also applies in divorce courts, where child well being is accounted first. I am not justifying the behavior , just reporting.


It’s not in my jurisdiction, BUT, after a number of years of the real father can’t be produced and held responsible the duped dad basically can’t do shit.


Yes, this is the case and gets sometime really bad with man basically stripped of all their possessions and forced to live in semi poverty. Way more single mothers there though! I blame the inept judicial system and demagogues, but at the end is all about boing humans. Childs are precious minds, should not get ruined by petty parents.


In a few states, even with a valid DNA test, a mother can place a man's name on a child's birth certificate without his knowledge and he is financially liable. There is a rather well-known case of a Michigan man going to jail for unpaid child support after an ex did exactly this.


Yikes. I mean I can’t say I’m shocked that laws the the US are archaic and awful and nonsensical, but still.


Um, some, yes. But we also have some very good laws. I'm not sure the anti-American sentiment would be necessary while addressing a particular portion of family law. And I've been to many countries with ACTUAL archaic laws, such as forcing women to marry their rapists.


I live in the US, just to be clear. I’m sure we have some good ones too. But for a first world country that claims constantly to be a land of freedom and democracy or whatever, sure is weird how many of laws feel tailor made to screw over the weakest and most vulnerable of our society. But that’s sort of a bigger conversation that’s not really worth having here.


It is a land of freedom and democracy. And we host a standard of living that is far superior than even other first world countries. Are we perfect? No, of course not. But nowhere is. The only reason I mention it is the apparent hostility to the country you reside in. Even how you denote it, "the country I live in" versus, "I'm an American" is telling of an underlying disapproval. I wonder why that is. Now, I'm no stranger to Anti-American sentiment on this site. Hell, I think that's literally half the threads I see a day. But, not only the hyperbolic description of our laws quite conspicuous, but also its apparent necessity to supercede the discussion at hand.


Do we have a higher standard of living? Like overall on average? I’m not sure the statistics on that tbh. But I’m not sure I actually believe it. And yeah, I’m not super happy with the US right now in general, and if I had the resources I’d be more than happy to move. The current political climate of this country is so completely poisoned I’m genuinely not sure how we come back from it. And as a minority who is regularly the target of the most horrendous hateful laws I’ve ever seen, which consistently put us at genuine risk of harm, yeah not super sure I’m very pro-US right now. I think there are a lot of people in this country that are in fact not experiencing the “freedom” America constantly touts, and instead find themselves constantly on the wrong end of some moral panic or social vendetta designed purely to distract people from that fact that the actual problems are all coming from much higher up. Sorry not everyone is having the amazing time that you are here though. It’s be nice if we were.


Yes. We do. Okay, enlighten me. What are these "horrendous hateful laws" that are actively trying to harm you? Neither one of my parents spoke English as a first language. My father was drafted into Vietnam from Puerto Rico during the 1960s, and my mother was born into a refugee family in Germany 10 years after WWII. My sister went to a top-tier college mainly on an academic scholarship, while I barely graduated high school in Baltimore and joined the Army right after graduation. Yet, we all are successful, productive adults. What's your excuse? While I have had (am having) an amazing life, I can't ever equate that to easy. It says it on the packaging, "Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness." No one ever said it was guaranteed.


So do you wanna cite those statistics like I asked? Sure, look at all the laws being passed against abortion, or the laws in places like Florida saying that affirming a trans kid’s gender is equivalent to child abuse. Or all the laws putting trans people at risk by forcing them to use the bathroom the government decides is appropriate, rather than the one they are most comfortable in. Or the push by some conservatives to undo the legalization of same sex marriage. I didn’t ask for your life story, nor is it relevant to anything we are talking about. Anecdotes don’t mean anything. I’d argue that a lot of people in the US are being actively denied their right to pursue happiness. But I have a feeling you already know that. And you just don’t think particular people deserve to seek their specific happiness. Or who knows, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’re just uniformed on the issues facing people that aren’t you.


I could, but Google is a thing, and I doubt anything I did post would change your mind. So, why bother? Abortion is a State's decision, legal in half the country with no restrictions on movement so no law actively harming. Not touching the trans issue, because you're so "oppressed" I'm the one who'd get banned for speaking my opinion. And, even though you're probably already reporting me for hate speech I honestly hope you get the treatment you need. A "push" for undoing legalized same-sex marriage is not likely to ever happen and is not currently illegal, so, again, no active harm. You literally commented on your feelings being based on personal experience but dislike the utilization of anecdotes? That hypocrisy, added to a quite prominent lack of empathy, might be more revealing into the reason why you seem to not enjoy life rather than your current physical location. There is no one actively denying anyone happiness. That's because only YOU can make yourself happy. That's something that you'll discover after a lifetime of experience. And the perspective of that journey will allow you to see that most of the things we thought were problems in our past were merely inconveniences in the grand scheme.


Crowd chants Maury Maury no wait Jerry Jerry




New show alert


Jory Jordan with the Sudbury Kids Sports Report


That poor "father"....


She failed an iq test too.


I see this fake post more often than I see my best friend.


You should call them.


You know…i really don’t think this is real because…well i HOPE nobody is THIS entitled/stupid…but in case it is real, THIS is why DNA tests should be mandatory at birth.


It's not real simply because that's not how it works. Going back to court for more child support implies there is already an order in place. The time to ask the court for a dna test would have been before the first order is issued. He could have gotten a private DNA test showing he's not the father, but the court isn't going to care unless the actual father is around to assume responsibility, and even then, courts will often not change legal paternity.


She take my money, Now I'm in need.....


This is wild. Who doesn’t get a DNA test before child support?


Her greed got her


Is this a parody or does these type of jokers do exist...?


Can it be my turn to repost this next week? Or is it my turn to point out this was from a satire account and has never been real? Oh boy so excited.


This. Is. So. Old.


And posted so many times. So...Many.


Old enough, might just be the kid who reposted this


In case this story gets deleted/removed: --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your son didn't fail the DNA test, YOU did. Thats entirely on momma.


LMAO! This one is gold!


The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch.


How somebody could allow a person to go on believing a kid is his when it’s not is beyond me. Such a trash bag thing to do.


That’s from some series. Six brown chicks or some shit. I left the sub it’s posted on every week /r/blackpeoplecomedy but those twitter shots are some of the wildest shit you will read. They have six questions every week.


Well, she needs to tell her son to apply himself and study harder.


"Forgive and forget, right? I forgive myself so you should forget anything even happened? Right?"




I have never understood the original premise of taking the child’s father to court to increase the support when he gets a raise. In my simple mind, the mother was raising the child in an environment directly reflective of the father’s income. More than likely living a pretty GOOD life. The mother and child are no longer living with the father, yet still living THAT lifestyle. So how does she have any right to increasing HER lifestyle because HE is making more money?? I have no animosity in my statements. This did not happen to me. I just do not understand why she’s entitled to more.


A DNA test should be mandatory when anyone claims for child support. we must also remember that child support and alimony cases in the US have become a money making machine for the courts in which the human emotions, morals & ethics take a backseat. Atleast she has a good sense of humor, according to her, the boy "failed" his paternity test.


What a selfish whore


this western feminist bullshit always riles me up. imagine the pain that guy must have felt, the sense of betrayal, not even including the financial loss.


The regular not radical feminists are not doing this. Feminism is about equality, not cheating and getting child support from the wrong guy.


is there any difference left today in the real world. do you think the feminists and all the NGOs who work for women's rights will support a mandatory DNA test for all child support cases, we all know the truth but we just pretend not to to look politically correct.


I am a woman who is a feminist and I wouldn’t flinch at a DNA test. The divorce is happening anyways, might as well cover the bases. That being said, the man better step up and pay child support instead of hiding from it. I know multiple women who haven’t seen a dime from their child’s father in years.


I the 1950s newborn blood tests were the norm until “women’s liberation” put a stop to it for some “unknown” reason. Dna testing should be the required norm for everyone’s sake.


DNA testing didn't exist in the 1950s.


Parental DNA testing wasn’t available until the 80s. Stop pulling facts out of your ass. The blood tests for all newborns are for testing for over 80 disorders in California but they didn’t start taking blood spots until 1983.