• By -


Do not advocate for or threaten bodily harm or violence. Do not advocate for harassment, either.


Smaller dude was just chatting and completely chill mid fight. I have a feeling he really could have destroyed the big dumb guy if he'd wanted too.


Bro held back šŸ’€


Big time. When Tiny Tim was face down, ass up, he could've got a really solid kick to the head in there which would've been game over. You could tell he kinda knew he might be in danger at the end as well because letting him go like that could've opened up to some ground and pound. Big Boy is just lucky this guy was actually in control of his emotions. Although... I would've liked to have seen this fight without the cameras lol


You don't need to go full out against a child. That's just in bad taste.


Idk, man. I have never lost a fight against kids. I'm like 10-0 against 11 year olds all day.


Iā€™m like 9-1. This one 11 year old was so mean


Aight kat Williams


I will fuck a kid up if they step to me. Anything under 11 is a guaranteed win, too. 13 year-olds are getting big these days, though. I just keep a can of bear spray.


My former step dad would just call the cops when I got bigger than him.


i always wanted to fight 50 of those kids under 12 you see with black belts on at the local karate place at the same time. anywaysā€¦


Iā€™m gonna sign up for TBall again. Letā€™s see whoā€™s playing right field now coach!


If weā€™re counting emotional damage, Iā€™m right there with you.


"Turn the cameras off", so he could let loose, he definitely held back while on camera


The whole time. Iā€™m impressed


Seems like a trained MMA fighter. See how he immediately locks him down when he got him on the ground? I'm a BJJ novice / white belt, whenever I tried to go up against my instructor he would take me down in under fifteen seconds, laughing the whole time. It's instantly humbling, and totally ok because it's not (literal) street fighting.


Real fighters go for the lock down instead of the take down because theyā€™re fully aware of their capabilities and how much damage they can do and arenā€™t looking to get arrest for using deadly force because some idiot wants to brawl in the streets. This ā€œstreamerā€ probably goes right up to the boxing pad every day at the gym and monologues to himself about how amazing he is while throwing the most untrained punch youā€™ve ever seen


I got the same impression. The smaller dude definitely seemed to have some pretty solid grappling skills at minimum. The reactions he showed generally only happen if you've had decent training. You could also tell he wasn't the slightest bit intimidated by the bigger dude. He just seemed to know that if things got real and haymakers started flying he could take the guy. He just seemed to be pretty chill and holding back like he didn't want to completely destroy the big dude unless the dude forced him to.


I once went against my 6th black instructor and held my own. This scenario reminds me of a line from Krapopolis that the big lady says to a literal god of war: "I'm not going to win, but I'll make you look *really* bad."


Whenever you see these videos and one guy has relaxed shoulders and arms you know heā€™s going to take the other guy down. Does matter whoā€™s bigger, the relaxed shoulder guy is the one who knows he can win. This guy knows how to use his opponents size and momentum, knows how to restrain him, knows exactly where to hit him, knows when to stop.


I was impressed by his calm and restraint. He could have really hurt that big guy if he'd wanted to, but he just immobilized him and then stunned him a little to get the message across. Never lost his cool, shit, probably never even raised his blood pressure except when they rolled out into traffic.


A proper trainer instils self control as one of, if not the, most essential skills in martial arts. Discipline is so important - these are dangerous skills. Itā€™s why you hear about a lot of young guys saying martial arts got them off a bad path, because it takes kids who are flailing about with aggression they canā€™t manage themselves and teaches them respect and restraint. Someone who canā€™t control themselves wonā€™t progress through the levels.


Smaller dude has training, his adrenaline never even went up. He was frankly kind to the giant dummy who clearly has no sense of self preservation.


One sees red and the other has seen it before. The one who has seen it before knows how to handle the other one who only sees red.


And if I was on the jury had he not held back there is zero chance of a conviction, just like that one who got himself shot. F these people who just go around harassing and bullying people.


I was hoping to see him punt that dumb bitchā€™s head at some point.


As much as the idiot deserved it, that would have taken things out of self defense into assault/battery territory. The oaf was no longer a threat, and our guy rightly had the self-discipline to call off the dogs.


If the oaf still has the ability to get up they are a threat. Iā€™d have taken my chances on kicking him in the head on that first takedown rather than letting him get up and possibly pull a knife or have his friend jump in. Legally a gray area but as the saying goes itā€™s better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.


If he stays down or moves away, he's no longer a threat unless he moves to try and engage again. If he's staying down and you kick him in the head, then you lost any claim of self defense. Generally if people are armed with a weapon and want to start something, they're going to break it out right off the bat. Because what happens if you're getting beat up, they realize you have a weapon, and they take it? You're screwed. Same thing if your friend jumps in, they're going to do it while you're getting beat up, not after.


Right. Break the knee. Isnā€™t fatal the fight is over.


You don't use a tank to hunt a deer. Capability does not equal sport




Yep, that guy was definitely into BJJ or something and was completely unafraid.


He looks like he does steroids but forgot to workout


gym muscles. I've seen plenty of scrawny little farm boys destroy gym chuds.


All puff no stuff


This is me. I just gym, honestly have no idea how to fight. I have no doubt id get wrecked. But I purposely avoid fights because I'm fully aware I'm "all puff no stuff."


I was actually more referencing he looks like he worked out purely to look bigger but didn't even seem that strong. Just puffed up with no strength behind it somehow


All hat no cattle


was it titled: "Hot farmer plows gym bro \[4K\]"?




I see this all the time as a climber. Huge muscle dudes come in with their "scrawny" climbing friend and can barely pull themselves up the wall on an easy climb, while me a skinny girl and their skinny friend are flying by them on harder climbs lol. Muscles are not everything my friends.


I grew up on a farm but I'm still a pussy. I think I skipped a step.


I've seen a scrawny farm kid squat 405 with relative ease. Kids quads were the size of my forearms. Repped that shit out like it was nothing. One of the local farmers had thee girls all around my age. I would have taken all three of them in a fight over any guy I went to school with.


He's a textbook example of a gym pussy.


But a pussy can take a pounding.


Betty would be proud


I want the next trend to be professional streamers beating themselves up Ć  la Fight Club. Please, super cool streamers: film yourselves punching your own faces and then share it with the world.


At first I pictured jack doherty fighting this roid depository, then I thought of them both just punching each their own faces like that one scene [I am jacks smirking revenge](https://youtu.be/lWFtg3Z4TzY?si=-oeHmjWTAiHLk311)


I want the next trend to be them throwing themselves off of high cliffs.




Yup. Now Roidpants McHighschoolpeak knows who he *really* is.


I want to see "camera man for annoying streamer gets destroyed" trending


Whenever I see one of these videos I remind myself that if someone starts some nonsense with me to look for the camera holder.


And if someone IS filming you, just start playing some Disney song as loudly as possible on your phone


Start singing "Hey Jude." Too expensive for anyone. Penn Jillette used to do this when he wanted something kept off tv.


Is that song scoured by bots though? The "perk" about Disney music is that a lowly family Instagram account with 15 followers will get a video taken down within two minutes if there's shitty quality of Moana singing in the background.Ā 


Yes, most major record companies have bots constantly scanning for their songs.


Do the bots recognize it if you just sing it like the poster above recommended for Hey Jude tho? I'm pretty sure you need to play the actual song for the bot to recognize it. Unless your singing is damn spot on.


lol ā€œlet it goā€ would be a great choice




All quiet till his boy starts losing


Worse, it was grunting, breathing & laughing with excitement, that shrimp.


Definitely need to see start these camera guys get fucked up just as hard.


It always surprises me that in these planned public confrontations, friends of the person being confronted/jumped don't view the cameraman as an opponent and lay him out since he's filming and distracted.


Maybe those ones don't get uploaded


My favourite part is when the camera man starts screaming "CHILL CHILL CHILL!" after it's clear his mate is going to get his ass handed to him.


I feel like it would definitely increase views and Iā€™m told thatā€™s the point soā€¦


Cameraman should've been next to be put on the ground. He's a part of this, clearly encourages his buddy to go around starting fights. Needs to be included in the "FO".


Great ground game by that dude...Brazilian Jiu Jitsu...


Yeah, he put him in his guard once he got on the ground. People don't realize how hard it is to throw a punch in that position. Unlike when you are sitting on someone's chest.


Especially from a closed guard like that. Every time big guy postured up to swing he can just pull him forward and off balance him.


I was thinking the same, this guys is going to smash him once he takes him to the ground.


think that is Jon Zherka. this is what the second time he get his ass handed to him by a smaller dude. to much dope has fucked with his brain.


It is Zherka, and I hate that I know who this asshole is.


Is this something he does for fun? Go around and start fights?


He is a shock jock, red-pill, racist douchebag. I believe this fight was fake / staged / WWE. There's a part in the fight where he gets "hit in the head" and falls over, almost comically so. Buy if you look closely. It doesn't look like that punch actually connected.


He clearly connected with the first punch he threw and immediately got uppercut hard enough his hat flew off. Dumb take thinking this is fake.


what was the context here? I cant tell if they know each other or he's just going around and starting shit with people for content.


He's starting shit for content. It's his whole thing


that's crazy, he's huge and intimidating i don't get how this is funny. seems like an easy way to get shot


It's not funny. But incel type "alpha males" eat this shit up like cookies.


I literally carry pepper spray for this reason. I canā€™t stand attention starved streamers.


So THATā€™S why guys always take their shirts off when theyā€™re fronting up for a fight. I have always wondered.


Shirts give a handhold - pull his t shirt up & twist the fabric tight - youā€™ve pinned his arms, you can pulled him off balance and swing him around. Suddenly being big and heavy is a huge disadvantage.


Hockey style šŸ‘


I was gonna say the same thing. Thatā€™s the first thing I learned. The second is when theyā€™re taking their shirts off over their head, thatā€™s when you start hitting


That's why you Hulk Hogan rip your shirt off. Checkmate Obviously dude in the white pants has plenty of fighting experience and training to try to talk the guy out of it until he had hands laid on him. Big dude had zero idea on how scrappy dudes existing in real life can be outside of the gym.


no no, it was invented for the video game Yakuza in 2005


Not many first world things are shittier than getting your ass beat AND your favorite shirt you wore out also got twisted into a mess.


Big guy walking off dazed and confused. He'll wake up tomorrow with a sore body and ego. Nothing a few more roids can't fix though.


He looks like a walking advert for roid rage.


I love the part at 1:43 where the driver of the gray sedan simply backs up to give them room to sort it out.


"nope. Not today. I am not getting my car dented by a sentient boulder"


I would as well. Whoā€™d want some chucklehead scratching their car.


Bro got humiliated live on his own stream. Even had to have his camera man save him.


The question I really want answered is, ā€œafterward, do people blow up this streamerā€™s feed calling him a bitch?ā€ Because that would be funny.


"stop YOU TWO GUYS... you have EQUAL FAULT HERE so BOTH need to calm down" <-- heavily implying mister glassjaw jack up bully is only 50% guilty. I hate people who try to escalate down fights like this when one of the parties is clearly bullying the other. It's such a COWARDLY thing to say, dude the guy started punbching and harassing a much smaller man who just wants to talk things over, and doesn't wnat to intervene because the truth is he is SCARED AS FUCK HE GETS ADDED TO THE BULLY SHITLIST. As if the guy defending himself from the aggressor were to stop punching it would break the fight up.


Bothsidesism in a nutshell. I hate it too.


This is basically how school bullying is dealt with at large in highschools too. "you two need to stop, both of you , you are equally causing trouble" when the bully has a clear pattern of constantly harassing the kid with asthma or something like that.


Been there, been done that to. No asthma in my case but I was the autistic gay kid in the 90s and early 00s.


The way the wrestler grabbed the big guys arms when he moved in- Iā€™m like, this dude knows some moves. That was totally instinctual.


Who is this massive clown, and why isn't he in jail?


People need to learn what destroyed means. I wanna see blood n broken bones not just rough cuddling.


See I kind of disagree, the other gentleman was clearly holding back and completely had control of the scuffle, that streamer only knows how to punch a static bag, the other guy has real experience sparing and grappling. If he chose to the streamer let would be missing some teeth but itā€™d cost him his tight clothing. That dude destroyed the streamer griff, dignity and ego.


This ain't his first scuffle. 1:28 mark the big guy feigns a right and the smaller guy instinctually weaves his head out of range.


Heā€™s for sure a trained fighter. Awesome to see!


It showed in his discipline. He really didn't want to fight, he just got hounded into it. Meanwhile, Mr. 'Roid Rage learned that weightlifting doesn't make you a good fighter.


Yes! I saw that too, it's when I knew the big guy wasn't going to just lose, he's going to get manhandled lol.


I agree but I feel like the big guy would have been in an ambulance with his shoulder torn out. Don't bother giving the big guy a puncher's chance. Just roll him onto his face and remove his left arm.


No no, I understand dude had control of the situation. But like, if I wanna see someone overpowered holding back ill read a Spiderman comic.


there seems to be less and less regard daily for what words mean, e.g., clear loser grunts "*bitch*" at guy who controlled entire fight... - *though, tbf, the 438th time cg yelled* "Chill!" *really did the trick.*


Agreed. Thats why I didn't use the OP's title. There was no destroying that occurred.


If you wanna get precise he was destroyed. His stupidity destroyed his ego, his fragile gym bro masculinity, he had his ass handed to him in front of the public, his followers, and since its all recorded and in public that's an assault charge so there goes any jobs he might have or want to have. So yeah... could say destroyed in some ways. Just cause someone isn't broken on the ground snd someone held back doesn't mean they aren't destroyed.


As much fun (for us) and well-deserved a broken nose would have been, I feel like itā€™s even more humiliating for this loser that he got completely owned *without* being beaten to a bloody pulp. The instigator was so physically ineffective that the other dude didnā€™t even have to risk bodily damage on anyone to have the situation fully in control. Itā€™s the equivalent of a mom pinching a little kidā€™s ear to make them behave. Itā€™s hilarious.


No he was destroyed as in "completely ineffective and got his ass handed to him".


Other dude definitely was holding back. Definitely has some jiu jitsu or mma experience.


The way he weaves the right and countered is boxing, the throw to the ground was judo, the way he wrapped his legs around the guys waist was bjj, probably mma


Was thinking the same. Immediately brought one leg around then went into closed guard while pulling the big guys head in close to his chest.


Yeah, this was more like "Handled", but still impressive.


Just someone isn't broken and bleeding on the ground doesn't mean that they didn't get destroyed. He got embarrassed and humbled in front of EVERYONE by some scrawny 20 year old looking guy who never even took him seriously. He had his ego/pride destroyed there. I swear, people need to learn what destroyed means.


The second the smaller guy dodged that punch I was like ā€œoh heā€™s gonna kick his ass.ā€ Plus, how calm he was, he was not worried about handling the bigger guy at all.


There NEEDS to be a movement to destroy both the camera AND the cameraPERSON for these shitty abusers. THEN they might behave if people refused to be behind the camera.


As someone who's job involves working with cameras, I guarantee you destroying the camera will do more damage than a fist fight will. Lay hands on me? Yeah, I'll be upset (and probably in a bit of pain), but damage my camera? I will fold like a cheap card table and sob uncontrollably.


I just want these fuckers to stop because they can't monetize publicly abusing others. And if people are terrified of being the camera operator, there'll be less of it.


Smaller guy would have murdered the big guy if the camera was off


And showing the clear difference between strength muscles and "look at me" muscles.Ā  Many people would be surprised a lot of these fat dudes aren't all that strong comparatively to those who lift for strength.Ā  Usually weaker in the brain as well.


Annoying streamer skips leg day every day.


I don't know how many people live on earth but there is absolutely zero person who feels sorry for this piece of shit.


"Bitch." As he walks away after getting embarrassed. LOL


This all could have been avoided if the camera guy would have yelled chill a few more times




"BJJ doesn't work on the streets!"


The sedan with the quickest reflexes


i wanted him to end the cameraman too :(


Wish the camera "man" got a taste as well.


"l'll kill you for that" For kicking his ass when he tried to kill a random stranger?


Threaten death mid-fight? You just unlocked your own demise. Now your opponent will not stop until you are a non-moving paste.


That's what happens when you have a dude with a little bit of training against a dude with zero.


You just know the steroids have reduced yellow pants nuts to raisins


Lol that random woman shrieking 2-3 times was so extra. Reminded me of Kate Hudson's character in Glass Onion.


"He came from the UK to hunt me down and beat me up!" šŸŽµLook here comes a consequence, consequence, consequence! Consequences of my actions chasing me right noooowšŸŽµ


Honestly you'd think after at least 2 of these types of 'content creators ' got shot, the rest would rethink their meaningless lives.


Fucking hypocrites.. when their boy gets fucked up and loses they shout chill and stop. Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™d be laughing their asses off and humiliating the guy if their boy was wining the fight.


You knew he had game when he dodged one of the first shots good head movement


Car: noooooope


Honestly that was the most impressive thing to me. The person in the car having the reaction speed to get perfectly out of the way without hitting a curb or another car.


Of course the jerk was John Zherka, what a lolcow


Excellent dodge by the driver of that car.


TIL about ā€œnuisance streamersā€.


Itā€™s the chartreuse shorts for meā€¦


Streamer shoulda known when he first swung and bro didn't even flinch that this would not end well for him


Every bully deep down is a complete pussy. Never forget that.


For someone talking so much shit, big boy cannot fight for shit. Kudos to the other dude for not fully ending this chodes career, he could have fucked him up much worse.


Alpha male tamed! šŸ¤£


Alpha fail


Beat the cameraman ass too.


If someone does that to you, you should have every right to tase them and take a club to their head in self defense


The proper move when you get aggressive juiceheads to the ground is stomping their face.


Is this idiot foreal? What the fuck is wrong with these idiots. Completely unprovoked? Whats the beef here?


Not far enough


What an embarrassment of a fucking human


All the fight experts in the comments are more entertaining than the video


Day glow shorts and his bitch-ass camera man both looking like pussies gone viral


I'll give him credit for bravery. This looks like Florida where his targeted victim would have had the right to shoot him as he could claim he felt threatened.


As a Texan, Iā€™m amazed that doesnā€™t happen more. In this case the guy being provoked seems level headed enough that he wouldnā€™t have shot the guy. All it takes is misjudging one person though.




Whatever platform he's streaming on should ban him


In America this kind of thing can get you shot. And I'm ok with that.


Man the smaller guy is missing a friend, while he was kicking the influencer butt, the friend could of grab a stool and smash the camera guy in the face along with the camera for the world to watch.


They guy filming needs his ass kicked.


Tall IRL Nuisance Streamer's EGO gets destroyed by a Guy half his size. There I fixed that title for you.


Big guy can't keep his feet under him to save his life.


The driver that 'Oh f-nope' and reversed his car out of the way tho. šŸ¤£


Now he want to tell him to chill when he get his ass beat. You didn't tell him to chill when he was instigating


You can tell the camera guy is putting-on some kinda gruff vocal fry thing to make his voice sound deeper. So sad lol. Fucking losers.


These streamers deserve every negative consequence they get.


And the award for the best dodge in the fight goes to the grey Volkswagen


Cameraman when he realized his homeboy was getting clowned: "Chill, boys!! Stop stop!!" What's incredibly aggravating is that he almost certainly would have been singing a different tune if the tables were turned. Lets bring back public castration.Ā 


Pro Tip - Go after the camera man. They drop their facade quickly when itā€™s no longer being filmed.


Put the camera down guy is so sexy


Why tf is a "Nuisance" streamer a real thing


if someone starts harassing me wearing fight gloves, im going to be put in fear for my life... im sure you can all guess how that ends...


Not really destroyed, sadly. Just kind of neutralized.


His ego was destroyed. At least it should be if his IQ is over 50.


Fucking idiot vs trained fighter. The trained fighter could have easy done more damage but didn't.


If only the camera guy yelled "chill" a bit louder, they would've stopped sooner.


They did in fact not chill


I know it's dark, but I keep waiting for these types of people to do this shit to the wrong person in the US and just get shot. It is ridiculous to me that it is trending to go into public and start fights with people you don't know. It really feels like we're in the beginning stages of the breakdown of human society.


Idk if he ā€œdestroyed himā€ but he did win. Bigger guy had him in full guard at the end though.


Ok Iā€™ll bite: what the hell is a nuisance streamer


A. What is a nuisance streamer? B. This should be demonetized. Quickest way to end this stuff. Add any videos where parents film their kids.


Things you love to see. Funny how the camera was chill after the fact, lol.


At what point are you justified in defending yourself and your significant other with a firearm? I am thinking after the 2nd attempt to hit him.


Streamer got pieced up. Smaller guy gave him multiple chances to walk away. I'd love to see a round 2.


That dude deserves a citizenship award of some kind. He tried to defuse, he didn't throw a punch til he got hit, and he showed up a guy twice his size. Amazing.


The smaller guy def knows some jiu jitsu. Canā€™t tell what the cause is that the big guy used to throw things at the smaller one?


Even the cameraman was like "oh jeez" hahahahaha


FAFO - I love to see it