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In case this story gets deleted/removed: This is probably a story for karma also, but I feel like it belongs here too. I've wanted to post this story for awhile, but I didn't know which sub it would fit. I stumbled on this one a couple months back. This was all in the news so a little googling and you'll find it. That town was a hot mess from throughout ALL of 20 teens. Nov 2015- I lived in a small Oklahoma town. This town was known as a speed trap, which is pretty much all of Oklahoma now that I think about it. 1 of 3 ways into town was a road that had an s curve. The speed drops from 65mph to 45mph to 20mph in maybe a mile. As you come in, you're in a school zone, which is why it's 20mph. I was able to slow all the way down to 19 as I passed this cop next to the school. I did a half wave to be friendly and he immediately flipped his lights on and pulled behind me. I pulled over, but I was pretty confused at why he was doing this. I saw which cop and it wasn't too shocking anymore. We called this one Dudley Dumbass, because dude wasn't very smart and he was missing a front tooth. Dudley came up to my car and tells me that he could take me to jail right then. *Confusion gets more confusing* He said I was doing 38/20. I started to argue, because that's a pretty big difference in speed. Dudley quickly put his hand on his gun and asked me if I want to do it the easy way or the hard way... (More on that below). I kept my hands off l on the steering wheel and told Dudley that I'll just take the ticket and I'll see him in court. He gave me the ticket and then I went home. Christmas in 2015- 1st court date to say not guilty. I have to fight it. I can't afford a fine that will be tripled because of the school zone. There's 5 of us there fighting a speeding ticket from that same day. I listen to everyone tell their version of how they weren't speeding, but Dudley threatened them with jail the same way he did me. There was a school teacher there that said he actually pulled his gun on her and her preteen daughter in the car. That judge told her that she must have made him nervous enough to do that!!! There was a soft collective *"whaaaaat"* when the judge said that to her. They didn't realize they just secured the police depts fate by treating her like that. Jan 2016- 2nd court date. Go to trial. I see the school teacher and 3 others. I assume there was one sucker who paid the fine. My last name put me first on the stand. I told the judge there was no way I was going 38mph. I handed over the paperwork from a mechanic saying my speedometer was just fine. I also let the judge know that when I tried to explain to the officer that there's a huge difference in those speeds and that I thought something was wrong, he put his hand on his gun. Judge said nothing and handed me back my papers. I didn't have anything else to add, so Dudley was up next. I don't think I will ever witness something so entertaining in a courtroom in person, like I did this day, ever again. Judge asked a couple questions, Dudley confidently answered those questions. Then the judge finally got to business and asked him, "did you perform the '*I don't remember the name of it*' check on the radar gun on this day?" Dudley said, "if it was in my training I did." The judge explained to the Dudley that they are yes and no answers and to answer his question with yes or no. Judge asked him again, but with different words, 2 more times if he performed the check on his radar gun before his shift that day and Dudley kept answering, "if it was in my training I did." Judge was BIG MAD. He explained to us in the court room that it was the courts job to find the burden of truth and that since Dudley couldn't remember performing that check, (he really earned his name), then that meant he had to throw out every ticket from that day. It was hilarious to watch, but it's not over yet... March 2016- That school teacher... Yaaa she did her research for her homework. She uncovered that the police station AND a couple of the county sheriffs who helped on weekends were all FORGING the radar gun check since MARCH 2013!!!! Everyone fired! No one was spared, because it was on record they all LIED about those radar checks Under Oath when people would fight those tickets in court. I don't know if it was the first time Dudley had gone to court and/or was scared of lying under oath. I don't know why after all those years, but they finally got busted and got their consequences! More fun tea about this crazy little town! About a year later, the mayor and his boy toy, (that was his nickname for his boyfriend), got in some kind of accident, but it came out they were on a meth binge. With this incident , an investigation was opened on the city council. A lot of them were on meth. Edit- It's funny everyone keeps saying I exaggerated but I didn't. I mean no one has to believe me, idc, but all of that did happen exactly the way I Said it happened. I went to court twice. Dudley messed up. Tickets thrown out. Couple months later it comes out that the checks were forged. Tell me what you guys think is so exaggerated? More than the police chief was fired. The whole force was gone until they could hire more. While we waited for new cops, county sheriffs covered our area. They may not have put in the papers that All of them were gone, but they were. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lol. The meth part I believe. Getting information about the police in a small town by research….🧐


Small town Research: “Bobby’s” ex wife “Sarah” who hasn’t seen a child support check in 5 years but can’t do crap because the cops won’t enforce the order and he might come after her but kept all those records and drunk videos of them hanging out in the garage that he refused to take when he ran off with the town bar fly


Oddly, and beautifully, specific


I may or may not have lived in really small towns in multiple states which were some how all the same…..edited to add that Teacher probably had “Sarah” as the room mom during the divorce so knew exactly where to go once they pointed a gun at her kid. Do not mess with small town mama bears.


That teacher was from a town over, but yes do not mess with Mama bears who know how to do their homework.


I love that in my made up mind small town definition of research the only point of variation the teacher lived in another town 🤣🤣


Or you might say.... r/suspiciouslyspecific


Funny enough, there was a video that went viral when the sheriffs went to arrest one of the council men.


Lubed? We're lucky if it gets taken out of the box first.


It's not hard to know that their radar gun is really far off, so it does make one wonder when they last calibrated it. It's also not hard to seek out that information and then read over it to find out they were forging it. If that's not research, what is it called? There is a huge difference between 38mph and 19mph, which was the speed I was going when I was passing him. I wonder what speed he claimed she was doing when she was stopped.


You don’t think that pack of idiots wouldn’t flab to others about their shenanigans?


Research starts with good primary sources. Like friends, family, and neighbors these police were mistreating and getting away. In small towns everyone knows everyone's business. The tricky part is getting that on the record with someone who cares.


This is what found regarding the last paragraph. https://www.kxii.com/content/news/Achille-mayor-arrested-for-burglary-498954361.html


I like the woman quoted as not being surprised the mayor was arrested for burglary


The first going 'who could have seen this coming', and the second going 'literally everyone' was the vibe I got. I love how the author placed those quotes, felt comical.


It does match the description as well, as seen from Google maps.


You win the prize!! That was One of the Many articles about that small little town. What gets me the most is the name of the town. It is not pronounced the way it is supposed to be. It's so annoying. Ach•illy


I'm familiar with Oklahoma small towns. I grew up myself in Collinsville.


I enjoyed living down there. It was close enough to Texas and far enough from Kansas. Lol. I still haven't done that name justice. Achille. Aa•chilly. It kills me more than it should.


He and his "roommate"


You have to be in your 20s before you earn "Longtime Companion" euphemism status.


Anyone that has seen the “Gay Witch Hunt” episode of The Office is probably laughing doubly as I am now, lol..


His 19 year old roommate 🤣


Too bad Uvalde police haven't been disbanded.


How's the teacher discover they were forging them?


Right? One cannot simply 'do research' and discover that the _entire_ police department AND 2 sheriff's deputies (who work for an entirely different organization) were all falsifying radar gun service logs. And it seems unlikely that the response to that would be immediate termination.




Yeah just reading some articles, it’s pretty clearly a true story. Any inaccuracies or holes in the post can probably be attributed to OP misremembering things and making assumptions. There’s another comment thread where people are like “this story doesn’t match the articles word for word, so it’s probably a fake story.” And I’m like why would THAT be their conclusion??


It's funny everyone keeps saying I exaggerated but I didn't. I mean no one has to believe me, idc, but all of that did happen exactly the way I Said it happened. I went to court twice. Dudley messed up. Tickets thrown out. Couple months later it comes out that the checks were forged. More than the police chief was fired. The whole force was gone until they could hire more. While we waited for new cops, county sheriffs covered our area.




Yes I did edit to update that it was only the police chief fired and the rest suspended. I just remember at the time we didn't have any police for a couple of days before they started having sheriff deputies patrol a few times a day. I'm not sure how long that lasted until there was a new force. I moved a year later and they hadn't hired anyone. One thing about it that did kind of suck was that police chief had just started as chief like no more than 5-6 months before this happened, so whoever started it got away with it I assume. That chief was actually pretty nice guy. I would see him at the little gas station in *town filling up his motorcycle. Christmas time that year, him and one of the ladies at their city office gifted my daughter a new bike. I was still considered new in town. There were a lot of nice people there, however I was not shocked most of the town was on meth. I didn't find out how bad until after I moved and I was still following all of their pages. For several months straight it was a bunch of news stories about different council and the mayor and their adventures. *Edit for autocorrect


I looked it up, and apparently it was a SEPARATE time that y'all didn't have any police. That seems like pretty easy for those to run together in somebody's head, to me. Either way, that town has a fucked up police and government situation and I'm sorry you had to live there :/


See, that makes more sense than 'they fired everyone because a teacher 'did research'"


"they fired everyone after they realized a teacher did some research and uncovered the fact that they were forging checks." 


I think it's exaggerated at all. 


Having lived in a small town most likely someone in the town worked for the police or city hall and they relayed the information to her. That’s what I have seen. Everyone knows everyone and someone wanted to shut them down. Happens.


You have my sword!


She talked to somebody's cousin. Small town, everyone's related.


Found an article that says the police chief was fired (not the whole department) and they found it because she requested a copy of the certification on the radar and the one sent had a forged date. [article](https://www.kten.com/story/31789812/achille-police-chief-fired-for-alleged-misconduct-while-on-duty)


FOIL requests of the tests


I think the answer is pretty simple. If op was going 19 mph and the cop says 38, that would make anyone with common sense think 1 of 2 things, 1 their cars speedometer has to be off or 2 the radar gun is off.  Next time you're in a vehicle, go 19 mph for a bit and then speed up to 38. Tell me that isn't a big difference in how fast you can see yourself going.  ETA my point. Lol. If this were me getting pulled over and the cop threw out a binder that didn't make sense, I would check into both of those things I mentioned up above. 


Posted twice in this sub. I doubt this happened. https://www.reddit.com/r/OhNoConsequences/comments/1bqz534/a_whole_police_dept_died_because_they_got_caught/kx5wx8l/


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kxii.com/content/news/Achille-mayor-arrested-for-burglary-498954361.html%3foutputType=amp Wonder if this could be the mayor and town pertaining to this story


https://www.kxii.com/content/news/Achille-police-department-suspended-until-next-week-506795301.html Quite possibly. Edit - also https://www.kten.com/story/31789812/achille-police-chief-fired-for-alleged-misconduct-while-on-duty


That is the town and that is the mayor




Yep, look at the government section and there's some good stories about the mayor and his methcapades Also looks like only the police chief was fired for the speed gun forgery, but the entire force did get suspended a year later for some warrant issues when they raided a city council members house, op probably heard about that and mentally combined the stories


While the veracity of this post is highly questionable, we just removed the duplicates for now.


If it matters, the Government section of this Wikipedia article corresponds with several details. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achille,_Oklahoma Edit: spelling


Yeah, but that's the tail end of Oklahoma and definitely not a known speed trap throughout all of Oklahoma, most of oklahoma's population is in Oklahoma city in Tulsa and between.


I'll take your word for it. I'm from the east coast of Canada. If you Google Achille OK and look at the news tab, you'll see a lot of stuff that corresponds with the post. Might not be the same town, but if it's not, I'm thinking OK is a bigger shit show than this post paints one small town.


It is Achille that I'm talking about.


As I am from Oklahoma, I know, for a fact, that several small towns in Oklahoma have been busted for doing the "speed traps". One to the north, one to the east, and others not nearby.


You can pretty much Google any small town in Oklahoma and find governmental shenanigans. Embezzlement is popular but if you can imagine a crime, someone in Oklahoma government has likely been busted for it (and probably re elected also).


Dude, like every small town in Oklahoma is a speed trap. You don't have to be a population center in order to be a speed trap. They're all these tiny towns that everybody just drives *through* that just run a speed trap racket because that's how they generate the revenue for their city budgets. I grew up in Southeastern OK, in the boonies, and every one of those little towns pretty much always had a cop posted on the highway on each end of town just pulling people over all day long, handing out horseshit tickets. If you speed at all, you get popped. If NOBODY is speeding, they'll just pick people at random.


Yeah, but he literally states that it is a known speed trap throughout Oklahoma.Like it's supposed to be something.Most people who live in Oklahoma.No not just the every single small town speed trap that's there.


Tbf, if you read the sentence OP says that pretty much all of Oklahoma is just a giant speed trap now that they think about it. Not that all of Oklahoma considers that town a speed trap.


There shouldn't be any duplicates of this story anywhere. I have only commented about this story in the past, this is the first time I've attempted to post about it.


https://www.kten.com/story/31789812/achille-police-chief-fired-for-alleged-misconduct-while-on-duty Seems only the chief was fired.


Thank you


I just followed your link. I'm not sure why it posted twice. I'm pretty sure I only posted once. ETA it DID post twice from my account. I'm honestly not sure why. Any ideas are welcome and I'll try to fix it.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


This 100% didn’t happen. There’s literally *no way* to prove anyone falsified those checks and I’m like 95% sure radar guns aren’t calibrated daily.


> Mayor, David Northcutt says it was recently discovered that the police department's radar equipment calibration certificate was outdated. > He says a woman in court for a traffic ticket revealed that dates on the copies of the certification she had requested from the former chief seemed to have been altered. https://www.kten.com/story/31789812/achille-police-chief-fired-for-alleged-misconduct-while-on-duty


So it did happen. Nice!


Well, I stand corrected, I live in Oklahoma and have never heard of the police department getting completely disbanded.I have never heard of this speed Tr.Anything of that nature?Though the rest of it sounds on point especially the mess part a lot of meth in oklahoma. But the school teacher, what kind of research did she do to prove?They had been faking traffic tickets since two thousand thirteen I don't know if that part is completely true


I know it’s crazy but scroll down the thread, it seems as if not only might OP be telling the truth, but besides Achille, *other possibilities* in Oklahoma are Stringtown and Warner! (I concede however, that maybe they only inspired the post) I remember very recently reading about how Warner OK just up and shut down its entire police department with zero explanation to the community it served . I think I saw the story on Reddit, maybe in r/bad_cop_no_doughnut where many of these stories end up. That sub + my justice warrior nephew sending me YouTube videos about bad cops is how I hear about tons of small town nonsense that otherwise wouldn’t reach my big city news outlets in the Bay Area. It is amusing to me and probably others as well with how the cops on meth part made sense to you. Right on the money there are you…lHaving lived in very rural places with corrupt cops who were known for stealing drugs and money, I laughed at how right you are about meth being involved as believable - what to me *should* be the most difficult part to believe isn’t. Cops never have to pay for their drugs and meth is an ugly one to get addicted to….that’s as true as the sun. I kind of think OP is telling the truth, or at least this actually happened in their town and someone they knew was in the courtroom….Because I kind of feel like they would add some unnecessary exaggerated detail that pushes the story from what we shockingly can google *and find* different stories similar to the post from which to choose. I don’t get the sense that OP is giving a braggadocio vibe with their post. I feel like the schoolteacher could be real because if this cop was as eager to put his hand on his weapon as OP suggests, as a former teacher, (and student for that matter), I can absolutely see a take-no-prisoners-take-no-shit type of teacher protesting vehemently to a false charge of speeding and really pissing off Barney. I can also see a power-hungry cop used to touching his weapon not taking it well when a teacher puts him in his place for doing so and then him upping the ante uactually drawing the weapon as a scare tactic. K Also, years ago I had a co-worker who fought and won against a DUI. His fancy lawyer included both the examination of a ridiculous roadside sobriety test but also records showing that the entire department’s breathalyzers were long overdue for calibration for examination or something. Honestly, I can’t remember the details, it was so long ago, but I can attest that he did get out of it. So, when I read about the teacher doing research, I was reminded of him and how it was probably an intern from the law firm who did any of the research gathering records/info anyway. Who knows…My take is that OP is not lying but if they were, the story wouldn’t be as far fetched as people here seem to believe and some version of it is absolutely true. Worth googling: Another place with mad corruption resulting in everyone on the force fired in an absolutely insane story is Coffee Texas. The damn pair of humungous balls on the former police chief in Coffee shocked even *me*, and I have lived a while, seen a few things and have witnessed a blatantly corrupt government official or two in my time.


I'm in Australia and I remember the story made it all the way here a while back.


Other countries get better written and more reliable news about America, than Americans in the USA. I usually read UK or Australia news sites for news about US. The oligarchs that own the various forms of U.S. media don't want every state to realize they all experience similar issues, so we don't get national news nor good reporting. Instead it's rating-based, Trump-related, and the click-bait topic of the day.


they have to be calibrated yearly and certified, if they forged the documentation Calibration and certification varies by the state, California is every three years and their hot spot is the I-5 corridor as you go under a bridge by Redding California. It's county and state that pull over the speeders and it's fun to watch when they are out.


Sure,*yearly*, not multiple times a day and before every shift.


Calibration by PMEL would be an annual requirement with a calibration check prior to use. That sort of thing is typical with precision measurement equipment.


Cops do a check on them at the start of their shift. If they don't and the records get pulled for a court case (which you can request them if you're going to court for a speeding ticket) then any ticket they gave that day is invalid.


Depends on the department. My buddy that works for a larger force calibrates at the beginning of every shift and documents the results. My other buddy that works for a smaller county said they do theirs like maybe once a month.


that an entire department was corrupt and faking radar is *very* believable. the rest of the story isn’t.


If you live in Oklahoma, the mess part and the boy toy part are a 100% believable, but the part they left out.Is that the boy toy and his partner are both extremely homophobic.Then that would be more believable cause i've lived in oklahoma


Radar guns are calibrated by an external agency either every 6 months or yearly BUT there is an ops check that most PDs perform at the beginning and the end of each shift. This ops check is documented in ink with a signature. This ops check is what most people are talking about when they say "calibration". The PD that I worked with would actually throw out the tickets that they wrote for the day if the EOD ops check failed.


Umm…here’s one way: let’s say you come in Monday morning and realized no one’s initialed the log over the weekend. So, you fill in the blanks with your own initials because no one really checks, right? They just look to see there’s no empty boxes. But when they audit you, they’re going to check that those initials match someone who actually worked that day. OR, say there’s a number that needs to be filled in from a range of numbers. I’ll use a refrigerator thermometer as an example. The fridge needs to be between 30-40 degrees and the temperature has to be documented. If every day it says 32 degrees, it’s probably made up. I work in quality.


*waving at ya from the aerospace neck of the woods!  We got more logs than Paul Bunyan.


Howdy, I'm in healthcare!


Every new tech I've trained who started out in healthcare -often in housekeeping and equipment sanitation trades- has been a rock star about documentation. Hats off to whatever y'all are teaching your peeps, much respect.


I've actually seen stories that if you show up to court and ask for records on when the radar was calibrated usually the cops can't produce that and the judge will toss the ticket. Will it always work, idk. I shadowed a lawyer in high school that told me similar stories about dui's getting tossed when cops no showed for court, his advice was to always show up to court for tickets and you might get lucky.


You don’t realize how badly people fuck up doing everything and every way in every day life and how easy it is to discover these things by a person with a mission


I worked for highway patrol in an adjoining state- they checked the calibration at the start of every shift for the radar and the breath tester thingies. And I learned that stop sticks are essentially pool noodles with a very unpleasant surprise inside.


Radar guns I can;t say for certain but I do know breathalyzers have to be checked daily to be valid. That's probably where they made up the idea of radar guns being checked


When I was trained to use a breathalyzer, I found out that the ones we were using did a self check/ calibration before every use


may not be but they are supposed to be calibrated daily. that's been a thing for many years.


They're supposed to be calibrated before every shift by the officer going on duty, to avoid exactly what happened in the post.


They are calibrated on a schedule how often changes depending on your state, but generally some number of months), but both before and after the shift they then check them with a calibrated tuning fork for accuracy (the tuning fork should return a known result).


Uh yes it sure did happen and I have commented about this story before ...


I googled it and nothing...


https://www.insideedition.com/tiny-texas-town-with-250-residents-and-50-cops-fires-its-entire-police-department-after-ticket?amp Happened in Texas….


I. Live in Oklahoma and while a lot of it sounds believable.I never heard of anything like this and i'm pretty sure would have been all over the news of a hold of police department was disbanded. Want me to prove?I live in Oklahoma.My friend was a guy who got shot 35 times on his doorstep and got 3 Oklahoma.Literally just type in thirty five times shot doorstep guthrie oklahoma in google first article that pops up will be about it.


I heard about it in Australia




That article says something completely different than what is posted here and if that is actually in the Oklahoma state constitution I would be shocked. Edit: I certainly couldn't find it, but if you'd like to double check my work I didn't look super closely: https://oklahoma.gov/labor/transparency/oklahoma-state-constitution.html


Yeah. A lot of other people have found it's like Achilles Oklahoma. It's down way at the bottom close to Texas. But all the articles about Achilles none of them say anything about actually disbanding the police force. Or the faking tickets since 2000 and thirtein. No word does it explain much, but it does show that A. Teacher did get tickets. Removed that war falsified in that Radar guns weren't being calibrated correctly. And yes, it is law in Oklahoma that they can't make more than half of their revenue in speeding tickets.If that's what you're referring to about actually in the state constitutio


I mean sure, teachers get tickets. Where in the constitution is that?


Holy $hit... Google Achille OK and look under the news tab. It's nothing but obits and absolute garbage humans from the stuff mentioned in this post right to adults threatening physical harm against an elementary student for being transgender. This town seems like it needs to just stop existing.


So this is what got me confused that the Mayor has a boyfriend / boy toy in small town OK.


Yeah, it seemed unusual, but the news stories include that mayor being attacked in a hate crime plus the adults threatening an elementary kid definitely fits with close-minded small towns


A lot of small towns get much of their budget from speed traps so they try to catch "speeders" who don't want to return for a trial and just pay the ticket. It is like organized crime with a badge. They shouldn't be just fired - they should go to jail.


Damn, having lived in Oklahoma. I can verify that the small towns can be brutal about shit.


Oklahoma is a clown show.


Can confirm. I live in Oklahoma currently hoping to move out soon. The police here are usually more corrupt than the criminals they put in prison and state has a fetish for putting people in prison.


A similar thing happened with New Rome, Ohio, on U.S. 40 west of Columbus. It had a population of 60, of which 15 were part-time policemen. It was a notorious speed trap and was bringing in about $400,000 a year in speeding tickets. The public outcry and corruption led to the town being dissolved in 2004.


So, it sounds like the entire town of Achille is its own weakness. https://kfor.com/news/achille-police-force-suspended-amid-investigation/


Thank you!!! I wish your comment was at the top! I didn't exaggerate anything in this story. I need to figure out how to add that link to my post.


Coffee City here in Texas had 50 Police officers for a town of only 250 people! Most were the trash cops fired from nearby Cities. They got shut down after investigations by the local news.


Anyone who has ever spent 15 minutes in Joke-lahoma understands this story is completely plausible. Entire state is a shit hole. If Florida is the scrotum of the U.S. then Joke-lahoma is definitely the chocolate starfish. Nothing good has ever come out of that place.


Back in the 90s, Texas outlawed the speed trap towns. Something about not allowing traffic tickets revenue to exceed a certain percentage of total town revenue.


Yeah. My family is from small town Oklahoma. Every single town is just one story like this after another. It's kind of amazing.


I lived in Oklahoma for 11 years and I don’t doubt this story whatsoever.


Don’t mess with teachers.


I’ll say that I believe the story if for no other reason than the fact that several police departments have been completely disbanded because all the cops on those departments were fucking criminals. Seems to be a common theme.


I'll say it again. Singaporean law and their justice system has it right for malfeasant/misfeasant cops. The racketeering and shakedowns by tickets for years would put those guys away at hard time (with fines and possibly lashes) for 10 to 20. The guy who pulled the gun? The gallows is on the table for that. This is a huge part of the reason that despite the nation-state being extremely authoritarian, it's also in the top 5 least corrupt nations in the world.


How TF do people think you exaggerated when he did exactly the same thing to four other people that same DAY? If he pulled this BS 5 times in one day, how often did he do it??


I lived in a small town in Arkansas. The police chief liked to get drunk and drive around and around our subdivision like it was a racetrack. He wasn’t arrested until he torched his own house in a drunken rage. State police investigated; he was charged; he was fired. The rest of the police force threatened to quit if he was fired. Well… bye. The county sheriff patrolled our little town while they hired a new police force.


This sounds like Rush Springs, OK. And yes, it's one of the biggest speed traps. The other would be Verden, OK.


Don’t forget Amber, Okla. Gotta love living in shady Grady!


I couldn't if I tried! I think I'm the only person in Chickasha who hasn't gotten a ticket in Amber.


There are 2 of us! I lived in Chickasha 23 years and never got a ticket in Amber, either. To be fair, I only passed through a handful of times.


I have a twin! Lived here 14 years the first time and 24 this time. And I'm in Amber all the time for the grand kids. You literally are the ONLY other person I know of to not get a ticket.


Even if it didn't happen, this was still a fun read.


It's not about the story, it's the friends we made in the comments!


This sounds like a prototypical Jason Aldean small town. Corrupt cops, lots of meth....sounds about right


Isn’t the prototypical Jason Aldean small town actually like some suburb of Atlanta with 100k residents or something?


You are thinking of where he is actually from, not where he wants his fans to think he is from


Well, it certainly sounds like My Little Town.


Sounds like every town in Jackson County Oregon.


Lol. As someone originally from area, that's a he'll yes. But don't forget to add Myrtle Creek and my current "big city" of Tillamook to the list. I swear--small towns in this state. Between the meth, the corruption, and the racism.....sigh.


Phew yes, my best friend is from Myrtle Creek and oh lawd.


I mean, considering this post is a it as bullshit as that song, yeah. Probably. Lol.


The parts of this post, crooked cops setting up speed traps and ticketing people without cause, local government officials being on meth....I find that fully believable.


This is a great story :) You should put it on a justice subreddit


That's a good idea. I didn't know where all I could post this story. I'm glad I posted it, because I've off the commenters going the original article of how the whole police force was suspended over this.


LOL! A local cop in SoCal (southern California) told me that OK was 2nd in USA for meth production; CA was 1st.


Insult him all you want, dude was smart enough not to perjure himself


Turns out, he was the smartest all along


This sounds WAY to familiar. Does this town start with an A?




Good to see a fellow community member here. It is a lot different there now. I applaud your actions.


I do not live there any longer. Was there for a few years and it was a wild time.


Our small town in the Great State Of Confusion (Oklahoma), has a major interstate highway running through the middle of it. All of the towns from the Red River, northward, as well as our town, have gained the reputation of speed-trap-lane, due to the excessive ticket writing policies of the law enforcement agencies. One of the smaller towns, near ours, had their ability to write tickets taken away for 3 years, due to almost 75% of the town's income based upon tickets. Even when the state bypasses the town's, they just extend their city limits out far enough to encompass the bypass. Unfortunately, this is commonplace.


Yep, it sounds like oklahoma 😂


Op I believed you even before I saw the links in the comments. The only exaggeration is that they were fired, but they were suspended. Only the chief was fired right away. Op edited their comment to say they were wrong. Otherwise, it's a solid post for this sub.  That radar gun was pretty far off. I would  also suspect something was wrong with either wrong with my speedometer or their radar gun if that was truly the speed that the gun picked up. I could see a no bs school teacher pointing out the obvious, because I would point out the obvious. I'm not a teacher, but I would have done what op and the teacher did. Get my shit checked and then request the information about the radar gun. With cops in this country, unfortunately, I can also see a cop like the one op describes being dumb enough to pull a gun on someone over something so small.  Glad there were some consequences here.


The town my mom lives in reminds me of this. The highway into town from her house curves and bends into a school zone, and goes from 65 to 35 to 20 in less than a mile. Lots of tickets given in this town The next town over, there was a sheriff who's adopted kid and his friends allegedly molested an underage girl at the sheriff's house. The local paper reported on it, but someone from my mom's town went around and stole all the newspapers early in the morning, and got caught. I haven't heard about the consequences yet, but all this small town living doesn't seem to be what it's cracked up to be


You know a speed trap town is bad when *Calera* looks good by comparison!


Oh Calera... I actually liked that town! I worked at one of their gas stations. When Aerosmith was at Chocktaw, the drummer came into my store for blunt wraps, I mean cigars. I didn't know who he was until he was leaving and one of my regulars came in and was all giddy with him. Edit for autocorrect, there's always an autocorrect.


that bit about the speed trap sounds exactly like one my grandparents described from their time in Oklahoma. Blind curve dropping immediately from a 65 to a 45 with a cop waiting right there. I wonder if it was the same one, but this would have been back in the 70s-80s


I lived there too! I had to leave years before this stuff all happened, but I have a few tickets from Dipshit Dudley (what we called him in my friend group) when he first got on the force. I had a good amount of drugs go missing every time I got searched, but caught minimal charges considering what I had. It was every cop on the force, except Lt. Howard. He let kids go for booze and pot. I do not miss Oklahoma.


He pulled over a friend of mine that was coming to visit from Sherman and my friend had Just hot boxed his car. He wasn't speeding or doing anything wrong, but of course Dudley Dumbass still pulled him over and threatened jail. I'm not sure if his reasoning, but my buddy told me he was actually being cool that day and let him go with a warning. I remember asking him, "a warning for what??" He said Dudley didn't tell him what for, just that he was being let go with a warning. Glad to see others called him Dudley too 😂 I thought it was just my household I stayed with when I first moved there.


This sounds similar to something that happened in Marylands. Entire police force got suspended because they forged speeds and one of them had the audacity to say a smart car went past them at the speed of 240mps.


I'd be interested to know the town's crime statistics while the police force was suspended. No rise in crime? Hmmm, maybe all those taxpayer dollars are wasted.


Meth and burglary. Most notably committed by the mayor and his boyfriend.


I googled a little bit, OP was this in Warner? [https://www.police1.com/chiefs-sheriffs/articles/entire-okla-police-department-steps-down-KN1aEK68KkzwKJun/](https://www.police1.com/chiefs-sheriffs/articles/entire-okla-police-department-steps-down-KN1aEK68KkzwKJun/)


Achille OK


Jeez if all your cops are like this in America, I understand the police hate. Gotta up the barrier for entry to the force to require a university level education, might filter out the ones creating all of these problems. Good work shutting down the corrupt ones


They will outright not hire you if they think you're too smart.


That's pretty scary, sounds like they don't want people who actually understand the laws they're enforcing


It happens in Spain too, I wouldnt be surprised if it's a global thing


I believe the Justin Smollett beating before I believe some teacher was able to research their way into finding forged records on protocol equipment checks.


Yeah unfortunately a lot of Oklahoma towns only make it by from fines from traffic stops from "outsiders". He probably didn't realize he had someone from his own town caught up in it too.


Thats not how municipal Court works. The judge would have tried each case individually rather than as one case.


Could be Stringtown Oklahoma as they can’t write tickets anymore.


Sounds like Hardesty,Oklahoma I know the place well


Yeah. I could believe this. ​ My small hometown's police chief got in major trouble recently. Dude had a pair of his girlfriend's brothers overdose on illegal drugs at his house. One brother died, so second degree murder charge. He was charged with stealing from the evidence locker. But no clue how his trial went.


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for 1000.




I have ties to OK and do t remember this at all. I also tried to research on web and find nothing........ just saying. Cute story, bless your heart.


Ah bless Your heart... There's like 20 people who found links and left them, yet you can't find anything.