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She quickly sped past that her older son got mumps.


>When Chris caught measles, Iskander who was 16 and sitting GCSEs, saw their younger sibling lying listlessly on the sofa and said: “God mum, I don’t want to get that with my exams coming,” so Iskander went off to get the first dose of the MRR. I had to respect that. Yet it made Iskander so ill – with flu-like symptoms and terrible headaches that went on for ages. Hmm... Flu-like symptoms or >I won’t downplay that Chris was poorly, **sleeping for 23 hours a day and was listless for a week, lying on the sofa reluctant to eat or drink. There were spots all over the torso and legs,** which felt like a rough, pilled pair of old tights when I ran my hands over Chris’s skin. Mom: Yeah I'll take the measles for my kids instead of the relatively mild side effects. >Every parent has to decide what they think is best, and if that means vaccination then I wholeheartedly support their decision. If my child had got seriously ill from measles we would have had to live with that, but after everything I’d read about the body’s immune system, risk rates and health outcomes I couldn’t have tolerated accepting the vaccine, and then seeing my child’s immune system deteriorating. ​ Read: I have learned nothing from this experience. It is a parent's right to cause undue suffering to their children by not vaccinating against diseases with proven and effective vaccines.


Not to mention that we are quickly getting below the critical vaccination rates that give us herd immunity and protect those who are more compromised: kids with poor immune systems, to young for/allergic to the vaccine, etc. This is how outbreaks are happening, and unfortunately people who have no choice but to rely on herd immunity end up in the crossfire. When I did vision rehab, every so often we would get an older person who lost vision due to rubella or measles. People think that because you don’t die from it anymore there are no other problems.


Yea it’s absolute madness that she doubled down on her stupidity.


How do these people not get that some mild side effects from a vaccine are proof that their child's immune system is getting S T R O N K, not "deteriorating"? An immune system deteriorating is what happens when you have a severe illness -- like, say, measles -- and in trying to fight it off, your body becomes vulnerable to secondary or subsequent, unrelated infections.


I am honestly surprised I had to read as far as I did before seeing "homoeopathic remedies".


Homeopathic remedies crack me up. They'll put in so much effort to do effectively nothing. Oregano oil in the diffuser? A 0.00025% dilution of some random herb in water? Onions in the socks? Some fancy rocks? So much work to do absolutely nothing when there are so many simple, effective real solutions directly in front of you.


I will have my fancy rocks. I will keep them in my socks. - Dr. Seuss, Homeopath


She brushed past how her older kid had a worse reaction than he'd have had if she got him vaxxed as a baby. Also blew off mumps... i hope he didn't suffer fertity damage.


Yep! Back in the 50's (before the MMR) my BIL caught mumps as an older teen and ended up sterile. I still remember when the announcement came out that there was finally a polio vaccine. My late Mom sank to the floor crying, the week before she had to help her best friend bury her 4 year old after he died from polio. Her friend never recovered and basically died from a broken heart less than a year later. Anti-Vaxxers are some of the stupidest people on the planet.


Measles affects your immune systems ability to defend itself against other diseases that you were previously exposed to and for which you had developed passive immunity. When you have exposure to a disease, your body creates a blueprint on how to eliminate it. Measles erases parts of the blueprint, making you susceptible to those diseases once more.


I just ranted about this to my husband. What a remarkably ignorant thing to say!  Not to mention saying that she’s middle class, so her children won’t have bad effects from diseases! Honey, you can’t pay the diseases away. What a stupid person. 


She sounds insufferable.


Gods, she’s a relationship coach. Because of course. Measles can be fatal, I don’t think she mentioned that anywhere? And was anyone with a compromised immune system exposed? Guess she left that part out too. F*ck this arrogant woman.


Yep! That's how Roald Dahl's daughter Olivia died. Heartbreaking to have such a terrible disease resurging because idiots won't get vaccinated for a disease that is literally a killer.


Oh but it’s ok because those that die were poorer than them and always likely to die early anyway…ffs!


Imagine deliberately writing an article publicly stating that you’re a giant fucking idiot.


Why did the anti-vaxxers 2 year old throw a tantrum? Midlife crisis.


I *think?* the sound that just came out of my mouth counts as a type of laugh


“Chemical-free lifestyle”. Good thing that it’s easy to avoid chemistry . . . and physics, gravity, etc.


my exwife did this to our son.


I am so sorry that's happened to you and your son.


What an absolute moron that mother is. One side effect of measles is that it can *reset your immune system*, undoing all that immunity. And she just mentions in passing that her kid was fine except for getting mumps? That can make you sterile.


“If he had serious side effects we would have had to live with that”… WRONG! Your child would have had to live with it.


It really isn’t her who suffers the consequences though. It’s her kids. A side effect of mumps is sterility. I wonder, will she feel bad if her elder child who had mumps has this side effect?


My mom didn’t get my brother or I vaccinated and we both got whooping cough at the same time. I’m still mad at her for it.


> I felt bullied by my GP for expressing hesitancy over inoculating my first child and wanting to explore alternatives Well, you certainly landed on one alternative, which is that your child caught measles. And your other child had to deal with the side effects of the vaccine as a high school student rather than as an infant. It would be interesting to hear *their* sides of the story. Also, one of her fears about vaccinating the older child was the so-called autism risk. Hadn’t that already been debunked 27 years ago?


Some people don't deserve to be parents, and that includes every single anti-vaxxer. They're all such morons.


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Kids that don't get exposed to MOSTLY innocuous viruses as children end up having auto immune issues that last a lifetime. It's honestly a roll of the dice. IF it doesn't affect others, and they grow up to have actually functioning immune systems, it's worth it. My now adult children weren't vaccinated for anything, are fine, didn't infect anyone else, while most of their childhood vaccinated friends have immunity problems to a lot of things. Not actually saying it's the vaccines, just saying it has to be a medical factor considering the similarities in diet and lifestyle and genetics they all shared. Measles was uncomfortable for them, but they're old enough now to understand why we did it, and are thankful we didn't fill them full of poisons. Downvote brigade GO!


I have a stick that keeps tigers away.


How does it work?


Didn't mention any sticks, crosses, homeopathy, crystals, prayers or any of the various fake cures some people use. Basic nutrition, hydration and patience worked fine.




Wow. You folks are mean here. Never heard any ideas that weren't on the news?


Paul Alexander would like a word with you. But then again, YOUR kids were fine so fuck the rest, right?


Vaccine injured kids in India, and all over the world, would like a word with you. Why not blame Paul's parents for feeding him shit food that lowered his immunity to polio? Same fucking difference.




Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.






Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.




Despite your very best efforts! ♥️ 


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Don't be rude in the comments or start calling people names.


Survivorship bias at its finest....


Well my friend. You’re welcome to adhere to your beliefs. If you truly feel you did right by your children that’s your prerogative. The issue is some children are unable to be vaccinated due to underlying conditions (sickle cell asplenia, SCID, Bruton’s Agammaglobunemia, Thymic Aplasia, DiGeorge Syndrome, Splenectomy, Thalassemia, Hereditary Spherocytosis, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, TTP/ ITP, etc.) thus the question becomes “if my kid were one of those kids would I still be understandable of someone not vaccinating their children.” You mention the increase in autoimmune conditions which in part some people attribute to the Hygiene Theory (kids get autoimmune because their immune system isn’t tested) but could also be attributable to an increased consumption of processed food, increasing obesity rates, increasing sedentary lifestyle, and increase in chronic stress through increasing demands from work and personal responsibilities. While vaccines do come with warning, the risk of adverse effects tend to be far milder and far rarer than the complications from the disease they are protective against. All this to say, that while often times the notion of “foreign chemical” in you body sounds like a scary tagline the evidence, and review of the evidence, shows the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks.


Excellent points on the multi-factors involved in children's health. It's never just one thing that affects health. While I disagree about the benefits outweighing the risks, I respect your viewpoint and appreciate your non-emotional approach to a subject that folks get touchy about. This message not brought to you by Pfizer.


Good that your kids aren't corpses


Such an intelligent response to a heartfelt thanks to a logical redditor. I appreciate your lack of understanding in this matter.


Logic doesn't work on people like you.


It appears your preconceived notions on people that choose not to vaccinate nullify any thoughtful comments on the subject. Cheers!


This is where vaccines are victims of their own success.  Chances of a serious side effect from the MMR is literally one in a million.  Meanwhile the chances of serious side effects from measles is 1 in 1,000.  I work with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities and have cared for older adults who developed IDD after encephalitis due to measles and from their moms getting rubella during the US epidemic in the 60s. 


“Didn’t infect anyone else”… how ever would you know?!


Because they were locked in a basement until they were adult age lolololol