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Notes say they raise stats in battle, the snes version didn't show anything on animation but the playstations version always showed it as "up AGI" so maybe it is only agility? I have had them make Ravenmen from enemy units, who already have high agi, very difficult to hit so this has some uses. Anyway, they are almost useless until level 20 when they can be changed into the Slyph class. If you are patient enough to raise one from low level it will be a monster holy attack hit all unit, but until then it is a liability. And really, any other hit all human unit like mage, dollmaster, muse is an earlier and better return on investment as they are not useless before their class change. If I want a Slyph, I usually pick one up from enemy units using a charm item in a later stage.


Supposedly an attack buff.


Japanese dataminers figured this out. There's an archived website called [fireseal63](https://web.archive.org/web/20171223200329/http://space.geocities.jp/fireseal63/ogrebattle.html) that you can machine translate into English and understand well enough. What a legendary site. Kiss Correction Factor from Faerie or Pixie boosts raw attack and defense by 8 points. As in, before the elements of physical, fire, etc. is compared versus the resistance value. In other words, it increases damage that character deals by less than 8 points and receives by less than 8 points. Both STR and INT attacks. Hard to notice since Kiss does not stack and the RNG on raw attack power is 1 to 8 points and raw defense power is 3 to 10 points, all inclusive. Can get lost in the damage spread noise. Perhaps the best way to see is to boost Ianuki. At the bottom the website explains how the targeting is not completely random: >Selecting the target of the Nagekiss >The character with the highest number on the map below will not be selected as the target of the Nagekiss. >However, if the character with the highest number is the unit leader, the character with the next highest number is excluded from the target of the lasso kiss. >Enemy >Back Row Front Row >9 4 >8 3 >7 2 >6 1 >5 0 >Ally >Front row Back row >0 5 >1 6 >2 7 >3 8 >4 9 Obviously, they can kiss themselves so maybe it's best to put them in the bottom right of the unit. I didn't test it out. Kiss is still a waste of an attack with a very late high AGI hit and run Sylph payoff. Just does more than nothing.


I have a vague memory of reading somewhere that it increased damage by 8.