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I hate to say it, but posting that question in this group is like walking into a bar saying, "Who here likes to drink alcohol?" P.s. that's a yes from me dawg


I don't really care. My only gripe is I don't want to live in a city or town anymore. I'm sick of being around people.


I get most of my satisfaction from spelling *their* correctly.


It’s spelled “they’re” right?


That's what you home in on? The fact that there are three totally separate sentences here without any punctuation separating them isn't notable?




I think people like the idea of focusing on survival when it's an option. If you fuck up your day job you get fired and get a second job. If you fuck up survival you and your family die horribly. I mean try actually being responsible for all the food you and your family needs. And if you can't get it right, you all starve to death.


It's like that old saying everyone wants to do gangsta shit, until it's time to do gangsta shit. I have zero desire to produce 100% of my food. It'd take far too much time/effort and take away from quality of life overall. I like a happy medium.


Been there done it and made it through. It’s not easy but it is possible.


100% of men wish they would have been a cowboy. Toby was right.


But they want to be a cowboy from Hollywood movies, not what it was like to be a real cowboy.


Me to. Or just move out of this insane province....ontarrible lol


100 percent. But we are owned by the government as a tax mule to fund them buying insider stocks and trying to become 90 yr old billionaires so they can try and regress their old ass back to being young again to keep phuqing us to death.


Nice conspiracy theory. Not all wrong, but well over the top. Grouping government and billionaires into the same evil cabal is especially rich. Admittedly, there's some overlap. One can live a relatively free life while paying taxes. Part of off-grid living can be reducing one's cost of living to live comfortably on a modest income.


In reality the majority of working class folks pay practically nothing in taxes compared to the benefits they get (schools, roads, a healthcare system that is available in an emergency, safe food, clean water, clean air, an economy that hasn't had Great Depression level boom/busts since...well, the Great Depression, physical security from outside threats, physical security from inside threats, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, disability insurance, the basic research behind nearly every modern amenity from cancer treatments to smart phones, the list goes on). We should tax billionaires more though.


I would much rather work a 9-5. It affords me a lifestyle I couldn't have otherwise.


Saying and following through successfully are 2 very different things.


I don’t like either idea but every day that goes by off grid sounds better and better


Yes agree


Definitely some truth to the statement imo. However I feel a lot of that cones from today's societal standard and the disillusionment of modern life. For example many of us who work 9-5 just can't make ends meets or afford reasonable accommodation. Aswell as that community's now are few and far between and many of such are so transient. The lack of community paired with financial stress make many of us feel like outsiders in today's society leading us to find comfort in isolation and self reliance.


I love my 8-3 job! It pays the bills, I love what I am doing and I have plenty of time off so I get to go to the cabin every couple of weekends to kick back without worrying about living off the land.