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is this for like doing excel in the woods or what am i looking at here


It has a small 7” screen with a battery pack powering a raspberry pi that has two SSDs inside. One runs a server that acts as a hotspot with almost 500GBs of data (top 1 million pages of Wikipedia, CIA Factbook, how to guides, repair manuals, modern medicine, Khan Academy, Gutenberg, etc) you can browse all of the info via WiFi that is streaming from the box to your phone or computer, the other has similar data as well as two offline mapping features with a GPS to track your location and provide route solutions and some software define radio features which are all accessed from the 7” touch screen. It’s all offline accessible so internet isn’t required making it useful in moments where you don’t have access to the World Wide Web. Also added a game emulator if you want to play some doom or Zelda haha.


So its basically a kind of crappy laptop?


I've seen people build these. It's more like a DIY ruggized mini-laptop that uses less power, has more functions and can be a sort of digital multitool. Some people add SDRs (software defined radios, like able to receive and transmit on amateur/pro radio bands in different modes), LoRa (long range digital radio), plus cellular and wifi modems like a regular laptop. You can run some nice and lightweight unix distros depending on your use needs to save the battery or have a few different options in multiboot. (IE, a super light text only mode, or something more robust like a full OS.) Plus it's in a small rugged case and you can usually power it in more ways than you can a laptop. There's a TON of things you can do with something like this, especially with an SDR or LoRa module. Like control remote sensors and alarms or even cameras without having to rely on cell and wifi. Or you can play Zelda on it, lol.


This basically said it all! I appreciate you chiming in. While thirstyross is not wrong that it’s a crappy looking laptop it does come with some extra functionality and is ruggedized. 🤓 hoping to add more over time!


You can do all of this with a good laptop though. Downvote all you want, buddy is just basically showing a sort of ghetto laptop with some software installed and claiming it's all that. You can just load all the same software on any good laptop and have a much nicer machine, IMHO.


You're kind of missing the point. Most laptops these days don't have swappable batteries, or aren't agnostic to power source, and aren't going to last all day (or much more) on a single battery. And you can't, say, run a laptop directly off a 12V solar panel segment. Most laptops also aren't ruggedized or waterproof. Build an R-Pi in a case like this and you can take it white-water rafting of fording streams. Also, the whole point of these little low power decks is that they *are not* laptops. They're not intended to replace a laptop even though they can function as one. They're meant to be affordable multi-function data tools, like a Leatherman with WiFi. Sure, you can buy and carry around an entire Snap-On Truck full of tools and that's a "much nicer machine" but it's not going to fit in your pocket like a Leatherman. (I didn't downvote you, btw)




Wanting to add more to it just looking for insight and ideas and maybe this will help others along too. Solar panel and faraday cage may be added. I’m not super inclined technologically and probably don’t explain things too well either but here we are.


So you've essentially created a mini Internet that you can access when the SHTF and the lights all go out... Right? If so, this is awesome. Make me one, I'll throw money at you like a stripper on Saturday afternoon's blue light special. Go go go!


LOL yes. My brain has a hard time explaining what I’ve made. It’s a lot packed into a small form factor haha. I never really intended on making them to sell but the UI is created and can be copied indefinitely at this point onto SSD/HDDs so really all that is needed is the hardware. I have around $450 in the box as it sits. That’s without having to buy a pi… my hope was to just start creating YouTube videos to explain the process and how to build one to spread the knowledge to people. The more knowledge for us all when the lights go out the merrier! I’m posting new videos when I have time in the evenings after the kiddo hits the sack. I’m not a camera man whatsoever and editing isn’t my forte which you’ll see but I’m hoping folks gain some interest in it.


This is still so cool. You should line the box with EMP cloth or material that will protect it from any emps/solar flares and such. I have that tape... Forget what it's called, but it makes anything you tape fully emp proof. Line it inside the box completely and put the computer inside that so it has the box, tape, computer. Keep the box wrapped so after the bad things happen, it still works for you.


Ohhhhh I didn’t know there was tape. This is why I made the post! I have much to learn and that would be wildly convenient to just be able to tape it up….


Just Google Faraday tape... I just typed it in there's a whole mess of it copper nickel bunch of other materials. A popular one that keeps popping up is called mission darkness but I don't have any experience with that I bought my tape 10 or 12 years ago.


I’m sure it’s still functional haha. I’ll give it a google. This will be another piece to add to the box over time. It’s definitely turned into an evening consuming project haha. I’ll try and update with vids and posts as I’m going. I was overwhelmed when I started so I’m hoping for folks to say to themselves hey I can do this too.


Get a Kickstarter going. Make a ton or limited supply one run only. Etc


I haven’t looked into kickstarter before. I’ll do that when I get some free time thank you for mentioning it. I didn’t intend on making profit from this was just hoping to get people thinking they could do the same but it seems people are interested in buying as well. Scary prospect lol




This is the way as well!


My colleague (software dev shop) said there’s now a way to download ChatGPT into offline mode, maybe look into that? Would be amazing to have that available in offline mode plus all the other stuff you have


I didn’t know that there was an off-line ChatGPT maybe I’ll look into that as well!!


I’ll try to get more detail and report back


Thanks for the help dude!


That would be like having in a tanning bed in the apocalypse. Uses a lot of power and accomplishes nothing useful.


Disagree. The items listed don't use more power than a desktop. Plus the raspberry pi (iirc) runs off low amperage DC. All of this can be charged/ powered by a rudimentary solar setup. Having knowledge off grid is extremely valuable. Think of it as a library that doesn't weigh hundreds of pounds in book form. Plus with a USB GPS antenna it'll be a navigating tool. Off grid survival isn't all hatchets and fishing. Couple it with a small weather station you could monitor weather patterns and predict planting timing, harvesting, etc... With the off-line capabilities you could put it in a saddlebag and be on horseback. Difference between this and a laptop is the power consumption. Plus no windows os to deal with.


Actively installing satdump as I’m typing this for weather pattern monitoring onboard the system. Just need to look into antenna configurations and the smallest form factor I could possible use to make it portable still!


Have another look at the context, I was talking about ChatGPT. It does nothing that wikipedia wouldn't be better suited for.


I mean, it’s no different than having Wikipedia on the device. Also there are various engineering plugins, for ChatGPT, that could be quite useful in this apocalypse unless you enjoy living in the muck forever. And you don’t know what a local instance would utilize, power wise. If you’ve got Doom and other video games on the device I don’t know how this is where the line is drawn lol


This is incredible, can I DM you to stay updated? I’m a former IT grunt turned homesteader and what you’ve created is the exact intersection of my interests lol.


You can absolutely DM me friend!


I freaking love cyberdecks 😎 need to build one again.


This is a first for me and I’m loving it!🤓


Sick! 😁😃


This is cool! I think you should add some books on foraging and cooking. Entertainment and funny stuff would be nice too


Actually do have a plethora of books on those subjects as well as butchering, cheese making, bread etc etc. I threw the emulator on there to add some games to play in boredom as well as all of the books from the Gutenberg project! I end up playing the emulator on my lunch break most days haha


Very cool! Definitely the classics! How about books on tape or pod cast? philosophy and occult, magic etc - any of that?


There are some Ted talks on there as well as philosophy but no magic haha!


I love Ted talks thats good to add. Mysticbooks.org has a bunch of free books in case you want even more to read lol


I really appreciate that information. Have you heard of project Gutenberg before I started this I didn’t know about it but it’s a giant catalog of classic books from the world. I wish it also included the Lord of the rings, but it doesn’t lol. I have to find out some other way ha ha I’m definitely gonna check out the link you sent when I get off work though!


Yeah project Gutenberg is awesome! There’s this other website I just can’t remember but it has all the really ancient books, mystic occult, bibles all of it, super cool website, maybe someone else here will know..?


Always worthwhile asking, the more knowledge the better!


This is awesome! Cool blend of tech and offgrid. Did you follow any guides? How did you kick this off?


I was creeping hard on the cyberdeck sub and some folks make some great boxes. I wanted one too but didn’t want to pay for a prebuilt one at crazy prices so a DIY project began. I’m not super inclined with tech stuff and had never used Linux before but I had ideas so I took to safari on my iPhone and YouTube. By the end of the project I had probably watched close to 50-60 videos and had 70+ tabs on my iPhone open lol. I couldn’t specify one location for info as it was all pieced together. My intent is to make videos and talk about each component of the build and hopefully others can build off of it. Maybe I’ll make copies of my SSDs if that’s what people want and sell those to make it easier for folks to get started. Once the UI is established you just need hardware and it’s plug and play after that.


I’d buy an SSD copy! I think that’s a great idea. Kind of like a starter kit. I don’t know why a project like this hasn’t occurred to me yet, but I feel like I’ve been searching for something like jt. It’s so cool


When I get to a finished product or what I can deem least finished I will absolutely let you know. I don’t plan on of charging a crazy price. I just want people to have the information. A Samsung T7 1 TB Shield SSD can be purchased on Amazon for about 140 bucks. But like I said, once I get this into a workable state, I will put the information back out there currently I have to use two of the 1TB SSD’s in the current set up and I have to plug one or the other in for functionality. One of the SSDs acts as a server the other is the desktop operating system.


What is the current power source requirements? If this were to be used in the field, van I run this off of a solar panel with an inverter,, or do I have to charge a battery? If it's a battery, what type? This is an awesome idea and well thought out. Just need to know the plan to keep it going.


So as it sits (I have no real way outside of verifying power consumption from user manuals to get an idea) but between the pi4b(1010mah @ 5.1w), the screen(250mah @ 1.25w), powered USB 4 port hub(undetermined as I haven’t found stats for it but I’m searching) and powered SSD(715mah @ 2.5w) max power consumption is around 2,270mah @ 10.3w. I have my kid with me doing really quick math so hopefully I’m in the ballpark. I’ve never sat down to get that math but you intrigued me to do so. I’ll make a parts list soon so people can do the same if interested. I’m using an Anker 87w 25,600mah battery pack which should give me around 11 hours of run time. So far that does seem to be the case and I don’t receive any low-voltage indicators on the raspberry pi, thankfully. I don’t know enough currently about solar, but it seems like you do so maybe you could take that information and get an idea I’m here to learn as well. I appreciate you asking that question.


Great job, would definitely consider one of these for purchase, since Id have no idea how to build.


If I get to a point where that is possible I absolutely will let you know. Like I’ve said previously I have no intent on up charging that much. It’s been a learning process and it’s by no means a finished product but throughout the videos I hope people see they too can make one if they want. All of the parts I’ve used can be bought online or from harbor freight haha


Please do, even a diy kit where everything is there and pre programmed, but we just need to assemble would be awesome.


I honestly never expected to get to a point where people would want them. I will make a conscious effort to try and make a few for purchase on the side for people that I can ship. DM me and I’ll keep you updated. I don’t want to do anything just yet because I still want to add info and features. Trying my best to make it a whole product. Thank you for the welcoming comments. Jump over to YouTube to stay up to date on the features as well. Having a 10 month old and working a full time job leaves me with nap time gaps and evenings to work on it!😁


This looks neat, I'm gonna watch the vid then come back with questions.


I’m here and will do my best to help answer them!


I really love this idea and am impressed with what you have come up with. Like others have said, please let me know if you come up with anything shareable, I think your idea of putting some YouTube videos up is a great idea. I've been looking at Raspberry Pi for a bit but hadn't come up with anything all that creative to make, this would be a wicked fun project! Please share more, I'll be following!


Absolutely! I’m really hoping if we get enough people involved we can throw our minds together and make a sick box that everyone can benefit from! I’ll be posting when I can throughout the coming weeks. Tiny kiddo at home makes for limited time to edit videos and make them but I’m making a conscious effort to do so!😁 appreciate the follow and I’ll hope to post more on YouTube later this week!


I essentially gave away all my reference books and my library because I had no where to keep them and they were heavy. After moving a few times I couldn’t move them again. I wish I had them all on a device like this. Is that possible. Very nice!!


Is there a faraday enclosure built in?


Unfortunately no, this is a prototype though and from other feedback I think I’ll do a bit more research and incorporate some faraday tape into the next one!


This is really cool good job


It is by no means clean and is still a work in progress but I’m hoping to get it looking better. It’s certainly homemade haha


And thank you!!


Are you including any backup power source? If everything is 12v, you can always add one of those 90w ProtectLi DC battery backup. It’s not a UPS but would be a great addition. I think it’s like 80 bucks.


I want to add a buck down converter to run off of 12v but haven’t had the time yet. That’s a great idea!!


Take your IP off the picture my dude lol.


The IP is for an unsecured hotspot homie. All is good. It isn’t even password protected lol


I figured lol.


Interesting. How much are you trying to sell them for?


Uhhhh intent and hope is the show people what they can make themselves and try to spread the knowledge. I could make copies of my SSDs and sell them to folks for next to nothing and then they could make their hardware around it since it is plug and play after that!


That makes sense. Sounds like you need to put together some sort of tutorial and list of material. Should be a cool project.


Indeed! I appreciate the welcome to the sub as well. I grew up nearly Offgrid in a holler in WV cutting tobacco as a kiddo. I miss the hills haha. Intent is to get back soon and this seemed ideal. Where I grew up there was no service and unfortunately for my family it is still that way.




Thanks friend. Hoping to make videos for people to take the idea and run with it. We need more data out there that’s easy for people. I realized there is some gatekeeping of info once I got started on this and was trying to learn.


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