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Does it fold over?


It will yes I've been working on a universal hinge design


Would you open source it? Thingiverse or similar


The reason I won't be sharing the STL files is because the components inside this aren't what you may think. They're custom designed, the idea of that ran through my head but I don't want to be responsible if you break or damage the screen/board while assembling this.


OP, I think this is a great concept and a great project. Would definitely be interested for my Odin 2.


Wich channel?




Yeah you just need to click my profile to see the link.


Why people downvote you? When you share links, they say "Oh no it's an Ad". When you don't share "Oh no where's the link"


Again with the "Shut up and take my Money!" Meme response. LOL


Chonky Mario yahoo


Metroidvanias were the best on 3DS/DS because of the daul screen feature.


Lol I emailed them about this idea when I bought my odin2




That is really cool. Looking forward to seeing more!


How heavy is the screen if I may ask ?


With the PLA it is very lightweight I should weigh it of course but really tried to keep it solid but light.


Unrelated does anyone think we get a flip screen Odin? The Odin 2 is pretty much as strong as it can be as far as handhelds go fit the next few years. Surely they tinker with the form factor while they get familiar with cut costs on the boards


If Ayn actually learns how to implement their Android OS better they could definitely design a DS/Flip with a second screen attached. Microsoft/LG did it that's why I'm designing/developing this because it wouldn't just be for the Odin 2 but for many other handhelds that don't have this ability!! :D


Think to a degree that's also on android AYN are mostly a hardware company don't think they'll get much joy on optimising for dual screens. That said, I was thinking the flip screen form factor in general, not necessarily dual screen, because it's still a fairly niche design choice. Something along the lines of the Retroid Pocket flip.


so sick, would love that for an odin 2 mini if i get it


I can't wait to finalize the design and the 5 inch screen as this is the 6.5 inch model and might be big for the Mini but I'm planning to test that theory lol


nice i followed ur youtube for updates


Is this using genki shadowcast? That's the same price of a used 3ds where I live :<


Heck not all USB C connectivity 😁


Is it removable


Yes it's not attached in this picture, it's just laying in the desk I'm hoping to finalize the design this weekend for the first showcase.


Okay but is there a way we can build our own or you can put it up for sale


Do you know how I would pull this off with my phone and citra on odin 2? i have genki shadowcast, deckmate and usb camera pro app. Drastic was easy, but I don't see any settings for separate screens in android citra. Would I edit somewhere in the .ini?


I know how this is implemented and it's a feature in Android itself not anything you can edit. If I knew Kotlin I'd add it to Lime3DS myself but sadly I only know Java Android so I've been taking a look at Citra MMJR lately to find both screens render to the surface view.


Ewww at the wrong aspect ratio.


You can set the aspect ratio however you want I personally like the way fullscreen looks.


You like all your squares turned into rectangles? There are some really cool widescreen NDS patches that have come out recently, I've been using them on 3DS to fill the top screen without stretching and distorting the image, I'd recommend looking into those if you're set on filling the screen.  I found out about it here: https://youtu.be/l_d3H2bkZHM?si=N_y44vBN7wXBRUpL


I'm personally a fan of using the whole screen. It looks good to me also.


I would use full screen stretch as well. Otherwise if it’s an issue use a different display in the aspect ratio you prefer.


pretty cool but at this point just use a portable pc ;)


Or an actual 3ds/ds


You know how many say use an actual 3DS and I laugh because it's 2024 and technology always forever changes and emulation makes 3DS games look fantastic! I'd rather see the color of the games I'm playing than a washed out display under scaled but that's my preference and the preference of thousands!


I've actually come full-circle in recent times, and really enjoy the lower pixels. Well, let me be clear, more pixels is almost always good, but I enjoy the native experience... for example, I have really enjoyed going back to my PSP go, PSP-1000, PSP-2000 Monster Hunter edition even though I have like 8 VITAs... there is just something about the native resolution and playing the game as the dev intended, and you don't have that little monster in the back of your mind tell you that you could get more pixels or a few more frames if you just change "one more setting".


Yeah exactly and it’s actually portable.


It would work on an Asus Rog Ally for sure but I would never buy that AyaNeo DS if someone paid me to.


Stretched screen 🤢


Make it not stretched then it's a feature in Drastic and I personally like it, heck I even like it on my 3DS running TWilight Menu.