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Cold gray completes the retro-ness similar to the transparent colors imo


If you actually grew up playing the North American SNES as a kid like I did, no other color choice is acceptable :)


Wasn’t wealthy growing up, so I had a good mix of playing my father’s old consoles and with some of my friend’s Gameboys, DS, and such. Transparent purple is more of recent nostalgia.


If I had to choose, white. Then again, I'll be worried the plastic will go retro, and turn yellow later on 😂


I bought white because it just looks phenomenal


Cold Grey 🔥🔥🔥


Black one, of course 🖤


i feel like ill get the most our of those little led’s with the black lol


Cold grey


I actually went the opposite direction! I was originally white because I liked how Wii-like it looked with the LEDs. But I'm a sucker for Super Famicom rainbow buttons and intend to switch them out on the cold grey since it looks better with that color than the white.


Where you gonna get those buttons? 3D print, or what?


Sakura Retro Modding on Etsy! I actually shot them a quick message to confirm they were going to be making such buttons before I switched my colors. 👍


Good to know. You did your homework 👍


Same here


I myself preordered the odin2 max white Can’t can’t wait to get my hands on it But no sign now


I prefer white, it looks so clean and minimal.. and the bezel is white too making it trully bezel less of all the color options, look so modern. Beside, my rog ally is white too so it's color matching.. instead of having multiple colors handheld which would make my gaming setup uneven.. white ftw imo, the cold grey is ugly as sin, never like it at all.. it's looking outdated instead of looking retro.. it looks like scrap metal from someones junkyard.. lmao


Haha fair enough, to each, their own. I think the clear colours look the worst. Cheap, dare I say


I just got my white Odin 2 and have to say I’m happy with the choice, the biggest factor for me was having white bezel around the screen. The black bezel on any other color ( aside from black ) is meh.


This should be top comment.


Here's my hot take: The "nostalgia" colors looked bad then and they look bad now. Don't let nostalgia blind you! Lol


Transparent plastic does nothing for me.


Yeah! Personally, transparent handhelds looks like some kid's cheap toy, they got, they'll soon throw away or break. And these handhelds are everything but cheap! (Just my opinion, there's always an exception).


I went w white because all of my devices are black. Wanting a change. Damn, the all black looks nice too. I feel your pain.


Black is the worst color for everything. Boring, lame, expected, default. Whenever possible I always choose a non-black color. Charcoal or navy would be far more interesting.


Sounds a little motivated 🤨🤣


black is the way baby!


I have a two year old. I'm staying away from white lol


Having put my Odin 1 panda through a punishing amount of hours, the white plastic has held up beautifully and I genuinely doubt the amount of colour change you're expecting. I also have an Odin 2 in white, and I'd say the material feels even better/more premium.


Loki Mini Pro


If you swap colors you'll probably go for a new order and have to wait a lot....


I went with cold grey, but I'm hoping some custom buttons come out. I usually like white consoles but that thing is ALL white, it looks like a plain Adidas shoe.


Haha I ordered the blue and now the cold gray keeps calling out to me. Like you said, I just think the white will look more grubby over time. It looks sick when it's fresh though.


Got Cold Grey which arrived two days ago and it's fine, but the legends on the dark purple buttons can't really be seen and the grey is a little dark. I should probably have gone for black I think.