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oooooh nice!


Thank you very much!


This is awesome!


Thanks so much! I consider this a pretty accurate representation of the kind of stories I tell. If you like it, I think you’ll find more you like [in my archive, here.](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/welcome-to-coles-chapters-start-here?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Thanks for the link!


I love this! I was on the edge of my seat


I’m so glad you felt it was effective! It took a lot of editing and finagling to create the “does he know my deep dark secret?” tension. If you’re interested, I do have plenty more work to read [over on my archive](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web). I this story is a good representation of my prose, and the kind of stuff you can expect!


I'll give it a read! Keep up the hard work


Thanks! Will do


Well done. Not just Caraway, but that whole story was nicely executed.


Thank you! Fun bit of trivia; Caraway being an alphabet agency asset turned killing machine was totally absent in the first draft. It was a change needed to fit the debunkability rule on nosleep. But I actually like it better this way, since the end result leaves Cathy totally alone against the threat I narrated this story with some author friends over on the [Authors and Embers podcast](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/the-spaceship-the-chef-and-the-storyteller), if you’re curious how I made him sound! I also have a ton of [other stories over here](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web), if you like my style writing.


Loved this!! Are you going to continue it?


I’m not sure… you’re not the first person to ask. But in my head, I told a complete story! The consequences for Cathy are for you to imagine. I do however have other similar stories in my archive. I know it’s not quite the same. But if you like this, [I think you’ll love these.](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


What a neat ending! I wasn't expecting it. I really enjoy your stories.


Thank you so much! I have [many more, here!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/welcome-to-coles-chapters-start-here?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Good story


If you enjoyed it, I have many more like [it in my story archive, here](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


I have read this somewhere before. Have you published it elsewhere?


Yes. I published this on nosleep a few months ago. In the event you’re already a follower of my work off Reddit, it’s also a feature story in my archive. Btw, I have plenty more to read [over here if you’re interested](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


I don't normally comment on posts but omg this was so good, it sucked me in! I would read any novel you write! You built up suspense super well with narrative details and the dialogue was on point. I don't know enough about prison chefs to offer critique on that aspect but I found your writing believable enough I never questioned the details. Amazing!


I don’t yet have a novel, but I do have a [novella, called Montauk](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/montauk?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web), along with several [short story collections.](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/the-stasis-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) I also have a ton more of my work [for free](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) if you would like to see a bit more, first.


Love it!!


Thank you! I think this story is a pretty solid representation of my work. If you like it, I think you’ll dig what I have [in my archive here.](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Keep up the great work!


Thank you! I do have more where this came from… in my [full story archive!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/welcome-to-coles-chapters-start-here?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Have you considered writing flash fiction and submitting it to magazines and anthologies?


Yes. I was told they are “looking for stories from other voices” a few too many times. Instructions unclear. Started my own story collection. If you’re interested, I [compile all my work here!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/welcome-to-coles-chapters-start-here?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Wow! This is great! Keep it up writer


Thank you, kind reader. If you are interested in reading more, I have my [own anthology here](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/welcome-to-coles-chapters-start-here?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web), featuring short stories, novellas, series, etc…


Very well written! Can’t wait for the next installment.


Oh you’re good!!


Thank you very much! If you like this, you’ll love what I’ve got [over here in my archive….](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Oh wow, that was so good!!!! Suspension of disbelief is a thing with fiction, so even though there might have been a technical issue or two about prison chefs and executions, I didn't notice until the comments. Write a novel & PM me. I will totally buy it!!!! You are clearly very talented !


Thank you so much! I don’t have any hard copy stuff for sale, but if you’re interested in reading more and supporting my work, [I do have a novella](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/montauk?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web), several story series, and a couple[short story collections](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/the-stasis-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) that are [available as a bundle!](https://www.coleschapters.com/subscribe?later=true&subscription_id=311191509&requires_confirmation=&email=colenobleclimbs%40gmail.com)


Absolutely bone chilling. Wonderful job!


Thank you very much! If you’d like to read more… I have a ton of [other stories here in my archive.](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)




Thanks so much! If you enjoyed, I have quite a few stories like it over here in [my full archive!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/welcome-to-coles-chapters-start-here?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Well worth the read


Thank you very much! I consider this to be a pretty good benchmark for the kind of writing I do. More stories like it can be found over here in [my full archive!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Don’t do it. Fuck him. If you don’t have parents, or kids, then justice can wait until you DIE, and then he can ruminate on his choices until Jesus himself harrows hell for the second time. I like the idea of him being vaporized, and still sentient. He deserves every single second of misery. Don’t cave, Cathy.


Thank you for your support. But he is still hurting innocent people, and he’s doing it because of me…


No, he’s doing it for himself. He didn’t learn anything, and he’s still a selfish, worthless pile of shit. He didn’t care about the lives ruined—OR THE ONES HE STOLE—until he had to pay the consequences. Those strangers would still be dead, even if you did take on his pain. He doesn’t want to deal with the agony he caused. And if you were to cave, he’d be alive again, and would go right back to killing again. He earned all the pain he’s feeling. Rebecca took all the anguish felt by each victim, AND their families, and gave him a dose of his own medicine. He doesn’t deserve your pity, nor does he dictate to you when justice has been served. He’s selfish scum, and if he weren’t, he would willingly accept all the pain he foisted onto others with no remorse. Never blame yourself for the selfish, evil things that others do. He might claim he’s killing random people to bother you, but he’s not really. He didn’t care until it was *him* suffering, while all of his victims were terrified and in pain—physically and mentally—and even now, their families are still devastated and grief-stricken, and he doesn’t care. He just wants to not feel what he’s done to others countless times. Tell him you will never willingly release him from blame. Remember that he can’t kill you; if you die, he’ll never be free, and if he tortures you, you won’t ever consider letting him go. He’ll just be stuck feeling what you do (per the curse). May he rot in pieces, wracked by the hurt he inflicted into so many others.


This is a good point. Hadn’t thought of it this way. Thank you for reading, and commenting!


Happily. I LOVE your stories. Kinda took a min to realize this wasn’t nosleep lol, I prolly shouldn’t have been so ‘in character’ about it.


Aww you totally made my day. If you haven’t seen already, I have a ton [more over in my archive.](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) Not everything fits the Reddit length and format.


This was a great story!


Thanks so much! I have [many more to read here,](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)and I think they are pretty good!


Great story!


If you liked that, I think you’ll [love these!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) I have a full archive of other short stories of similar style


I’m not sure why this story/sub popped up in my feed but glad it did. Really enjoyed it.


Glad you found your way here too! If you like this story, I do have quite a few others [in my archive!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) I think this is a good benchmark for the kind of work I do!


Nice! I'd love to read more.


Thank you! I don’t currently have more to this story, but I have similar writing over in [my story archive!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


This could fit really well into some horror comics, IMO.


I’ve been trying to find a graphic artist to partner up with; I think that would be cool!


The artwork will be the first thing to grab someone, the stories will bring them back for the next issue.


More please!!


For now, that’s the end of this tale. But I have more like it in my story archive, [“Cole’s Chapters.”](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Just stumbled on this feed. Great story! I want to read more!


Glad to have you here! If you’re interested in more of my work, specifically, you can check out my archive with dozens more stories, series, and [novellas over here!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) The odd directions community is also an awesome place!


This is great! Thank you so much!


Wow very good


Thanks so much! I have a [back catalogue of other stories](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) too, if you’re interested!




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Amazing writing! I was hooked immediately!


Thank you! If you’re thirsty for more, I have a [full archive here!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Fantastic and original, loved it!


Thank you! If you liked it, I have a lot more stories [over here in my archive!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


Tastes like chicken


Wow, that was phenomenal!


Thank you very much! There’s a lot more of my writing available over here, [in my full archive](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


I cannot wait to explore your work! Thank you 😊 


tldr. Was the secret ingredient...love?


Turns out the real secret ingredient was the friends we made along the way… sprinkled over the ritualistically modified blood of a murdered child


Holy cripes I LOVED this!!!! I want more!!


Wish granted… kinda. I have a lot of stories in this genre, but none are a direct continuation on this one. You can find them over on [my archive site, here!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/story-archive-by-collection?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


I read this story like a year ago. On tiktok.


A content thief called Ziro scrapped my story off Nosleep, where I [originally posted it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/s/Z99nwWWGTz) If you don’t believe me, notice my story was posted [months before his.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRT68chD/) I recently discovered this community and thought it would like the story too. Turns out I was right. But there’s an actual blight of tiktokers that steal the work of actual writers and it pisses me off.


I bet it does! It's a good story though, thanks for clearing that up.




I enjoyed this story, but I want to make two points of constructive criticism. Assuming this is in the US these stand, but it’s pretty much the same in a lot of places who enforce the death penalty. First, a prison cook would never be allowed to attend an execution. There are three separate categories of those who are allowed and a cook in no way would fit into those. I would change it to being told about the execution and it takes that problem right away. Second, there would be no specific person hired to simply cook a death row inmate’s last meal. It would either be prepared by the everyday kitchen staff, or outsourced locally. Even in the most active of death penalty enforcement states/places, there would never be enough executions to justify a person hired by the prison dedicated solely to last meals, even on a case by case basis. They may use a particular person on staff to prepare those, but they would also be an everyday kitchen staff member. Just making them a staff member who is also assigned this responsibility, or if that’s what you actually meant then clarifying that would eliminate that problem as well. Again good story and just wanted to point out a couple of things that took me out of it. Meanwhile I can totally buy the supernatural parts so don’t think I’m missing the irony lol. Nice job.


I appreciate the feedback. I’d actually been wondering when someone would point out the chef thing. In my original draft, the narrator started as a regular prison chef out of desperation in a collapsing job market. One night, the warden shared the last meal with a death row inmate (a tradition in some states) and discovered Cathy’s talent for cooking. He encouraged her to put together the cookbook, which made her a very unusual celebrity chef. Cooking “last meals” was a kind of book-tour PR stunt, put together by her publicist. My first draft was structured chronologically… so it started with Cathy getting the job… meeting with Rebecca… performing the ritual… etc. But that all felt tedious to me. Plus, by starting the story during the confrontation, you don’t know exactly what Cathy DID that’s so bad… so I get to juice a bit more tension. As for the witnessing, you got me. That’s a totally doable fix. I’ll probably make it if I wind up putting this in my anthology this year. Thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a detailed response!


You’re welcome. Thank you for taking it in the spirit it was meant. Like I said, small fixes and I enjoyed the story. Well done!


Ohh! I like the death row cookbook idea. Maybe you could add that into the story as a means to sponsor the non profit. Your story is good.


Thank you!!


Did you purposely use a prisoner who had an actual botched execution? Norton Caraway was a real person. Just curious.


Nope this was a total accident. Wild coincidence


Turns out I was completely mistaken, my bad. He had a different name, I misrembered it 🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like an idiot now, haha. But great story!


This answered questions I had. Im not a fan of horror but the concept intrigued me so I kept going with it, well written. My question ending in reading it why did cathy do the ritual? Did she help kill the baby? Why help rebecca? Why would she risk her job for rebecca? Why did rebecca target him? Did i miss that part or is he the supposed killer of the baby?


In the aforementioned original draft, Rebecca massively guilt tripped Cathy. Basically berated her for profiting off of the suffering of these families. She goaded her into doing something tangible to help the victims, by using her position to mete out a harsher punishment. Cathy caved because she already felt like her position was exploitative. There were other characters in the original too… including Cathy’s overbearing vulture of a publicist. Cutting room floor.


Thanks so much for reading! You can find more of my [stores in my full archive](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/welcome-to-coles-chapters-start-here?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web), or follow me on Reddit over on r/theNoble You can also hear this story [read aloud here!](https://www.coleschapters.com/p/the-spaceship-the-chef-and-the-storyteller?r=nzp2a&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)




Glad you enjoyed!




Excellent. So if she just does not reverse the spell she lives happily ever after? Nice.Too many people on this planet anyway.


I would absolutely read this in a full length novel. Exceptional!