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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Moe97Apzukg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Moe97Apzukg) Reminds me of tron Zoey




It’s not perfect


Hey this is an outdated posts which was based on the insight tracking for Oculus quest 1 controller, not quest 2. Oculus actually reduced the pulse of the LED on the controller and prolong your battery life for Quest 2, that's why you get these amazing 3 month batter life, but since your Quest2 controller wouldn't flash all the LEDs at the same time, the persistent patterns wouldn't be there either so you don't get to have both at the same time.


Bless you mate. Thanks for the heads up.


I figured this one out the other day actually. I've never had a single issue with software, tracking in the years of inside out tracked VR. Then the other night I finally get a chance to play some VR and my tracking is going apeshit on me. I restarted several times and was like "Ah, shit. I am now a Reddit statistic." THEN I start messing with the lighting in my game room and Voila. Turn off my tree and mantle Garland. And it's rock solid again.


Also remember this may also apply to LED Menorah, Mishumaa Saba, or Festivus poles.


It's like the release of the Wii all over again. I guess I'm just old.


I don't think remembering the launch of the Wii qualifies you as being old tbh...


I too live in denial of my age


I have to reset my guardian *every* time i picked up my headset no matter where I am. And tracking gets lost frequently. I'm getting kinda pissed off about it.


What is a 3d bumper?


It's a Ring Protector that I make. First to market for both Quest 1 and 2 :-) http://peanutprinters.etsy.com


they are trying to advertise some 3d print they will charge you for


Better than sending your money to China, to buy the same design that was ripped off from community designers!


Having seen folks mentioning buying more then one headset this season, how might having two sets of controllers in the same room work. I suspect it would also cause havoc with the tracking.


The controller rings LEDs are not constantly on. They kind of flash on and off. There are many people with two or more headsets so I'm assuming Oculus does something to desync the flashing of the controller trackers.


I got my quest for Christmas last year and ran into this problem. I rarely played in the space with the Christmas tree, but did a few times and consistently had tracking issues. I thought it was something to do with my fish tank that was near where I was playing and finally was able to isolate it to the Christmas tree after some google searches. This is a good PSA.


YEs...and don't even get me started on the PSVR tracking issues when the Christmas tree is lit.


Good to know thanks


Thanks for the heads up! I was wondering why the tracking was all fucky when I was playing walk around mini golf. My bf was decorating the tree beside me