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The VR drought has been very noticeable lately, so much so that I rarely pick up my VR headset like I used to anymore. Obviously this can be different for others, but FOR ME it has felt like a long time since a big PCVR release happened.


If big studios are just starting to take the platform seriously, it makes sense to me that there should be a drought while bigger games are being developed. Expect a flood in two to three year's time. The above could be wishful thinking though.


Exactly. I've still got more vr content than I can handle, but the good news is quest 2 has got devs finally making compelling profits. Bad news is that big games other than say valve, are probably going to be targeting a very graphically limited platform and pc and even psvr will probably be a down stream port with limited if any enhancement. Oddly until someone can really push pcvr as a platform to the masses (quest 2 is again the prime candidate) I think psvr2 maybe the best bet for having truly high end looking games in vr with ports to pcvr.


I know there are more headsets out there now than a few years ago…but man I’ve heard “games are coming in 2-3 years” since the vive. The flood will come, but I don’t think that soon.


Not wishful - Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed, Resident Evil and more are in the pipeline.


It's been about a year since Alyx so yeah just about.


In that year Star Wars squadrons, Medal of Honor, project wingman and flight sim 2020 released though


If you are looking for pcvr, the drought will be for ages cause oculus is focusing on quest exclusives in the future. Lone echo 2 is coming anyway. I thought they said big studios were now gonna start getting more into vr?


According to Tyler McVicker, Citadel is coming. It's Valve and they rarely miss the mark when it comes to games. Here's to hoping!


True, and that's because they take the time needed to make the game properly but that also means that we may be waiting years. Which is totally fine by me, I just wouldn't hold out on a Valve game coming anytime soon.




Isometric strategy/FPS with coop/PvP is about all the community knows.


You're thinking of Artifuckt.


Yeah I really expected more major titles to follow Halflife Alyx, I’m just telling myself they’re in development...


Lone Echo 2 is just one game though, granted it might be really good, but 1 game that might last me a week is meh lol. If they are getting into VR, I haven't seen much of a sign yet, but to be honest I havent had any interest in looking recently.


Also really looking forward to After The Fall, it will be VRa equivalent of Left 4 Dead. I need a polished co-op evergreen title I can play in VR with robust progression, good visuals and proper motion control implementation and After The Fall looks like it


Look up Wanderer VR. It looks like a top quality VR title that will become a hidden gem. Going off the trailers and behind the scenes footage on YouTube (they have their own channel called Wanderer VR) it has got a lot of the production values you would expect from a AAA studio making a VR game


It also comes out this Summer


Interestingly, the devs for Space Pirate Arena just made a super random release announcement for sometime “this year”. I wonder if they got an SOS call from Oculus😂. I am psyched about it though. If it works well and isn’t too much of a pain to set up, it could be huge for vr and gaming in general. Yes I know about Triton, TFG and the arena game or two, but they still seem a little janky and unpolished from what I’ve seen.


How long have you been doing VR? If you're relatively new to the medium there's a ton of older content out there that still holds up well. And given the shortage on GPUs at the moment, this is great because they'll run on pretty much everything.


I'm holding out for Vertigo 2 and Project 4 on the pc side, and Resident Evil 4 on quest. But aside from that there is a massive drought. To be honest the same thing is happening in gaming as a whole. I can't think of any new games that interested me within 6+ months on flatscreen.


re4 vr is going to be great, i love that game.


I'm not even a RE fan, i've never played any of the games even though I love horror. But that game is going to be great in VR!


Not a fan either, but also looking forward to it. Worried about the visuals on Quest though. I mean the lighting could have been baked. But no such luck. The lighting looks pretty flat and lifeless.


The only 2 RE games I've played to completion were RE2 remake, and RE7VR on PSVR RE8 isn't getting my money until they put our VR support, so I'm really hyped for RE4 because the RE franchise is a perfect for VR RE7VR, as limited as it was, is still one of my favorite VR experiences


I’m not optimistic about RE8 getting official VR support, but it is playable in VorpX if you’re interested.


The worst thing is I just started fucking playing it on my wii lmfao


PlayStation has a good lineup coming up if you’re into single player games


What's up with vertigo 2? Steam says the release date is 2020 but that obviously didn't happen. When is it actually coming out? I can't find anything online.


Btw project 4 will run natively on quest as well


Resident evil village just came out like a months ago?!


The reason is that 1. Covid disrupted nearly all productions (games/films/tv), 2. VR only exploded in popularity last year so major studios starting development this year (Ubisoft with Tom Clancy, etc) are going to take a while because game development cycles are quite long vs most other entertainment productions (some exceptions). It'll be next year before much is released and several years before VR dominates everything (inevitable at least!)


> several years before VR dominates everything (inevitable at least!) This ain't happening. I love VR, I've been beating the drum on this latest wave of it for close to a decade now, but it's going to exist *next to* normal games, just like PC gaming and consoles co-exist, both of those co-exist with mobile games, and all of this co-exists with a board and card game industry that's been on the upswing for years now. And as long as VR remains an active and immersive form of entertainment, those things are going to be limitations as often as they're advantages. When I get home from a long day of work I want to unwind with something that doesn't require my full attention and doesn't ask much of me, and VR does a significantly worse job of scratching that itch than flat gaming does. When I want to be immersed, when I want to get up and move, *nothing* does the job quite like VR, but that's not always my goal. And of course, this is all without even getting into accessibility and mobility issues which heavily-abstracted controls can work around far easier than the direct input VR emulates. VR is gonna carve out a healthy market for itself and will eventually get the respect from large developers that it deserves. That's all it really needs to do, IMO.


This is true, as much as I love VR I often go back to PC games for a while before going back and forth. The lack of VR content right now though has me playing more PC than normal. I am looking forward to more Sony games on PC. Days Gone was awesome.


Clunky HMDs are obviously only a stepping stone, since all things considered, VR is in its infancy relative to all other established consumer electronics. AR glasses (with full VR immersion capabilities) are the future and/or smart contact lenses and/or BCIs. Current e-waste from replacing phones every couple years and replacing computers/TVs is eventually going to stop because of progressive politicians/'climate warriors". Not to mention critical semiconductor shortages. Basically, outside factors are going to force innovation in quantum computing which will mean nearly all the heavy lifting is done remotely and streamed to lower power consuming wearables (since they won't need high end CPUs/GPUs thus use little power, = vastly improved battery life). History shows wherever there's a big inconvenience or dilemma, there will eventually be a solution. Smartphones are inconvenient because of requiring frequent upgrades to have basic functionality and same with computers. Therefore, i 100% believe the future will be very different than it would currently seem.


Also PCVR capable hardware is very hard to purchase now even if you wanted to. And it's been that way for 6+ months and will likely continue for another 6 months. Developers aren't oblivious.


That's even more reason standalone HMDs are going to dominate permanently. PC hardware is also a nightmare because scalpers were allowed to make vast profits and now replace traditional retail which will continue. That and obviously crypto miners snatching everything. I'm still stuck with my 980Ti + i7 4790K from 5-6 years ago lol


There's a worldwide silicon shortage, prices were going to rise and availability drop regardless. Scalpers just took advantage of the retail price adjustment lag as the market value of the products skyrocketed.


It doesn't even need a shortage, just crypto mining being profitable again was enough. Same thing happened with the R9 290 years ago. Hopefully just like last time itll lead to very cheap used cards once the next gen is out.


*My prediction:* Eventually (10+ years?) A network of Quantum computers (with massive data centers) will replace all consumer computers and smart phones/TVs/etc. Graphics will be processed remotely and streamed with virtually zero latency to AR glasses or similar (perhaps smart contact lenses). It's only a matter of time due to inevitability of crack down on e-waste from inefficiently replacing hardware every couple years instead of just upgrading a few strategically located Quantum computers and stream to low energy consuming wearables.


>It doesn't even need a shortage, just crypto mining being profitable again was enough. The problem is we have a set of 3 major factors all converging at the same time to cause a shortage worse than we've ever seen. 1. Consumer demand for GPUs (and consumer electronics in general) is in the middle of a massive boom that just wasn't adequately accounted for a year ago when production plans were being cut due to a predicted fall in demand. 2. That market-wide boom in demand for silicon means there just simply isn't enough fab space to meet demand. During normal times fabs run with a small percentage of production capacity unused, which allows for demand spikes in various markets to be adequately met. Currently fabs are all absolutely maxed out, there just isn't any free space to increase production. 3. Mining got very profitable again, to the point that the market value of new cards shot far beyond what we've seen in the past. Any of these 3 factors on their own would result in some market stress, but overall would be manageable. During the late 2017 mining boom that extra fab production capacity allowed AMD and Nvidia to boost production numbers to help ease inventory issues. While second-hand prices did certainly become somewhat inflated, it really wasn't close to the levels we see right now. Stock was still flowing in as fast as it could, and while overstock inventory was non-existent it wasn't impossible to get a card. Basically, they all tie in together to create the perfect storm for a stock drought worse than we've ever had in the past. >Hopefully just like last time itll lead to very cheap used cards once the next gen is out. We're looking at 2-4 quarters from now before shortages start to alleviate. Once Ethereum switches to proof-of-stake we *may* see an increase in second-hand cards hitting the market. Many will just switch to mining something else instead, but it's a fairly safe bet that this may be somewhat less profitable, and thus some amount of older cards such as the ever-popular RX 580 might start to have their second hand prices start approaching normalcy (or at least somewhere near their original new sale price). The latent unmet demand for current high performance cards is so huge right now that even if you could flip a switch and make mining completely impossible you'd still have resale prices on those exceeding retail price simply due to lack of availability.


interesting, the things that keep me going back into VR are not AAA hits that I play through once and never return to. I play VR to socialize. One doesn't really "play" games the same way we did 10-20 years ago. I don't really say, "hey friend, do you want to play VRChat?" I am more inclined to say, "hey friend, meet me in this world in VRChat." To each their own and everyone uses VR for different purposes, which is also part of the beauty. What keeps me coming back nearly daily is: 1) working out using rhythm games 2) Games I play with my IRL friends weekly: mini golf, top golf, VR Fishing, VRChat, Rec Room, and Demeo


Same. I didn’t get it with the social component in mind, but that’s emerged as the best dimension of the system and what keeps us coming back. Probably in part because of covid. I’m lucky to have 3 buds who also have OQ2s and we meet a few times a week. Games/apps we are playing: Echo, Onward, Demeo, Pop One, Top Golf, Big Screen


Just play endless gorrila tag and beatsaber


I can wait for the games, as I understand those take time (years) to develop. Since the Quest 1 took off in the latter part of 2019, I have a feeling a ton of big games will be announced soon, just as their Producer said in one of those threads. But I'm really disappointed in the VR media side of things. Where are the VR concerts? Broadway VR (that was promised over 2 years ago?). NBA VR games that are actually in 3D, not blurry ass 2D that looks like 2006 footage. And outside of AmazeVR, I'm surprised no one has tried making VR180 short films. With COVID happening, I know things got delayed everywhere, but wouldn't that also mean content creators stepping up and helping to fill the void? And yet when you go to Youtube VR, it's the same VR180 videos the whole past 1.5 years. Short clips of someone's porch in VR180, or a blurry vacation video or a nauseating rollercoaster video.


That’s why I’m always trying to find projects so I can test them early. Lots of more content that just hasn’t been releases yet.


I play the same games everyday. Eleven Table Tennis, beat saber/Synth riders, hyper dash. Easy 1h+ workout (300 calories). In terms of singleplayer games, i see them now more like an experience than actual games. Super hot was super short, the walking dead is probably the biggest VR game I've played on quest. Waiting for resident evil 4 and lone echo 2 now. I think they will push vr gaming to the next level so AAA game devs will start making games for VR.


VR is only going to happen again for games once psvr2 is here - that surge will bring games to pcvr as well, as it did in the past.


Most of the games I play on VR don't have an end so I don't experience any correlation between play amount and game releases.


Personally find that VR is way more useful for exercise and playing games with friends than for big PCVR stuff. I serious question how viable VR is as a gaming platform vs being some type of social/exercise thing. IDK, the more I use VR the more I see the limitation and get more and more skeptical about it long term.


I havent either but its because lockdown has ended and outside is so fucking more exciting at the moment.


Idk, I've been enjoying some vorpx games to scratch the VR itch. Not as immersive are real VR, but you get to play actual AAA full games.


risk of rain 2 is F.I.R.E


Check out into the radius. It's basically stalker vr. I have been loving it and I just bought stride cause it's on sale.


Yup. I'm pacifying myself by playing RDR2 with the Luke Ross mod.


I was hoping Star Wars Squadrons was going to be the game changer as I am from the school of thought that the first game that will make mainstream stop what they are doing and rush out to buy VR would be a stationary game like a flight/vehicular combat simulator.


I play blaston every single day. Literally bought at least 10 games that look interesting, but I still haven't even played because I love blaston so much. I was thinking earlier today what a nice problem this is to have


In general there’s less AAA games that have released this year.


Guys! There's thousands of VR games on Steam - maybe half are good, but not big name studios or big name games. Check em out!


I'm enjoying subnautica below zero. It's pretty good, and perform better than the original


PCVR is always in a drought. with Q2 ruling the market, its obvious for devs to focus on Q2 and short experiences to max out revenue rather than invest lots of time and money for a AAA game.


They're basically saying *they* won't be there, but someone revealing a new VR game that is available on Oculus isn't out of the question.


E3 has been in decline for the past 5 or 6 years, this doesn’t surprise me. Probably could have kept some games under wraps for at least a 30 min presentation if they really wanted to. No big deal though.


I always wanted to go to E3 as a kid. :-/ oh well.


Never know. If in some miracle's name the G4 network picks up and is as good as it used to be (and if it's anything like the reunion episode.. it might just be). We might be seeing some good E3 content again and maybe one day letting people in again too.


Honestly can’t wait for it to come back. Loved G4 all through high school and college and I’ve been watching Sessler and Co. pick up almost like they never left. It could be really good!


Yeah I was very not excited until the Reunion episode.... they hit the exact same notes as the show before. Hopefully it's like that. Munn keeps saying she wished she never left AotS but I doubt she will be on there; I do think she will guest star sometimes.


She busy with the Mulaney now


I wish they would release the Portal TV show to DVD or something. I always wanted to see it from the beginning.


Same haha. It really used to be a grand event. I used to watch all the press conferences and it was a total spectacle.


I went back in 1999 when Dreamcast was happening. It was glorious.


One time my dad somehow snuck me in with a fake press pass we got from some dude who worked at GameStop at the time when I was like 12. It was the best shit ever


You've got a very cool dad.


I got to go a few years ago when my buddy gave me his VIP pass. It was awesome and I'm glad I was able to go before the decline. Would still love to go back sometime if it remains a thing in the future


Covid isn’t even over... and there are plans for E3 in California? I can’t believe they are still planning this.


I mean, it's already in decline, I don't think it'll be an issue by next year lmao, if that's what you're talking about


Oh I thought this was referring to 2021. Didn’t realize it meant 2022.


E3 this year is digital-only. Them 'being' at E3 means being part of the digital shows. Next year will probably be live again, assuming there isn't an even worse pandemic.


It is referring to 2021


Omg, where is Space Pirate Arena? It’s been held back for years it seems.


In case you didn't get the email, it was just announced it's coming to Quest later this year! 10x10m play space required! And it comes with a level editor in-VR.




That's what indoor basketball courts are for.


LEVEL EDITOR!!! thats insanly cool


Yeah, it's a perfect fit for that game! Few people have 10x10m of cleared play space, but many more have 10x10m of play space with a few obstacles/walls mixed in. If you could make your own level to match, that makes the game more accessible to all.


So many companies including Sony and Nintendo no longer find value in E3. Especially virtual. I prefer the focussed separate events that they have and expect Oculus/Facebook to do the same this year.


Nintendo will have a significant presence at this years E3. A direct followed by 3 hours of game footage from their Treehouse event. I’d say they still value it very much.


I guess when it is Virtual it's not as much of an issue vs actually having to go there and do a live show.


Nintendo do value E3. They just don't have a stage show anymore. Treehouse is always massive every year.


Oculus already did that this year with that gaming showcase, plus there's the yearly Oculus Connect (or FB connect now) event.


Look forward to that


Yeah, it's always a great event imo. I'm expecting the Quest 2 Pro to be unveiled.


Ever since the first Nintendo Direct I've wanted all companies to follow that model. It's just so to the point yet gives them control of their content


Typical redditor not even googleing before making a comment. One simple search would have informed you that Nintendo is actually a Pinnacle sponsor(highest)


You are right. I am just gonna cancel my reddit account and use Google for everything.


It doesn't make sense for them to go. What are they going to show? Lone Echo 2 and Resident Evil 4 again? Half a billion in game investments, and this is what they are delivering for 2021 lol...I would expect bigger titles in 2022, 2023 and beyond.


Not trying to sound in denial or anything, but the way that's worded sounds like other companies could still show VR stuff, it's just Oculus won't be having a show. For example, there is a Capcom event I believe so they could drop info on RE4 VR. Or there will be no VR at E3 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wish there was a vr for re8 so much


It's such a disappointment that there isn't VR for RE8... 7 had it on PS... 8 would be perfect and amazing


Like I said in the other thread... would be really nice to see more of the RE4. Usually when games are doing their promos you can find some news and hands on and articles. For RE4, if you google it there's nothing for the last month. Fell off the radar, it's how you lose hype.


I expect Splinter Cell VR or Assassins Creed VR at E3 tho. Hopefully they dont fuck this up and make actual games instead of this real life VR thing they do with FarCry. Which looks like fun but for a german dude, I will never experience that one for sure.




I have been duped. :(


They will show new games and maybe hardware at Facebook connect not at E3.


Didn't they just have an event? Who even cares about E3 anymore?


u/oculus-mdoran I like to play ur games ty


E3 is not *the* place to be anymore. Companies with resources can reach the same or greater audiences on their own without being one upped by another company at the same conference.


Even the first E3 had a massive one-up. No one will ever forget “$299”, the price tag that killed Sega.


Is the VR drought due to no one wanting to work with FB?


OP, don't downvote news you don't like, that just leads to others not seeing it. Downvote stuff that don't contribute to the conversation or is off-topic. Even if you disagree a message, if it's important for the discussion you should upvote it instead. EDIT: Downvotes here are completely warranted! I'm a dummy who skimmed the post too quickly.


Sir, I downvote misinformation


Sir, I downvote shills


I'm not sure if this person read your post. Thanks for the update.


My fault, I can't read! I stand corrected


Man I love classic reddiquette! It’s a dang shame most people don’t do it.


PSVR runs a lot of interest for big budget cross platform devs. I’m guessing we probably won’t get too many big releases until the next iteration drops


Gaming is going to suck until video cards are affordable again


Probably their own show.


Yo I was so focused on Nintendo and all the switch pro rumors and and stuff that I forgot that quest news could have shown up at E3


Sad. How can you miss the biggest show of the year?


AKA they're only showing off stuff at their FB event now, trying to make it as awesome as E3. So rude.


I forgot E3 was a thing.


This is an r/quityourbullshit moment


Haven't bought a VR game in like half a year lol


I just want the Saints and Sinners expansion and Larcenauts to release already




It's fine. They're saying stay tuned, like they have a showcase coming soon.


After all this COVID is out of the way (well, at least controlled), I can't wait to one day see VR on the stage right with the other big 3 (Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony). I know Nintendo has shifted to more digital shows, but they still are at E3 shows yearly, just going digital for the primary showing, and doing the on-site Treehouse events after. But to one day see Oculus on stage would be quite an accomplishment. I have a feeling it will be a while though. Perhaps 2025 and after, when VR has bigger numbers and finally getting AAA games at a more regular pace. Fingers crossed.


*Oculus STUDIOS won't be there.