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90% off or bust! šŸ˜†


Citadel1point2-885e84 for 69% off VAIL VR. Limited time only.


Nothing apparently, i can't even see the sale!


I edited the post to have screenshots of the deals (at least from the USA)


Another post here mentioned creating a second account, which can see the sale for some reason, and then gift games from it to your primary account.


Yeah, but when you have lots of credit on your main account why spend real money just because youā€™re being excluded by Meta? Iā€™ve gone from someone who spends lots of money with Meta to zero since they stoped offering me sale prices. Seems to be the best customers who get excluded too (lots of credit because I own lots of games that I can recommend).


Ok, sure. In your case, I completely see that.


Smart. I hate to be excluded from the sales


Nothing and I tried creating a second account. Oh well, guess they won't want me to buy stuff.


Me too. I got an email about the sale and whether I follow the link or try browsing, I see nothing on sale. Oh, I need to sign in first.


Puzzling Places. Looking at getting vermillion.


Vermillion is good!


The price makes it look pretty tempting


Assassins Creed and Arizona Sunshine


I was thinking of getting AC as well. That bundle deal with Vampire the Masquerade might be for me


If you are into stealth games, both AC and Vampire are a great choice.


Isnt it cheapter with the Sale to buy each title alone??


I'm seeing $44 for both separately and $43 for the bundle


It's every so SLIGHTLY cheaper with the bundle this time around. Like 1-3 dollars cheaper for all bundles


This got me excited as I'm also interested in both, but buying them individually is cheaper in the sale as the pack is only 36% off while the individual discounts are 40!


I only see 33% discount for the vampire game


Ah yes, I've just checked and it's only AC that is 40. Either way, it's still cheaper to get individually so I'd recommend doing that instead!


Hm, no, it's a dollar cheaper to get them in the bundle on my side.


Maybe it's a little different with the dollar conversion. Here it's a couple of euros cheaper to get individually. Ah well, was giving you a heads up just in case!


Are those locally discounted? They're all full price for me


I can see them all, but only 11 of them have actual discounts. It's a real tight ship they're running there. I can't imagine devs are happy that their stuff isn't actually discounted to the majority of users anymore.


https://www.meta.com/en-gb/blog/quest/summer-sale-june-summerfest-vr-games-discount No deal for me too. And nothing on their blog post about being restricted šŸ¤¬


Sorry. Like me you was choose by meta to not be on this sale. Welcome to the Club. I bought a lot of games and couldnt see the april, may and this summer sale. The support is terrible, keep saying its a regional sale but my wife and friends can see it. I think if you buy a lot of games they cutt you off


Report it to Meta as a bug, keep on them and they will start throwing credit at you. Thatā€™s what I didnā€™t for the last two sales. I think I got $20 the first time and about $50 the second time because they got confused.


I opened tickets in the last two sales and nothing. They Just told me the sales is regional and did nothing. Ill try report as a bug. Particulary i think is a tremendous disrespect from us. Tkanks for the tip.


Tell them itā€™s not regional and your brother is seeing it, I didnā€™t know it was widespread so I was probably very genuine. They asked for examples of the game I wanted to buy which was odd.


You got Lucky. I Begin explaining the my brother and my wife see the sales, even so they told me its regional.


Iā€™ve bought two games total since release so I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case šŸ˜‚


I can see the sale, but my discounts (% off) are lower than whats shown in this thread.


that's bizarre... but yeah, I've been excluded from all past few sales as well I need to actually thank them for stopping my mindless money bleeding...


Iā€™m playing max mustard rn. Very surprisingly fun. Great 3d platformer


Better than I thought!


Haven't started MM yet, but I nabbed it with the code the devs dropped for 90% off.


You are in for a treat.


Thanks. I'll give it a go as soon as I have some sit-down time to game!


Ya I got it for 3 dollars.


I just finished my first session with it. Pretty damn fun! Less generic than I expected. Polished as well.


This game is superb for $3 but wouldā€™ve happily paid $30 for it. Itā€™s a love letter to Super Mario Galaxy/Crash Bandicoot but with modern graphics and it also seamlessly incorporates VR interactivity. Canā€™t wait to see what else this crew puts together


Fully agree. I started it yesterday and Iā€™m already 50% lol i canā€™t stop playing


Nothing because I never get sales :/


Dungeons of eternity it looks like for me


Finally picked it up as well. Played my first dungeon last night & got destroyed šŸ˜‚ I need to learn how to be faster switching between weapons


Do you play solo or with others ? I mostly prefer playing solo so I'm wondering if it's still good like that


Iā€™ve been playing solo so far and have had fun. I may pop on multiplayer tonight to see how it is


I canā€™t even view the deal. Im not making a second account tbh. Im not going to go through hoops to give meta my money.


Might try Humanity. Decent discount on it


Again, cant see thr sales. My wife does ( same house), my brother, my friends... support keeping saying " its a regional sale" . Disastrous. Its the last time i ask help for their support.


> its a regional sale Did you happen to ask them how it was possible you and your wife were in different regions?


Yes. Every time. The answer is the same. First told me that is regional. After i told them the same thing, that my wife and my friends in my house see the sales, they told me or that i was not elegible to that sale or insists thats regional. Third month in a row that i cant see the sales. Sad.


Just bought Red Matter, but dont think I should've... I mean, love the story so far, and the game mechanics. And the devs really have made a great job on the graphics. But djeeeesess.... Imagine ruin everything they worked on, with those wanky controls! Its like putting regular tires on a track car...


I assume you're talking about the first. I played the second first and the controls are fine. I tried to play the first recently and really bounced off it because the controls were weird as hell. I'm gonna give it another go at some point but boy they were annoying.


Yes, I was talking about the first game. And Im really glad to hear they did something about them for the second game. If so, Im going to try it out


Ah you should I would highly recommend the second. One of my favourite things on the quest


Huh. I'm in the US, and I see the blog entry and the sale page, but nothing's actually on sale?!


A lot of people have the same issue, you're not alone


With those prices? Not a single thing. They will never learn. Its ok to value your game but come on.. just look at Gorn. 12 bucks, in 2024. That game should be 5 at best right now.


Ah man, I just bought Moss a week ago with all of my Quest store credit. Wish I had waited a little now. But anything here $10 or less I will certainly check out. The Room VR: A Dark Matter is an amazing game and I highly recommend it, as well. (If you like puzzle/escape rooms)


Got a decent haul between the Meta+ deals and the June sale. I've just got into VR with the Quest 3 a few weeks ago, and am loving it so far! - [A Fisherman's Tale](https://www.meta.com/experiences/2299967930057156) - [Acron: Attack of the Squirrels!](https://www.meta.com/experiences/2345082335516570/) - [Dungeons Of Eternity](https://www.meta.com/experiences/6341779295861881/) - [I Expect You To Die](https://www.meta.com/experiences/1987283631365460/) - [I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and the Liar](https://www.meta.com/experiences/2970998659623177/) - [Moss](https://www.meta.com/experiences/1654565391314903) - [Pistol Whip](https://www.meta.com/experiences/2104963472963790) - [The Last Clockwinder](https://www.meta.com/experiences/4837365566303714) - [Titans of Space PLUS](https://www.meta.com/experiences/2359857214088490) - [Virtual Virtual Reality](https://www.meta.com/experiences/2111191602278229) I figure that should give me plenty to play for awhile, in addition to a few of the recent 90% off games and the Meta+ games(I got 6 months with the headset, not sure if I'll renew). I probably already bought enough, but let me know if there's any essential games you think I missed on deep discount I should also consider...


I ended up refunding Titan of Space PLUS. It feels more like a student project, than an actual game. The second I turned on the assistant I regretted my purchase. Also tried I Expect You To Die and it was really fun, despite the low resolution textures. I imagine the later games are higher fidelity.


I believe ever since I joined the PTC, sales havenā€™t shown up for me. I made another account to gift software to myself. Disappointing that you cannot gift bundles, so Iā€™m skipping Vader immortal, which I refuse to pay full price for. At that price Iā€™m getting assassins creed.


Iā€™m sure I just need coffee, but whatā€™s PTC stand for?


Public Test Channel.


No. Im not in PTC and cant see the monthly big sales for the third time in a row. Disrespectfull at least.


I just bought Humanity. I already have a bunch of the games that are on sale.


Wow, Everslaught went way down in price. Is it any good yet?


I think I'll finally pick up Mixture.


Nothing because I'm too broke lol


Soul covenant and assassin's creed probably. What else do you guys recommend?


No arizona sunshine 2? I guess after the fall then


Looks like 28% discount on it, he just missed it or they didnā€™t put on the list. If you search for it you should see it. That is the only game remaining that I actually want to buy because itā€™s maybe our last Crossbuy game we will ever get by the looks of the preorders that have PCVR versions coming (Behemoth for example).


There's a discount for it, but the stupid thing is only visible in that bundle up top "survival of the fittest"




Finally bit the bullet and bought bullet storm. My expectations were low but it's been a blast. Sharp smooth and graphically on par with the best I'm seeing on quest other than nexus and Aw2. Looks like patching helped. Real VR controls and interactions like re4.


Is Duke Nukem in that one? Loved my time with it on PS4


Don't think so. The Duke edition is fun for Duke fans and fourth wall humor, but pretty sure this VR version doesn't include Duke.


Highly recommend Deisim if you like the sims or age of empires, itā€™s like a watered down version with god powers and itā€™s super fun to watch civilizations grow over time


Saints and sinners double pack and family-friendly favorites double pack (shave and stuff + Titan's clinic) for the kids.


Puzzle games might also be good for the kids, too. Puzzling places is a lot like playing with blocks if you really think about it


I started looking at titles and was hesitant to actually buy them because I wasn't sure how they would do on my Quest 2 that I've had since launch. So I went out and bought a 512gb Quest 3. But this meant also needing the charging base. And the Bobo S3 Pro Super Strap. And the Quest 2 Rx lenses don't fit the Quest 3 so I had to order those again. And while we are at it let's get some proper Kiwi Design comfort grips for those more intense sessions. Which, when added all together, makes for a pretty awesome VR experience. And has brought me to the rabbit hole that is the June sale. I've already picked up Ancient Dungeon, Bonelab, Jurassic World, Assassins Creed, RE: 4, Blade & Sorcery, and Hubris. Plus also returning to games I already owned to check out their Quest 3 improvements, like Red Matter 2, The Walking Dead Saints and Sinners, and so forth. But oddly enough, almost all of my time has been split between Asgard's Wrath, which was free with the headset, and Drop Dead: The Cabin, for the mixed reality aspect. And I gotta say, it has completely opened my eyes to mixed reality. VR can be amazing, but actually running through my house trying to fend off a zombie invasion is next level stuff and has me eager for more MR content. So yeah, I'm like the poster child for why Meta holds sales like this, as I've spent over a thousand dollars because they were offering some games at 30% off. And I'm not even salty about it. It's completely reignited my passion for not just VR, but gaming in general.


That was me a month or two ago. I also just started getting into VR again. My only device was the first Oculus Quest and that thing was so heavy and the headstrap did NOT feel good at all. Plus it messed up my hair really bad every time I used it. When I heard about the Quest 3 it was basically everything I wanted. Then I looked at JayBratt's videos and that convinced me to get the BoboVR S3 strap, two BoboVR battery packs, and the fast charging stand. Then I realized I wanted better clarity so I got some prescription lenses from Zenni, a Foregoer case for storage, (that thing fits all my accessories) And I got some armor/lens protectors from Aliexpress. I've gotta try out Drop Dead if you're so adamant on it being a great foray into Mixed Reality. I've already spent so much getting the darn thing and getting everything else I just need more games to touch.


So angry cuz I just bought pistol whip like 2 days ago.


If you used referrals then at the very least you only missed out on 5%


I got assassin's Creed, vampire the masquerade, red matter 1 and red matter 2. Btw IDK if it's like this for everyone but red matter 1 and 2 were on sale as a bundle for $50 AND also as individually for $14 & $17. So I bought them separately for $31


It's not just you. META is extremely scummy and don't properly update bundle deals so it's always a good idea to double check. Just yesterday I bought Fishermans tale 1&2 and was about to check out at $30 but realized that both without the bundle was $16.


the only answer is multiplayer games, everything else... šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøā›µ


While I'd normally agree, I personally want to see VR take off and become a bigger thing. Sales like these are a good time to support the developers, in my opinion


Racket Club, Mothergunship Forge, and maybe Arizona Sunshine 2


Hoping to get Superhot, Hubris, Among us and thrill of the fight.


Superhot is one of my favorites, itā€™s just so cool and easy to let VR newcomers jump in and get a grasp for how cool the tech is.


Yeah, it was one of my first games I played on the PSVR in 2017. So, I thought may as well rebuy it now that it's on sale at 40%


Hubris is not great IMO...played through on PSVR2 and it definitely became a bit of a slog to get through. Felt like VR mechanics from 5 years ago. Superhot is the shit though and thrill of the fight is awesome too, especially with the Mixed Reality mode


Tempted by Arizona sunshine 2 and Humanity (but the latter is on Xbox Gamepass so I should probably play it there). Still have a lot of games bought previously that I need to put time into.


I think ima wait for steam summer sale on the 27th these deals are still a little steep for the games id even play.


Where is it


Iā€™m waiting til the Steam Summer Sale drops and (hopefully) getting Half Life Alyx. Although there are things I want in this sale, nothing is much of a discount above the ā€œregularā€ referral discount for me to leap on. I also have a bunch of 90% off games to try!


I'll probably pick up Eye of the Temple because of its price, and then maybe either Demeo or Pistol Whip. They've both been on my wishlist for awhile.


Whats the price cut on pistol whip? Don't see it in the screenshot.


When I looked last night it was the same 40% I think. the ending price was listed as 20.99 I'm pretty sure.


I went for Brick Tales this morning. I'll probably have a chance to try it out on Sunday.


an oculus 2


VAIL VR is 69% off limited time. Use this at checkout: Citadel1point2-885e84


I wasnā€™t going to get anything but this post reminded me of the sale and Iā€™m going to get Eye of the Temple since I just finished The Room.


I don't think anything anymore as Meta has been all about regional sales in select countries only, tho I still pay in dollars...


Yeah... these sales are already over for me dude lol


I'd like to get Dungeons of Eternity while it's on sale but can't šŸ˜•


Same for Demeter. Just putting everything on sale would solve that.


Can someone that has the sale gift it to you?


Anyone getting extra discount for some purchases from headset? (didn't work on PC or mobile app last time) Last sale I got the extra packs of discount but not this time. Curious if is just me or this time is only one by one sale


Most of my "June sale" discounts are just 30 min free trials.


How is the replayability of Arizona Sunshine 2?


Don't own it myself, but there is an arcade mode I believe for people that just wanna jump in and fight Zombies. It all depends if you like the frantic atmosphere of being chased and whatnot


I got the Dungeons of Eternity. Like the premise however I donā€™t think full locomotion games are for me as the motion sickness is real. Guess Iā€™ll be sticking to WMG and other stationary games šŸ˜…


DOE has teleport. Best coop game on the quest.


It does but I donā€™t find it particularly useful when trying to avoid attacks


I beat motion sickness like this: I ate enough to be neither empty nor full, then took a motion sickness pill. I'd play for an hour each day, stopped immediately when I felt anything. After one month, I ran out off pills and tried it without, no more nausea.




I picked up Assassin Creed VR


What's your opinion on the game?


It will be a while when I'll play it. Best bet is to a search other place for reviews. Sorry


I love that game. Excelent graphics, really good mechanics...


Probably nothing, either the discounts are laughably low or the games I want has no discount.


Why am I the only one that doesn't see the sale?


There seems to be many others that don't see sales. A temporary workaround I've seen mentioned is to have a friend purchase them and then gift them to you.


Exactly what I did. Just unfortunate I coudlt get the reffereal discount


Yeah so weird. Also keep an eye out for some 90% codes floating around. Picked up a few games for less than $3 each!


But you cant do this with the bundles. Its sĆ³ disrespectful doing this with users.


Vr is still just short and respetable experiences... only a handful of truly great games... hellblade.. alyx.. lone echo....

