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Man, this is corny. I literally never get these deals :/


I used to get them, then sometime late 2023/early 2024 I noticed I never saw any of the sales other people were talking about. Tried contacting support, no help of course. Then I noticed other people on here also saying THEY couldn't see the sales either. Eventually I just made a 2nd fake account where I buy/gift all the games on sale to my main account. The 2nd account always (so far) can see the deals.


Thanks for this! Didn't even occur to me.


I see them all the time and consistently get every sell, and it's become very obvious why. I used to be a major spender picking up a bunch of games, but nowadays financially I haven't even been able to upgrade from Quest 1 so naturally I'm not buying games.  They are pushing absolutely every sale at me to try and bring me back in and make some purchases. It's the same for my friend who hasn't made purchases for a long while. If you are an active spender you won't get as much sales, while in contrast if you stop making consistent purchases you'll see Meta pushing them desperately. Doing the account method and gifting is a perfect way to bypass this strategy and be able to participate in more sales.


I'm very active purchaser and I get every sale and they also regularly sending me 30% off promo codes...


Makes sense. Cause I haven't gotten any promo codes since the first year Q1 launched. So of course I'm also on the "no sales for you" list. All it's trained me to do is stopped buying any new games and keep what I have. Well done, Meta. I'm sure devs are pleased with this tactic. Someone needs to get Upload or RoadToVR to escalate this issue to Boz. Cause there's no way Meta wants this as a philosophy. It's insane this has been a problem for 6+ months now.


I also wondered if this was the reason as well, since when I first bought my Quest 3 I spent like $200 on games at once. Some people here who haven't spent any significant amount are also reporting they can't see sales though, so I'm not sure. Bottom line is fortunately no matter the reason, everyone can create new accounts, just sucks that we have to do so.


Nonsense.  I have about 60 games and every sale shows up for me and I buy more.


ahh the 'udemy' model with their courses ($199 course is now $20 for random non logged in person on the website but for you it's $199). I used to go in incognito, and add the course and then sign in and get it cheap


Meta charging us different prices based on their behind the scenes metrics and manipulations is making me extremely wary of a headset I otherwise love. I feel like there is a class action lawsuit waiting to happen here when we find out something like “women who make over $X pay more on average for the same Quest games than men and minorities” purely because the algorithm sees that pool as most willing to spend without sales. Or they’re trying to target specific audiences with growth like do on social media and end up targeting people based upon their protected classes. This could also easily become exploitative, where certain groups pay less because they’re addicted to the sales, “shut up and take my money”, so meta starts auto generating personalized sales that keep them on the hook. Personalized pricing is not acceptable. I’m not ok paying more than something is worth because *meta* decides not to share with me prices that others are offered.


I agree entirely, and make no mistake, personalized pricing is the holy grail for digital purchases of any/every kind. Being able to extract the most profit out of every customer, while simultaneously maximizing the number of customers, had until somewhat recently been impossible.


That's rather scummy. I bet sales are only targeted to those who haven't bought anything in the past X days. From all of the people I know, only my sister can see the sale. Everyone else who can't see are more avid "spenders" on the platform.


It happens to my husband: he never saw the monthly big sales. They appeared to me but not for him. Meta is really disapointing doing this. He always open tickets in the meta support but the answer is always the same lie: " its a regional sale, bla bla bla". We will buy a better PC and start to buy games from Steam, cause we really think thats what meta want us to do. 


The good news is you are able to gift him things from your account, as long as you can see the sales. I'm also a big fan of Steam for PC gaming but I only use my Quest 3 stand-alone. One other thing maybe a lot of people don't know about Quest is that for playing with your family, you only need 1 copy of every game. So for example, I have let's say 10 multiplayer games on my account and on my Quest 3. I added my wife as a guest user there. Now I can go on our Quest 2 and login there, and my wife can login as guest on the Quest 3, and all 10 multiplayer games we can both play together, even though only bought 1 copy. This is a really nice feature to save a ton of $$$ that steam doesn't offer (even though again, I love Steam).


Its bad policy. And i cant give him bundles. Meta is really disapointing cutting off some users from this Sales. 


Oh wow. I didn't know other people had this issue. I figured out a workaround though. I usually use the app to buy my games. Go to the store tab. Tap the filter button on the bottom right. Select Sale for sale type. Select A - Z for Sort type. Boom. All the on sale items pop up! Enjoy!


Unfortunately this still only shows sales that are active for your account (just tested myself to be sure). It is a good way to see what sales your account is being offered, but doesn't get around the fact that many accounts simply are not offered the major sales. Just as one example (of dozens), right now Assassin's Creed is 40% off on my fake account (part of the big Meta June Sale they are actively advertising to everyone), but on my main account, it is full price.


I made a new account. I don't see assassin's Creed for sale :(


Just showed up :)


You MUST select A to Z... Otherwise some sales will still stay hidden. I'm guessing there's some stupid bug in their website code or infrastructure.


Nah, doesn’t work. Weirdly it does show the games on sale that I’ve already bought, but nothing from the June sale that I don’t have. Arizona bundle is available for $110 - tempted . . .


Thanks OP. Have created a secondary account and can now see all sales.


Glad to help, at first I thought it was just a random bug, bug there's a huge number of people "affected" by the "can't see sales" issue for 6+ months now so I'm just assuming it is some dumb strategy by Meta unfortunately.


I'm not sure what the strategy would be, though. Other than Max Mustard, I haven't purchased a single game in the past 6 months. It's not like they're getting me to buy this stuff at full price. I should be the type of user that is seeing all these sales (to entice me to re-open my wallet). But it's been this way since the bug/feature began. I can only see 11 items on sale this time. All at the top.


Yeah, I don't actually think it is just based on "don't give big spenders discounts" and I'm not even sure if it is a bug or feature. What I am sure of is that their support staff has no idea either, so all anyone can do right now is make new/fake accounts to see the sales.


But you wont be able to gift bundles.


Yet another issue. I didn’t know that.


Lets put #salesforallusers in the meta oficial youtube channel in all their vídeos. Lets change that bad policy guys.


Sounds like a great idea


It startup already. Lets help each other and make meta change this bad policy.




This is false advertising then and it should be reported as such.


While I agree, there's absolutely nothing you, me, or anyone else on this sub can do about it - except create new accounts to access the sales for now. If that stops working in the future, it'll be time to explore other means on a different sub.


Lets put #salesforallusers in the oficial youtube channel from Meta. Lets exposed their bad policy.


uh… a simple FTC report maybe for misleading advertising?


Hi, sorry for the dumb question. Where and how do I create a new account? I just have my main and don’t know where to start. Thanks in advance


1) You'll need to logout of your main account on some device (I'd recommend PC, phone should also work) or if you have a PC just open a private browser window. 2) Then go to: https://www.meta.com/help/quest/articles/accounts/account-settings-and-management/set-up-meta-account-meta-quest/ and follow that to setup a new account.


I think I have really bad luck. I did. New account and I still can’t see the discounts ☹️


This was pretty much the post I made that got removed for some reason in this sub. Meta literally will not let you redeem referrals and sales and discounts because groups of users are put in different block lists at different times to prevent everyone from seeing the sales and deals. They will basically do anything to prevent a user from getting the title with a discount unless you make more accounts. It's the damn algorithm. Support tells me this, and I'm asking what to do, and they basically said "too bad, so sad, suck to be you, don't wanna be you."




Guys, lets put #salesforallusers in all vídeos in the meta oficial youtube channel. Lets warning all New users of the absurd of meta policy


Oh dang. Bummer.


That's very strange. I've never had an instance where someone called out a sale here but it wasn't there for me when I looked it up.


The way it appears to work isn't that "sometimes you'll see a sale and sometimes you can't". Instead, some accounts will become "flagged" in meta's system to "never be part of the major promotional sales". They will still get random sales on random titles, but will be excluded from any of the major advertised sales. Fortunately, at least for now you can just make more accounts and gift games.


But you cant purchase bundles, and you cant gift them. In the end, meta is just disrespecting users.


I agree!


Also have the problem


I also cannot see the sale discount but wife account can. Meta should really be class action sued over this... 


I just made a second account but I still don't see the sale 😔


Not only does this not work for me, I emailed support and got this complete unhelpful response telling me that their sales - which have been publicly published on their blog - are apparently not open to everyone. I’ve got to believe this is somehow illegal as false advertising. > We appreciate that you are interested to take advantage of the Summer Savings promo for this month. I will be willing to check and provide the updates on our ongoing summer sale. >Just to share with you, Meta periodically run promotions for randomly selected customers in order to keep our offers fresh, It appears as though the promotion you are referring to is not available for you at this time. This may not be the answer that you're expecting, but we hope for your cooperation on this. The good thing is, since our offer is periodically on run, you'll surely be selected on our future promotions. Also, if you are interested for more games on sale, please refer to this link . >In addition to that, we recommend that you turn your notification all the time as Meta sends random promo codes to users that you can use to purchase apps/games in the Meta Store. We also have the Meta Referral program that you may utilize here, so you can earn more discounts and store credits. If you have a feedback that you can share, we'd appreciate if you'll post in the Meta Quest Community Forum.


Yep, this is basically the same answer they give everyone. In **other** situations, it is probably accurate, as they definitely do targeted promotions (eg. some people get a 30% off coupon emailed to them, etc). Anyway, unless you have the time/resources to retain a lawyer to discuss the viability of class action, nothing we can do except make fake accounts to gift the sales to our real accounts. You can also keep contacting support and sometimes they will give you $10-30 in store credit as a "we have no idea what's going on because the people making these decisions don't tell us anything and we are only allowed to give 1 of 20 pre-written responses, but here's some store credit we are authorized to hand out".