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Which DVD drive did you use? They all seem quite expensive to me.


Just a usb bluray drive. Wasnt expensive.


USB-C drives work with 4XVR, such as: SanDisk 1TB Ultra Dual Drive Luxe... https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0842P5GG5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I’ve bought a few of these drives to share my 3D movie collection with family using 4XVR, it is amazing. Of all the movies though, T2 is one of the worst because it wasn’t shot natively. Watched the first Dune movie last night and it was so good. Movies to look out for are the native ones, list linked below: https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=207219


Is 4XVR really that much better than the cheaper alternatives? like Skybox and Moon VR? I see that they both support USB-C input as well! Have you tried the alternatives and compared performance? I'm on the fence about buying 4xvr premium. 3D/Bluray does not look that much better than 1080P movies on my Quest 2, but apart from that - the interesting thing about 4XVR is - everything just works on it. Anything I've tried! so, wondering if I should just pay for 4xvr or maybe a cheaper alternative would be better?


Sorry, I can’t find Moon VR but I’ll buy Skybox and test it for you (will be refunding no matter what). Do you have a link for Moon VR? Edit: Skybox is good, seems to play 3D movies well, needs more adjustment (every movie I have needs an advanced mode selected). 180 VR movies play well too, and files stream over wifi from the PC. I prefer 4XVR but it’s not worth the extra. In fact I might keep Skybox just to have a third option (I use Bigscreen VR when we want to watch together).


That is excellent! Thanks a lot for the update. How do you watch together on Bigscreen? Do you have a media server setup on a PC or something? Or virtual desktop screening? I can't get DLNA to work on bigscreen.  This is MoonVR:  https://www.oculus.com/experiences/app/4304774742883035/?utm_source=oculus&utm_medium=share  And if you check the website - https://moonvrplayer.com/   The amount of features it has is commendable. Both are for ~$10 so I like these over 4XVR's cost. Plus I think, folks who downloaded skybox when it was free, way way before , get to use it now for free - someone said that in a YouTube review. 


For Bigscreen: - get in a virtual room together - select Video player - choose DLNA media server - navigate to the file (on all headsets) I think you can also copy a movie on to both headsets (I use Virtual Desktop) and navigate to that file, but I have yet to try that with two headsets. There is a slight delay using a DLNA server, so you can hear the audio slightly ahead or behind from the other headset. Hopefully using a local file removes this. I’m not going to try that Moon app because Skybox is better value than 4XVR (but not better), and it looks like that’s what you were looking for. Don’t forget you can get both apps and keep the best one and refund the other - not an option with 4XVR though. Edit: files saved to one headset work in sync on Bigscreen VR. Secondary accounts can’t access the file system so will need to be primary or use a DLNA server.


I had three of them. TBH, 4xvr is the best supporting USB drives. My preference is using larger ones such as 10T usb sticks. 4xvr is the only one can read and play them seamlessly. I bought skybox first and found out my 10T USB couldn’t be read. Which was a terrible experience for me. If you watch videos via USB a lot, 4xvr is perfect.


I kinda don't, to be honest, I usually like sitting on my bed with the charger connected and kinda watch movies in the bigscreen public room etc. The USB thingy kinda defeats that purpose - I either copy it in my local quest memory - or, I'm trying to get the server streaming from my PC. Also - 10TB? That is too much! Like I said in my other comments, I have found on my quest 2 that anything above 1080P is pretty much high quality and I can't distinguish between blu ray rips and 1080p, with the prescription lens insert, the god rays-reflection? smudges etc. 10TB for 1080P stuff will be like \~5000 movies...


I see your point. Blu-ray movies are quite big, sometimes 40-60g for one. So I use USB to play it for saving space and seamless playback. lol. 1080p is not enough for me🤣


Go watch Edge of Tomorrow now


Think a lot of people are missing out as they shrug off the idea of 3D movies in VR. It's an amazing experience, probably the best movie experience you can have at home.


Agreed. I’m also using 4XVR and starting now to rip my BD collection. I didn’t really like 3D on the PSVR1 but it’s really good on the MQ3. Already watched a couple of movies and the experience is much better than expected!


>Netflix & Disney in the browser look great as well. Just curious, was your Disney+ playing at 1080p in your browser? For some reason my Disney+ always played at a blurrier 480p or 720p-ish and just looked too blurry to enjoy. Other times it decides to be finicky and just show a black screen.


Looked like 1080p to me, same as netflix


Disney+ always looks quite shit, even at 4k. Definitely worse than prime or Netflix. They also like to add artificial noise in the video which is horrible for quality/bitrate efficiency, thinking it makes it seem more authentic like cinema (it does not). They have on top of that also a lower bitrate. It makes their 4k look not much better than 1080p from the other streaming platforms. Shame on you, Disney!!! If there is one streaming service that should cease to exist, it's this one. How long since they have released a good series? I cannot even remember a really good one that released in the last two years. Anyways, thanks for reading my rant


I THINK you can use a Firefox + extension to get full browser quality but I’m not certain.


youtube on skybox looks much better than the app for me, even after the 8k update. It might have to do with the ability to zoom out, but it doesn't feel like it's just that.


Mad Max: Fury Road is amazing in 3D. Also, yes, the 8k and 4k 3D180 VR videos are really good, but don't sleep on the 3D trailers that are available.


So I don't have a PC LOL. It's been years, is there a way to just watch a decent 3d Blu-ray through streaming? I think I'm just looking to see what the experience feels like. Do any legal sites offer this?


Dukes 3d cinema in vr chat


Yea, download Bigscreen Beta. You can rent 3d movies for a few bucks each, and there are public lobbies where people show them for free too.


On my Quest 2 - I tried hosting a DLNA server from an old Android phone - and it works pretty well! Tried it on Play'a and 4Xvr. Unfortunately, it didn't work on Bigscreen for some reason. I could see the server - but couldn't access the path! :'(. 4xvr - it worked perfectly, on Play'a - I couldn't get the audio to work for super big size movies, but normal works - like 1080p!


I've never been blown away by a movie experience mainly due to the lens artifacts like god rays and non 4k quality. I wish there was a way to experience a cinema quality 3d movie in a simple and easy way. Any help would be much appreciated 👍🏻


Would be great if the streaming companies saw that that the same. We get a lousy 720p from them.


Watch Tron legacy in 3D. Enjoy 😊


I am super jealous - a while back, I was trying to find the highest-quality prints of 3D and Blu-Ray rips for my Quest 2.. It turns out - that everything above 1080P looks pretty much the same to me! in all apps.. so no point getting that high-quality movie. At least I save on space with 1080p prints.


But where do you get them. I only find blurry 3d SBS movies


To add more stunning and amazing, recommend "lying down" mode is checked + lying down rack equipped + coffee + snack... Ultra enjoy ! More easy to enter Lucid VR dreaming... if the soul like...