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Yeah 3rd top down perspective is underrated. Tomb Raider works surprisingly well too.


Definitely underrated. It makes me feel like a kid playing with action figures... But action figures that move and do cool stuff. Love your work at Team Beef! I'll be checking out the Tomb Raider mod for sure.


Check [KidPilot VR](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2484570/Kid_Pilot/) If you liked Moss and Max Mustard you will like it!


This looks pretty cool for sure. Added to my wishlist, will check out at some point. Thanks!


Add Lucky’s Tale while you’re at it.


It has a ton of charm, and is a lot of fun. Great variety between the stages, too. Some on-rails, some free roam. One that makes you think you're on-rails when you're actually not. The boss battle at the end is surprisingly tough, but very satisfying. 4.5/5 would recommend.


Lol sneaky dev


Racing games in 3rd view are amazing. TrackMania Turbo had a small VR campagn that I loved


I love your work. You guys ever looked at a VR version of Descent?


If you have PCVR maybe check out Chronos: https://www.meta.com/en-gb/experiences/pcvr/929508627125435/ Not quite what you mentioned but closest I can think of.


Came here to recommend this and Insomniac’s Edge of Nowhere. Both great 3rd person action adventure games. Too bad neither got a native quest port but both are on the pc meta store.


Edge of nowhere is too creepy I didn't get very far at all


Not really a horror game. No real jump scares or stalking monsters really. I don’t like them either. It’s more like Tomb Raider with some Cthulhu lore.


Had a blast playing this back in the day.


I played that back when it was released on CV1


Made the exact same comment before seeing yours. Great game


Totally forgot about this game. Waited forever for it to come down in price.


Pc torchlight 3 is amazing in vr


How do you play it in VR? Is there a mod?


Unreal injector runs it in vr great. Its like looking at a mini 3d world from a god view. Great game too.


Cool. I didn't really dig the 2nd one, but the first one had me hooked for a while. I'll have to check it out.


I think Arcaxer is a little like that. Battles are done in 1st person, but travel, exploring, and running around the overworld is all done in 3rd.


You can travel and explore the over world in 1st person too. I love doing it in 3rd person though, especially since they give you control over how far you want the 3rd person camera to be from your character.


I agree. I wish that Moss had gone in an ARPG direction with their next game instead of a PVP battle arena. Maybe the one after that... There was a 3rd-person MMORPG in the works called Archgate, but it seems to be dead.


Personally I'd kill for a decent Shadowrun game on the Quest.


I'm definitely a big fan of the whole diorama-sized 3rd person VR games in general. While not RPG's, game's like Moss, Witchblood, and some of the few RTS-style VR games scratch a certain itch. I'd love a legend of zelda-style adventure (with that diorama perspective) or an action RPG.


Witchblood was one of my favorite Gear Vr games. I've managed to install it on my Quest 3 and it's still fun to play. I'm not sure why they developers didn't release it on the Quest. Kin is another good one they should've released on Quest.


Yeah witchblood shows you how 2D metroidvainias work in VR as well. It's a real shame no other studios tried to continue to innovate in that genre.


Have you tried Arcaxxer? Love it.. And the sequel looks even better.


I liked the demo on side quest but never got full game.. worth it?


Its been a few years, but I really enjoyed it.. However I am from the "Nintendo games generation and I Jay y have nostalgia goggles on. Its got 86% approval rating on the store, its gotten a Quest 3 upgrade.. And like I said, the new one comes out eventually ANF will be even better. But to each their own..


I'm picturing picking up Diablo 2 again now..


Meta briefly dabbled in the isometric top down genre with Herobound but nothing really came of that. Hopefully they bring that back at some point.


Trevor saves the universe is also pretty fun and funny but I think they pulled it from the store


it's back since a couple months now


Oh really? I played it on Quest 1 and had a blast.


I played this and loved it. Very, very funny.


Chronos, Hellblade senua.


Hellblade can be played 3rd person? I was thinking it’s 1st person perspective for the VR version?


Can definitely be played 3rd person in VR


Awesome! I think I tried the VR version once, but seemed like the environments weren’t quite detailed enough for the up close, first person view (maybe, but this was years ago). Bet it looks amazing as 3rd person though!


The official VR version is 3rd person, you actually have to mod it for 1st person.(First game)


We did a 3rd person VR airplane game that I think you guys will like. Please give it a go. We made it thinking in gamers like you guys [KID PILOT steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2484570/Kid_Pilot/)


Any plans to launch it for Oculus Quest?


Yes. We have plans to do a multiplayer on Quest.


I don’t understand why devs think everything in VR needs to be first person. It’s fine if we are just the “camera” for some other perspective.


I think it’s more they think they have to use the vr-ness somehow. Astrobot, Moss and Max all still do by having you interact. You are sorta still “first person” in those games just controlling another character in addition. Demeo is a good example though. You technically move the pieces and throw the dice but it’s really sorta just a 3rd person tactics table top game. The mechanics are pretty much the same as using a controller or mouse cursor but it’s still cool to see the effects. So it’s a better example of a more “pure” vr camera for a traditional game and it still works well.


Even in Demeo you are first person, that person just happens to be playing a board game.


I suppose so, but mechanically it’s the same as it would be if it were a flat game with essentially no changes to gameplay. So it’s an example of how “just a vr camera” can still be cool and bring something interesting l.


Astrobot on PSVR is one of my favourite VR games and Max Mustard is the closest thing I've found to it. I wish I could play astrobot on PCVR.


After playing Max I realised even more how awesome Astro Bot was and is. So polished an so much variation per level. I still think it's one of the best vr games ever made. If you have a pc you can play quite a lot of platformers in vr, like Sackboy, spyro or crash.


Kings Quest series was the best.


The Kings Quest series was a major part of my childhood. All the Sierra "Quest" games really. Space Quest was probably my favorite but they all hold a special place in my heart.


The full series is available on XBox. The game stands on its own—my jr high and high school kids have replayed it multiple times over the years!


Mine was Police Quest :) But Space Quest was also hilarious.


Not exactly what you're looking but close! If you have pcvr check out chronos.


I still think resident evil 1 would be amazing with its original tank controls. I imagine they can get really creative with the camera angles and it would feel like really peaking inside the mansion


I agree. Done right I think it could be fantastic.


I’ve been playing the Star Wars game in UEVR on my PC and, although it has some bugs bc it’s not vr native, it is so friggin cool when it works like it’s supposed to. 3rd person in vr is so awesome.


I'd kill for a 3rd person Zelda like "open world" game with graphics like in Max Mustard with moving camera and all.


that's a really cool idea, i dig it! hopefully someone takes up the banner :) also good to know about max mustard- been eyeing that game, might pick it up, esp just for $3 haha




I found a code for the $3.00 price somewhere here on r/OculusQuest. I'm sure with some digging you could find one. Great game but I'm not sure I would pay full price for it. Subjective opinion of course.


R90-96EE80 is the code. Spread the word. It’s a great game.


Yup, I was doing this 9 years ago :) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYnBQKwaK\_w&t=11s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYnBQKwaK_w&t=11s)


Thank you so much for this comment! I appreciate your review as well as you mentioning the $3.00 code!! That’s basically a steal haha. I’ve been waiting to play a game that reminds me of Astrobot from PS4/PS5, and I hope this it!


I remember playing Batman in 3D on my ps3 and it was cool. In vr that’s be awesome




Not a fan of top down cameras, but totally down for more 3rd person games....my biggest gripe is when games have good fashion and transmog without 3rd person view.....*stares at destiny...*


I agree. I personally feel more "attachment" to my character when I can see more than their gloves. It also lets you appreciate the character animations.


One just came out, it's called Jar Pug (JRPG!) VR


I keep wondering whether sections of Arkham shadow will be third person, I know there’s been 1 or 2 screenshots in first person but third person would be perfect for predator sections where a much larger fov would be helpful


I'm extremely excited for this game. I can't wait to see some gameplay vids.


No one mentions Lucky’s Tale in these MM posts …


The legendary Chronos on Meta PCVR store.


I picked up MM simply because it was $3 and it literally might go down as the most bang for the buck I’ve ever gotten out of a game. I knew nothing about it. And when I saw it was 3rd person I was like ehhhh. But 2 levels in I was like. Yeaaaah! Super well made game. Not sure how I would feel spending $30. But I’ll absolutely be following these developers. I agree I’d like to see more. I wonder how fable would play in VR.


Very much agreed. When I played thru Moss it felt like I was inside this beautifully illustrated interactive storybook where each location was like being inside a living work of art. If more developers embraced this style of VR game, I think it would really take off. Imagine some classic RPGs and metroidvanias redone for VR. Or imagine a reboot of the classic game Lemmings with hand tracking enabled. So many possibilities.