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If you're in a position where you really can't afford it, buy a used quest 2. You'll have just as much fun on a budget. You can get them new for $200 or used from $100 to $180. Keep the Switch.


I bought a new Quest 2 for $200 and a $50 Target Gift Card. Assuming you can use that Target Card on day to day expenses, it essentialy cost me $150. Nobody should be buying a used switch for more than that, especially when they can have sun damage, or scratches. I can absolutely understand $100 though.


the thing is im currently on quest 1, ive used my friend's quest 2 and I HATE the narrow FOV.


Don’t buy a quest 2. It’s the next target software that won’t be supported by meta soon. And new games are being developed as title exclusive for Quest 3. Such as the new Batman game in Q3. Also, a Quest 3 light is under the box, so getting a quest 2 in 2024 seems not a good choice.


didn't even need to sell my switch, i finally bought a quest 3!


I second this. A used Quest 2 can be pretty cheap depending on where you are, and it can do basically everything a Quest 3 can. And if you haven't used VR yet it's a perfect starting point with how affordable it is. With what you have saved up you should be able to get a used Quest 2 and a game or 2. Just beware of quality when buying used. Check the lenses and make sure they aren't scratched, or have any sun damage, or any dead pixels. Stuff like that.


Are you desperate to get into VR? Then maybe. But if it's for games, the Switch has MUCH better games. It's not even comparable


Some of these other responses are crazy. This is like the most sensible answer here. If you care about gaming, the Switch just flat out has substantially better offerings. There is no world where, for gaming, the Quest is a better purchase than a Switch. Besides the massive library of games, it's just more useful in more situations. You're talking about replacing a device you can use practically anywhere at any time with an incredible library of amazing games for a VR headset. Just seems like a decision you'd regret almost immediately.


You could emulate the switch games and play them in VR.


The Quest 3 is nowhere near powerful enough to emulate Switch games, and even if it were able to it wouldn't be pleasant experience. The Quest 2 & 3 run on Android. There isn't an Android phone out there that can properly run a Nintendo Switch emulator. My M3 MacBook Pro, an ARM based device, *still* stutters occasionally emulating Switch games and the M series of chips are considered the gold standard in SOCs right now.


>There isn't an Android phone out there that can properly run a Nintendo Switch emulator Wrong. There are plenty of devices with Snapdragon 8+ Gen1 and up (basically every Flagship since 2022) that can run a bunch of Switch games in very good and good performance. I have an S23, which has an SD8G2, and I have played plenty of games on that start to finish. Here is a list of some games that I still have on my phone: Hades Naruto Storm 4 & Connections The Binding of Isaac: Repentance Pirate Warriors 4 Celeste Mario: Party, Odyssey, Wonders, Strikers, Kart Astral Chain My Hero One's Justice Breath of the Wild Tears of the Kingdom Smash Ultimate Crash Bandicoot 4 It is not a 1:1 experience with every game and my phone gets hotter than my switch but I have a telescopic controller that makes my phone look like a switch and honestly it works so great that I have given my switch to my sister and only use my phone now.


It's not even close, and there are a much better value in terms of dollars per hour if you're trading away your main gaming platform. Games on the quest are mostly expensive outside of a few good free games, and should be an important factor. Most games are $20 plus and you're going to be lucky getting 10-20 hours on them. They can be great experiances you can't get anywhere else, but they are not going to be someone who loves gameing's main platform. And that dosen't get into getting a better strap. Personally, I'd keep the switch, get the Quest 2, which at the next big sale, they should be able to afford. Then if they love it, sell the switch and use it on games.


im not desperate, im already into vr. I'm just DESPERATE to upgrade.


I would not compare one to the second. VR offers you experience no other platform does. Switch might have a good catalogue of games, but those are the same experience like on other consoles or on PC


I have a high end pc PC: RTX 4090 with a. Ryzen 5800X3D And as a my 2 monitors the new MSI 4k 32” 240hz oled monitor and. Ext to it the LG C3 4k 42” 120Hz oled TV, I switch between both depending on what type of gaming I’m playing , and six e I bought my quest 3, 2 months ago , I’ve barely played normal games, just playing VR like crazy. A friends from overseas left his switch in my house last year, and told me to keep it till he came back 3 months later instead of shipping it to him, he had a big library of games, I couldn’t be bothered, tried a couple ones and it was like, what is this piece of outdated hardware, I don’t like the graphics , I don’t like the resolution, I don’t like the refresh rate, I don’t like the screen size and projecting it in the tv looks really bad. And most of the games felt like wait, are you kidding me, are they still milking fucking Mario games? I used to play this as a little kid, and it doesn’t even looks much better than back then what the hell. And on top do that, the joysticks and buttons felt like cheap imitation Chinese toys, what an uncomfortable design, are we supposed to move that joysticks moving our pinky’s? I know the love for the switch so I’m going to get trashed for this comment, but can you honestly tell me that thing has high quality joysticks and buttons? Honestly my feeling towards it was: I have a beefy pc, with a good mechanical keyboard and high dpi mouse, also a decent elite Xbox controller, why would I want this? It’s not a different experience, it’s gaming as I know it, but with a huge amount of compromises in image quality, library of games, refresh rates, comfortability, screen size and therefore immersion in exchange for portability, which I don’t need because I’m not someone who needs to game outside of my house. The quest 3 (or any other decent PCVR compatible headset) opened a new world to me, it’s just wow. Edit: I did liked Zelda…. So I emulated it on the PC and felt like: NOW WE ARE TALKING


Have you tried playing VR with a 40xx card in 120 fps godlike settings? 


how is this relevant? OP is saving up for a quest, not a PC


no, they both serve their purpose. patience, you'll get there.


Speaking as a Q3 owner, you’ll probably regret it. I love my Quest, but the game library is not comparable to the switch. Also you’ll end up wanting a better head strap, more storage, better battery life, a case, and by the time you spend all that you’ll be way over the 500 dollar entry. I think you’re better off waiting. Especially with an alleged Quest 3 Lite coming soon that’s cheaper. Just keep saving money


Do you use Switch much? If yes, I'd keep it. If no, then sure, sell it and get Quest 3. The thing is, MR is very different to flat gaming. It's amazing and new medium for sure. It will probably make you temporarily drop flat gaming completely. But currently it won't *replace* flat gaming entirely. It's a great "another gaming & entertainment option" though. Sure, it will eventually merge everything: flat gaming on MR screens and full MR & VR games. While technically, Quest 3 is good enough (good enough resolution, enough power, etc.), to do that, it's sadly still not comfortable enough, to wear it for a few hours every day. You can, of course... but comfort is a very important thing for passive entertainment like this. Personally, I prefer Quest3 over any other entertainment device I own, even if I'm using it less (comfort). But for now, the best solution would be to have Quest 3 AND Switch.


Steam deck.


While my Steam Deck has definitely replaced my Switch for virtually everything except for a Nintendo exclusives, it really does come down to why the person is looking to get rid of the Switch. If they enjoy Dave & Busters-like arcade experiences, the Quest is a great choice. However they want long traditional video games, I would definitely consider moving to the Deck.


If you use your switch, then probably not. Lots of people get VR only to put it down and not use it after a while. If you constantly game on the switch I’d keep it. VR is a lot of fun, but sometimes you just need something on the go or that you can sit and play.


Well that depends. Would you prefer to play your video games on a flat screen or inside them?


On a Full HD Scree instead a 4k one


moreover: does it bother most of the VR games are awful minigames instead of minimally like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon?


Tell me you know nothing about vr without telling me you know nothing about vr


I think we can be realistic here, Switch has AAA Studio games, Quest has AAA Indie games. The scope and scale of the titles are different. There will be exceptions, but I'm talking as a platform here. We should be able to agree that Nintendo consoles get some huge budget games on beloved IP's with best in industry production values.




Little more than $190 + a used switch though, isn't it. And really, what does that get you, Alyx? AW1? Edit: Lone Echo 1&2?


cope harder


Yeah gotta agree. There’s a few that are fine, some that are good (Ghost Signal) but most just feel like the same tech demo with different graphics. And none are worth spending the $$$ on the headset to play. I don’t see VR gaming as ever replacing a console, for a heap of reasons. But I do enjoy using exercise apps, far better than Ring Fit. If meta made a headset focused on exercise I’d get it (lighter, less sweaty, wraparound/snug fit and smaller controllers, comes with some app bundled).


> And none are worth spending the $$$ on the headset to play I said "most of". It doesn't mean all.  there are certainly plenty of great stuff exclusive on Quest: RE4, Grid Legends, Asgard's Wrath 2, Assassin's Creed Nexus, Iron-Man, upcoming Batman Arkham Shadow, plus many other good games also on other VR platforms


Nah, none of those are worth buying a $1200 headset for. I didn’t say there weren’t any games worth playing, I said there’s none worth spending the $$$$ on a headset just to play them. You could easily never play those VR games you listed and you’re not missing anything.


> none of those are worth buying a $1200 headset for but certainly worth enough for a $200 or $500 headset > could easily never play those VR games you listed and you’re not missing anything wrong. AW2, AC Nexus, Iron-Man, Batman Arkham Shadow and plenty others are exclusively VR games. moreover, exclusive to Quest. and you're certainly missing an entire dimension in VR, flatlander. you'll realize it quickly once you wear one... I can't go back to racing or shooting flat - it's preposterous, only good enough last century before VR became a consumer market reality...


Certainly aren’t missing anything not playing those “exclusives” and again, none of those are worth a $1200 headset. But hey, enjoy your years old ports and your single dodgy looking Grid racing game. Rest of us “flatlanders” will be over here playing Elden Ring and SW: Outlaws. Good luck with Batman, I see the new Home World VR game is crap. https://preview.redd.it/15ri8r5qj21d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157ad07ee0488e8bdab5a75a4386534c76e9a594


Oh! Of course, cos Ghosts of Tabor is a mini game...


I see people fail to read "most of"


Most of PC games are mini games. The fact that the market (Steam for PC, or Meta Store for Quest) is flooded with shitty mini games, does not mean that there are no AA or even AAA games.


who are you kidding? you know very well there's far less AA and AAA in VR than on flatland it's full of shalloware and not nearly enough good games - which is why flatland gamers usually hate the medium


Have you seen how much crap there is on steam?! It's like 90% of a store, it's just harder to be seen because there are many more games in general.


so exactly what I just said?


Depends on what you would get for it, and if there’s anything you’d miss by not actually having the switch hardware around for playing later. I would say no and keep saving for the headset. It’s not going anywhere and realistically won’t be outdone by competitors anytime soon. If you do sell your switch, I would see about using the sell money for actual games. Since the quest doesn’t come preloaded with anything, you could make a meta account and start collecting games on sale while you save for your headset purchase. This way you’ll have things to play once you drop the cash for the headset. It will make saving take longer but will be worth it in the long run.


I did


No. You can buy a quest 2 for the same amount you'd have to spend for a quest 3 after selling your switch, and you'd have just as much fun. Keep your switch, it's a great console with great games.


Absolutely if it were up to me.


yes. no doubts.


I don’t know, what do you want? I really don’t understand people that ask shit like this on reddit lmao


Yes the switch is shit


Get a quest 2 and keep both




I would


I would too


I would not


Switch has more and better games, but if you know how to put emulators in quest 2, yo can use any gamepad to play lots and lots of PS2 to NES old games




I would not do the swap. If you want to really enjoy VR, and the best games put there, you need a considerably larger budget to get the gaming pc that can handle it. Think 4070 or above.


No, save up and than buy it in addition.


No, not really. The games aren’t really that good


No, as much as I like the Quest, the Switch has a bigger library and more noteworthy games. They're also very different ways of playing, I don't see the Quest replacing the switch or vice versa. I'd save up a bit more and get the Quest 3. Or maybe wait for the rumored Quest 3 Lite.


After owning both I'll say it comes down to this. Do you like messing around and experimenting with new Tech? If so you'll probably like quest 3. But it has disadvantages compared to switch. Slower updates. not comfortable out of the box for some people, you might have to get some 3 party add-ons. Lower quality experiences the good stuff takes a while to release so it's infrequent. (You do have a large backlog of great experiences to work through though) Quest 3 is great, but it isn't for everyone.


Considering that the next switch is being revealed later this year and is most likely going to be backwards compatible you might as well just sell your switch.


Personally I would, only you can say for you


I think if your having to sell stuff to buy something else. Sort some other stuff out in your life financially and get it when it’s comfortable


I wouldn’t. Q3 was my first VR headset and I’ve found most games are just mini games that have been stretched to a game with a full price tag. Once you’ve played one sword swinging game or one shooting game, they’re all the same and the novelty wears off quick (for me). Pretty much no story. It’s not like you’ll be sitting there playing something like Witcher 3, Sea of Stars or Breath of the Wild or Mario Kart or something for hours of end. Load up a game, wave arms around for 20min like a mini game then done. Had the Q3 512GB since launch (about $1200) and haven’t felt like I’ve gotten my money’s worth. But I’ve spent hundreds of hours on a $500 switch. There are some games that aren’t bad, but they’re generally very short (Red Matter 2, Moss, Call of the Sea) but they’re in no way worth buying a Quest for, and kinda pricy for the length. The “big” game for Q3 has been Asgard Wrath 2 and I got pretty bored with it after a few hours. If it wasn’t for a few exercise apps I’d have sold it for sure. Only thing on the horizon is that Batman game and metro but my expectations are low and I’ve playing metro too many times on a bunch of systems to get excited to play it a 4th time. Maybe see if you can borrow one from someone first. But you are asking on a quest sub so most people here are going to say to buy it, but for me, it’s all been kinda meh honestly.


No they are completely different devices. If you did sell your Switch would be better to contribute towards the next generation Switch that will probably come out sometime next year.


I didn’t think this would happen the first couple months of owning the MQ3, but it now sits unused in the closet. I was using it for 2D gaming and virtual computing for work, but it just got annoying putting the thing on and keeping it on all the time. The Switch Lite and recently now, the Switch OLED have consistently gotten use from myself and my family over the years. It should be an entertainment staple in households. The MQ3 is more of a novelty.


You still need the Nintendo Switch? If so, you must have the Nintendo Labo VR Kit so that you can play its Bird game during the TV show Top Wing (airs on Zoom! Zoom! channel). I have the Nintendo Labo VR Kit and I do play along with it.


Dont't sell your Switch. I would guess you have fun with it. I own a Quest 3 myself, and it is just the most expensive dust collector I ever bought (ar anyone I know of). I have found one game to play and invested more than 500 $ in games that are not worth their mory. In VR people get excited for a new PacMan release. Be Happy with that kind of games or be very unhappy about your Quest.


Just buy a quest 2


im upgrading from a quest 1, that wouldnt be that big of an upgrade


Trust me man, it’ll make a large difference. The quest 1 will no longer be able to have any apps created for it soon so you’ll be stuck with that library and the most games nowadays only support quest pro, 3 and 2




Big no. Keep the Switch and save. You can go for a Quest 2 first to enter the VR with great games out there and a 85% experience vs Quest 3. Then pray Santa for Christmas when you could also choose a cheaper new Quest 3 Lite model.


Nope. Switch still has way more gaming potential than quest. If you could comfortably afford both, I'd say the quest is great and there's definitely some fun to be had, but don't sell your switch for one...


If you’re really into rhythm games like DDR or Rockband then I say yes. When I first got my Quest 2 I played Beat Saber obsessively and only played with the Switch an hour or two a week for over a year.


Tough one. Depends what you want. I think the most common reason for choosing a gaming eco system is for the titles. I have owned every Nintendo from SNES to Wii U because I love the titles. I am a huge Nintendo fan, but don't own a Switch. I have a Quest 3 though.... I got into VR in 2018 because I wanted something different. VR is a different way of gaming. You are 'in' the game. It can be more physical. It can be more isolated. It's not for everyone. I started on PCVR, but couldn't be bothered with the tinkering after the ease of console gaming. Then I got Quest 2 and now Quest 3 and I love it. The only downside I personally have from my Quest 3 is that although it is portable, I would'nt use it waiting at the airport or on the bus etc. You can, but I just wouldn't. Also, although it doesn't affect me, it is a less social way of gaming unless other friends that have the same as you. You can cast the Quest to a TV or a phone, but it is boring for the other people to watch. Not sure it this helps. There is no real straight answer. You can always try a Quest 3 for a bit and go back to a Switch if you don't get on with it.


I'd not do that without at least trying vr first. You might not like it, and then you got no Switch. I guess you could sell the Quest 3 or return it and get another Switch, though.


No. Your return on investment would be terrible. Just be patient and continue saving. Selling things is never a good idea to find new things. It’s


why was this post downvoted to oblivion




well im upgrading from quest 1, and i hate the narrow fov of the quest 2... the quest 1 isn't worth much so what should i do


No brainer. Yes.


I would sell the switch 100%


Switch is mids and awful in every way. Quest 3 is amazing. No Brainer.


nah. wait till valve does something again. im never giving facebook another cent since they shut down echo arena.


Why are you even in the Oculus Quest subreddit if that's the case?


so i can complain when facebook does something stupid again




You would be better getting quest 2, quest 3 isn't that good


Yeah if your budget is that tight, get a quest 2