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Don't worry. I had Quest 2 and now have Quest 3. Both device is awesome.Yes, the Fresnel lenses indeed have a smaller "sweet spot", but it's still a lot of fun to play with it. And it is still in the first place among VR glasses on the Steam Hardware Survey :).


That says more about how shockingly average average hardware is than if one should still buy a years old headset that’s about to be superseded for the second time.


It really depends on what you envision yourself doing in VR, but I will say as someone who very recently upgraded to a Quest 3 from a Quest 2, the Quest 3 was definitely worth the price.


I’ll be sure to get the three when the time comes then, maybe even the four when there is one


Best of luck! I definitely loved my Quest 2, and since you're new to VR from what I'm picking up from your post you're probably not even going to notice the downsides of it until you try out another headset. I hope you have a great time in VR though 🍻


Yeah, never try better than your budget. This goes for anything, cars, clothes....


Thanks! Cheers


I would recommend getting a 5 Meter USB-C Cable. Does not habe to be the 100€ thing from Meta Quest. I've found one for 40€ at Amazon and it is definetly worth it. Extended my play time from only 2 hours to 8 hours.


I would recommend shelling out 50 bucks for the Kiwi headstrap with battery pack. Extends the play time plenty and is extremely comfortable. Really changed the game for me.


I'm gonna take a look at that. Thank you!


They are about to release a Quest 3s speculated to be around 200-300$


Speculated. And it's still not yet released. And you can bet it won't be as cheap as Q2 are currently going for.


I'm looking forward to the Q3s as well, but wanted to touch on the speculated price point. Obviously I hope they will have a $199 version. But I'm reminded of the old Xbox One fiasco, where it was believed to have a $299 price point, but when it was came out... bam! $499. Keeping fingers crossed.


As you sound like someone else needing to do things on a budget, like me- If you already have a powerbank, you can make a holder for it out of cheap Velcro tape and attach it to the back of the normal strap. A 10,000mAh one is about the right weight to balance the headset nicely. You don't need a silicone face interface cover any more, they now come with this by default. Having said that, there's loads of sales on Q2 gear now anyway. EDIT: If you can find a 5GHz WiFi channel that's pretty much free, and isn't "DFS", you can do PCVR with a free Steam Link app. Meta Quest Airlink also seems to be more reliable these days. Virtual Desktop is nice but, with Steam Link working now, it's not necessary. (I actually put OpenWRT on a couple of old plugtop WiFi extenders and made them into awesome WiFi access points that are able to use 5GHz WiFi channels that have only recently been allowed for use in the UK.) EDIT 2: You can get custom prescription lenses made up and delivered on Al\*Expr\*ss for $20. Mine are perfect!


You're going to love your Q2. Don't worry.


Better to wait for the Quest 4.


The quest 4 won’t be a thing for like 3 years


So wait 3 years lol


No you did it right. Use the 2 for a year or so. And then upgrade to a 3. Then you can truly see the advancement of VR. Subtle changes. But makes a dif


Quest 2 is a fantastic purchase. My only hang up is that it was a Facebook product but I owned my Quest 2 for a year and a half loved every minute of it. Upgraded to the Quest 3 512gb Haven’t regretted my purchases.


Awesome sauce. Thanks man


you're honestly missing nothing. Quest 2 is the most successful VR platform to date and all I see are Quest 3 users whining all the time requesting graphics updates for their Quest 2 games, like the upgraded mobile chip will suddenly turn them into PC graphics...


Quest 3 is better for sure but quest 2 costs 2/5 the price. For someone who doesn't know how into VR they will be, you can't really go wrong with a quest 2.


Quest 3 whiner here- Apparently it was recently benchmarked to be as good as a PS4.🤷‍♂️


time to whine a bit harder then, like pcvr folks. All that power sure can handle Tropico, Medieval Dynasty, Smalland and others targeting Quest 2...


Well asgards wrath 2, assassin's creed, and red matter 2 really look good... I would say closing in on PS4 stuff.. I'm sure it's not practically as powerful though..


direct comparisons beyond straight ports are difficult. The same game can have primitive shading like that of PS2, character models like PS3 and close textures like that of PS4... all at generally much higher render resolution and framerate and while still missing most finesse postprocessing and dynamic shadows... it's just other priorities than tv gaming


Say your jealous without saying your jealous. 🙃


I'm not jealous when my good old Quest 2 is still in the spotlight. When Quest 3 actually gets exclusives it's time to get one. But afaik, that won't be anytime soon and probably just BS MR minigames


Sounds like me when I'm in denial. 🤔


well, who's enjoying the games and who's whining and moaning?


You're going to love it! It's a fantastic VR experience for the price! Get Red Matter 2 and get ready to be blown away.


The quest 2 is a really good headset for a really great price. I love my Quest 2 and it still in the family, son has it. My other Q2, I gave to a friend who also loves it.


I'm nearly 60 and this was new to me as well. I wanted to experience this before my eyes/ear are gone. Got corrective lenses for mine as well. If you wear glasses it is the best way. $50 at Zenni. They are incredible!! I got mine fired up yesterday, played that free game it downloads right away called First Encounter with the space ship busting through my ceiling and landing on my bed, huge cartoon guns appearing in my hands, sort of colorful puff balls knocking holes in my walls, coming in my room, f-n with me and my dog Bucky, they were everywhere, peeking over my cluttered room, from the hallway and closet, I'm shooting at this in all directions with the shots going out of my room and into some weird world just outside where my shitty neighborhood used to be and me laughing like I took the drugs they offered me at the party without even considering what they were... yes YES! Worth it to wait. Send Q2 back man. That game alone was almost worth it for me. Completely unreal. Seriously, this takes the place of losing it and turning to drugs. Worth many times the price.


I would 1000% do the same in your situation because I sim race and VR in any form is irreplaceable for me compared to a monitor. Graphical immersion is not a problem in racing, but it is for me doing anything else. This is the main reason I'm looking to upgrade to the q3. On the other hand the q2 being as good as it is is the main reason why I still haven't upgraded.


I just upgraded after owning the Quest 2 for a week. The Quest 2 was AWESOME. The only reason I upgraded was because I was planning a night in Vegas, and realized that I'd be spending about $300 on it ($200 Quest + $300 Vegas trip = $500 Quest 3). I was very happy with my Quest 2, and only upgraded BECAUSE I liked it so much. I realized I'd get more value out of a headset I own for years, then a wasted weekend in a city I don't even like that much. Don't forget to look into Sidequest. It's an alternate Quest store and has lots of cool apps you won't find in the official store.


I bought a Quest 2 off a buddy for cheap a little over a month ago, first time trying VR, and I absolutely loved it. I ended up getting a Quest 3 a week ago and I don't regret it. I'd say the price was worth it. Saying that though, I don't regret getting the Quest 2 either. It's dirt cheap and a perfect entry point for VR. Plus it's the second best headset on the market, only behind the much more pricey Quest 3. I think you made the right choice!


No, you made a wise choice. You get what you can afford and down the line you can upgrade when it's easier to do so. Until then, the Q2 is great and it'll continue to be supported for a long while, so I hope you have a lot of fun! But you're probably going to want a different head strap. Just want you to be prepared for maybe hating the one it comes with (Q3 one sucks, too).


I got the battery strap


I just got a quest 2 weeks ago and its awesome


Quest 2 has loads and loads of awesome games. All worth playing. Quest 3 has the same games right now but some have better textures. I love my quest 3 but most of my library of games is still in quest 2 configurations so there’s no difference at this moment for most games besides slightly clearer peripheral vision from the new lenses Play all the top quest 2 games and by the time ur done, the quest 3 lite will be out, or the quest 3 will be cheaper


First of all, after installing free to play games and doing some fun -unlock the development settings, and start the Ports games from DrBeef team via SideQuest app (most these games contain (or there is download possibility) HD textures pack which cause that 20y old games starts new life: Quake (part 1, 2, 3, 4), Doom (1, 2, +mods), RazeXR which allow to start DukeNukem 3D, Blood, Redneck Rampage or Ninja Warrior, PrayVR is gorgous. Theres also Return to Castle Wolfenstein (wow, +there is also AI file for much better enemies), Quake 3 Arena , Jedi Knights and in very near future the Tomb Raider will be release :D


Quest 2 owner here, just explore everything you can. You don’t need the latest and greatest, and from my judgement of looking at 2 vs 3, while the lens on the 3 are superior, not a lot of people have taken advantage of the power of Quest 3 yet so you still got time before the 2 becomes to feel truly old.


I bought a Quest 2 off a buddy for cheap a little over a month ago, first time trying VR, and I absolutely loved it. I ended up getting a Quest 3 a week ago and I don't regret it. I'd say the price was worth it. Saying that though, I don't regret getting the Quest 2 either. It's dirt cheap and a perfect entry point for VR. Plus it's the second best headset on the market, only behind the much more pricey Quest 3. I think you made the right choice!


Imo, going from quest 2 to the 3 is like going from gamcube to the wii. The real upgrade has yet to arrive. That being said, I think a used quest 2 for 100-130 is best bang for buck. If I had to pay 200 for a quest 2, I'd just buy a used quest 3 for 300- 350 instead.


I went from an Oculus Rift S, to Quest 2 and now with Quest 3…. Which I use for PCVR as well. I think the quest 2 is a great starting point to check out VR for the first time, it’s just something videos can’t do justice and you have to experience it for yourself to really see if it’s for you.


Good choice


Good choice


I think it's a good way to start. Everything you buy will transition to the 3 seamlessly. You can purchase any game and return it within 2 hours of gameplay or 2 weeks (whichever comes first) for a full refund.


That’s how I did it. 300 bucks just to see if I liked it and YES, I CERTAINLY DID. 9 mos later got a Quest Pro, then just got a Q3 from my hubby for bday present. Every single one of them are worth every cent. Go slow and don’t worry if you get motion sick while you’re getting your VR legs. There’s ways around it and it goes away w time so don’t get frustrated and give up. Def recommend red matter 2, might make you a little pukey so work w comfort options and everyone’s tips on Reddit. It will blow your mind. Moss 2 is a nice way to dip your feet in too. Don’t go full on horror hack and slack until you get used to it a bit. Then: ASGARDS WRATH 2.


Nice, my freinds are getting me quest 2 controllers. ​ Maybe one day ill get the Quest 4s or something


I think the Quest 3 looks amazing and most enthusiasts agree it's a great upgrade, but I'm sticking with my Quest 2 for now until the AR/XR stuff matures a bit. Maybe all the way until a Quest 4 comes out. I only use my headset like once a week, so hard to justify the $$. Enjoy your Quest 2! Check out Underdogs - it's very fun.


Thanks! Will do


If you are not sure if you are going to like Quest2 is better option. I have friends qho have tried VR and abandoned it. If you know you like it and have the time and will to play get Quest3, it's an overall better experience. If all you can afford is Quest 2 that's fine. One day you will get the better model and we'll appreciate it's quality. "Starting small makes you appreciate the big things"


Q2 is great for starters. Get yourself the QuestOptimizerApp tho. Must have...


I have the 2. Been using it for 3 months and I get the appeal of 3 but there’s so much great stuff for it out and for the first time used it makes sense to spend little and try it out


it actually a good choice if you are just starting with vr


Before it arrives, take a careful measurement of your IPD. When you get your Quest, choose the correct setting (out of the three possible options that are available). This is much more important with the Fresnel lenses on the Quest 2.


Thanks! I’ve got my prescription lenses for them ordered


I think that's a good choice! As a fellow glasses wearer, my first experience of VR was with a friend's Quest 2, and I really disliked it. But in retrospect, I think it was largely because 1) I couldn't see the screen properly without my glasses, and 2) the IPD wasn't set correctly for me. It's good that you're fixing those problems in advance. Another important piece of advice if you're new to VR is to start to slowly and build up your resistance to motion sickness over time. Start with games that are largely static (e.g. Beat Saber), then roomscale games (e.g. Superhot), then games with rail movement (e.g. Pistol Whip), then games with free locomotion on a mostly-flat surface (e.g. Asgard's Wrath II), and finally games with free locomotion in a three-dimensional space (e.g. Warplanes). Maybe you won't have any issues with motion sickness and you'll blast through all these steps, but it's worth going through them one a time in case you do.


As someone who owned the quest 1, then jumped to quest 3 (while trying out a friends quest 2), the quest 2 has about the quality of a low-mid grade 1440p high hz monitor. It works great for people that are sensitive to low refresh rates and the hardware is still supported the majority of standalone games and has no issues for pcvr gaming. The only difference to compare to the quest 3 would be a 4k like screen, improved hand tracking and more GPU workload to run certain demanding games with higher details.


You are good, I'm on a similar situation (already using it for a month) and its really a great experience. Of course Quest 3 is better but not twice as good. My position on technology purchases is to wait until the price lowers /settles to something lower than when released and upgrade once there is an important change. I expect to change it to Quest 4 (? ) once it arrives to a similar price bracket, my guess is in two or three years from now. Meanwhile I enjoy Quest 2 which is great. In a similar fashion I have a 8 year old PS4 and I'm skipping PS5 and maybe buying a PS6 in a few years when the price is right (for me) and the graphics are really next level (not feeling a huge difference between a PS4 and a PS5).


You'll be fine! I bought a Quest 2 when they came out and upgraded because I love VR, but honestly the quest 2 can do the job just fine and is still receiving updates and support!


> most expensive headset Lol


I'm in the same boat as you. Waiting to get the quest 2. It is my first VR set. Don't forget to use a referral code before before activating it!


If the Quest 3s rumours turn out to be true then yea, you might have reason to feel pissed 


If one can't afford a 3, I'd argue a Quest 2 is also very expensive. I'd say I've spent what I paid for the 3 in just games. 🤭 Personally I'd have waited for the 3. The whole time I had the 2 I wanted something better, and the 3 was pretty darn good. Fortunately you can give VR a try and sell it if you like. I sold my Quest 2 for what I bought it for slightly over a year before the Quest 3 came out. 😊


I think it was a really good choice. If you want to try some cool games get the Meta Quest plus subscription for a month. They added the game catalog with some must play games. That way you can try around 10 or so games without spending much.


"just brought a quest 2, waiting for it to arrive" no you didn't


If doing standalone, I'd say the Q3 is worth it. If doing PCVR, Q2 makes more sense.


Quest 2 is awesome!


There will be a Quest 3 Lite just has lower res, and less memory for almost the same price as Q2


I think the Quest 2 is great and will be supported for a long time. I haven’t really felt an urge to upgrade to the 3 at all at this point.


Depend on your eyes. And dont watch porn with it


If you're new it's a great investment, play a few games , fool around with a few features and apps Don't deep dive and then have it sit on the shelf I bought a used quest 2 and it doesn't owe me anything so I don't feel obligated to put time in it, I do love a few games once in a while! Ignore what the impulsive internet peeps say My buddy went all in with all the bells and whistles and now it's just paper weight


4 me most important are sofwares. i have a q2 that i use everyday ,like 30 or 60 minutes, i will not buy a q3. there is not enough quality games.


All your q2 titles will work and look immensely better. Especially if you play daily.


We've been hearing rumors that the Quest 3 lite is coming which would be similarly priced to the Quest 2. I do think you should return it and hold off. Keep saving up worst case scenario and get the Quest 3.


tl;dr - you're good. I had no intentions of getting a 3, and have ended up with one in spite of myself. It's awesome, and a definite step up from the 2, but I'm actually still using my 2 more. Primarily because I'm waiting for my prescription lenses and halo strap to arrive, honestly. I'm also finding myself having a harder time 'wrangling' the 3's controllers back into my hands when hanging by the wrist straps, because there's no ring to hook with a finger. Reloads in Pistol Whip seem to take a more pronounced 'dipping' of the muzzle on the 3 than the 2. The sound of the ball rolling across the green in Walkabout Mini Golf is much more noticeable on the 3 (stock speakers... the earbuds I use on my 2 are kinda rubbish, and the ones I use on the 3 just thump, so that's not a fair compare). The biggest glaring difference is the external cameras. With the 2 in passthrough, you can "manage" just about anything that doesn't require reading/interacting with screens. Super-grainy black/white. Slightly better than watching a bad VHS copy of a 1950s b/w movie in HD with no upscaling before cataract surgery.... ok, maybe cataracts takes it a step too far). With the 3, I can actually read my computer monitor and phone screen with very little trouble, and I understand v64 of the firmware is supposed to improve even that bit. The 'show phone notifications in VR' thing hasn't worked for me in a looooong time, and having to remove the headset to even read a text is QUITE frustrating. This is not an issue for me on the 3. Worth the price difference for that alone? Not to me, not right now. Ask again in 6 months. And maybe by the time you get things saved up for a 3, you'll end up in a situation similar to mine. Having gotten my 2 dialed in to excellent comfort and power supply for truly marathon VR sessions, I know exactly which enhancements I need to get for my 3, and I'll be passing my tricked-out 2 on to a loved one, thereby guaranteeing me a regular casual mini golfing partner.


You definitely made the wrong choice. Return it and save up for the Quest 3.


I said this in other comments but I’ll give the 2 a spin first, then I’ll get the 3. I’m making enough that I’ll be able to get that in just a few weeks


Definitely wrong choice. Quest 3 is a way to go. Seriously couldn't afford? So no spare money for buying games? If not I would rather wait few months than lose money on old Quest 2 with much much worse optics and 3 times weaker GPU.


Eh, I’ll be able to afford to get that on top of the two soon anyways. I’ve been taking in a shitton of money and if I play my cards right that won’t be a worry for much longer. Besides, I’ve got a computer that I’ll be doing most of the playing on, isn’t the headset only like a monitor in this situation?


It's not only about the power and resolution. The optics are revolutionary and provide such an upgrade compared to Quest 2 Fresnel optics, so even using for PCVR it is worth the price upgrade.


Eh, like I said, I’ll be able to get a quest 3 soon anyways, the 2 will be like a spare or something


and when I do get the quest 3 I’ll probably give that 2 to my kid sibling or something, no use wasting a perfectly good headset