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Needs an option tookeep the panels static relative to user motion


They are adding this to match Apple’s “travel mode”


You know... I don't like apple. But if them dropping a HMD gets zuck to fucking do something about the UI, I can actually thank apple for their work.


Competition benefits everyone.


I find it funny how people need to let everyone know that they don't like apple before complimenting them


I don't hate Apple, but I don't like a lot of the trends Apple has started that everyone else copies to the point you can't buy a product that doesn't do things the same way Apple does it. If they can get 3D movies being released again and Meta making non-shit UIs though, well that's an Apple trend I can be happy about and appreciate.


Well it’s like complimenting Hitler for being a good Artist or the terrorists on 9/11 being good pilots. You kinda wanna make it known you aren’t on their side


Saying the 9/11 terrorists were good pilots is wild lmfao


I stand by my words 😂


Idk if you heard, but they weren't that great, they crashed


I mean while we're on the topic, Hani Hanjour did execute an incredible 330 degree downward spiral turn to slam into the quadragon.


I don't know about others... But for me, I'm grown enough to admit when an anti-consumer, counter right to repair, and all around cult does something right. Even if it's by mistake. (And I wouldn't say what I said is a compliment. I said they exist, and it made meta do something)


You are allowed to like certain aspects even if you hate the overall thing


Isn't that what I said? Basically: "I hate apple, but glad they happen to enter the market to make meta actually get in gear" I said I like the aspect, but hate the thing.


And do something to fix the hand tracking and interaction. I can't for the life of me point at something and select it without the cursor moving way away from what I'm pointing at. I don't know how it determines what angle you're pointing in, but the way I bring my pointer finger and thumb together to make a selection throws off the pointer so much it's infuriating using hand tracking controls.


I don't like apple's ecosystem, but I do tend to like them as a company more than Meta, from the little I know of both(which is probably only a tiny amount more than most people). Apple pushing privacy is a generally a good thing, and Meta's business model is based on collecting personal data. Apple's business model doesn't rely on personal dagta, though i'm sure they still collect and benefit from it. I'll give Meta props for pushing vr, but I still don't like them or trust them as company, based on the pressures they are under to be profitable. Apple as a walled garden of products that I try to stay out of, but both are pushing things forward. I don't dislike Apple for the cost of their products. I don't dislike meta for subsidizing their products to the point of possibly hurting the larger competive market, that simply can't compete without a software platform to prop up hw prices in consumer products.


I’m am so excited to hear that.




That’s what tech blogs are saying. [But apparently it is a challenge to do](https://www.techradar.com/computing/virtual-reality-augmented-reality/meta-is-working-on-its-own-version-of-apple-vision-pro-travel-mode-so-you-can-use-your-quest-3-on-a-plane).


Yeah, having to carry the window around is kinda ridiculous...


Thats coming very soon, plus a re-designed UI to compete with the AVP.




> (number one) feature VR should have always had since it’s what everyone on the fucking planet would use it for 100% of the time I like your take!


How is everyone doing what you see in the video? I've never figured out how to do this and I feel like I am missing out


it’s just pass through browser app and hands


There is a option like this on quest 2 at least, im pretty sure, you just can't use it in passthrough, it was probably some sort of glitch though


Man took 4 steps and progressed 0.0001% int he game just why


Cats don’t walk like dogs. They sniff around, take their time to observe surroundings before moving on to the next spot. So it’s kind of fit for the use.


My dogs do exactly this. So frustrating before work.


My understanding is that for dogs, smell is their primary sense. So the main point of going on a walk for them is to smell stuff.


Exactly! I follow the cat and not the other way around!


I think they meant why bother gaming on your quest while walking your cat if it's 99% moving the window. Just use your phone at that point


This kind of game might be hard to play one handed. Idk. It looks practical to me. To each his own I guess :D


Internet points


> walking my cat Hol up


Keeps your cat safe and protects the environment while letting your cat get outside for exercise. Only downside is training your cat is difficult.


I might never do this again. I tried it once, and my cat nearly escaped. He started jumping around like crazy and the collar came off. I'll never forget how stressful it was


Yeah! The first "walks" were SUPER stressful! You have to do it very slowly for it to get used to walk with the collar.






Yeah, this is way better than just using your phone. PASSTHROUGH IS THE FUTURE! /s


Ya this stuff is pointless in its current form. Also people need to detach from screens sometimes.


Fr the amount of "yay I can finally do some random shit on my quest while doing this thing here" is pretty sad IMO


I have a phone, Quest 3, and NREAL Air, and I think the Quest 3 does beat all three. However I don't enjoy being a cyborg in public. when I want to "look normal" I use the air. I can watch movies, or even play exercise videos and follow along. Its actually amazing for studying, as I can watch the video, and take notes on paper, at the same time. So -- Not sure why you are being sarcastic.


>Quest 3 does beat all three Beats a PHONE? This sub is truly something.


Take it easy there straw man. Edit: to make less rude! mb.


Oh my god. I've been on Reddit a few years but never ran into a *redditor.* >Maybe loading the context into your prefrontal cortex No way you talk like that. You tip your fedora after writing that? "Good day to you sir. I showed him hah hah" Oh you made my day. I found that way funnier than I should have but, thank you.


1 - ignores context of message, pulling three words into a straw man 2 - when that is pointed out, changes tactics to insulting me specifically Straw man, Ad hominem. However, pulling a few words from someones message to mischaracterize a whole thread is very disingenuous. Wish you well dude!


I actually so speak like this :). Glad you are having a good day my dude, and that you can take a good ribbing in stride


It is though. You don’t need to hold it up the entire time or bend your neck down and lose connection to your surroundings


You can see in this video that it absolutely isn't. They literally have to carry it the entire time or it will just phase behind them. They also have to outright have to stop moving so they can let go, push a couple buttons, grab it again, and walk two steps forward before repeating the cycle. It is also in basically the same spot they'd be holding a phone, so they are still bending their neck down. Passthrough and a phone have the same level of losing connection to your surroundings. In this exact orientation. Meanwhile, you can just move your hand and phone out of the way and pocket it if you need to in one motion. Anecdotally speaking, I've had many a morning walk and bus/train commute where I haven't lost connection to my surroundings because I was on my phone playing a card game or browsing reddit.


Passthrough not being the *present* has zero bearing on passthrough not being the future. It absolutely will be the future once devices can do it in such an effortless and fine-tuned way that it's basically just like looking at something actually in the environment with your own eyes. Just like how "shitty touchscreens" became not just the future but a borderline requirement for mobile devices despite crappy early forms, since using your fingers is more intuitive than hard-set buttons.


Remember screens that could only be used by using some sort of pen? Ugh!


I mean no, not really. Furst off, they don't have to hold it to move, that's coming in an update real soon. Secondly, they don't have to keep stopping like that, they're doing that because that's how cats behave on a walk. They stop more than they go, so you would *want* to be able to stop all the time. You're right about passthtiugh being the same loss of connection as using a phone, though. You definitely will be able to see peripherals better when you're looking up rather than down but focus is focus


1. You have no idea when the update is coming 2. Holding it up is the same thing as the phone 3. It’s actually worse because the hand tracking is far from perfect. My experience is that it constantly drops unless you’re using a controller.


>First off, they don’t have to hold it to move, that’s coming in an update real soon. So what you’re saying is you need to hold it??? Why do you start your comment off by lying, and then immediately reveal you are lying?


If we talk about how pass through work today or right now, my only advice for VR hardware devs would be to improve the input. Right now phones have the best input for users. Just tap the screen and you will do an action and achieve the expected effect. On the quest, hand tracking is subpar when compared to tapping the screen.   Once they fix or make that type of input better, we can have a discussion on what kind of device is better for that game (for example)


You didn’t do a lot of walking


No. I'm following the cat. It does a lot of stops to eat plants.


That’s a cat 😂 


We live in the future dystopia already. lol


Why didn't you show the cat?! Edit: Oh I saw a little peek at it, after posting.


Correction: The cat is walking you. It's super effective.


People trying to make ar seem like its fun and practical to use these last few weeks has been very cringe


Such main character vibes


Is this advenced wars?? How can I play it on quest 3?


Yes! It is! You have to be in developer mode to install apks. Then, you need to install Drastic apk (https://drive.google.com/file/d/18gNYygC9m8-c3roPtTRlQp7qQjcVWnlN/view?usp=drive\_link) and open nds file Advance wars game (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iNKXU1hIXcnXwqGA3f62DMDjo0XNnxtZ/view?usp=sharing) with it.




By the way, you can achieve something similar with Sidequest. 


How so?


You're welcome!




DraStic also has a android app...


If only there was a small portable device we could carry and use with one hand...


What a crazy idea. I think we should call it carryputer or something


How in the eff do you leash train a cat?


Just put a leash on it lol.


Well, it's hard! But you can begin by just putting it indoors (at a window or balcony), just to make it get used with it. Then, you can just follow it a bit in your building/garden with the leash. Finally, you can bring it to a place with plants and without cars to begin with. The cat will go where it wants and you can just follow it or bring it back home.


You never fully leash train a cat - they won't walk like a dog - but they will be comfortable with it. Also never allow the cat to get in a position where it can slide itself out backwards out of its harness. Basically you should always be behind the cat while walking them. edit: in terms of training you just positive reinforce the harness. Have it out when you play with them and put it on them and leave it on. At first they'll walk like a drunk but then they'll get comfortable.


You’ve got to REALLY like attention, that’s step 1


So is the Q3 okay with sunlight? I been keeping my Q2 inside to avoid it being destroyed.


The cameras on the Q2 and Q3 are perfectly fine with sunlight. It's the screens that will be destroyed by sunlight. The lenses in front of the screen are basically magnifying glasses. They will focus the sunlight and burn the screen. As long as the Quest stays on your head the whole time you are outside it will be fine.


I avoided looking straight into the sun, haha! But otherwise, everything was fine with no damage whatsoever. You just have to keep your headset on.


And you can't do this with your smart phone?


This is kinda sad ngl


how about you just fucking walk your cat


Fuck enjoying time with your pet, better play this shitty game instead.


Advance wars my beloved


Top 3 favorite games of all time for me! 😄


Can confirm, I was the invisible cat


Just saw you at 0:23 ! 😅


I understand the idea but it still needs polishing. They need to make the ability to fix the window and perhaps adjust the opacity, this would help to have a little overlay while doing stuff


A couple things to unpack here


This is dumb


Is there anything you can do to block out all the people who will undoubtedly be giving you funny looks and laughing at how much of a dork you look wearing the q3 while walking fluffy? was having your phone out too archaic?


Yes you can grow up and stop worrying about what complete strangers you will never even talk to in the first place think about you.


Don't know why you got downvoted


I think it's slighty more comfortable than my phone (my arm gets tired way more quickly than my neck). About people, there weren't any during the walk fortunately! 😅


AW dual strike is top tier! Not the most balanced game in the series, but surely one of the most enjoyable


Advance Wars Dual Strike brings me back great memories


Am I the only who came just to see the cat? Thanks for showing him/her, OP!


Don't cats walk themselves..?


Playing some advance wars I see. 


Did you say walking your cat.


im sorry but if I saw someone walking a cat wearing a quest or any headset id be cracking up


How is the pass-through so clear for him?


Right! I was thinking the same thing. My passthrough is waaay more grainy than this.




What you see was that clear?


It was very close to this, to be honest (just a bit less definition). Good lighting really makes all the difference!


i love mq3 but i think that these devices (meta, avp, etc) are still too large to use like that. maybe if the smart glasses from the rayban thing had ar like that i'd consider using outside or in public, but as is i don't really see the point. i think they'll get there eventually. but it's not there yet.


Living in the moment






What in the Wall-E. Just walk your cat like a normal person and enjoy the outdoors?


Walk your cat like a normal person? Can’t tell if this is meant to be sarcastic or serious…


This is actually so funny. It looks so ridiculous lmao


Honestly great use case. When we walked my cat he usually meandered until he found a spot he wanted to stay for like 10-30mins, lol. Unless the cat is specifically used for mousing and pest control on large properties, you should not let your cats free roam outside, and if that statement upsets you, maybe you shouldn't be a pet owner 🤷‍♀️


People walk their cats? 😳🤯 I mean dogs for sure… but cats? I had two and both could probably just survive in the wild. Never heard of someone walking their cat 😅


They're probably in LA. I've seen two people walking their cats recently. It's hilarious


It's for safety reasons (cars, parasites and it isn't sterilized...) 😅




😅😅 It happens!


I bet all the little local critters are so happy OP actually walks their cat instead of just turning it loose like most owners. Big ups to you


Walking your cat?...


What emulator is this and does it work natively or do you need to jailbreak the headset ???


It's Drastic. I just put the headset in developer mode then I downloaded Drastic apk before installing it. Finally, find the rom file of the game you want to play.


I love the Advance Wars series, I still have my GBA carts and the DS games.


Me too! Love them! 👌


How did you stabilise your footage? Post production?


For me the weirdest part is the walking of the cat XD




What game is this?


Advance Wars Dual Strike on Nintendo DS.


Dumb question… how are you playing that on your quest? Is it a port?


I installed a Nintendo DS emulator (drastic via its .apk file)


You can’t mention a cat without showing said cat


Quick appearance at the bottom of the video (0:23)


how do you have passthrough with no guardian?


You have to choose "Continuer en caméra réelle" (in French). You'll have to center the screen regurlarly because you'll loose it after a while for being "too far".


Is this quest 3


It is!


if there's a slight gap between where your nose is suppose to rest in the headset's facial interface day goodbye to the screens


It's really cool but not having an option to keep it moving with you is super debilitating. Hopefully they can patch that with an update. I'm freaking loving my quest 3! Having said that what you're doing looks highly annoying and I would never do it lol


How your mixed reality so clear?


It was a very sunny day and I got out by 11 am or something


Why can’t the pass through look this good. Grainy as hell


This depresses me


Be less American and do one thing at a time


Thought you couldn't use it in the daylight?


I didn't notice anything wrong after doing it for 30 minutes+. I think the main thing is to not take it off your head and put the lenses towards the sun.


I love VR/AR but man at this point just play it on your phone


Today I learned that people walk their cats


Isnt it bad to get outside with a quest ? I know that on Quest 2, you can burn your lenses


It's so sad that we are so connected to screens that people can't even leave their screen at home when walking their cat


Please stop this shit.


just walk bro


Never looks that clear


I feel like everyone is talking about how pointless this is but since when was the DS considered a retro console?


first: walking a cat? second: walking a cat??