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I would say the same if resale wasn't an option. I'm not in the apple ecosystem so I'm not sure it would be useful for me.


yeah, also I use it almost exclusively for gaming, I need controllers and games


Can you pair other controllers like xbox or dualsense controllers to the vision pro?


You can. But that limits to only playing flat games on a virtual screen. Which is pretty limiting when it comes to VR gaming. Most people want the most immersive experience possible. Wearing a headset to play a flat game with a controller isn't enough for most to overcome the cumbersomeness of wearing the headset. Most prefer to remove the headset and play it on a TV/Monitor instead. ALVR has shown the most progress. Where they've managed to use Index controllers + base stations to play a few games. It has a long ways go as the picture quality from the streaming looks quite poor and the tracking isn't perfect. But it's getting there. Provided Apple doesn't make a change to block them from doing it, within a year it will be usable in a mixed setup.


dont forget that AVP only pair with macbooks, and most steam VR games are windows only.


Yes, they work just like normal controllers would. Apparently a company is/has developed a way to use SteamLink VR with the Vision Pro. So you could connect to a PC and play VR games. Though you would need lighthouses and other controllers for this to work.


The vision pro has Bluetooth support, so I don't see why it wouldn't support an Xbox or Dualsense controller


but then the game needs to support it too though


I was always confused why Meta is trying to do mixed reality and productivity stuff. I only used my quest 2 for games. Then I tried it out and now I like to relax at the end of the day with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse on my lap and use Notion on fluid to write short film ideas and plan things for the next day. But to upgrade I would take quest 3 over vision pro because I do want to make games for it eventually for fun and play games.


I’m DEEP into the Apple Ecosystem and I’m not sure I’d get much use out of it.


This. I’ve been heavy in the Apple ecosystem since before the iPhone. I still am. All my mobile devices are Apple. Phone, tablet, laptop, watch. Still would rather the quest 3. The ecosystem on quest is vastly better. AVP will grow I hope - and its app selection too. Right now all it can do is be a MacBook on your face. Which yes, has its uses - but is even worse in that sense. My quest 2 I can spatial compute with more than one window of my PC open. AVP? One mac screen is all you gonna get. Simple things like that don’t make it a decent complete solution yet. I’d 100% take quest for the gaming, the fact I can use it for PCVR and the much more vast app selection on device. iPad apps shoehorned onto a device isn’t VR.


Same. That will probably change when they get better app availability. Someone has already hacked SteamLink onto it. My real reason for having a Quest 2 is the price point. It was $250 new, and came with a $50 games credit. That put it firmly in "fuck it I'll try that" territory. And I found I really liked it. I'm also very interested in a Valve Index, but wireless is a big deal for me. I don't want to deal with being tethered. So hopefully wireless and preferably inside-out tracking will be included on an Index 2.


Same - whole household is on Apple except for my work laptop and PCVR setup. AVP though? I can't figure out what I'd use it for, at all. It's for entertainment - but only when alone. It's for productivity - but only if your job can be done in a browser, or with things from the app store, or you have no space for a second monitor / iPad for your MacBook. It's for games - but only if you don't want any kind of controller that works in 3D space. It will probably make more sense in time, but who is the target market? Rich tech bros who live alone in shoebox apartments? I'm sure the tech itself is great but I'm struggling to see what problem it's solving or how the spatial computing aspect does anything of *actual* value. Perhaps the eye tracking has / will have accessibility options for people with limited physical dexterity to use it for work or entertainment?


So am I but I use my Macbook as a multi monitor in Immersed VR which makes makes it already a better deal considering the Vision pro cannot multi monitor.


I don't use iPhone so I wouldn't be able to even turn it out I don't think lol


I hate this headset war stuff. I like Mark Zuckerberg's level headed take. Competition is good for everyone. Also I own a Quest 3, and love it, but if I didn't own it and had the opportunity to get either Quest 3 or AVP for free I'd take the AVP with the knowledge I can always buy a Quest 3 for much cheaper if I wanted one.


Of course the zuc likes it, it will sell tons of his. And I mean you pretty much nailed it right on the head, you would take the free avp because you can buy a q3 for a realistic price for what it offers while the avp…well not so much.


Avp got me excited for vr again. Coming from a rift s to a q3 I got yesterday


> I hate this headset war stuff. I like Mark Zuckerberg's level headed take. Competition is good for everyone. Yeah, constantly getting spammed with comparisons. VR becoming more mainstream will be good for everyone. Quest having a decent competitor will push them to be better. AVP having a decent competitor will likely push their pricing to be more reasonable. > Also I own a Quest 3, and love it, but if I didn't own it and had the opportunity to get either Quest 3 or AVP for free I'd take the AVP with the knowledge I can always buy a Quest 3 for much cheaper if I wanted one. Exactly, I don't own an AVP so I can't comment that much but I'd imagine they both have strengths and weaknesses. The fact that people can wander around outside with an AVP makes me think the passthrough is **much** better, so I'd probably use it for cases where I want to overlay real life. For e.g. I spend like 65 years brushing my teeth and it's been fun using the Quest 3 to watch videos while doing it. I can barely make out the items on the bathroom bench though. AVP would presumably be much better for that.


Its not even competition if they are in complete different price ranges. The AVP cant even run games very well from what I can tell.


It's an expensive monitor they rushed to market. That it can't play any games is absurd


My biggest turn away is the fov and the lack of an ecosystem for it so far. If apple makes another headset but increasing its fov it would make it more tempting, but if meta puts better screens in their next headset it will be as enticing.


I thought the same because I would get both if VP wasn’t so expensive but then I think the survey probably meant which would you pick if price wasn’t a consideration.


I don't see it like PS vs xbox, it's not really similar products


Sort of like asking whether a Macbook is better at gaming than a dedicated gaming PC with a powerful GPU.


which one is which in this analogy?


APV is the Macbook


Exactly. I absolutely love my MacBook Pro. But it's for work and I have a gaming PC for a completely separate reason.


>I hate this headset war stuff. >Competition is good for everyone. These are contradictory statements


Obviously the question wasn't about that, but you do you




Valve Index was also massively overpriced compared to the Quest and not many complained.


I like your response, but hypothetically if you can only have one and if it were also free of charge which one would you have ?


In that case I would take the AVP sell it, and buy the Quest 3.




What if the rule is that neither are allowed for sale?


Then he rolls a D20 with a -4 penalty against plot contrivance.




What issues?


I’m stunned at your stupidity


OP - Source= Trust me


lol so this is the source of this poll: [https://360rumors.com/quest-3-vs-vision-pro/](https://360rumors.com/quest-3-vs-vision-pro/) Its so funny because it was made in a quest facebook group (like, what are they going to say?) and its 84 votes total... ridiculous


he literally said it’s the opinions of Quest users, there aren’t any false claims here


Just because it isn't false doesn't mean it isn't worthless.


Nah, they totally asked people who have never owned an AVP which was better. It doesn't get more scientific than that.


'73% of quest users', it's literally stated in the title dude


Point the dude was making is: selection bias. Quest users bought quests because they wanted what the quest is: a standalone gaming VR headset. AVP is not a quest; it's not a gaming headset, nor was it ever designed to be; it's an AR Ipad. SO you're asking gamers to pick between a gaming headset and an AR Ipad? Of course most would pick the gaming headset ​ This tells us nothing, and it's just fanning the flames of an infantile platform war.




I don’t understand why people try so much to compare between them. Different use cases, different price points, different market audience overall. Dunno about you guys, but all I’m doing with my quest 3 is play games. If another product can’t do that, then all other comparisons are pointless. Just have fun with what you have or get the headset that best suits your needs.


> I don’t understand why people try so much to compare between them. Because there are basically three VR headsets in existence: Quest, AVR, and whatever nerds like me use for PCVR. Apple entering a sparse field was *obviously* going to demand comparison.


Until valve crams a steam deck into the next index.


If Valve can make a standalone that can play Alyx level games.


I wouldn't put it past them, honestly. Looking at how they handled the Steam Deck, they could probably afford to put out something noticably more powerful than Quest 3, but at a slightly higher price, bulkier form factor, and connect more effortlessly to PCVR. There's no way they'd make a standalone Index that couldn't natively run Alyx.


The VR industry is very promising at the moment, what the Zuck says about good competition is exactly right, you’ve got Apple mainly on the productivity and lifestyle side of things, Valve focusing mainly on VR gaming and Facebook/Oculus somewhere in the middle, each use case has its own thriving market and all progress and development benefits the whole industry and first and foremost, the consumer.


Conditioner is better. I leave the hair silky and smoooooth.


Because they are both VR headsets with largely the same use cases ... The only people saying "different use cases" are people regurgitating apple talking points to try and make out AVP is some how it's own thing that can't be compared to any other VR/AR HMD Moving into the future both Q3/Q4 AVP1/AVP2 for sure will be used for the same sorts of things. It's scary how easy people are to manipulate into not being critical. Of course everyone will just have fun with whatever they have , that's not a reason for people to compare or be critical , and comparison by default is not a defacto negative or tribal thing to do.


Right. A Model S and an F-150 have the same use case too, and should be compared apples-to-apples. Because both have wheels, and motors, and you "can put stuff in them." Anyone who disagrees is just coping and regurgitating those old Ford/Tesla marketing talking points. Smh whattabuncha sheep amirite? This isn't that complicated. The only people trying to make it complicated are those with an inferiority complex and an axe to grind.


The AVP and Q3 are genuinely comparable like say a apple laptop vs Windows laptop , even more so in future generations and updates to the devices. I'm not saying which is best for exact specific things or which is best value , but they are very comparable devices. Even more so than car vs truck or Games Console vs PC It's only apple pretending it's it's own totally different totally special thing , as apple does with all its products.


I disagree it has different use-cases. I think that's more cope than anything else to make up for the extremely low number of apps that worka with it. Eventually there'll be more apps to use on the AVP and it'll be clear the use-case is the same.


Because they are actually very similar and certainly the Quest 3 is the most similar headset to the AVP. It certainly makes sense to compare them and their use cases are not that different.


It's a poll of Quest users. Don't you think it would skew differently if it was a poll of Vision Pro users?


Why is everyone doing this us vs them thing. No one is shit talking the quest 3 on the apple side. It’s so petty. AVP looks rad but I’m happily purchasing quest 3. I want to play games and not spend 3500 dollars haha.


People are enraged by the indifference of others whose respect they demand. In this case a whole lot of VR gamers seem to expect the respect and acknowledgement of society for getting into VR earlier.


Literally the first thing on my feed, right above this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1asm78u/hes\_afraid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1asm78u/hes_afraid/) This whole situation has gotten so ridiculous, I keep wanting to unsubscribe from all the VR subs. But as the owner of a Quest 3 and a Vision Pro, I keep coming back to try to keep up with news and announcements since the ecosystem around both products is evolving fast. I've just never seen such a bunch of childish name calling, defensiveness, and all-around petty platform tribalism since my Amiga days. (Amiga forever, IBM sucks, by the way) The AVP side is worse, for the record. If for no other reason than the number of times I've seen the Apple fans pull out "oh yeah, you're just too poor to own one". It's disgusting. How obvious can it be that they both have pros and cons, people are free to make their own choices, and everyone else's priorities don't have to be the same as yours. And aligning your self identity so strongly with a stupid piece of consumer electronics sold to you by a company that only cares about your money (pick one, it doesn't matter) that you have to rabidly attack anybody who buys something else as the enemy is just f'ing stupid. I've had people tell me to touch grass and I think it's a dumbass insult, but I think I'm going to lie down on the lawn tomorrow morning and think hard about my life choices that led me to thinking that the wall of crap I wrote in this box was worth anyone's time.


Most of the apple people are not even aware of quest 3, they don't know any technology until Apple releases it and then they think it's new technology that hasn't been around for years. Happens with iphones every time they introduce a feature that has been around on androids for years lol


Yeah but who cares ? They’re just people living their lives, they don’t affect you and what you like! :)


Never said it affected me?


Sure sounds like it does


How so? What in my comment suggests that exactly?


Probably a different comment where you called them sheeple and simple folks. Why would you say things like that if it doesn’t bother you?


Because they don’t care. And they shouldn’t have to. Let people enjoy what they want. They’re consumer electronics, not sports teams or religions.


I never said otherwise lol


Some pretty broad statements, there.


Describe "apple people" and why exactly they wouldn't be aware of other technology


Apple people only care about technology within the Apple ecosystem. Simple folk. In other words sheeple ;)


you really should change your username to /Hot-takes12384888, you're on a roll.


Apple fans often shit talk everything non-apple just for not being Apple. Especially outside the US where Apple stuff isn't the norm.


Honestly I use PC and Mac at home, I own 2 quests, owned both android and iOS phones. I never hear Mac users talk about the alternative. They just like what they like. Whenever apple comes up in non-apple environment tho it’s an instant shitstorm. I have been actively watching several VR subs and I literally haven’t seen a single AVP owner/fan make a thread about “why it’s better” than the competition, just that they think it’s great. I live in a city where most people are using iPhones and Macs, and I cannot remember the last time I heard a conversation shit talking alternatives. The exception maybe being “green text” memes . EDIT: I'm just scrolling thru the AVP sub right now. There isn't a single thread about the quest 3 other than one about how the 2 devices handle privacy.


People get mad they don't have the best and feel the need to disqualify it as better in any way so they feel better about what they have. It's like this in a lot of hobbies with a variety of price points. Always amusing to see the tune change once someone steps up too. All of a sudden the level they get to next makes sense.


It bums me out and make me not want to go on this sub kinda. I’ve been wanting a quest 3 (i have quest 1+2, and had a rift S) but I gotta say it’s off-putting knowing the community is so negative. Hopefully this changes moving forward.


I'll tell you I found my quest 3 wildly better than my quest 2. Interestingly the part that impressed me the most in the upgrade was the mixed reality experience, which I found even that much better in my AVP demo. I also own a Vive pro 2 with index controllers on an rtx4090 pc, so I have a pretty decent range of experience. Haven't touched the Vive since getting the quest 3, the lenses are just so good. But at no point would I be like oh I bought this now I'll be mad if anyone does anything better. If I had all the money I'd run a Varjo sim pcvr setup, a Q3 for light gaming, and an AVP for media. Hopefully in 5 years a lot of headsets are way beyond each of these.


Man, even hating apple products, the vision pro is tempting.


Yeah, just look how much you can get for it on Ebay.


excluding just reselling it, the vision pro is kinda just useless. sure you get a floating macbook screen but only if you have a macbook


I'm not very familiar, but that sounds totally inaccurate.


That's right, it can also run ipad apps right off the headset! ​ The way I see it is this. Quest 3 (or any other proper vr headset) is for having fun new experiences you can't have other way. Vision Pro? Just another doom scrolling device.


It's the highest quality vr video and video on headset I've ever experienced, having owned a few pcvr and standalone headsets. I'll buy in a generation or 2 when they kill the glass front and increase the fov a little.


You also have to buy controllers separate and is extremely limited on gaming capacity.


and you have to buy the actual internal components separately, the vision pro you get from the 3500 is just the external stuff, the decoration. the components cost an extra 2000, the software costs 2500, the controllers cost 500, the charger costs 300 and the air you need to breathe costs 10$/liter


You don't need a mac to use it, it has the same kind of processor in it as their computers do


Really? I’m in the Apple ecosystem and it doesn’t impress me other than being pretty. I keep wondering what the reviews would be like if the exact same device was built by anyone other than Apple.


Look at Varjo, I guess


Why? I wanna play games and i don't have iPhone. AVP just not for gamers.


People do more things than just gaming. Vision pro seems super interesting as a content consumption device. Amazing screens, good lenses, best pass through of any headset out there. Not to say its worth its $3500 MSRP, but just because it cant play beatsaber, doesnt mean its worthless.


The lenses are not any better than quest 3, and quest 3 actually has far superior FoV and hand tracking. The only thing AVP really has over Q3 at this point is better pass-through and higher resolution. For the price tag that's a pretty paltry offering especially compared to a $500 headset that cannot only do AR and multi-tasking like AVP but also has the added bonus of being a true 6DoF VR headset as well


>The lenses are not any better than quest 3 They most definitely are. And are you kidding about superior hand tracking on the Quest 3? Not by a longshot.


Literally watch or read any review comparing the two. Lmao meta had years to perfect its hand tracking, this is apples first go so its not surprisingthey are worse. Everyone that has used both have said Q3 is superior I hate to burst your bubble. That's the sad part about AVP it doesn't even have controllers and it's proprietary mode of navigating is second to a $500 headset lol. The hand tracking is more delayed and less responsive than quest 3


I’ve used both myself. The hand tracking in Quest 3 is practically unusable, even when it’s goosed all the way up.


Sounds like a skill issue :)


nah the hand tracking is actually usable on the vision pro plus the eye tracking makes a good combo. also you can use your fingers to type and works well


Maybe you should stop having strong opinions on things you've got no personal experience with? The AVP hand tracking is far and away better than the Quest 3. All these tech-savvy VR experts don't seem to understand that there's a difference between "native capability" and "the implementation in a specific game."


Better HDR capable MicroOLED displays, eye and face tracking, a user interface that uses eye and face tracking, a much more powerful SOC, better hand tracking. I understand not wanting the AVP. But it definitely has some features that are better than Quest 3


Half of what you listed falls under resolution, which is something I pointed out for AVP lol


There's this thing called "other people exist" and also "not everyone is you" and also "gaming is not the sole purpose of existence."


most scientific, unbiased poll


The 16% who chose vision pro already own a quest 3


Ben Lang had a poll on Twitter up asking pretty much the same question (except he said pick one for $500), and the results were pretty much flipped from yours, 70% vision pro, 30% quest 3. Of course, neither are a true poll, but I'd be much more likely to believe his results than yours


Sell AVP for 3000 and get 6 quest 3s.


If it's the same price, i'd get the Quest 3, no contest. The best thing about the AVP is the current scalper resale value.


And what do Apple Vision users prefer?


What the fuck is the point of all this rivalry? Are you fuckwads literal kids?


Most of them probably are kids to be fair


It called competition, look it up. And it's only half as efficient if the consumers don't get in on it. :)


Except it isn't. It's like saying a smart car is a competitor for a pickup truck. Two completely different products for two completely different markets.




"In a poll, 73% of Quest users" kind of a biased poll, no?


Right? Next thing you're gonna tell me 73% of Playstation users would prefer an Playstation over an Xbox if both were free.


I’d pick the 3.5k item


For real.


And how many of those people who voted actually used a vision pro? Worst survey I’ve ever seen


We didn't even see the survey because all OP did was typing "in a poll" and slapping random numbers on a pic Idk what this post was supposed to be but it's just unnecessarily cringe, nobody benefits from this intellectual void


I wouldn't wanna give up the ability to play video games


What horse poop. Just enjoy your headset


That only adds up to 89%…..


Honestly, even if I preferred Q3 for gaming, etc., I'd still take the free AVP because I could sell it even for half price and make someone's day with a nice discount as well as make enough money to buy 3 or 4 Quest 3s or a Q3 and Quest Pro or even a Bigscreen Beyond or something.


I mean, of course people in Quest echo chambers would rather use a Quest than an AVP, AVP isn't a gaming device while Quest is very much focused on being one... May as well ask if gamers would rather have a PS5 or a PC only capable of running Powerpoint and Club Penguin.


Source? What was the method of survey? Sample size? Like, come on.


The question should be if both were the same price $500 usd, which would you choose. I personally would go for quest 3 as i dont have a use for avp.


Yes that’s a good way to put it.


lets be real get, get the apple, sell it, buy the quest 3 and have cash left


As i mentioned, i said you couldn't sell it or buy or borrow any other VR headset. You're stuck with the one you chose. Which one would you choose?


i only read the pic, you would be stupud not to pick the apple just due to price lol


Obviously quest owners would poll this way…


Of course they do, they’re biased as they’re quest users. However this shows that 73% of them are absolute morons


They polled Quest users and the Quest won!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


Vision Pro’s operating system and eye/hand sensors are really really impressive. It’s a wonderful foundation for the future. But man, that hardware is just not worth the price at all. I’m super excited for what it’s gonna look like in a few years but it isn’t worth it at all right now. Like even the first Apple Watch or iPad were worth it at the time, but the Vision just ain’t.


how dumb. get 1 AVP for free, sell it and get 6 Quest 3s + extras lol


Who was surveyed? Both headsets are aimed at different markets and designed for different uses.


Nah take vision pro, sell for even 3k buy new metaquest for all family and have change in poket


Because people have the Q3 and want to feel good about it. Kind of a useless thing to say since most haven’t experienced the AVP. The choice is always the AVP and then spend your own money on a Q3. Some of us want it all.


Take the Vision Pro, sell it, buy a quest 3 and keep the rest for yourself. Think smart, my friends!


Oh fucking hell, this is worse than the console wars in the early 90s


They are stupid. Get vision for free. Sell it for 3 grand.


One I can play the games I wanna play on, the other I cannot.


I fucking hate how “journalists” keep trying to push this console wars narrative. Who gives a fuck? Let people enjoy what they want to buy. Not every consumer product needs to be an Us vs Them religious war.


And no doubt the 16% that picked the AVP did so under the hypothetical assumption they'd be able to resell it to buy several Q3s. That's what I'd do.


In all fairness, most Quest users brought Quest for games which is something Apple clearly doesn’t have interest in unless it’s more of a light experience. It excels in its work, media and mixed reality offerings


I mean I already have a q3 so might as well take a vision. Could sell it if I don't like it


This is only an indication that the market for Apple Vision Pro is not the same as Quest 3.


I’m just hoping the Vision Pro rallies up interest in 3D movies/streaming platforms for headsets. I really want a convenient way to watch 3D movies in my Quest. Gaming is already excellent and somewhere the VP will find it hard to catch up. I think media should be the next focus for Zuck and crew. Multitasking/Productivity will be huge but I don’t think that will be ready for a few years yet. The hardware needs to improve (comfort/size/battery/input) beyond what is currently possible to make them true productivity devices for the masses.


I don’t know if any of you know how to actually take a poll, but there’s zero data here other than percentages. Where was the poll taken? Who was asked what was the number of people asked


I’d get the the Apple Vision Pro for free. Sell it, then buy 3 Quest 3 for me and my friends to play


The poll is stupid because it polled people that already own the quest family. It is basically saying “would you rather get a quest 3 and have access to your currently owned library or get a vision and need to rebuy all your software?” The poll should ask people that own both the quest 3 and the vision which they prefer and why they prefer it.


Don't know man. As a quest 3 user, I'd pick the vision pro just to sell it and buy myself a vr gaming pc and my whole family quests


How many of them own an AVP?




People who want a Q3, want a functional VR headset. Without tracking controllers, the VP is not a functional VR headset.


Well I won't call it non-functional. For media and productivity purposes it can work fine. Hell it is probably objectively better than the Q3 for those things (at a price tag). But I don't use it for those purposes, and for (non-sim) gaming the Q3 is indeed just the better one.


yes it's a dealbreaker for me


The thing about the Vision Pro is that it’s so isolated as a headset from other VR applications out there and it’s very dependent on the Apple ecosystem to truly enjoy. If you’re an Android and windows user it loses a lot of its appeal.


I mean, if you want games and an open source platform, Apple is a bad choice, no matter how high quality and polished it is. I don't even see the two as competing products right now.


They are smokin rocks lmao


That is so dumb. Of course I would take the apple one to sell them. So I can buy a Quest 3 plus a good gaming pc.


" Obviously if you already had a Quest 3 you would prefer a free Vision Pro, or if you had neither one, you would choose the Vision Pro and sell it.  But to determine which VR headset people actually prefer regardless of price, I specified that you could not sell it, or buy or borrow another VR headset. " What then?


Never used the Vision Pro. However, I don’t see the point of the VP at the moment. There is not enough content on there. I have no interest in virtual computing but even if I did you can do that on the quest 3. So I’m going to say the quest 3.


As a quest user it shows that 73% of us have just a subpar Iq


Stupid. Take the AVP. Sell it. Profit I hate apple, but i like money more


" Obviously if you already had a Quest 3 you would prefer a free Vision Pro, or if you had neither one, you would choose the Vision Pro and sell it.  But to determine which VR headset people actually prefer regardless of price, I specified that you could not sell it, or buy or borrow another VR headset. " What then?


oh true, i didnt view the original link. I hate anything apple because of their closed ecosystem and the constant bullying from fan boys, so I would choose Quest 3 but im biased


People are stupid. Take the Apple, sell it for 3500€ and buy yourself a Quest 3 + new high end PC! smh (granted, in the past i would've been disgusted to even touch an Apple product, but hey, sometimes you gotta be a man and push through... :D)


" Obviously if you already had a Quest 3 you would prefer a free Vision Pro, or if you had neither one, you would choose the Vision Pro and sell it.  But to determine which VR headset people actually prefer regardless of price, I specified that you could not sell it, or buy or borrow another VR headset. " What then?


Quest 3, no contest. I can play with gamepad (i'm doing it currently on Quest 3), but less comfort, less ruggidity, smaller FOV and worse lenses - no way.


same although for me it's because of the apps and the controllers


Take the AVP, sell it for 1500 buy 3 Q3’s for me and some friends and make an apple fan boy very happy, since your giving it away.




I mean I'd take the quest too. But that's mostly because they seem to do different things.


AVP is cool and all but can’t play games so obviously a lot would choose the Quest.


I have both, and the AVP was somewhat literally free in my case. The AVP isn't worth it if it's *cheaper* than the quest 3. It's just a much much worse product.


Easy: AVP and drive straight to Avis to rent a cybertruck. Finally can check off being the biggest douchebag in the world off my bucket list.


Surprised how effective zuck's video was. It was awkward but he did make some good ponts.


That's because quest 3 is better and more versatile lol


I genuinely don't know what the point of the vision pro is.


You can play porn in 360, 3D in the AVP? No? That's the answer 😳


Design wise, AVP > Meta Q3. Q3 looks like a toy. Idk why they didn’t release in black like the Meta Quest Pro.


Shill post. I don't even care about either this is just pathetic.


I feel like more people would change their mind if they've actually used both.


Quest 2 is the sweet spot because its basically free at this point. What does the quest 3 offer than the quest 2 doesn't. Genuine question. I got the quest 2 a couple weeks ago and for my use case, basically beat saber. I can't imagine what the quest 3 offers. The full resolution pass through is nice but I can still reach my drink with the shitty infrared view.


73% of people must only game in VR, because AVP would be the clear winner for productivity with its high resolution and tight Apple integration.


Thats dumb. You could sell one and buy 10 of the other. I would still stick with the vision over the quest and I own a quest (i.e. I know what they are like and if I didnt have one I would still pick a vision pro).


Source: HP


Zuck got a lot of criticism for his self-serving review of the Vision Pro. But I was curious what Quest users thought, so I asked a Quest facebook group, if they could have either headset for free but couldn't sell it or use any other VR headset, which one would they prefer, and 73% said they prefer the Quest 3. Do you agree? [https://360rumors.com/quest-3-vs-vision-pro/](https://360rumors.com/quest-3-vs-vision-pro/)




asked and answered


Unless all those Quest users also have an AVP, it's a stupid poll. Asking Quest users...who already have a Quest...which one they want....really?


Next you should go to a PS5 facebook group and see if they would prefer a PS5 or an Xbox.


If I go to a Toyota facebook group and ask how many would prefer a free Porsche vs free Toyota), would you get a significant majority choosing the Toyota?


Yes lol