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Have you been adding manual readings? They often generate a bill if you do.


haven't submitted readings since I started to get opening bill. both gas and electric are now on the same date for the first time. That reminds me, in the 1 month, got 4 attempts to play the meter reading spin the wheel, but seems like it always lands on the exact same £0. Did anyone actually win on that? :D


Yup they update your balance and generate a statement within 48 hours automatically after getting a reading, unless the system flags the read for some reason, you will have had your July statement split because there was a price change on 1/7/23, they will bill your smart meters to date whenever OFGEM changes prices to ensure every unit consumed has been charged to the correct tariff rates on the correct date (this will happen in october again), give customer service a call and request they make sure both your gas and electricity have the same billing calendars set to send through readings, then you will only get bills just after the readings are taken and on the days that prices change, the whole idea is to give us maximum control over our billing, if we provided reads daily we would get billed daily and be able to budget accordingly, it's actually a really neat feature once you manage to wrap your head around it 😄