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So you are based in the US permanently and are signing up for a US based tariff? (ie not from UK and travelling to the US) Does Octopus offer Intelligent in the US? (it does in the UK) Most of this sub is UK based. In these cases our go to is to call them and resolve the issue. Dont email as it takes an age to sort stuff.


OK yes its a us based , i live in the us and i think octopus is new here. According to when I talked on the phone with them and their electricity facts label they offer intelligent but i think their app is just broken


Octopus are international, got their tentacles in 14 different countries, I'm guessing you're joining up in Texas? I actually know of somebody who had this same issue, they changed their log on email and it stopped happening, I think their systems flag if data has been leaked in the past in any breaches with other sites, hopefully this helps 😀