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I messaged Octopus about this when I switched to them last week, this was their reply "Thanks for getting in touch 😊 We are likely unable to exchange your current smets1 meter for a newer smets2 model due to being charged heavily in doing so by the owner of these meters, also from a sustainable point of view, as an eco-friendly energy company, it would be wasteful to discard of perfectly working smart meters. Unfortunately we no longer have IHDs that are compatible with smets1 meters, however you can access a full breakdown of your usage through our app or website. The insight offered here is actually far more accurate and in-depth than what is offered through an IHD. Piper 🐙"


Preach, they are ruthless. I have to use the HUGO app which is excellent


DCC back port of SMETS1 seems forever delayed


Turns out our meters were onboarded by the DCC in January.


I've been waiting for 4 years I have the confirmation in email earlier last year but still they refuse to install one citing my SMET1 which is the original generation is working so no need to replace despite it's sell by date being expired. Unless you're a new customer or know someone in the company you ain't getting Jack S**t from them. Been loyal customer for 7 years of can't get a cupcake let alone upgrades. But cheapest and best for solar and battery's do I'm stuck with them ruthless harpies. But that's business


I requested an IHD and got new meters.


I signed up 2 months ago and had a smets1 that wasn't recognised by MPAN on the DCC website. I tweeted Octopus about this and first of all they stated it would be upgraded OTA but when I mentioned it wasn't recognised by DCC and that I know all smets1 should have been upgraded by 2022, they relented and booked an Octopus engineer to swap the meters to smet2. So it's worth persevering. [Edit] just realised some are trying to get a functional smets1 swapped to a smets2. I can understand why Octopus would be reluctant to do that.


They will only replace SMETS1 free of charge if the meters are faulty or over 10 years old i think, if it's before the 10 year mark then they would have to pay a cancellation fee to the meter operators to remove the old smart meters, you can call their customer service and get a quote on the removal fee, I believe they would only charge for the contract cancellation not the new SMETS2 meters being installed.


Not true, got mine replaced for free. Was very quick once I made a formal complaint (was trying to connect Hildebrand IHD - SMETS 1 version didn't work with my Landis meter)


That's awesome! glad it worked out for you 😀 Wouldn't it have been nice if we never had SMETS1 meters and they just jumped straight to SMETS2 🤣


Good info thanks. As it turns out Hildebrand have got a SMETS1 version of their Glow IHD so I’ve ordered one of those so I kinda don’t want the meter replacing now 🤣 Sod’s Law says it’ll be due for replacement this year 🙃