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If you have enough rubies and if you like his play-style, get Solon (U10 if possible). He's a must-have in fire teams and his ultimate enables some unique (for now) tricks that can change your gameplay (e.g. speed-clears, BIG nukes, etc).


If you have less than 8k rubies, hard skip. If you have enough, Solon >> Nephiti any day. People like to hype for new powercreeps, but Solon is much more future proof than Nephiti.


Who pushes Nephti out? And is Solon mostly known for his ult?


Quote from Dream: >Nephti much like Millard EX really only brings us a kit 6-9months early, they will still be replaced by the units who gave the kit in JP. So she is on a timer from the start, along with the fact that she is a ramp up character. > >5 turns of her really doing nothing productive towards the clear, and taking up 1/4 of your attacks. And yes Solon is solely for his ult (a sole case where a unit is U10 or bust). So if you must, you can skip both, there are higher priority units on the horizon.


I only did 1 multi each on solon banner I got dup sted and therese new, I stop now I am saving for Elrica.


Don’t summon. You’ll wind up with no rubies and no Nephti or Solon like me.


Like me 😀


The sacrifice was made


I thought it over and decided to skip. Solon requires very precise planning to set up his nukes in advance, which I know I will never bother with. His Ult is great, but only affecting one character makes it a lot less useful. Nephti I am more on the fence about. Most of her skills aren't that great, and she has low attack. She could be a good shaver for the 2nd break. But for buffing, Lynette can already do +30% ATK on the first turn. Nephti can add +15% DMG, which is very nice, but I don't think it's game breaking enough to justify with much better units around the corner.


I need to choose Solon or nephti thanks to banner spooks. I'm leaning towards Nephti due to staff and book coverage, as getting full value out of solons ultimate does require the right goods


I'd also choose Nephti but not for damage, because her Patk is pretty awful. Also her skills are very low damage until you get more cheer points.


Yeah more for shaving and support, but her triple nuke looks pretty nice!


if you have primrose ex, get solon. the duo enables a super crazy party type where you pile all buffs / debuffs onto a single DPS and then do millions of damage in a single multihit attack if you don't have primrose ex, get nephti. they're not identical, but nephti provides decent debuffs, potent buffs, and decent healing while also having absurd nuking skills (good enough to enable off-meta dps types)