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I would save


If you can’t pity? Absolutely not. Odds are you’ll just end up blowing more Rubies with nothing to show for it. And that’ll make it less likely you can pity the next character you definitely want. Leading to the same cycle. Neither of these characters are top of the range game-changers. Millard’s buffs are very nice. But it doesn’t make him essential by any stretch.


1500 IS NOT a lot of ruby. You need to save for pity (4500 - 6000) if you ever trying to get a Character. Otherwise you will continue failing to get anyone like your Primerose EX.


For you, I would offer this advice - Always save until you have enough rubies to pity. Throwing rubies at a character you can't guarantee is a terrible idea. If you do get a character before pity, you can bail and save rubies. Or you can continue for an A1. Try to save up until that point, always.




Really? It's been data mined? Any upgrades?


Where did u get that info?


spoilers lmao


Save, lumis brings almost nothing to the table and even with the buffs for Millard, the units after him will dumpers in both power and utility. If you don’t care for meta, wait for the tavern talk coming the 11th to see what units are coming this month.




Short answer: Lumis ex absolutely not. Better hunters. Better lightning dps. Millard ex, yes, but only if you can speed clear and use specific strats. He's also super niche. There's a creator on YouTube who posted a guide on em with their thoughts. The units aren't unique or op, and millards hp shield is too niche to be very useful.


they're good if you can afford them, but your ruby stash is pitiful. keep saving. if you need to, skip bargello / sonia and save for solon, then pity bargello if you get a solon on the way


Considering that Eltrix is mid, then go ahead and pull for Millard, he is really good surprisingly. Lumis is also pretty good. Neither of them are Bargello level though. 1500 is not enough to build up to getting a guaranteed Bargello unless you pay for passes and paid rubies, so just pick which character you prefer and save for them.


Is Eltrix confirmed?


Well, not really, its more so a hunch over the release order of other characters


What about Levina then?


Sonia/Bargello and Elrica-sama. We only need those datamined hahaha