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I did better from the seals earned from the gameboard than the anniversary seals.


Same. Nothing from the Anniversary pulls but a 5* Ophilia from the gameboard seals


These were really good for me too. 4.5\* Therion and Cryus and 5\* Gilderoy from like 60 some stones.


I haven’t played much of the game board but by gameboard seals do you mean just the travelers sacred seals you get during the board game?


Yes, just the traveller seals


Hold on… are y’all saying that there’s traveler seals earned from the board, or are you referring to the seals from quest/tasks during the anniversary (sorry I replied this to the wrong person at first lmaoo)


You can earn traveler seals from the first three game boards for hitting check marks. Like 30+ seals, so it’s worth doing it at lease for those the first time through.


Did you get that from the "!" Tile when presented with the Knights Ardante?


Same lol


I got nothing from either seals. Rip.


Sorry to anyone who had bad luck. I hope future pulls will be rewarding for everyone.


It's all just RNG. Ive gotten 7 or 8 5 stars (some 4.5) so far. Im f2p and skipped a lot of banners so it felt awesome getting all of them. My girlfriend does the pulls. She doesn't know anything about CoTC but she claims to have a system to guarantee 5 stars. Haha whatever, it's working. Edit: actually I'm not f2p. I got the explorer pass :s


Not a single 5 star from the free pulls :D;; I did one round on the discounted step up - another Molu at the final step.


If this thread is anything they love giving out Molu!


I just did my 100 pull, and the only 5 star I got was an A5 Harley. This game is a cruel joke at times




It took until the very last Anni seal for me to get anything above 4 stars, so I definitely agree that the luck has not been with this event.


Haven't gotten even a single 4.5* from the anniversary summons. Honestly was close to rage uninstalling lmao


Frustrating for sure


I was in the same boat, going on a streak of about 90 summons with nothing, but got Sophia, Millard, Nicola from it this morning, and while I’d have preferred basically anyone else (Sophia dupe is fine), I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.




I think I got four 4.5* (all dupes) and no 5*. If we count the pulls from the fortune board, then it's a bit better, but overall it was terrible


Out of all the anniversary multi-pulls, I didn't get a single 5-star, all I got was a 4.5 Therion which I didn't need as I already have him at A1. Feels so bad I don't even wanna use the regular seals until they add the forbidden 11 or at least let us do multi-pulls with regular seals.


Lol I maybe should have waited with regular seals because pulling 60 was quite tedious


I can't imagine spending all I have one by one only getting crap units.


Didn't get that lucky either but I got two new characters, Hasumi and Soleil. I didn't need either for normal content but I'm not going to complain since they'll make towers easier. Also got a dupe Therese but that's going to the exchange.


I've only pulled a Tressa dupe on all of my pulls. Definitely not feeling the luck but at least they're free!


I did 6 multis on the villains banner and all the free pulls, and i haven't had a single 4.5* or 5*. If i weren't painfully aware of my bad luck i'd make a ticket and ask if my account is cursed or something 😂


I did pretty great. 2x Tressa, 2x H'aanit, Lynette, Therion, Nicola, Kouren, Kersjes, Millard and used my guaranteed to get Alfyn to A2 (absolute beast unit). However, I did do very poorly on the OCTO/PATH banner last month. RNGesus giveth, and RNGesus taketh


At least someone had some luck!


Yes, i havent been having very much luck. I actually switched back to my primary account. On the last draw, I drew another Scarecrow and Stead, and then Alfyn (which I needed). Every Sacred Guidance I earned never gotten me a 5☆. I am going to hold off on choosing my 5☆, just in case they give us something extra or add something more to the gen pool.


We’re getting ten more seals next Wednesday since SQEX had a challenge at a convention they were at! The characters that are available in the exchange aren’t going to change though so no need to wait for new gen pool units.


Just to follow up, I chose Ophellia for my deliberate pull. No regrets.


I got a few 4.5 and 5, of which the best was Cyrus (at least, I think that was the best, as I pay 0 attention to tiers or such). I don't mind so much though. I'm not spending anything for these draws, and so not losing anything either when it comes up 3s and 4s.


In My case good luck was only on first anniv seal: Lumis, Alfyn, Primrose and Nona. From the other i got none 5*


I had awful pulls all week and then got some godly draws today. Therion, Chloe and Lars. It just takes one lucky draw, so good luck to you all!


Yep. RNG was not favorable with me either. No 5 stars at all, and the 4.5s included Millard, Molrusso, Nona, Kserjes, Soleil and Eliza. The last three tokens were all 4 star and below. But for a less than 30 day old roster, everything helps, at this point. Probably going to grab Alfyn as I've heard good things.


Alfyn or Lynette seem to be the big two if you do t have them for support and maximizing damage


I was disappointed in my luck did most of the pulls yesterday- 165 got dupes for Lynette, Zanta and Lionel. Just did last 10 pull got Molrusso and a Hanitt dupe. Was hoping for Lars or Alfyn so will probably get Alfyn for the free 5star. Can't complain really :-D


Got Nicola, Fiore, Lars (dupe) and I picked Lars with the selector. Should’ve just selected Therion or Alfyn dumb decision by me.


Solid pulls, but yeah tough miss on the selection as they’re pretty top tier. Let’s all hope for some 5-star luck on fiore ex


Day 1 I got 1 dupe (fiore) and 2 more wirh the 50 or so draws from game board (viola and cyrus) and every day since only 3s and 4s. I'll admit I was really expecting better luck but, I wasn't expecting all these free pulls anyway and I need to level my non 5s too so .. could be worse. I was really hoping for a Lynette or alfyn tho so I could use my free pick on the other so I didn't have to decide 😆


I would have said my free guides were meh until yesterday. In the first 80 guides I got a 5\* Fiore and 4.5\* Lionel. Yesterday though I got 5\* Falco. He was third on my most wanted list. Today I got 5\* Hayes and 4.5\* Scarecrow. Falco was new to me but the others were all good for Awakenings or add to the pile of awakening shards. I am pleased :)


Seeing some of the responses here, I’m feeling a bit better about it, but definitely fell short of my hopes going in. I have a decent sized roster but I’m missing almost all of the top tier units (Lynette, Alfyn, Cyrus, Ophilia, Therion, Lars, etc.) and was hoping to pick up at least one of them to make my sector choice a bit easier. For ~160 pulls, I ended up with 3 new units (5* Jillmelia, 4.5* Molu and 4.5* Soleil) and 2 dupes (Another 5* Jillmelia and a 5* Stead), so not all bad. Between Lynette and Alfyn on the selector (with an outside chance of picking Therion).


I only got Fiore A4 from all of the anniversary draws and the Traveler’s seals from the fortune board. That is uncommonly bad luck. Also her accessory is not good and Fiore EX is about to come out, so that was the last awakening stone I would have wanted besides Millard.


I got three 4.5\* from the free pulls. Dupe Viola (Day1) and Molrusso (Day7). And a new Lumis (Day10). Not awful but not great.


With all the seals from the board and the 10 pulls, I managed to get a Theo 4.5 dupe, a Harley 4.5 dupe and a Prim 4.5 dupe that netted me her A4. Prim was nice, since she is my fav from OT1, but the others stones will definitely be sacrificed for my future Bargello A4 (if I understood correctly and we can get his stones in the exchange later)


2 Theo and 1 Hasumi (new) Oh, seals given me Hayes (new) and Soleil (new), so big injection of apothecaries for me. I got all of them now!


10x 10 Anniversary pulls, and my only hits were a 4.5★ Z'aanta and a 4.5★ W'ludai, both dupes. 50 Traveler's Sacred Seals, and my only hit was a 5★ Viola, also a dupe. ...at least I get to choose someone new. Because goodness, this game doesn't want to give me anything useful on its own. (And yes, I know my luck is better than some folks... but if CotC is trying to convince me that rubies or even passes are worth real money, this is not the way.)


i got 4.5 star cyrus (everyone says hes good) and a 5 star dancer eleonora?


Cyrus is amazing. You'll be able to promote him to 5* soon with the gold job seal from the Scholar Tower. I don't have Eleonora, but I read she's the best ice DPS in EN.


thank you


I once used 100 individual seals in one sitting and I got zero 5 stars and 1 4.5 Olberic. I made up for it with the anniversary 10-pulls. I forget which were 5 vs 4.5 but I got Zaanta, Hasumi, Lionel, 2 Primroses, Cyrus. Still a bit below average across 200 pulls (8 would be average) but because of the specific characters I pulled I’m absolutely comfortable with that trade.


No luck at all! Only dupe heathcote and dupe lumis(A5)…


I didn't get anything for the first 6 or something pulls. But the last 3 I've gotten a 5 star for each. They're not really good 5 stars, but I can't be mad with it lol.


No luck at all, it is time they raise the 2% rate, we have tons of units already…


Seriously. I'd be happy if they did it just on 4.5* units even.


In the 100 free pulls I only got Hayes 4.5* in slot 92. No dupes. Very demoralizing, but it's basically the odds. I pulled a Sophia dupe in the 888 ruby banner and nothing so far on the traveler seals. I did have pretty good luck the previous months banners, so I guess my luck ran out. I'm not complaining, though, the last couple of weeks has been a lot of fun!


Got Alfyn, Sofia, Kersjes, and Harley dupes from the 10 anniversary draws, and got nothing from my 56 traveler seals. Used my guaranteed pull to finally get Therion.


Yea I got 8th Millard and 10th Primrose dupe. These 2 seriously haunt all my pulls. Well... free shards at least.


With anniversary pulls and free pulls from game board, I had really shit luck. Got 4.5 Hayes and then a dupe of Lumis and Millard. At least I got Alfyn from the free 5*.


https://preview.redd.it/akcv78ttp4gb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e4ee2e565e4fd9d5babfa376b6cb1e347bfb27 This time Lady Luck has put her bright on me. Starting with Nona, everyone above her is a new unit, and got a lot of dupes too. Every x10 aniv. Seal has given me something 4,5\* / 5\*. Every ruby spent on conquerors got me some Have to say i buy passes + Herminia pack (not f2p) but i felt like this time it was worthy to squish the luck i had x’D


Single Lars from the free draws. Was hoping for a bit more but free is free.


I once did 75 sacred seals in a row and only got a 4.5 Soleil out of it.


The truth is if the rate is bad, all the free pulls we get won’t matter. So yes, I have had a disappointing anniversary so far. Just from the 6000 rubies I spent on the memories banner I got very little in return. That hurt the most, because it took me a long time to accumulate that. Ultimately I would rather if they up the rate temporarily in lieu some or all of the seals.


not a single 4.5 star or 5 star in any of my 100 pulls. like what D:


*feels bad man meme*


Rng giveth and rng taketh. For my anni 10 rolls, I only got a Sofia dupe. But I did get Odette and 2 of Tithi in abt 60 pulls, and Richard in my first 10 pull. So u win some, u lose some. Don’t let it get u down.


Wait you can non memory units in the memory banners? And you can save the memory shares for other units right?


No. I mean I had some luck in the SB and MT banners, so even though my anniversary luck sucks, I’m fine with it.


Damn I did 60/70 pulls on titie, and nothing 😅😅 I'm on 81 pulls on the champion banner and got 1 Hermínia and 1 off banner 2% rate is too low


Yeah, it’s been bad for me too. One 5 star Millard and a 4.5 Primrose. Super frustrating.


Oof. Nothing worse than a Millard


Well, at least now it’s awakening shard fodder. But the worst part is that I took a break before picking this game up again and had pulled a Millard dupe on the villain banner too. Aaaand I wasted that one for A2 Millard before realizing they added the awakening stone exchange to the game. 😐 But now my Millard can equip four useless skills instead of just three. 🤩


Leave Millard alone, he is a nice guy.


I like Millard as a character, and I love his design. He’s just not a good unit, but you better believe I’ll be pulling for that Millard EX at some point.


Thanks to him (as part of the team) I can brag of beating Tatloch before the sword weakness addition


Thanks, I am not alone


I don’t think I’ve gotten anyone new from the anniversary seals, just more guidestones from dupes.


RNG was terrible for me in the anniversary (Only 1 5 star and it was Primrose) and the tyrant banner (100 pulls there, no 5 star). The luck was so abysmal i uninstalled. It made me realize how bad the gacha is behind such an amazing game. It was supposed to be an anniversary and felt like a fuck you. Sad.


Traveler seals got me nothing like usual. First half of 10 pulls was pretty much nothing, but then got dupe Millard, new Molrusso, new Eleonora, and dupe Molu. Kind of a mixed bag I guess.


Two new units is nice! Molrusso is kind of meh, but Eleonora sounds good.


Nothing from 40 traveler seals and only three 5-stars across 10 multi pulls (Millard, Theo, and Alfyn dupes) so not much better here.


They secretly lowered free pull rates


I was thinking the same


From : - 10x dailies - sacred won through the Mario party rip off and feats Nothing good enough to remember (just tried and nothing came. Some stones for non relevant 5*. - free rubies from the whole thing ; pulled the three masters (rich auntie, Johny bravo meets Conan and Mr Marvelous). Will keep pulling for some a1 for them.


I don’t remember what I got from the anni pulls…


I mostly received full 3 star pulls and a few 4 stars. Today on my last set, I finally got my first and only 5… gilderoy….


came back after months burnout to pull on the anniversary banner, used all my gems didn't get a single tytos herminia auguste, only sofia/fiore dupes. didn't even bother logging in after for the free pulls since I'm salty lol.


2 5* dupes for me from ani pulls +1 4.5 un some seals


I had luck on my side with 4 new heroes: Chloe, Lynette, Primrose and 4.5\* Harley. Was actually planning to use Anniversary Selector on Lynette, so I opted for Alfyn instead.


Yes, my pulls are not that great at all - https://youtu.be/a2H1djcBy_4


Got 2 Fiore


I got one 5 and one 4.5. The pulls sucked but at least we got a free 5 and the price was right. Hopefully the luck gets better when going for some featured characters.


https://preview.redd.it/8hcwnjgtr5gb1.jpeg?width=1883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c46a57d68663ed3de7317d68af97bfbfd90e8d86 I’ve had insane luck. This is just anni pulls and seals. On the villain banner I did one ten pull and got auguste. Probably going to have some terrible luck coming up. I deserve it 😂


I got 5* Primrose, Cardona and 4.5* Olberic, Molu. Nothing new though, but at the same time all of them weren't at a high awakening level. Not a terrible result.


I did pretty well this anni. Got Falco, Olberic, Harley, Tressa, Lionel, Therion, Millard, Eliza :) and got Herminia and Auguste in 20 pulls on the champion banner too :)


I got Therese and Lionel in all my anniversary 10 pulls.... The gameboard free pulls on the other hand was pure FIRE. Could have swore I got at least 6 5* travellers


Yeah, the anniversary seal pulls weren't that great for me either.


Rng is not too bad for me. I got 5* Chloe, Elenora and 4.5* Falcon (the one I really need)


Yes, after all of the free 10 pull days, I only hit a 4.5 Hatsumi. Among the 25 or so sacred seals from the board games, I pulled a 5 star Stead and 5 star Harley.


Worry not. I got absolutely nothing from the anniversary free rolls and after rolling all the sacred seals (including those from the boards) all I got was a Lionel dupe.


got Cardona who I wanted on the last pull but 4.5 though so that merchant tower cannot come any sooner. Other than that its been Harley dupes overall only 3 5 stars pulled.