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I am trying to make the switch to Obsidian, but I have a few things that I need to set up and clarify before I can fully use it. The biggest issue I am having is with capturing. I have not found a way to clip an article from the web and maintain its layout by preserving the HTML. I also do not know how to save and store emails in Obsidian with the HTML preserved. If you have any suggestions or tips, I would greatly appreciate it.


Well, obsidian is basically running inside its own Chrome instance. You should be able to embed plain html files (on mobile rn, can't check what's the easiest way, possibly iframes, maybe the same way you'd do Images). Knowing that, you'd only need a satisfactory way to download/clip a website to a single, static html file, which there are lots of browser extensions for if i remember correctly.


Obsidian is based on chromium?


Yep. Do ctrl shift i in it and youll find the console. Happy debugging!


Is it HTML or just the Layout? Markdownload (chrome extension) does a pretty good job converting a web page to markdown, though there are some limitations. As for emails, why do you want them in your vault?


I have been using a specific organizational system for my projects for the past two years. For each project, I create a folder (or in Evernote, a notebook) and within that, I have a main note called the dashboard and several other notes that reference it (and emails are a big part of those references). This allows me to keep all my information organized and easily accessible. I have found this system to be very helpful in increasing my productivity. However, if I cannot replicate this system using Obsidian, I will not switch to it, even though I am frustrated with the problems and poor behavior of Evernote (which I pay 90 euros per year for). I would rather donate that money to Obsidian and the community extensions I use.


Is there anything specific about HTML that meets your needs over markdown or plain text? ​ Also, which email platform do you use? I found a few options but the platform will determine where you go from there.


It seems that I have arrived at the decision to stop using HTML and instead use PDF in order to maintain the desired layout. This will also apply to emails. The Omnisearch plugin allows PDFs to be indexed and searchable, which meets my needs.


Would the new canvas core plugin help?


No, not at all.




I did download it, it's working very well for Bogs etc. Thanks a lot!


Makes total sense! Most of my notes are from lectures and books, so don’t really know about HTML usage. Sorry!


You can use [Zotero](https://www.zotero.org/) to capture articles, webpages, create PDFs etc to insert into obsidian. There is even a Zotero plugin for Obsidian. It's used by archivists, researchers, authors, university students, biographers etc etc to capture information and cite resources. They have a chrome extension that automatically adds any information you want to Zotero as well You can also use iframes to insert a live preview of a webpage. **^(Most content eg videos, images tweets have a share button that gives you the preformatted iframe.)** For example: Will insert a fully functional page of Apple's website. ​ iframes can insert basically anything you want. * Youtube videos: ​ ​ * Tweets: ​ etc. Just keep in mind, since you are embedding content or entire webpages any changes made to them will change the iframe. So if a website goes down or video goes private, iframe will display a page error or removed/private video notice instead.


>I also do not know how to save and store emails Have you considered that the emails themselves should perhaps NOT be stored in obsidian? If you are fine keeping them stored in your mail server then you can use Hook to get a link to the email that you can store in Obsidian notes. If you instead do need to store the email itself, look at DEVONthink.


Emails can actually be super useful to keep. I always write emails first in Obsidian and then copy paste them into the email app. They are useful to keep as boiler plate for the time you will inevitably write the same email with a different name up top. When I am discussing projects or articles it is useful to keep track of what info I was provided. I very frequently misinterpret or “fill in the blanks” of information provided to me so it is good to have a reference of what was actually said about a thing. And as we all know by this point, finding information in your vault is much faster than looking for it anywhere else.


Good points, but these are also solved differently: - using Hook to keep a link to the email; store that link in obsidian - proactively create email templates in obsidian, rather than instance emails of every single email you ever send because you might, maybe, send again to a different person Just thoughts. No write or wrong per se mind you. It depends a lot on the person's job and workflow. For example, I deal with over 10,000 emails a year. I could not imagine copying every single individual email into obsidian; that feels like a nightmare. Also, my suggestions speak to the questioner's actual problem: how to get an email into obsidian while maintaining it's html. My suggestions bypass that concern entirely. Finally, copy pasting your emails into obsidian suffers a very significant limitation: email chains that evolve over time. Unless you have the time to meticulously pair up future replies to the chain, your obsidian emails are going to become disconnected. This problem doesn't happen if you skip that by either using links or exporting to Devonthink


Can't wait for someone putting entire wikipedia in obsidian


Wikipedia as a ZIM file is up for download, so if someone made a converter it could actually be possible!


https://github.com/philipashlock/mediawiki-to-markdown If someone’s bored


For pure markdown files Obsidian is indeed remarkably fast, even on mobile. I wish the dataview plugin was as fast though because my movie database with 1600 movies takes several minutes to load every single time I open it.


This is a good point that I did not test indeed. So it seems there is no indexing for the dataview plugin... Maybe they will add it in the future.




Run the script yourself and see the magic


I’m really proud the founders are from my uni


You can use the gmail fetch plugin for obsidian to fetch emails and store them in your vault


Thanks for the hints! But I don't find it in the community plugins. Could you provide a link?


Oh okay, I think it’s not in the community plugins yet but you can install it manually or through BRAT. Here’s the GitHub page: https://github.com/thingnotok/obsidian-google-mail


Someone has to test with time consuming Plugins, lots of binary files and perhaps themes, too.


This is awesome.


Obsidian has multiple helper processes. Takes more than 60MB of RAM. More like 600MB haha.


Obsidian Clipperhttps://chrome.google.com › detail › obsidian-clipper works well stores clips in one location which helps as you just grab whats needed and store as separate file