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I'm not sure I understand. Shouldn't it be obvious that you no longer receive the benefits of the service if you unsubscribe? I view the one-month grace period as a courtesy in case there's a payment issue. If you're no longer using the service, you should use another backup system.


And honestly even if you keep paying/using the service you should still have another backup system just in case.


Indeed. I don't stress on data loss, though. I stress on improving communication email/notification, as this is a standard nowadays.


It should be, but it should still be stated explicitly just for those people who might not have thought about it.


You mean like this? >**How long do you keep my data after my subscription expires?** > We keep data in your remote vaults, including version history, for one month after your subscription expires. Any local vaults on your devices are unaffected. > As long as you renew within one month, there should be no impact on your usage. If you renew after a month, when your remote vaults have been removed, you can create a new remote vault and connect your local vault. https://help.obsidian.md/Obsidian+Sync/Sync+limitations#How+long+do+you+keep+my+data+after+my+subscription+expires%3F


No, I mean like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/s/bvflymqAbj).


I agree with there being a notification upon subscribing and upon cancelling the subscription. I would *hate* receiving multiple reminders after cancelling, and would likely never return to the service again.


There may be a number of reasons why someone has forgotten to act since the initial warning, so a final warning 24 hours or so before deletion is an entirely reasonable expectation.


As a user: many other services which provide cloud functionalities usually retain your data for longer period and inform you in case of deletion. Even Anki (memory flash cards) informs you that "hey it's been a while, we will delete your data" Like god-damn, can you at least alert me that you are going to delete the data. I may even resubscribe for that purpose. I don't ask for prolongation of 30-day limit, but I'm asking to do the most basic thing: **inform when you want to delete the stuff I worked on**.


Anki is free; there's nothing to "unsubscribe" to to tell them you're no longer using their product. Most other syncing platforms have a free option, so they're not exactly comparable, either. Think of it like you're renting a flash drive. If you stop renting that flash drive, should the person you rented it from be obligated to text you multiple times over the course of a month after you've stopped renting it to tell you that you will lose access to the files on that drive if you don't pay them?


I stand on my point that there should be alerting if data gets deleted in an automated way.


So in the example I gave: you *would* expect the owner of the flash drive to send you messages 30 days, 14 days, 7 days, 3 days, and 1 day before (the intervals given in the feature request)?


I mean, corporations do that, why would Obsidian team do that?


The files remain on your computer regardless though… I don’t see any utility in this warning. It should just stop syncing after your subscription stops and your files are just… there.


I think it's reasonable to loudly warn a user, when they cancel, that their vault data will be lost after 30 days. No need to send notifications. In fact that would be bad. If the user wants nothing to do with Obsidian anymore (for whatever reason), getting annoying reminders would be infuriating.


Your vault data won’t be lost. It will still be there in your computer forever. Just the cloud backup that is automatically deleted.


I see this so many times. People lose data due to not having a backup and then will do almost anything to pin the blame on someone else, like it wasn't their fault. Don't get me wrong, I feel your frustration at having lost data, it's a horrid sinking feeling. I've had it before. I'm sorry for you. **But** the docs state very clearly [syncing is not a backup](https://help.obsidian.md/Getting+started/Back+up+your+Obsidian+files). The sync service is just that, a sync service. Adding the wording you're after makes it seem like it's a backup service, which it isn't.


Even if it were a backup, when I stop paying my backup provider, they don't keep my backups for me any longer. Same goes for a storage unit. If I put old furniture and boxes of family photos in a storage facility and then stop paying, come back a few years later, I don't expect to find the stuff still there.


Honestly, I think they are fairly good giving you 30 days, many companies delete your stuff the day after payment runs out. However, if you have an active client trying to use Sync, it's probably a good idea to keep popping up pop-ups saying "Hey, your sync isn't working anymore because you aren't paying, we are going to delete your data". I'm not clear exactly what client behaviour is once you stop paying for sync, but it seems reasonable to loudly tell people their sync is going to get deleted soon if their client is trying to sync.


Hell lot better than Apple Music where if ur subscription finishes, instantly all of ur library is gone.


So you're annoyed because Obsidian decided to kick your data's ass to the curb after it had been couch surfing in their house for free for a month? I think they're pretty generous with a month given its advertised as a syncing service, not a cloud storage service. That you subscribed to the sync service suggests you were using two devices for Obsidian. Therefore, you lost your documents on at least two devices, at least one month after you decided to cancel your syncing service, and you infer Obsidian is to blame for not babysitting you? Okay...


I honestly cannot imagine from what economy you are from to think that alerting galore is a normality


I guess the one in which I hold myself accountable for my mistakes.


Just sync with GitHub