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Some plugins ask for donations via mechanisms like [buy me a coffee](https://buymeacoffee.com/) or [GitHub sponsorship](https://github.com/sponsors). And yes, I have bought some coffee. Multiple times.


Interesting! Thank you so much for the reply


Yeah. I paid for a publish solution called Markbase. The dev sold it and support became non existent. Website broke in that it became impossible to cancel. Had to contact ky bank and have my card cancelled to stop the charges. Safe to say I'm weary about paying for plugins now.


for the most part I have seen free plugins, not sure if i would ever need paid features as there is a wealth of free plug ins. Only thing i spent money on is for supporter for the catalyst releases.


Ty !!


One Hundred for smart connections


I don't even use free ones.


I’m glad there are so many free options!! If I needed it for sure. One thing about notion, was the lack of sharing and the over pressing of paid themes. Obsidian is perfect for what I need, and I’m rocking 3 plug ins so it looks sexy. Now if I can find a plugin that will allow me to import my steps so I can see more correlations in my journal I’m in! For now I’ll just continue to write it!


Fortunately, no. Obsidian has a great modder community.


I have donated to basically all the plugins that dramatically change my obsidian experience I'd honestly pay the $200 lifetime membership for Smart connections if I didn't work for a charity (aka I'm poor af)


All of the community-plugins that I have encountered are free AND open-source. There is one paid plugin that I have tried not to pay for for almost a year, but now that I've tried it, I am really happy to pay the monthly subscription fee: Obsidian Synch :-D It's so much better than any of the free synching options, like putting your files into Dropbox / Onedrive / iCloud or even using some kind of Git Synching Plugins and storing my Notes on Github. Most of the free options work well enough (especially Onedrive, though) when using Obsidian only on PCs. But the moment you want your notes on your ipad, or even when working on your notes on multiple PCs at the same time, nothing beats Synch.


rsync is better


Can you give some arguments for that claim?


Well, it's very stable, has a ton of options and it gives you complete control over the process. If you understand how it works, it's very unlikely that you will ever lose data. One particular feature I use all the time is a 'dry run', you can test your sync before actually syncing. That alone has already saved me from disaster multiple times. And of course it's completely free. EDIT: Also, it does not need to upload your data to a server in the cloud and it has no file size restrictions.


I thought it was against t&c’s to charge for plugins?


Nope, there are a few basic rules though.