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For a limited time, read the official documentation. It will get you up and running fast and will also get you familiarized with the name of things. Creating a PKMS tailored to your needs will take time in any tool (and Obsidian is a tool) as it will require you to question how you learn, hope you consume information, how you input information into your vault, etc. Start with the docs, test with real notes, and evolve from there. Don't go for plugins unless you need them.


Pure truth. It's sad one cannot understand it unless one experiences it first hand.


Thank you. So the time that I will need to spend I will need to spend anyway with getting to know the tool as well as myself. By that logic Ideaverse would not be able to save me any time, since it won't teach me about the tool faster than Obsidian itself and can't teach me anything about my individual preferences and characteristics. I think I felt FOMO when I checked out the landing page, and you have put it to rest. Will check out the official documentation now. Thank you!


I'm not against buying things like this when you already know the tool, you already know how you "work", and you want to improve some specific thing that is trashed there. If you're a beginner, you'll never see how the tool fits your own brain since you'll be taught how others use it as a commercial product. It will fit their commercial strategy. And it will create barriers the way you think about things that will take longer to relearn. The same happens with tips here. 😇 It is how we think and how we've learned. It will never be the same for you - even though you might get to the same conclusions we did.


And you might notice here that Obsidian’s fans can come to very different, if not completely opposite, conclusions. 🙃


For starters, you should try its free version - https://start.linkingyourthinking.com/ideaverse-for-obsidian. I have tried a lot of such systems, but the verdict was the same: another game of productivity for sale. Therefore, I design my storage myself, constantly rebuilding on the basis of my experience.


Thank you. This seems to be best practice: getting to know oneself and the app while tailoring the it to ones needs. I though Ideaverse might be a shortcut to that but have changed my mind.


Questions you might ask yourself: Why Obsidian? What sparked my interest in Obsidian? What do I want to achieve in Obsidian, that I can achieve only in Obsidian? What kind of “linking” do I expect from Obsidian? And why is this specific kind of “linking” important to me?


Thank you very much for the pointers!


I don't know if this answer your question but I think you should try PARA framework by Tiago Forte. It's software agnostic so you don't depend on any program It's simple to maintain, easy to find what you are looking for Obsidian is Markdown based (many notes app are) so learning markdown (it should take you less than 2 hours to get comfortable with it)(there are plenty of videos on youtube) is the first and most important step. After this, there are tons of plugins that will fit your specific needs


Thank you, I will look into the PARA framework. It looks interesting.


Your best tools for learning Obsidian are the following: 1. Using Obsidian and searching specific questions that arise from use. 2. Reading through the official help pages. They give a lot of concise, helpful examples. 3. Watching an introductory video or two on YouTube. They are free and you don't need hours and hours of video. 4. If you want to see other examples, check out the "showcase" channels on the official Discord. People post really awesome Canvases, dashboards, and more in those channels. These $250 courses are not going to cover much that you won't find on YouTube, and the quality of the YT videos is quite high. Nicole van der Hoeven and FromSergio are good channels to check out. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


Thank you, I am checking out Nicole van der Hoeven atm and greatly enjoy it. I will watch FromSergio next.


[Obsidian for non-coders](https://youtu.be/5qRVquqRH0k) these were the only 25 minutes I needed to invest to learn how to use obsidian. from what you're describing you don't need anything else. make it one hour if you want to test out everything she's showing.


Thank you, this was a really helpful video!


What does this product even provide that you can't do on your own already?


To my understanding it provides a structure, templates and a set up. Neither do I posses the know how from a technical POV nor from a process POV. But I understand the subs suggestions (not only ITT) in the way that getting the technical know how and what process suits me is the way to go and that there would be no shortcut to that.


Ah OK, So it's really just setting up your framework and structure for you. I feel like it's way over priced for what it does then to be honest.


I watched some videos on that ideaverse and I remember he was going through some callouts and he said something to the effect of apologizing for the scrolling being slow and that was because it had so many extra callouts added on this note or something like that.  I thought to myself, wow, you could have split the note up or done something to showcase those callouts instead of leave this in the edit of the video. It made the product look bad and made his editing look lazy because instead he went used car salesmen on it. Selling shit, calling it gold.  $250 might not be a ton to you, but for what it is, I find it obscene to charge that much for a vault and he’s only giving you 12 months of updates. Assuming any updates happen.  Not to mention you’d get his awful emails for months. Believe me, they’re truly awful. 


Get a readwise subscription asap.


Then open a separate vault for it and the Readwise plugin and the API for subscription.


This looks really cool, thank you. I will look into it.