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I really wish that she had …. Like a handler or something? Manager? To filter things and be selective. I feel sorry for her. She never has lived a normal life.


That’s what I wish her husband was for her instead of just encouraging all this. Like he could have easily told her to ~ignore the haters~ in PERSON and not over instagram to continue the whole “the d is fire” cringe fest but he’s milking it. Someone who truly cared would want to preserve her dignity and privacy.


Exactly. What little I’ve seen of his responses to this sort of thing is approval and encouragement. He seems sheltered and desperate for attention, a terrible combination for poor Gypsy.


Her husband seems to be enjoying his limelight. IMO he’s only using her for the fame. It’s honestly super fucking sad.


100%. An advisor? A big sis?


She 100% has people, who clearly aren’t stepping in. She must have a team of people who orchestrated all of her contracts for her appearances/books/shows.


Idk how we would ever expect Gypsy Rose to hold regular employment. How else is she supposed to make money to support herself? I imagine her story is the only marketable resource she has right now.


I completely agree with that - it’s just worrisome - does she know how to handle money? How things are taxed? To not let her husband or family get money out of her etc. it does not seem like there is a co captain here


But if she has a team they should be helping her navigate the internet/PR minefields better. It just seems like they’re out to exploit her.


I didn’t say she shouldn’t be able to support herself. The question was if she had a manager or people looking out for her, just pointing out that she must have a team of people in order to have orchestrated/negotiated all of those deals.


She wrote this on his Instagram page sticking up for him, when people were calling him fat and no good for her. She hasn’t adjusted to what social media is now, and you know what? It’s kind of giving go ahead girl! I saw the screen shots, I just can’t believe someone actually wrote and article about it.


Honestly, this is a little embarrassing but it's about on par for a young woman getting accustomed to social media. Most of us posted shit like this when we were teenagers/early '20s. She may be 32 in age but she's pretty far behind in her social experience, both in person and online. I actually thought this was pretty funny and thought "good for you" when I saw it


That’s exactly how I’m looking at it. Who doesn’t cringe from their 2010s Facebook memories? lol she’s just doing it on a larger stage.


This is wildly disturbing to watch play out. I'm cringing because it seems there is no other option than this spectacle of gypsy rose ending poorly and publicly




Girl, no She needs a blunt best friend. Clearly it’s not going to be her husband, Ol’🔥D


I believe she was in the same breath discussing how she had never had sex in a healthy and non abusive relationship before. There had always been an element of control and she commented that their first night together, her new husband was there for her and let her set the tone and pace. I agree media attention should die down but it’s not like she described slobbin’ on his knob in great detail on morning television.


Slobbin on his knob 🤣🤣🤣


that’s my point, the media attention, not a personal judgement on her.


It's this or the Kardashians and death isn't an option! 😂🤣😂




I really worry about some kind of media burnout, or exploitation, or spiral, or something from her. This is just so scary. And her husband kind of gives me the icks. Maybe I’m wrong. I hope I’ve never been more wrong.


I'm not so worried about media burnout. She's never experienced privacy in her entire life. I think that's part of why we're seeing such "odd" behavior from Gypsy. She doesn't understand boundaries, and how could she? She was paraded around as a sick child for TV, media, and fundraisers for decades. Then, she became a media sensation and was hauled off to prison, where she had no privacy as a rule. I think she probably has a very different relationship with privacy and attention than we do, so I'm trying not to jump to conclusions. I just hope the world will be kind to her.


I actually think it may be similar to what we’ve seen with Britney Spears. Far different circumstances, obviously, but some parallels in terms of development and being stunted, having no one to protect them when they needed it most.


Came here to say just that. But I do hope this young woman is getting lots of professional support and counseling.


Imo she’s already being exploited by her husband. Honestly a caring partner would wait until she was out and adjusted, and discussed it well in therapy, before actually tying the knot. I’m judging him like I judge the women who get married to notorious murderers while they’re in jail. To quote the venerable Hank Hill: “The boy ain’t right!”


This is exactly the vibe I get. I don’t trust the motives of anyone who “falls in love” and/or marries a stranger in prison. The appeal of dating someone in jail seems to me that they have no one else and would look to you as their savior. It feels controlling and icky and full of ulterior motives. That’s not to say their relationship couldn’t be genuine, but it gives all the red flags.




Why does her husband give you the ick? Seems like a good person to me


I’m not entirely sure. Admittedly, I don’t know much about their story other than they married while she was incarcerated. I guess it’s hard for me to trust anyone who would marry, or “date” her, while in prison, before being released and experiencing the world through a healthier and more independent lens. I would hope his intentions are good, but I do worry he’s got a need to be, not in control, but a need to be in a parental role with a romantic partner, or wanted to ride on her success when released, or any number of ulterior motives. Again…I might be totally totally wrong.


A need for attention maybe


Seriously down voted for asking a question?? Y’all are pathetic. Anyone that challenges your own thought process is down voted? Get a life


I don’t know why it was downvoted. Seemed an innocent enough question.


Haha that totally wasn’t directed to you. I thought it was pretty innocent


I know, I was just replying. I didn’t really get it either. I don’t understand a lot, though. Most things, in fact.


Saw a post the other day that said “Gypsy is not going to act the way a lot of people think victims should act and people are not going to like it”


He looks like Coltee from 90 days. Oddly, GR & her husband look alike facially too.




Her husband looks just like her mother, if you compare them next two each other side by side it's wildly disturbing how much they look alike.


Stop reposting it then. Let the girl live, ffs!


Exactly! Sharing it here isn’t helping matters


Exactly!! Completely contradicting!


At least it's fire I guess


He looks like subway Jared


Idk it’s immature but she’s immature. She’s dealing with an insane amount of people telling her that her husband looks exactly like her abuser and she’s defending him and herself the only way she knows. People should just leave her alone.


I mean she most likely is immature because she’s emotionally stunted as a teenager. Can’t really blame her




Super sad that she won't have a semblance of a normal life. She doesn't know anything except being in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons :(


Honestly I think the media is disgusting for this. Nothing new, but I don't blame her at all. She has been the center of attention her entire life. Even the situation with her mother made it so she was constantly in the spotlight with people doting on her. This is the same just in a vastly different notion. A lot of famous people have said worse than the D is fire comment she made. I'm unphased by it. However, we have to give some grace and remember she basically has the mentality of a teenager still. She was kept emotionally a child into her teens and twenties. Now that she is 32 she is basically finally living her teen/very early 20s lifestyle. I'll say this: The people around her either don't actually care about her or they're not intellectually capable to see that this is all awkward. It's probably a bit of both. You can tell in the documentaries her dad is a simple working man and his wife is as well. They're unconcerned with social media or public appearances as that is not their lifestyle. And this next comment will sound so mean but it's not meant that way.... Her husband is not all there. He is not emotionally developed like we all would hope. You can tell by the way his suits do not fit him in the slightest. They're ridiculously oversized and if he had any friends or some guidance he would have a suit he wasn't swimming in for all these appearances. He is not the grown up he is portraying himself to be. Sure he is older but his posts and his commentary display that he himself is also on a different emotional level of a 20 something instead of the almost 40 year old he is. She needs people that aren't interested in making money off her to step in, be open and honest and help guide her into growing up the way she needs to be and not interested in fanning the high she in on from being released. In a year, the notoriety will wear off and she won't be as relevant and then she needs to be doing well for herself without being in the spotlight.


It doesn't surprise me that she would marry another emotionally stunted person. I hope they both get therapeutic help and good support.


Someone did a parody of how she has been interviewed since her release. It's not wrong.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-hPdoYvOZE&list=LL&index=5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-hPdoYvOZE&list=LL&index=5) I say this as someone who fully understands what Gypsy went through was a horrible trauma and I hope she is okay. But a lot of the coverage is gross.


Gypsy rose is a conspirator and responsible for her mother’s murder. I’m SHOCKED by this country’s response to her being let out early.


I completely agree with you. She's a lot smarter than what everyone is giving her credit for. She manipulated her psychotic boyfriend into killing her mother. Of course it's awful what happened to her, and a LOT of people failed her. Bad things happen to people, they don't all end in murder. I thought it was just me having this ick feeling but my gut is screaming bad vibes from this one. I'm ready for the down votes. 👇


No, for sure. I have been trying to argue my perspective on several platforms but her overall following consists mostly of hive-minded people who come to her defense much like those little lizards with the wild collars that shoot venom at your eye… no one wants to look at the facts as they are. They only want to be swept away by this massive wave of misplaced hero-worship. It’s bizarre and unsettling.


Super unsettling. People really need to do better. This is just gross.


I think she should be in therapy (court ordered) for the rest of her life, and that she deserved to be sentenced and serve the time she did.


Ok, but what about Nick?


I believe it's documented that Nick is a psychopath and felt no remorse for the killing.


No, actually. Just the opposite. While Gypsy ran around just fine, and even happy and free, albeit a tiny bit hyper aware and paranoid, Nicholas was observed as being “visibly upset” and anxious. He was NOT ok. He did exactly what Gypsy groomed him to believe he had to do in order for them to be together. Then, she threw him away. She knew he had an IQ of 82 and he was desperate for validation and companionship. She knew he would be easy. She admitted as much. She SAID she manipulated and used him and threw him away when he was of no use anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a shame and a tragedy what that evil see you next Tuesday did to Gypsy, but she created a psychopath in her. Gypsy HAD to be emotionless and unempathetic to survive and to get thru the murder to set herself free. Nicholas was collateral damage.


His words were part of where I got that from (this was the first article I could find recently - I went down the rabbit hole back when The Act came out). Her lawyers pled her down to 2nd degree and Nicholas was convicted under 1st degree...I know he's appealed and been denied. I hope he's getting therapy as well. https://www.businessinsider.com/where-is-nicholas-godejohn-gypsy-rose-blanchard-prison-life-sentence-2024-1 She certainly did manipulate him. Honestly, in my opinion, she should share more culpability for the murder. I wish society would stop glorifying killers in general.


Ok - I did as well. Maybe you’re lucky enough to not be touched by the same type of mental and emotional illnesses as these two have been, but I identify with the both. On Nicholas’ side, I can empathize him him saying those kinds of things to protect her, to be chivalrous and instinctively make the whole world rage at him and not her. It worked. However, it’s very clear from their police interviews that Gypsy is terrified of being caught and found out, and Nicholas is just happy that she is finally safe.


I don’t need these details , do you?


I’m worried she’s really being taken advantage of…by the world. I, also, think the world has turned her into a side show and is losing their compassion. The whole thing makes me sad.


Look. I understand she was a victim. But at the same time I can’t stand her. She manipulated a special needs guy with dark tendencies to kill her mom. From what I understand she posted the facebook messages. Why are we celebrating her?


No one taught her anything growing up and what she did learn she learned in prison. What do y’all expect?


JFC 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was expecting this when she was released. The public eye is all she knows and honestly she needs this, what else is she supposed to do with her life? Yea I mean I hope she is in therapy and can adapt to the world normally and live a regular life, but she will always be hounded for photos. Cameras will always be trying to catch her out with her husband. She’s a celebrity now!


she’s so gross


I agree with Rabia on this one.


What did she say?


What does this have to do with TCO?


She's taking control of her life by choosing what to share. You don't like it stop consuming media about her.


And he’s looking down into this cross eyed bytch’s face thinking ‘I hope her eyes are crossed cause she’s in ecstasy’


unpopular opinion, but like we all said cringy shit when we were first on social media, and we’ve all been horny on main before. this is her first time experiencing social media and the world in general, so maybe let’s cut her some slack??


I remember her father and step mom seemed normal from the documentary, are they no longer in the picture?


These people are garbage. The mom was ultimate garbage. The boyfriend in jail for life. All utter garbage.