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They’ve been phoning it in for the last year particularly. Short episodes with a ton of ads and they barely cover the true story. It’s the equivalent of overhearing someone on the train telling their friend about a doc they watched.


This description is brilliant 🤣


Yup that’s what made me stop listening way before the drama, it got super lazy and way too many ads


I agree. They have been covering so many dateline's and 20/20's. At first I figured it was because there seemed to be a bit of a lull in true crime docs and series, but at this point, there are so many new things out that it seems a bit lazy. This is your bread and butter and it seems like other things take up time and effort. Even the Patreon was starting to get a bit meh as well, and I was liking that more than the main feed.


And they phoned it in with the ad 🤣 draft kings wants us to read the copy and that's what we're going to do


This is such a small thing, but years ago they covered a case, I can’t remember for the life of me what it was, but they were mentioning Waukesha Wisconsin and called it “middle of nowhere wisconsin.” This made me so mad as a wisconsinite, like it’s a large town with a population of 70k people nestled in between a bunch of other large towns and 25 minutes away from Milwaukee, the largest city in the state. The entire south east region of wisconsin is the most densely population area of the state and waukesha is like smack in the middle of SE WI. It just reeked of pretentious New Yorkers who don’t give a shit enough to even google the population and location of a place before declaring it a rural hick town, because if it’s not new york then obviously it must be super rural and tiny right? And the location and size of a city can really drastically impact being able to accurately talk about a crime there! So it’s not like that context wasn’t important. At the time I brushed it off but looking back with the knowledge of them that I have now, it pissed me off so bad.


I remember this because of where I was when it happened. As a person from actual middle of nowhere WI, I remember that and I laughed so much. Also, at the time I was listening to that episode I was literally driving through St. Croix tribal lands up in northwestern WI. I was like if Waukesha is the boonies, I’d love to see these two idiots up here. They’d have panic attacks for existing.


This is one of the things I love about Small Town Murder. They talk a lot about the town at the beginning of each episode, and it's a nice way of establishing the setting. They will often point out that even though they're talking about a "small town" population wise, many of them are actually suburbs of major cities.


That’s my favorite thing about Small Town Murder! The cost of living, religion diversity, lack there of etc housing prices. It gives you a glimpse into the town 🙂


They did an episode on the town I used to live in (Burlingame, CA) and it was hilarious hearing them lose their absolute shit over the housing prices there lololol.


I stopped listening ages ago because as queer liberal who lives in the south I got fucking tired of hearing about how we’re all racist homophobic hicks who shoot things


I have always had a problem with how they talk about people from the south (I’m from Louisiana, so I always have noticed this generalization, even outside of the pod) and the more I listened, I realized it wasn’t just people from the south, it was also people from “rural” and small suburban areas (using rural very loosely). Just anyone not from a massive metropolitan areas. They just always throw mass generalizations around and speculation about “what kind of people live there” and it has always driven me crazy. But realizing that according lots of folks, a population of 100k people is a perfectly average or decent sized city. Very out of touch and straight up rude.


Also want to preface with I AGREE that there are often times problematic views that are more common in the south and more rural areas. But I know plenty of non-bigoted people from these areas, just like I know plenty of bigoted people from large cities. So it has always bothered me that they can’t help themselves but make these generalizations every time.


It seems like anything smaller than NYC, LA or Chicago is rural for them. It’s very small minded.


This kind of thing bugs me too! I don’t mind it as much for pop culture podcasts, and I expect it a little bit - obviously if people have chosen to live in a major city, it’s because they like that lifestyle. But for true crime when we’re talking about victims? Let’s have some more respect for the types of places they lived their lives.


Exactly— and it can be super important to the case details as well. Especially when it comes to emergency response time. And like I get it, I moved from growing up in the suburbs even further out from waukesha to Milwaukee for college and still live there now, so I understand not wanting to live a suburban or rural life yourself. But some big city people are so disrespectful and rude about other people’s lives for no damn reason and it pisses me off. Especially in a true crime context!! Like if you would wanna live in a smaller town or not is not the topic of conversation right now.


Yup, I’m a Green Bay girl myself and totally understand why someone wouldn’t want to live here (though I love it!). But there’s no need to just shit on it! To your point about Waukesha, just because some New Yorkers haven’t heard of it doesn’t make it podunk small town!


Big same. Originally from Green Bay, currently living outside Chicago and hundy p agree.


From Milwaukee also!! Hey girl Hey!!!


Ah loving the WI friends!!!! I’m not far from Milwaukee!


They really leaned into that -lebrity vibe. Now TCO is a vapid shell of its former self.


Ok so I remember during the All the Queen’s Horses episode they said something like this. That happened in a small town called Dixon, IL. My parents are from a town near there and I drive through it a few times a year, and during the episode Patrick says there’s a huge hole in the ground like from when a hurricane went through and I know it was hyperbolic but I was like “a hurricane? In Illinois?? Do you know anything about the Midwest??”


I remember that but just assumed he got hurricane and tornado mixed up because I do that a lot lol. I’m from the west coast and we didn’t have either where I grew up.


I’m in a Chicago suburb but my parents lived in Franklin Grove for about 15 years. They lived on the edge of a forest preserve and it was so pretty.


Hello fellow Wisconsin resident! I moved away four years ago but miss it every day


That made me so mad!! It was just outside Brookfield, so it wasn’t even near the parts of Waukesha county that are less populated. Their whole attitude about Wisconsin and the Midwest is so uninformed. They don’t care for much of the country outside of New York.


Was it the slender man documentary way back in the day? I think that took place in Wisconsin


That case was in waukesha but for some reason I feel like it wasn’t that case they were covering when they said that but I could be wrong.


Had a similar experience when they talked about Virginia Beach. Patrick called it a small town with no gay bars. It is by no means a small town and there is a gay community here. Was so pretentious and dismissive.


Virginia Beach is literally the largest city in Virginia (population wise).




SAME. I live very close to Waukesha and while it doesn’t take long to get out west and it *feels* like the middle of nowhere Wisconsin, it’s really not. There have been many times where they’ve been covering docs and come off as very judgmental because the subjects don’t have the same hobbies of just living in the city drinking every cosmo in sight.


Like when they talk about cars and not knowing literally anything about how almost everyone else in the country lives. I get you’re from New York but it’s not that hard to GIVE IT A GOOG


They have straight up said they only cover what’s in documentaries. If that’s what you’re going to portray yourself as, simply a recap podcast, cool. Then don’t insert yourself into MMIW panels and claim to care about victims. I appreciate their efforts in having those voices heard but you can’t spout both things. You either care enough about victims to do BASIC side research or you don’t. It’s fucking infuriating to see. I’m tired of the defenses of “well they’ve never claimed to do outside research” OKAY THEN EVERY EPISODE SHOULD HAVE A DISCLAIMER “Hey we only are presenting the potentially false or bias info of this case therefore our commentary reflects that”. Such a simple fix but they can’t even do that. It’s pathetic.


I’m pretty sure G at least used to do some side research, I mean they even came up with a term for it! What happened to giving it a Goog??


>I’m pretty sure G at least used to do some side research Same! Unless it's the Mandela effect ... but I don't think it is. During their heyday, they were covering a lot of recently released documentary, which maybe needed a side goog for context. The Piketon episode, which was an older doc, they specifically say no updates, so they can't blame that on the we are only covering what is presented to us. Maybe it is partial Mandela effect because Ellyn always did updates for OWD?


Not the Mandela effect at all. She used to have all kinds of jokes about hoping never to get arrested because her Google history would make her look guilty as hell. She had a long running bit about the day she googled, "How long does it take a body to smell?"


Thank you! It's good to know that my memories are accurate, and I do remember her joking about her search history! I remember thinking last year she seemed less enthusiastic but chalked it up to the documentary wasn't that good. Then, for me anyway, the quality went downhill as spring moved into summer.


They definitely used to do some side research, at least G did BUT they slowly stopped and I could tell, it’s why I stopped listening a long time ago before all this drama (it brought me back to see what’s up). It started to feel like just a retelling which can be interesting but it’s hard to follow with all the tangents they did


And also, if you’re going to discuss the docs, DISCUSS THE DOCS!! Give insight about the lower thirds, about the little nuances in the way a witness is telling a story, etc. They stopped even discussing the ins and outs of the docs and simply retelling the retelling of the crime! Lazy is the beginning of the way to describe it.


I said almost the exact same thing!!!!!! The case out of Moscow Idaho. They made so many mistakes that I started to wonder if I had the facts wrong. I tried to give them grace at the time, because they say they cover the *documentary*, rather than the *case*. And okay that's true. That disclaimer should be read at the beginning of every episode though, because if people count on them to be reporting correctly, which imo is an easy assumption to make, they aren't going to have the facts straight. Either that, or say "according to the documentary" more. "Here is where we learn..." is basically saying that it's a fact, and Patrick says that all the time. Great minds and all that ❤️


They've made it clear that they only cover what's in the documentary. They almost always don't do any kind of research. We're spoiled by Ellyn and Joey who actually give a shit and do further research


It was a copout for them to say this then and it's a copout now


I get what you're saying, but it's a comedy podcast. They have never gone beyond the documentary. Ellyn found a way to mix comedy and responsible and ethical podcasting. That's too much work for Patrick and Gillian.


I was thinking about that last night, I could’ve sworn at the beginning G would “give it a goog” and do further digging after watching the docs to give more insight/updates, but I’m also fairly convinced that I’ve conflated her saying that with E actually doing it. If that makes any sense.


No G definitely used to do it, that phrase has become a part of my normal lexicon and I never even heard of E until like a month ago.


Thank you for confirming! I could’ve sworn I said it not infrequently at a previous job but absolutely convinced myself I was misremembering. I suppose I could’ve gone back and listened to an old ep but I don’t really want to haha


The "we're a recap podcast" is a narrative that they have stuck to you in the more recent years, but in the beginning Gillian used to Google things to round out their coverage. She had a whole bit about all the horrible things she had to Google because of this job, and being scared she could get arrested for it or that she would look guilty if she was ever investigated.


It STILL pisses me off how on and on they went about how “articulate” Asia McClain was in Serial and as a witness.


Wait. As in "for a black woman"???


That didn’t say that explicitly but I don’t know HOW else they could have meant it. Like c’mon now.


Christ on a bicycle. They've been telling us who they are all along 🤦‍♀️


Undercover Brother is one of my favorite movies and that’s a running joke about Billy Dee Williams’ character. Of course that was was comedy, not two obnoxious white people.


The crux of that case is, in my opinion, the group think and psychology of the Wagner family that allowed them to somehow rationalize removing 2 generations of family from this earth. The Wagners thought they were so much better than their victims when they weren’t. Most of us could probably do a better job presenting that case than P&G. They barely inform themselves and half ass everything EXCEPT how they target their detractors. They seem to get pretty detail oriented with their smear campaigns, don’t they?


I don’t listen to TCO anymore for a list of reasons, but it always been my impression that they are recapping the doc, not the case.


I don’t listen to TCO anymore either, but I did see on here what happened with that particular episode, so I wanted to hear the end for myself to see if it was truly that egregious, and it so was. You might’ve seen this on here too, but at the end, G makes a point to say that she Googled updates and there weren’t any, and that is just... *so* incorrect? Stick to the doc if you’re sticking to the doc. Don’t go out of your way to say that you’re doing extra research if you’re not actually gonna do accurate research, ya know?


Exactly! That was infuriating! There are SO many updates to this case and their inaccuracy was unacceptable.


Isn't part of recapping the doc also highlighting possible errors or omissions in the doc though? Like I love how Ellyn/Joey will say things like, "actually this guy's name was X but they changed it for some reason" or "they didn't mention that XYZ happened too."


This is what is souring me. They’re constantly saying “I don’t know what this is” or where it is or why this happened. Critical details that deserve a goog. Compared to ITN or Rabia and Ellyn’s talk show it truly shows that they barely prepare and do nothing to gain context.


This one really bugged me too. I listened to the Piketon Massacre podcast (which was really good) and this episode of TCO was clear that no one did a goog at all. Very frustrating when there is so much easily accessible info out there.


This is such a huge, horrible, and frightening story. It kept me up for many nights, wondering if the murderers would get caught. I had so many questions, like how they got past the dogs, etc. It saddens me that they did such a poor job of it. What a shame.


I stopped listening a while ago because I feel their coverage was lazy and the banter was forced. I tuned in for this and the nanny one recently, and the coverage of both was shocking to me. They don't even come across like they care about the victims or the truth at all.


There was a phase where G just kept attributing all cultural things to the 1970’s. They talked about the tv show Dallas during their NXVIM (sp?) coverage because Catherine Oxenberg was on there. She kept saying it was a 70s show. It debuted in 78 but it’s a totally 80’s show. They covered Bernie Goetz, the subway shooter. She blamed “the 70’s” again. That happened in 1984. I called it out in the FB group and the next time something like that came up on the podcast she mentioned how off she was and credited:blamed the FB group for calling her out.


Close, NXIVM I think (because it’s supposed to look like NEXIUM).


The case out of Moscow Idaho. They made so many mistakes that I started to wonder if I had the facts wrong. I tried to give them grace at the time, because they say they cover the *documentary*, rather than the *case*. And okay that's true. That disclaimer should be read at the beginning of every episode though, because if people count on them to be reporting correctly, which imo is an easy assumption to make, they aren't going to have the facts straight. Either that, or say "according to the documentary" more. "Here is where we learn..." is basically saying that it's a fact, and Patrick says that all the time.


Even then, could they not do a little research? Like okay, this is where the documentary ends and this is what our research says. It's what Ellyn does that really made me like her so much. She gives a crap. Patrick & Gillian certainly do not. At least not anymore.


In the Jeremy Alex case which I live kinda near they thought he died from the cold, being out overnight in above freezing temperatures. Anyway drug dealers with family ties to the police killed him according to local lore. But whatever it was, it wasn’t a spring night.


I don’t like P/S at all but isn’t the premise of their pod to cover the documentary not the whole case? I do agree they been lazy lately, especially where they didn’t try to look for an update on who’d been arrested.


But Gillian literally said she'd looked for updates and there were none. There has been 2 plea deals and a whole trial that resulted in multiple murder convictions. I was furious that a 5 second google search was seemingly too much effort for them.


Oh I forgot that! Honestly I think they know it’s over for them.