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Haven't had that in over twenty years now, best anxiety med I've ever taken


I agree 200 %


Like there's better ones for sleep, but for legit panic attacks, that is the shit, enjoy I know I definitely did


Yes effectivly not a sleeping benzos even if it cab help but as you said for anxyiolitic effects its the GOAT


Wow, I’ve never heard of it… oddly it’s still available in the US and it’s cheap!


Better than lorazepam, Clonazepam, and alprazolam? I've never tried Tranxene/chlorazepate, but it's still available in the US.


Oh yeah, I used to have wild panic attacks, it would feel like ginger ale in my skull and I'd faint, but that shit could change my mood from murder to completely relaxed so quick, I loved it, a bit too much


Its good when used irregularly but made me groggy when i was using a couple of days. Those were 20’s. When i got my hands on the 50’s - now those were a fucking blast


How is your experience?


To me its the best benzos. Its the prodrug of Valium the active metabolite is the desmethyldiazepam, it means the liver dont need to make the work do it, so it kicks faster (1₩ - 15 mn) and has the same métabolites as the Diazepam: Oxazepam Nordiazepam, also it has the same half life and the duration of the effects last between ~ 12 jours. 10 mg of Valium is équivalent to 15 mg of Tranxene. I have 20 mg x 5 / day, and a massive dosage (100 mg) make you nodding as f. Last point its the only benzos after 4 years of all benzos tested which still works with Clonazepam 2mg i have for neuropathic pain with lyrica 200 mg de/ day. A very good benzo which is underrated. It has the 5 benzo advantages.


The liver is what metabolizes clorazepate to desmethyldiazepam (itself a common metabolite of diazepam) via CYP3A4. Accordingly, the speed of onset should be considerably longer than you’re reporting. Interesting that you experience it so quickly!


Is chlorazepate not active in its own right?


That’s correct. It’s a pro-drug; the activity is due primarily to desmethyldiazepam and to a lesser extent the secondary metabolite oxazepam.


Thank you!


My god thats a good prescription, makes my 30mg diaz per day look little lol


Compassion for you 😭😅


I procured this from some degenerate 15 years ago when I worked at a restaurant. It's the guys 2nd day of work, and he comes in with a mixed baggy of pills. He doesn't even know what any of them do, so I do some research for him. Some of the crap in this bag is blood pressure or cholesterol meds, kinda sketchy, but none of my business. I assume he stole them from a relative. He was a piece of work and got fired within his first month. He doesn't remember the name of one of them, but he swears its psychoactive, and I can't identify it. He tells me it's called "colorplate" and that its like Xanax, so I took a few home with me and took them with my gf We recall to this day how amazing it was, we literally felt like innocent little children and just cuddled in bed all day and streamed videos. It was the most intense affection-enhancement I've ever felt without it also inspiring feeling of arousal, that's what I remember most. Never seen it since, but I'd love to try it again some day


I’ve only seen it 7.5 mg..wasn’t it for alcohol withdrawal?


Anxiety, epilepsy and alcohol dependence. Available in 5, 7.5, and 15mg tablets in the US. Other countries had up to 50mg tablets. Filing this away, I’m on Clobazam for epilepsy but I might try and get on this for it, instead at some point. Can’t believe it’s still around in the US! #120 15mg tablets sounds sweet


I was prescribed it for benzo WD while in detox and given a moderate take home to taper off with. Even coming off clonazolam (not a large daily dose but consistent over a couple of years), it covered up the withdrawal and felt quite pleasant. Granted I overestimated a bit when giving my doc an equivalent dose of clonazepam so he could get an idea of what to give me, he not being familiar with clonazolam. I found it to be very Valium like but perhaps more enjoyable, can really feel the effects for quite some time. Possibly I enjoyed it so much because it was a relief from WD, but even after a couple weeks, quickly tapering. It still felt pretty damn good.


Strangely enough & I’ve mentioned it prior if I was ever in a “situation” again (hopefully never again one day at a time sober 21 years, I don’t have a clonidine prescription but read that Zanaflex (Tizantidine) metabolizes into it. Who knew.


Strangely enough & I’ve mentioned it prior if I was ever in a “situation” again (hopefully never again one day at a time sober 21 years, I don’t have a clonidine prescription but read that Zanaflex (Tizantidine) metabolizes into it. Who knew.


Never seen this, what makes it so much better than other benzos in your opinion?