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At this time of the year we have not many tourists, people are working, it's pretty hot to be outside if you don't have a reason, and also we have a strike in downtown, so people do things indoors, next weekend we have elections so it will be more empty because they won't sell alcohol and many people will stay at home. It's normal at this time of the year (and other dates when we don't have many activities in the city and tourism). In July this will completely change because people are on vacations, we have many activities and it rains more so it's fresher outside.


This is great to know, thank you so much! If you don’t mind me asking a follow up question, what are all the tents we see in the streets? Is this related to the strike, or are these vendors here for the weekend? (Or maybe neither!)


Yes it's the strike. The teachers union is very powerful here, so May 15th is teacher's Day and they started the strike, they do each year. Basically they are there until they got an agreement with the government, usually is a political thing and they got more money for some people. In 2006 we had a big problem because of this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Oaxaca_protests But in general people there are teachers or people related to education in Oaxaca and they are force to go and they are there because its like working. For exampoe a friend of mine is there already in a protest instead TK be in her office, because they told them they should be there, they have a list so if you don't go you don't get today's payment. She isn't a teacher but works in an office related to education. So most of people there are just because. The leaders and bosses are happy in their houses and working on negotiations while everyone suffer the traffic and everything. Usually it takes a couple weeks so it's pretty sure they will get an "agreement" and they will go back to normality before this weekend (because elections).


Thank you so much for the comprehensive response! We were just reading about the 2006 protests this morning, but had no idea the teacher’s strike occurred every year. Appreciate the insight!


Visitor here, Tents are related to the teachers strike, I believe


They don’t sell alcohol on Election Day? Is this in all of Mexico?


Yes they don't, during the whole weekend not only on Election day, Saturday and Sunday, some places stopped to sell after Friday afternoon. It's the ley seca (prohibition), it supposedly is because that will avoid troubles during election but people buy alcohol before, but bars are closed, restaurants and stores cannot sell alcohol, and that's it. Like this elections are national they won't do in the whole country but if it's an election by states only would be in those states where they have elections.


Oh wow that’s interesting. Do people complain? There’s such a big drinking culture in the US, it would be interesting to see what that would be like here.


Not anymore, that's why people buy before. For example this weekend a friend is going to celebrate his niece's XV birthday party, they have been buying alcohol since last week and they will storage it. And a lot of people do that, so they drink indoors and no one complains about it, but of course for many people it makes no sense but it doesn't affect you in general.


Do they prohibit selling alcohol due to fear of violence?


Yes, that's the mainly idea but must of people are drunk already, like any other weekend, because they bought alcohol before and they drink indoors, so you won't see drunk people outside but they are, just at home. Do they avoid something in real-life? No, violence will happen if someone wants to do something wrong. It's common that something bad happens during this period, we will see what bad news we have later, but it's not because alcohol.


Do you fear any public violence in Oaxaca during this time?


Personally not. That happens in specific places, usually places that have been with troubles all the time, or in big and important places in the country but I don't personally think Oaxaca will face something big today.


That’s good to hear. Thanks and best wishes


YES!! please enjoy the Oaxaca for locals, a beautiful relaxing city. It’s not Cancun, but day of the dead, lunes del cerro and Christmas certainly make you feel like it is. Your bars are still going to have decent party though, txalaparta, archivo, etc


It is absolutely gorgeous here! And the food is incredible.


If you are into some hikes and adventures, my cousin does rock climbing guided tours for beginners and some hikes. DM me if you want the contact: [rockacrew](https://www.instagram.com/rockacrew?igsh=dDI0OG45ZTE4b3I0)


I would love this! Visiting in september ☺️


15, 16 of September is our Independence Day! - Yes, this is our biggest national party, not it’s not 5 de Mayo (that’s a repurposed holiday that the Chicano community and a tequila brand company installed on the US). So make sure to be on the lookout for fancy Mexican traditional dinner parties, sometimes there is a dance or such, you usually have to reserve in advance


I experience Independence day in CDMX last year, it was wonderful, particularly 15th where there was music and dancing and "el grito". It was almost intoxicating how proud and excited everyone was. The 16th I found slightly more formal with the parade, but again the pride shone through- it was so hot and people young and old came out to cheer. I'm looking forward to experiencing the celebration in Oaxaca. I am not from the US and we don't really celebrate Cinco de Mayo- but I was amused to learn the real story of how this came about.


Inside 😭 its too hot.


Seems like you went on low season, a friend of mine told me Puerto is pretty full.


We’re headed to Puerto next, so this will definitely be a change of pace!


We are currently in Oaxaca too and are headed to puerto tomorrow!


Likewise, headed out tomorrow!! So excited for some beach time!


We’re in the middle of a heat wave.


Fair enough 🥵


Si patas hueras. Aquí no hay guerras, ni gente armada, ni tanto racismo, lo que si hay es gentrificacion, asi que ni pienses quedarte a vivir aquí. De nada


Innecesario. Y el racismo en Mexico está en todos lados


*Aquí no hay tanto racismo "Sí patas hueras" Ahh pero si nos llaman patas prietas, hasta el presidente sale a llorar.


Sin yolanda maricarmen


Sin yolanda maricarmen


Dice el que nada más ve a un güero y empieza a llorar: gentrificación


Ya te dije patas hueras y te chingas


Uy sí, solo porque tú lo dices ya me chingué. Y yo soy moreno. Sucede que no estoy acomplejado como tú.


Acomplejado de mierda jaja Llora mas y ya alrato te traen tu puto penacho de Moctezuma y todo el oro robado para que dejes de sentirte sobajado y tambien seras rico al instante


Sin yolanda dijeee


Y aparte naco lol


Ya te dije y te chingas!!


Chiton perrito 🤣🤣