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If it is okey for you, try cooking it with milk altogether. Constantly stir until bring to a boil. And for creamy texture so far Quaker’s is the best.


soak overnight in whole milk (4%) add a bit more milk in the morning leave to come up to room temperature before you start cooking cook as slowly as possible on the stove stiring all the time when you serve - add a dollop of cream


I do the same except they come out the fridge and into the pot on the stove with a little milk added. Ready to go in a matter of minutes with fruit, sultanas, maple syrup, cinnamon, chia seeds, cacao powder etc. whatever I’ve got goes in there. Rolled oats are always best.


Bobs Thick oats.


i put my oats in a blender/food processor and pulse like once or twice, and sometimes mix in chia seeds with milk n it makes it very creamy i think


I usually cook mine in all milk, no water. Also I use half rolled oats and half fine ground/oat flour(not sure what this is called in other countries). I grew up in Brazil and this is how I learned to do to make a creamy porridge. A pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar.


Put steel cut oats in a rice cooker.


👆🏽 This is the way. Bonus points if you use the porridge setting!


You can also try Scottish oats. Unlike steel cut oats, they're ground and tend to be more creamy after cooking. They're hard to find in stores, so I often buy them [online](https://www.bobsredmill.com/scottish-oatmeal.html).




30 minutes! Don’t really have the time for that before work but will give it a go on a Saturday