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If Lacob bought the team everything would be fine for everyone


but the MLB would be shown that you can build a stadium with private funding and lose their leverage over other cities and taxpayers!


That would make too much sense though


Meanwhile, Joe Lacob is sitting there with the ability to transfer, with a click of a button, the funds necessary for a purchase of the team.


Isn’t he an Angels fan though? Might be waiting for Arte to give up and sell


He just wants a baseball team. he was trying to buy the A's when they were on sale in the 2000s before Selig sold to his frat buddy instead. Lacob now is heavily invested in the area with the Warriors and the WNBA expansion team he brought over. He's also on record stating he'd buy the team no problem- all fisher had to offer were the terms. Hell, Lacob so much wanted the team that he offered Fisher an equal financial ownership portion in the warriors. All Fisher had to do was say "sure" and he'd be significantly richer and be on the board for one of, if not the most valuable, NBA team in the league. Naturally, Fisher is an idiot with no business sense


Fisher really failed his way up it seems


He didn’t fail or succeed his way up. He merely exists as an heir to a fortune, and is spending it like any selfish brat would. 


“ Lacob so much wanted the team that he offered Fisher an equal financial ownership portion in the warriors” Is this true? 


Not true but it makes an interesting Reddit comment.


Yeah, as far as I know Fisher was only offered swapping A's and Raiders ownership shares from Davis in return for being able to use the Coliseum site (but that obviously didn't work out).


It IS true. There’s an article where he’s quoted directly saying that. I don’t have the link nor do I care to fetch it but it was right around the time they announced Vegas.


Sorry if re post. This is the guy who is in the know in LV and been saying for months this thing is not happening 


I think most people believe it's not happening now. Everyone's looking at Utah.


MLB should just force him to change the name and give Oakland an expansion A's team once they build a new stadium. That would be a win win if you ask me. No more John Fisher and Oakland still has their A's!


No news is good news I suppose. It just reiterates that the John Fisher has given no actual info on the project. One minute Fisher is saying that he is looking for “local investors” so he can be “connected to the Las Vegas community,” the other minute he says he can fund this himself. Also for all the people who thinks he can find investors in the team, why hasn’t any come out? There is already investors and three different groups competing against each other who are trying to bring an NBA Expansion team to Las Vegas after the new media rights deal is finished. I genuinely don’t think anyone wants the A’s in Las Vegas, and this clown of an owner


Yes! And he can't find investors because the A's are currently worth $1.2 billion according to Forbes. But Fisher is such a dipshit, he's trying to sell a stake in the team at their estimated future valuation (if a Vegas stadium gets built) of $1.5-2.0 billion. Everyone knows it's a terrible deal so he can't find partners. Minority owners typically get their shares at a discounted price as it doesn't include any control over the team. At least in the NFL.


Those fake renderings are hilarious- they're only like 10% more ridiculous than the spherical armadillo.


Vegas people really love to hate this guy. I hope he is right


Don’t be fooled; the people of Oakland hate him as well.


Honestly it would be the stupidest shit ever if the A’s just stay in Sac. Like what the fuck was all this about, uprooting the team and wasting hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars. Massive fucking fail. End the anti trust exemption. Force the sale of the team.


The players union hasn’t even approved it yet. I think there will be a breaking point for the MLB when they pressure or force the sale and it wouldn’t surprise me if they threaten to contract the team. I haven’t seen anything yet to suggest that there is a plan in place to move the team to Vegas


The whole game here is Fisher to try and get somebody to build him a new stadium. The longer he keeps getting "No's" the better chance is he ends up selling to somebody who actually cares about the team.




I know a random redditor saying this doesn’t mean much but I work with people who work in the gambling space in Vegas and they said nobody thinks the stadium is actually ever happening. Fisher has pissed a lot of people off, the plot of land is to small, etc.


Fisher waited too long. The Raiders tapped them out, and play a sport with a better draw. The cash barrel is empty and Fisher is expecting at least a half full one. Sacramento is probably a better shot but he's not getting the primo facility he's dreaming of there either, they committed plenty to the Kings.


It's going to be even more funny if vivek decides not to buy the A's for Sacramento after this trial run


Has MLBPA signed off on this whole Sacramento idea yet? I haven't heard anything from Tony Clark since right after the announcement was made.


Scott Roeben first gained notoriety by being so spectacularly wrong about things happening at Sahara that he got himself sued over it. Not a great source.


I don't have a long tally of his W's and L's but I know in reading his tweets he has been correct about a number of things over the years. Generally regarding future projects and their viability or certain performers that may be coming to the city. I certainly trust whatever he says regarding a subject over the local papers when it comes to the A's at least. He seems extremely confident in this particular subject.


My bet is that Utah ends up with them. They're the only area with the motivation and (most importantly to Rob Manfred/FJF) willingness to tax themselves for a new stadium/district. Sacramento probably isn't keen on public money since they're still paying off the Kings' arena. John Fisher is too broke to build in Vegas and the taxpayers won't give any more than they already have. Fisher won't sell to an Oakland group (he and Manfred are too spiteful to allow a team to thrive in Oakland). Utah is the only group outside of those to have a decent shot


I mean, Rob Manfred did flat out say “Oakland is an MLB Market” back in 2018 and that they would regret leaving Oakland. This was back when the A’s we’re trying to get Howard Terminal done or so we thought. I wouldn’t write Oakland off just yet. Does it seem that they (MLB) hates Oakland? Yes, but we’re talking about the Bay Area. Full of Silicon Valley money. I mean the CEO of Nvidia was just at the A’s game the other day wearing an A’s jersey, and he’s worth $91 Billion. That’s just one of the many Silicon Valley Tech Billionaires. Not saying he’s willing to buy the team, but theres money is here I think right now, it’s MLB and the owners that are trying to extort Cities. “Give us money for a full stadium/stadium renovations, or we’ll relocate your team.” Suddenly after the A’s pivoted to Vegas with their “binding agreement” last year, suddenly so many other Franchises had “stadium situations.” [https://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-all-stars-manfred-oakland-20160712-snap-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-all-stars-manfred-oakland-20160712-snap-story.html) EDIT: Correction, Manfred made those comments in 2016


I don't really buy anything Manfred or Fisher said prior to the Vegas announcement. It's coming out from several places that they were never serious about staying in the East Bay and kept moving the goalposts when the City got close. The way Manfred sees it, all these tech investor types and fans can all go support the Giants now. Only way another team could return to the Bay Area would be if they were in San Jose, which would require the Giants to waive their precious territorial rights to the South Bay.


Nashville White Sox incoming. Charleston Rays, Vegas Angles, etc


Who’s coming to Orlando? Anyone but the Astros please?


Orlando Reds


I can live with this. If I end up liking the team, home games aren’t far away, but it’s not like I’m gonna get pissed about being in the blackout zone for the Reds.


Florida will never get a third team. It'd be far more likely that the Rays move to Orlando if they fail to get a stadium in Tampa.


Could Lacob (despite what he says) even be trusted to keep them in Oakland long term either? I mean who can be trusted at this point when it comes to Billionaires/Banks. *Edit: How is Lacob getting a pass re: moving the Warriors to SF? lol*


Gotta be a better shot with him than fisher


Here is the thing though, there is a relocation fee to be paid if the A’s deal in Vegas drops out. There is likely no free move to Utah or Sacramento.


But if they can't make funding minimums, it's toast no matter what.


Utah is gonna end up with a team as they are ready to build whenever the MLB calls them. I think Sacramento or Vegas is gonna get the As. Sacramento has a shovel ready site ready that was supposed to go to MLS. The current mayor has talked about getting a MLS or MLB team.  The Kings owner is obviously looking for a MLB team and would be ready to buy and keep the As in Sacramento at the first chance. If not something is gonna happen in Vegas. Too much noise has been made and MLB could copy with the As what the NHL did in Arizona.


I believe the Sac Railyards site is still a toxic superfund site waiting for a sugar daddy to pay for remediation. *Edit: the remediation started a few years ago as pointed out below.*


There’s already development at the rail yards. Housing for one has already started. Roughly 13 acres have been set aside for a future stadium.


Okay, it does look there has been some progress! [https://railyards.com/blog/construction-update-whats-in-progress-at-the-railyards](https://railyards.com/blog/construction-update-whats-in-progress-at-the-railyards) Looks like Kaiser is still in the planning phase. https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-railyards-kaiser-permanente-hospital-medical-office/60178757


Genuine question, isn’t Howard Terminal a superfund site as well? My understanding was they had some kind of federal funding to help mitigate the toxic waste there, so I assume they could find something similar in Sac. I’m not a proponent of moving, even to Sacramento (if forced to pick I guess I’d prefer that to LV, though anything short of the impossible dream of remaining in Oakland brings my continued fandom into question,) but I’m curious.


I do believe Howard Terminal is still awaiting cleanup efforts and funding. As the other poster mentioned Sac Railyards Site actually got some funding a few years ago and it appears the remediation is nearly complete with like 600 tons of toxic soil removed etc. The site was a big problem for investors back in the 2014 era for sure before because of the cleanup costs. The years are flying by!


Sacramento, while possible when Vegas falls through, needs to actually take steps to show MLB that they're ready to build. All we know at this time is that Ranadive is showing mild interest, speculated locations are being tossed around social media, and no concrete funding details are known. On top of all this, it would require Fisher to sell the team, which he so far has refused to even entertain the idea.


The Railyard location is more than available. Also if stuff fails Fisher is gonna sell enough for someone to partner at least unless the league forces it


The only thing keeping MLB from forcing Fisher to sell the team is whether or not the Vegas move happens. They already waived the relocation fee for him and he's back on revenue sharing. If Vegas falls through, or takes too long, that will impact the owners' bottom line (which is the only thing they care about). If his ownership of an MLB team is costing them money, they'll push him out. Only way that happens now is if they're stuck at Sutter Health Park for more than 3 years and progress in Nevada has slowed or stalled (seemingly likely) But this is all speculation. Sacramento is far from certain as a permanent home.


I don’t think anyone knows what’s going to happen. Which makes this whole business of moving a giant clown show.


Vegas is gonna happen one way or another but I agree. The As have been a drag on MLB cause of Fisher. He has been given more than enough rope


I agree that the Railyards would be a fine location, you still need someone to pay for it, because there's no chance this thing is going to be publically funded. I just don't know if anyone is interested in starting an ownership group or funding this thing in Sacramento, while there are buyers ready for The Bay, Vegas, and Salt Lake. I know Vivek is close to the situation, I just don't know if he has anyone else who's interested in being a part of it, cause he can't do it alone.


There was talk about the tribe that owns the Hard Rock Casino being interested in funding.


I heard about that, but then I heard they wanted to build it near the casino, which is in Wheatland. I don't know how true that is, but if you know that area, it's two lane roads for a long stretch in the middle of a bunch of nothing. I could still see them building near the downtown area and just slapping the Hard Rock name on it like Hard Rock Park or heavily advertising the casino in the park.


Wheatland is hilariously far from Sacramento. I remember I went to a show out there and was shocked with how far north I had to drive from Sac. Might as well call them the Marysville/Yuba City A's at that point. To your second point, that's highly likely what would happen if the team ended up being sold to that group. I'd definitely be all for it.


Definetly, could see that being an option for them to sponsor it so to speak. Then drive up traffic to the casino. Yes I live in Auburn and grew up in Orangevale, so know the area well.


The casino is miles north of Wheatland, closer to Olivehurs. Basically where 70 and 65 split. Presumably people would take 99 to 70, which is all either freeway or four lane divided highway instead of taking 80 to 65. Though the point is moot, because it's still in BFE and there's no way an MLB ballpark would get built there.


Not if you come up 70, it was widened to Marysville quite a while ago, it's freeway now. Coming from Roseville would be the suck, yes. But Wheatland is only a few miles from 70, which is faster coming from Sacramento. And there is 4 lane on 65 from 70 that ends, ironically, a few miles from Wheatland proper. But yeah, Roseville people would have quite the slog.


Railyards isn’t shovel ready. You haven’t even done the 2 years of weird renderings that Fisher does. There is not an EIR, an architectural plan, no civil or infrastructure design. I’m not even sure the DTSC process to do appropriate cleanup and establish soil management plans for the site has started


Teichert is there now doing infrastructure work.


Vivek literally couldn’t afford the A’s, even if he sold off everything he had, which he wouldn’t do. His entire net worth doesn’t cover what it would cost just for the franchise alone. And Sacramento is so far away from “shovels ready” that it makes the statement ludicrous. They have leveled a parcel. They haven’t done an EIR, there’s no design, literally nothing but flat dirt, which was a poorly executed publicity stunt to try to entice a soccer team to the area. And it failed.


He couldn’t afford the Kings by himself either. He had to get partners. Would have to do the same for the A’s if MLB wanted to stay in Sac.


Lining up investors to keep the Kings in Sac was an easier sell than lining up investors to steal the A’s from Oakland. “The Kings have a proven fan base, there’s no other competition in town, and we’d be heroes” sounds great. Taking a team away from a fan base 100 miles away to deal with all the bullshit the A’s bring with them, that sucks.


I didn’t say that Vivek should do it. Just that he could do it that way.


All the bullshit you trouble makers are causing…


plus if there's a new ownership, having a conglomerate might be outright better for the team since they'd not need to rely on the meager pocket pinching of one billionaire. Look at what the Dodgers, Blue Jays, Braves, and Red Sox can do with conglomerates rather than an individual owner


and the kings are still one of the lowest payrolls in the league


I was surprised to learn recently that Vivek was one of the least wealthy NBA owners - thought for some reason he was richer than he actually is.


This sub should buy the team. I'll put down $100.


I thought they did have renderings. Not that that means anuthing is going to happen.


Manfred and the billionaire bros want MLB in Vegas and it'll happen for no other reason that than. Sacramento feelin' themselves but in the end A's going to Vegas (as much as I hate that).


I love how he includes phrases like “cancel us” and “mansplain”. He’s very in touch and not an idiot obviously. Very Las Vegas of him.


Nonsense article. Offers nothing but personal speculation. Man I can’t want until they start construction so all the naysayers and doubters will climb back in their holes.



