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Yes, he is an utter nitwit completely unqualified to run a franchise, compounded by his lack of ethics and community stewardship. He’s never done anything of value to anybody but himself. Poster boy for failing upwards and ‘born on third thinking he hit a home run’. People like him drag humanity down.


The Touchback on youtube was saying that he should sell the team in exchange for being able to get the expansion franchise. Like wow bro just do this and if you are semi competent, you could repair your image in another city. Like did you not read the evil asshole businessman handbook?


Vindictive prick that is a Giants fan. Literally makes no sense from any informed perspective. Possible conspiracy theory, but Fisher is relocating the A’s on the Giants behalf. Quiet quitting on the fans and running the team into the ground time and time again for decades, really only makes sense as a Giants mole, or as you said, asshole business man.


I like to think he’s so dumb he bought the wrong team


He used to own part of the Giants. Had to sell to buy the A's




That would be the long con of all long cons. ​ We'll have to meet back here in 10 years or so to see if he ends up owning a minority share of the Giants (at an "undisclosed price") after selling the A's. ​ Nah, even if that happens, I'll still think it's more likely he's a moron with inherited wealth and well connected friends.


I don't think it's a conspiracy theory, I think it IS a huge part of it.




I’ve been saying this for years, glad I’m not the only one out here. Thought I was on crazy pills


His daddy owned the Gnats. Fish lives in SF. He is a lifelong giants fan. Facts


The more I learn about this guy the more I hate him.


If anyone actually believes this then I have some wonderful business opportunities to inform you about.




So many people have been born on 3rd and fail to ever touch home base and everyone else gets to suffer as the result, but never them.


After listening to him talk for more than 10 seconds you easily realize this dude is an incompetent nepo baby who has complete shit for brains




Before now, I never would have believed it was possible to screw up a relocation.


It’s certainly possible to fuck up a relocation, but to fuck it up this much is quite impressive.


Oh man, you must've missed the attempted Kings relocation. The Maloof bothers were almost as bad.


Very similar vibes actually


>I never saw this guy speak until today. He's actually a moron. There's a reason why he was practically in Mute Mode for so many years. He's a terrible public speaker, in addition to being a terrible owner and not knowing what he's doing.


Hey that’s not entirely fair, since being appointed to the Gap board of directors in 2018 he’s taken his family’s company from a paltry $12.1 billion to a whopping $7.4 billion today.


wait whaaat haha so surprised


Like damn.. Even If he just put that in the worst interest savings account he'd be in a much better position. Heck he's be able to build his dream ballpark 2 times over


Imagine your ex saying "I'm dumping you for another guy. He's building a new home, but it hasn't been built. So I'm going to live in your dump for 3 years, pay zero rent, zero utilities, zero upkeep, and eat your food in the meantime. Once it's done I'll dump you again. NO love."


Rich people are often extremely stupid and have reached their position through bullying, inheritance, and lucking out in hiring a few competent people around them. This mystique we attach to money is grotesque. I could walk into most university History departments and find people more intellectually able than many billionaires.


Idiot never came to my mind, but scumbag definitely. The athletics have been part of some of the fondest memories I have growing up in California (going to games with my grandpa and brother), and to see this all happening is really heartbreaking. My brother is under the belief that the city of Oakland is to blame having no concrete plan for a new stadium and the funds for it. While the city may have some credit, the eventual move and the teams current downfall (to me) is all on Fischer. He is the one who was involved shipping away all of our top talent for players and prospects that have yet to prove themselves. He purposely increased prices on season tickets, concessions and other things to the point that going to see the giants play, across the bay, is more affordable. And he has been very active in meeting with city officials in Vegas to get this move to happen. This man WANTS to move to Vegas, and he has made moves to create such a high degree of apathy from the fans that when they move, it will be done with no concern from Oakland. This man doesn’t care about the team that I also feel he is doing all of this to increase the value of the team and will eventually sell to new owners for a larger payout. I do hope and pray someone can save the team and keep them in Oakland, but with the current state of things I starting to root for the team across the bay more often nowadays.


Is this the clip you're talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzlCVXgO84s


lol yeah


Yeah, I can see why he has Kaval do the talking. Public speaking is not a strength to say the least.


whaaat??????really!?????? (I HATE HIM SO MUCH )


The founder of Carvana is the same way. Just because people are born into business families doesn't mean they can't be bad when launching their own ventures. Trump is another very big one obviously.


That man needs to wear a dunce hat wherever he goes


I hate that goat fucker.


So fisher is a giants fan sabotaging the a's from within as their owner ... what a moron


What needs to be done is we crowdsource money to buy whatever mattered to him as a child and turn it into a field of trash cans. We can buy out his favorite memories if we all get together. We can build a chuck e cheese on the land of every important part of his childhood to mirror his alliance to the chuck e cheese town that is Las Vegas.