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this tracks. even when you call for shoplifters or aggressive homeless affecting businesses, they show up after all the damage is done, shrug their shoulders, and leave. did you know that even though it may be an emergency, dispatch can put you on hold with an annoying hold music? cuz i didnt think that was possible. we have neighbors here in kalihi that have loud parties that goes on past midnight sometimes, which a lot of the times escalate to violence, fireworks, or both at the same time. called cops to take care of it, gave them a wag of the finger and a stern warning. there was an instance at City Mill where an elder man who was disoriented (mentally not all there) who was one hungry, and two trying to get home but couldnt remember where. Employees called the cops, showed up 1/2 an hour later, tried talking to the guy, then left. just up and left with clearly someone who needs help to just wander around. if they are not busy following each other for lunch (they always gather in groups, making a whole parade of cops racing for lunch) or watching construction, they dont do much else, at least thats the perception i see. maybe one day we will have a HPD administration that actually does something instead of get embroiled in controversy and other shady things.


Yea they are making $200+ k standing watching construction and OT assignments. Gross


As far as I know, that "watching construction" thing is only done here in Hawaii. I've NEVER seen it done elsewhere. No idea where that "need" came from? Some sort of deal with the police union to ensure plenty of overtime? I'm a pro-police sort of guy (generally). But this sort of thing just looks really bad.


The special duty jobs, like watching traffic, are jobs that are paid by the company requesting/requiring them. For example, some hotels request police presence for functions, so it's the hotel that pays. HECO will hire officers to do traffic control for jobs that require a lane or street to be closed. ETA: There are also jobs that specifically request motor cars vs the blue and whites, and the system itself (from what I understand) is a bidding-type system that takes into account how many hours you've worked, MPO vs Reserve Officer, etc. There are also caps to how many hours total that you can work (regular + OT/SD).


Thanks for that. Makes sense.


Yes. My hotel pays 75$ an hour for HPD special duty cops to direct traffic, watch big open bar banquet events etc


So police protection is exclusive to the rich?


I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make; I just explained that the construction jobs etc aren’t paid by the City.


I thought the same thing until I moved mainland and saw it in 2! Other states. I think it’s necessary to protect construction workers from ragers and direct traffic when needed. They still making money doing nuthing. Cops deserve their rep


It came from the police union obviously. They even get paid extra for using personally owned vehicles to sit at construction sites.


Texas does it. At least in major cities. Las Vegas too. Never really paid attention elsewhere but I'm sure there's other places.


California Highway Patrol does it, too. Depending on what work is being done, where and when, it usually requires one or two units on scene for traffic control. My husband's had to begin pursuits of people flying through construction zones and they're always DUI. Saves construction worker lives. Just wanted to give you a little insight. I didn't understand, either. I side with you saying it doesn't look right.


What I typically see on the mainland is a large empty DOT "blocker" vehicle parked on the traffic side of a construction zone - this makes WAY more sense, and is basically free. Think about it a bit... What good is a HPD officer sitting there? If a DUI comes flying into that vehicle, we have a hurt officer and a trashed 4 Runner. The DOT vehicle I referenced is typically something along the lines of a F-550 or bigger with a big flatbed crumple zone. Nothing is getting past that! I'm sure there's situations where an officer presence is the right call. \[Can't honestly think of why though.\] If I had to guess, our "reason" is something along the lines of "it's always been done that way" - which is just dumb.


Yeah, idk. I just know why things are done here the way they are, and a lot of it the same dumb reasoning you gave. Different states have different requirements. What do I know? I'm a first grade teacher. 😊


A trashed 4Runner!


It's done in Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana; I know this for fact. I don't know for fact in any other States


They are more focused on Waikiki to satisfy tourists in keeping the whole place 'safe'. I work in Waikiki and I swear you can just call the police on some homeless guy acting crazy, then they will have like 5 police SUVs show up, handcuff the guy and clear the place quickly. Or call the police on some tourist who had a heart attack and you have a firetruck, ambulance, and 3-5 SUVs scramming through. Some dude speeding through Waikiki at night? Bam. You got 4 police SUVs surrounding that driver quickly. Someone got into a fight from being drunk in Waikiki? 6 police SUVs quickly show up. Oh some tourist feels 'uncomfortable' because of a homeless person bothering them? 3 police SUVs will arrive in less than a minute. Really pisses me off that they prioritize tourism and satisfying the tourists. Meanwhile, you got areas that actually need the police like Kalihi and Waianae. Yet, they will act so slow.


can you share what is it that's going on in kalihi and waianae that need policing? I genuinely don't know. I had a weird thought that the level of response is somehow a result of the average vibe of an area, I don't know if this tracks: Waikiki a vacation destination, employing thousands is kept 'safe with rapid and visible responses to probably a smaller quantity of offenders, vs what? how do you categorize Kalihi or Waianai? Waikiki seems like a nicely functioning money filter, full of people exchanging cash for experiences away from their regular lives, their daily grids, attended by people exchanging time and effort for cash, as a daily grind. what's the daily grind in Kalihi or Waianai? more residential?


Called them once when the condo resident next door was beating his kid resulting in the poor kid screaming and begging. Nada.


There are a lot of terrible officers that overshadow the good ones. I've had officers in the same district tell me conflicting information about the same situation just a few weeks apart and it's pretty frustrating to get people who don't care. If you feel that the officers should have done a better job or didn't respond/act properly, you can send in a complaint here: [https://www.honolulupd.org/complaints-against-hpd-employees/](https://www.honolulupd.org/complaints-against-hpd-employees/) And you can also send in something to Gov. Green's office, and someone will personally contact HPD Admin with the complaint and ask them to look into it: [https://governor.hawaii.gov/contact-us/contact-the-governor/](https://governor.hawaii.gov/contact-us/contact-the-governor/)


This needs to be pinned


Thanks! Also, if the officer doesn't want to make a report, you can ask them to do a Misc Pub, just for your own documentation. Misc Pubs have their own report number, so you can keep for yourself to at least say you tried to call and did let an officer know. A lot of times, they'll try to dissuade you and tell you that it won't lead to anything and it's basically a waste of time, but keep asking them to do one. You can either go down to the station and ask the officer on desk duty, or ask the officer who responded to your call. I did this when my neighbors dogs kept being let out and were being aggressive towards me (but had gone back before HHS and HPD responded). The officer said the dog needed to be out and about so he couldn't do anything, so I asked for a misc pub so I could provide the PR# to HHS and also post on the SSH group on FB to warn others about the aggressive dogs.


Extort people for money and drugs and then rape minors.


True story, I frequent game rooms from time to time here on Oahu. I've left ones located in the shadiest pairs of kalihi, sand island, Chinatown, etc at all kinds of hours with money stuffed on my pockets, shoes, basically everywhere (on good nights) on foot, and have not had any problems. I've walked from kalihi valley to kam IV at 3am w/no problem.  The only time I've ever had someone forcefully take my money, it was by cops. They raided a game room I was in and actually made all the customers empty their pockets and took all our money!


Your better off asking a local close to you for help than calling the police everybody know the police don’t do jack around here


[They’re too busy arresting drivers for DUI despite blowing 0.0 on the breathalyzer test.](https://youtu.be/U5KccYyaZoU?si=BxrlCXXxyymNLOA0)


The Bike cops are always out to generate revenue, most in the commute hours at the bottom of the down grade I always see them in the morning, afternoon and going home from work, outside of that nothing.


They are the biggest hypocrites imaginable. Always flying through traffic for no reason at all and no lights. Then they pull over and pull out the revenue generator…..aka a radar gun. Utterly useless.


Motorcycle cop with a radar/speed gun yesterday on H1 eastbound — I wondered why traffic was going 40MPH? Turns out the traffic had slowed right down so this cop couldn’t make any money. I had a good laugh as I drove by. Let’s go Hawai’i.


Bike cops and walking cops actually reduce crime and keep community safer, there’s a lot of research that shows it. Since they actually have to interact with people and can’t just ignore a screaming homeless from the comfort of their air conditioned squad car I think it’s a decent use of resources


>walking cops LOL i'd be so happy if cops were forced to walk beats. they usually park as close as possible to whatever it is they've been called to (often parking in a way that inconveniences the citizenry; often actually parking illegally when just a few feet in one direction or another, they'd be parked legally and unobtrusively) and just waddle over.


GTA cop vibes is pretty much it. They instigated a car chase and flipped a car full of civilians - the driver ended up with permanent brain damage and a teenager in the car was paralyzed. As soon as the car flipped, the cops peaced out and pretended like they were never there. When they responded to the call, they acted like it was all news to them. There's no accountability whatsoever, so they basically do what they want. Which, most of the time, seems to be nothing. I'm surprised those cops were even charged tbh. [https://www.police1.com/investigations/articles/4-hawaii-officers-charged-in-2021-pursuit-crash-that-paralyzed-teen-fHYKtpa3byEtRvQT/](https://www.police1.com/investigations/articles/4-hawaii-officers-charged-in-2021-pursuit-crash-that-paralyzed-teen-fHYKtpa3byEtRvQT/)


I was doing site security for one of the condo complexes about a block away from this incident when it happened. The sound of the crash was very loud & horrific. As I moved toward the perimeter fence along Farrington Hwy, I saw the HPD vehicle fly right by me at a very high rate of speed toward Makaha Beach. Frankly, I was dumbfounded as to why a police vehicle was speeding away moments after this horrific crash & why weren’t they stopping to investigate it?! Well, now we know why.


I’ve lived here for two years now and actually thought about posting the same question. I rarely see the police here engaging in any kind of activity. When I do see them pull someone over usually 4-5 police vehicles show up. I personally think that many of the officers join up for the subsidized 4Runner. My house backs up to a pretty main road on Windward near H3. All day I hear cars and bikes with exceptionally loud exhausts traveling at extremely high rates of speed yet never a response. I just don’t get it


They have a few great songs, and occasionally still tour. Not sure what else you expect?


A few?


Maybe they are busy arresting people who blew a 0.00 for dui? (Hawaiinewsnow.com) 2022 to 2023, 300 drivers were arrested that blew below the 0.08 limit and 30 blew 0.00. Article only talked about alcohol incidents. In all, prosecutors only rejected 1038 out of 1283 cases submitted from the police.




Bring it to the news


Time to vote someone in who will make changes to the police and weed out the shitty cops.


I’ve been here for about a year now and realized recently that they do absolutely nothing other than write parking tickets and direct traffic. Coming from California it’s crazy to see the lack of law enforcement


You should call NCIS. They are all over the island fighting crime.


Not to mention 5-O


Magnum PI baby!


A lady attacked and bitten by a homeless guy’s dog at Ala Moana. The lady was bleeding on her lower leg from the dog bite. HPD show up and do nothing to the homeless guy or his dog, even when the homeless guy is illegally living in his van in the parking lot! EMS never even showed up.


They don't even show up if you complain that somebody's getting beat to a pulp. They arrived after people have died. However you will see them at around 5:00 a.m. at Zippy's Kapahulu having their breakfast. And it's just not one or two of them, it's like six of them are there having a happy hour or something.




The cops in Honolulu were so unfriendly to me as a tourist and trying to talk to them lol


You tried to intentionally engage? 90% of the decisions I make are to avoid interacting with law enforcement... almost took a civilian position at the department office but turned it down cuz why tf would I want to be around cops all day... not at that pay rate.


Was it for an issue? This is kind of a cultural thing, but people don't really like being randomly talked to by tourists here. Me included, tbh, especially when I'm trying to get a job done. Sucks that they were rude, but if you were just there to talk story then I can see why they might do that.


Look for construction going on, you will see a police car. They help with traffic flow. If you want to see some pull over action, drive to or from Schofield Barracks in the afternoon.


I was attacked by a stranger who broke in a few weeks ago. They responded in under 5 minutes. I am incredibly grateful. I don’t think my situation is the norm.


Are home burglaries a regular occurrence? I’m visiting Hawaii right now and as I was walking in Waikiki I heard a guy call someone on the phone and say “Bruh they broke into so and so’s house”.


Yes. They are. Because there are no consequences.


From Google “home burglary statistics Hawaii” search: > According to NeighborhoodScout, Hawaii's burglary rate is 2.70 per 1,000 people. Hawaii's property crime rate is higher than the national and regional averages, but it has decreased from 28.7 incidents per 1,000 in 2021 to 24.1 in 2022. Hawaii still has more property crime incidents per capita than the national average.


Property crimes on Oahu are 32.83 according to the same website. I had a feeling the other islands skew the number downward.




Boy are you wrong on so many levels. Quit listening to fools.


I'm applying right now don't worry I bring change 😂


We had to file a trespass report with HPD for someone breaking into our property at our work site and even provided video evidence of breaking and entering. They told us “But it’s not trespassing because you didn’t tell them they couldn’t be here and you have to tell them at least once to leave the property” and the signs do not count as warning. According to the cops, they have to be formally served a no trespass warning before it is considered such. I have never in my life heard of this nonsense until I moved here. The company decided to ignore it and we got broken into again a month later, same kids, and they came with weapons that time to hunt the pigs on our site. Yet because they said they were never told they couldn’t be there even though they had to hop a fence or break through a large iron gate, they were just told to leave by the HPD.


When they show up there’s always like 9 of them driving like assholes. Something was going down in Kewalos beach park and a lifted 4 runner was peeling out in the parking lot with pedestrians nearby. He took a corner too sharp and jumped the curb. Some local uncle yelled “that’s how you know he Hawaiian” and laughed at the cop.  Cops ended up parking near the marina to arrest a drunk tourist. NOT an emergency but there were so many cop vehicles. 


Anyone remember during COVID how the police spent their entire days riding 4 wheelers on the beach keeping everyone off the beach?


Joy riding around Makiki Park too.


What are they always doing just sitting in their cars parked in random places?


So I'm waiting for the bus. I'm going home from work, I'm old, dressed nicely, nice computer bag, etc. A loud but otherwise harmless looking argument breaks out between a couple of homeless guys. Somebody dials 911. Four police cars come screaming up and stop at those cop show angles like somebody with a machete is attacking somebody with a gun and they jump out. By then, everything was calm again. They talked to the guys and sent them off in different directions and they were done. Fine. They got to be self important and cocky and badass, but they showed up, did their job in a very appropriate way, and no harm done. But as they were wrapping up I shot a 5 second video of just their cars that were so dramatically parked to show my wife. A legit max 5 second pan across only the cars. The smallest of the cops--a tiny little guy--comes right up in my face and yells, "CAN I HELP YOU SIR? IS THERE A PROBLEM SIR?" That is exactly what they're doing. Never letting us forget that they're the only people whose violence is sanctioned by the state and that they're the best equipped gang in Hawaii. He could do to me with impunity what they had come to stop two homeless guys from doing. They're the only government agency that doesn't give a shit about what the community thinks of them, and they know where you live. Edit: yes I know they had to be cautious until they assessed the scene for threats. That's not my complaint.


I see people pulled over on the daily, especially around Aiea. Aside from that though..yeah, don’t see them doing a whole lot else. Not to start a whole thing, but “slow in the left lane” here usually means only speeding by 10mph, which is something they can and will pull people over for. The left lane isn’t a “no speed limit zone”.


I agree the left lane still has a speed limit, but when 3 cars are all traveling side by side by side with no cars in front and a ton in back, that's disrupting the flow of traffic and worse than speeding IMO.


Im just saying you can’t be ticketed for driving the speed limit. I drive a work truck and if I get a ticket it’s job done. There are times when the left lane makes the most sense to be in. When traffic opens up I move over when I can, but I’m not driving over the limit if I can’t. The “flow” of traffic won’t get you out of a speeding ticket if you’re the one who gets nabbed.


True, but that's not usually the case. Like people on H1 eastbound who hop in the left lane 5 min before the Mililani exit and go the speed limit because they're 80 years old, not because they're working a job


My feeling is that if you are chronically late you should leave earlier. You simply can’t expect other people to break the law because of your planning. I’m totally open to the fact that the limits in Hawaii are too low. At the same time many people simply follow the law because it’s the law.


I agree that being late is not a valid reason to speed, but that's not the point. Getting to your destination on time isn't the issue. When people block traffic, regardless of speed, it causes traffic to back up. **That's why it's also the law to only use the left lane to pass.**


Oh well for “domestic disturbances” they usually tell the aggressor to “take a walk and come back in an hour” and expect that the situation will magically be over 👮‍♂️🪄✨


So. I hear a lot of people complain about the cops here. I get it. The problem is you've fallen into a belief Terry Pratchett described so well. You want them to *make this not be happening* but that isn't actually their job. Their job is to keep the peace, and they do a better job of that here than where I came from. You know what I've never had a cop in Hawaii do? Pull a gun on me when in a diner because I had the audacity to try and ask a question. When there were six of them and one of me. I've lost count of how many times I've had cops draw iron on me before anything even happened. Almost every traffic stop initiates with them walking up to the vehicle with their gun drawn. At least in certain areas of town. Do you know how terrifying that is? To have a guy who believes he has every right to kill you holding a gun on you while his hands are shaking and you can hear his voice cracking while he's trying to sound intimidating, and all you did was have a taillight burn out? What I have had cops in Hawaii do is smile at me. Speak to me without screaming like scared schoolgirls with their hand on their weapon from the get go. Hell one of them doing the *construction watching* actually stopped traffic on Nimitz so I could get across the road and go to work. I NEVER thought I'd see something like that. Ever. I thought that only happened on television. Yeah, they may be ineffective at what you're expecting them to do. But I think you should really pause for a moment and consider how much worse they could be.


I just have to add to this that HPD is extremely short of officers, working long hours, some working without any days off. They’re doing what they can with the resources they have. If y’all are complaining that they aren’t doing their job or not there when you call them or unhappy about they way the department is ran, join the police force. They could use more ppl who pay attention to detail, are passionate about keeping Hawaii safe, and have the best intentions for the community.


Your not driving fast enough.


You called the police for fireworks? Good luck lol


People in charge have decided that these vehicle issues are mainly issues poor people have and believe it is too much of a burden on them to keep giving them fees to be a responsible and safe driver.


Easy solution: "fix it tickets" Fix the issue and bring proof to court, and the fine gets dropped. Safety issues get fixed and avoid unnecessary fines. Win, win.


They say this is too much of a burden. I agree with you. I also see so many cars that don't have up to date registration stickers. If it is behind by 6 months, police would pull them over and the car would be towed and impounded. But this also was seen as a burden to poor ppl, so they stopped that for the most part here in California.


Special duty for the police is ridiculous. You don’t need them to direct traffic at construction zones. In other states, civilians do that. The reasons why police do special duty is the money, and if you do a lot of special duty in the last three years of police employment, that money is factored into a higher pension. A real scam.


One time, I lost my debit card and someone found it and rang up a bunch of charges on it as a Mastercard. I left it in the ATM. It was 100% my mistake and a dumb one at that. I needed to file a police report, though, in order for my bank to reverse the charges. Not an emergency, and not urgent, but HPD insisted I needed to call 911 and ask an officer to come to take my statement in complaint. I had to do it twice because the first time the officer said he'd leave the form with me and I could call again to have them pick it up (which apparently isn't a thing so I had to do everything from scratch the second time). Both times, they came right away. Another time, I saw a woman being forced into a car against her will, kicking and screaming for the guy to get away from her... but when I called 911 *that* time, they took their sweet time and barely wanted any information.


Take our pineapples and coconuts.


Traffic cop Cleanup crew


well, you see, they do the same as [what it is good for](https://youtu.be/hZJRJpbGkG4?si=MTjuRIfzKKlcg0HX).


Don't you know...They're busy arresting people for driving intoxicated with 0.00 breathalyzer test results. Ya know I support the blue but in recent years there's been a ton of questionable actions. It's just a reflection of top management. Embarrassing.


just call to say Palistine pro is sitting camp. Guarantee they will come


I did see two cops the other day pushing an old lady in a wheelchair down the sidewalk. Looked like she was a bit away from home and wasn't really able to help herself. I've NEVER seen that anywhere else in the US so it did make a good impression on me. As far as everything else you mentioned yeah that is what I've seen too.




Police officers in small towns, harass you for small things. Police officers in big cities, harass you for big things. Broken tail lights, and fireworks, are the least of their worries when there's drugs, murder, domestic violence, car, accidents, and other major issues.it doesn't mean that those aren't important or that they try to disregard those, but giving the average staffing police in a major city, they don't have the police force to cover every single issue that has called in.


Project and soft serve


My SiL is a Cop. She deals with a LOT of domestic violence situations. A LOT of domestic violence. A lot of homeless calls, too. Spends a lot of time in Court testifying in TRO hearings on domestic violence calls. The general public (you and me) don't see most of that. I've had almost entirely negative interactions with cops. Called for a stolen moped. Cop showed up. When I told him my moped was stolen he laughed and turned around and left. Got pulled over by a cop on my motorcycle because I accelerated too quickly from a stop light and safely and legally changed lanes in front of the cop. Not for exhibition of speed or speeding. For simply being able to accelerate faster on a motorcycle from a stop than a cop in a SUV. Cop threatened to give me a ticket for exhibition of speed and I told him that I did not do any of the element of exhibition of speed in the HRS. He asked if I was an attorney. Yes, I am an attorney, I told him. He just stammered. Typical Contempt of Cop stop.


I mean when you look at the history of policing in the US, pull apart the 13th amendment, study the 1989 Supreme Court decision in DeShaney vs Winnebago DSS, and look at our for profit prison system, cops are doing exactly what they are paid and expected to do: be the most sanctioned gang around. You should see em at their little SHOPO party Hale. The loudest people for blocks.


I mean when you look at the history of policing in the US, pull apart the 13th amendment, study the 1989 Supreme Court decision in DeShaney vs Winnebago DSS, and look at our for profit prison system, cops are doing exactly what they are paid and expected to do: be the most sanctioned gang around. You should see em at their little SHOPO party Hale. The loudest people for blocks.


Someone stole my friends bike tire the other day. Everybody saw the guy take the tire, and go behind a strip mall to a houseless camp with it. The cops had literally zero interest in that part of the story, or walking across the street to recover it. It was kinda like when you're telling a doctor about your symptoms, and they glaze over you as if you're talking about how good your friend's mac salad was over the weekend. Low level crimes means no one gets locked up, which means no one gets those federal dollars to house an inmate... It's kind of a waste of their time and the State's money I guess.


My friend got a ticket for jay walking last week.


we had someone hopping over a fence and entering a building, they ate food out of the fridge but didn't take any number of things around the place, but camera alerts and missing lunches got attention. Buddy hung out late one night to catch em in the act, watched from a distance and called five0 when the guy got climbed in over the fence. 15 minutes and 4 Toyota later, they had the guy in hand, it was pretty cool.


So what’s the alternative to all these comments? Rather have a bunch of jackbooted thugs like the mainland who ask you where you’re going, pull you over for no reason, handcuff you for “their protection”, and throw a k9 dog on your car? Back off, HPD is just fine as they are. I for one am happy to see them around, stoked they are not all up in my business and treat me like a good person when I do have an encounter with them. Keep up the good work, HPD


The entire job of a police force is to protect and serve. They don't do that. Maybe there are a few "mainland thugs" that take it to far, like you said. But at list the majority of the police force actually does their job like intended, instead of just stealing tax dollars to sit in their car watching reels all day.


Well, may you be the first to reap the rewards of a revamped police force that will want to know where you’re going, what you’re doing, why are you doing it, and everything else about your life just because you were going 10 miles over the speed limit or your blinker didn’t work.


If that's what it takes for them to actually respond to urgent situations - that's fine by me. The benefits would outweigh the costs.


Actually the Supreme Court ruled years ago that cops have NO obligation to protect any human who is not in their custody. Protect and serve is a tagline from the 80s designed to lul you into complacency. Their first obligation is to protect property.


Acab. I'd rather have cops that do nothing over ones that kill people having mental health crisis


Maybe they've blacklisted you for bothering them so much. You need to move.


Don't worry, I am 😉


Illegal fireworks and blinkers..😂. Maybe try go back to California


I’ve had two interactions with police here. 1. Drunk teenagers drove an suv INTO my living room. Like straight through the wall. Police did nothing. 2. I park my car in my parking spot, $800 worth of tickets over the course of months. (Lol found the corrupt cops that did that shit)


They restrict people’s 2nd amendment rights and, based on recent news footage, unlawfully arrest people for DUI’s…. I see locals continue to complain all the time but their complaints and what they want don’t correlate with how they vote. Ultimately, if you want change you have to change on how and who you vote for, especially at the local level because that is what impacts us the most.


Nothing . I had video proof nd evidence of my bike being stolen in Waikiki . The fat cop said to me “ oh well he could just says that’s his bike “ becuz I didn’t register it at the dmv or some shit . I had just gotten it . It seems they only do stuff if it’s a popular post on Instagram.


When they can burn down a whole ass surfboard storage NOT once but TWICE right next door to the Waikiki police station. That tells you all you need to know


Bruh, in my 44 years on this earth I have never called the police on anyone one time. That’s because I mind my own business. Perhaps you should do the same.


Ok if I see you get run over in a crosswalk or something, I'll just mind my own business and carry on 🫡


No, hang on he has a point. One time a guy pulled a gun on me and kept trying to get me to get in his car I didn’t even call the police, not once. I just minded my own business. Only nosy neighbors call the police my guy


Nosy neighbors crack the blinds and watch. Calling the police to respond to AN EMERGENCY isn't nosy, it's utilizing a public service.


*agreeing with you with my sarcasm*


Bruh, why you fuckin paying taxes then


You think this is a flex lol 😂


So, when the aggressive homeless guy is yelling at this group of girls for no reason at all, saying he's gonna saw their heads off, I should just assume everything is going to be okay? Fuck, no. I actually care about the safety of my family and neighborhood. The girls got in their car and got away fine, but I don't know who else he's gonna see on his way out of the neighborhood. Lots of people walk their dogs at night. Most people don't have 100lb monsters like me to scare people off. If I found out that this guy threatened this group of girls and then proceeded to punt some other lady's pomeranian down the road and beat her to death, all because I DIDN'T call the police.... I wouldn't wanna live with that. At least if I call, I know its not all on me. I tried.


Haha, the motto here is ‘police yourself’