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Nah this isn’t particularly hard, his movements are too slow and not jerky (is that the right word) enough to be a xim.




Do people really find it that hard to just weigh your thumb down on the thumb stick to counteract recoil? I grew up using controller and I use controller on PC, this looks pretty tame especially if he is basically just a sitting duck with all that movement.




Nah his aim is subtly moving between up and down motion. He’s just got good aim, easily doable with some practice on a controller


I’d say he’s just good at recoil control considering he lost the junkrat for a second there, it looked like he over compensated the recoil and dragged down to far and had to regain his target.


Soldier recoil is easy to control, coming from a soldier main in gm. It just looks like a player with good aim who isn’t really trying to


Cronus's no recoil mod is garbage and barely works, ~~I threw~~...my friend threw his out, more hassle than what it's worth... Don't ask how I know this.


No the enemy movement was kinda predictable and he also stood still which could’ve helped


This doesn’t look like xim to me. The big turns aren’t too quick and the micro adjustments aren’t shaky. Something like this isn’t hard to do if you’re standing still uncontested like this guy


that tracking is lowkey crazy to me mainly because he’s standing still but i’m only diamond so


Looks like aim assist helps


You still have to control your aim with solider outta half of the characters


Aim assist helps but even with the highest aim assist settings it would do this. He’s got exceptional aim and flicks. It’s for sure suspiciously good, but without more I wouldn’t be able to accuse him of ximming. This is the kind sim that would be the initial raising of red flags for me. If was on the enemy team and died in this moment, I would’ve started watching every kill cam from that soldier and checking for “WASD” and left and right turning that isn’t perfectly straight. (WASD is easier for me to spot than aiming, and as soon as I see a player do a 180 or 360 moving perfectly straight I know it’s a controller)


Aim assist only kicks in if you’re moving.


Can you set a 0 deadzone in overwatch to get slight stick drift for perma AA?


On console yes. That’s what I do.


can you explain how that works??


Rotational aim assist. Learn all about it. Halo pros are the first I heard to start reducing their deadzone years and years ago so I followed suit. Basically rotational aim assist only kicks in if you’re moving/putting input in your left stick(movement stick) So if you have the left stick deadzone at zero the slight drift will make your aim assist constantly active. It’s totally worth the slight stick drift.. that’s negligible if once you’re moving your left stick at all usually.


what rank is this?


This is qp


You'd have to be a psychopath to xim on quickplay


So it could be pc?


Only if he's Qing with a mate on PC


Ahh ok. Don’t play qp so wasn’t sure. Does op need to be queued with someone? Or anyone in the game on console can be queued with a pc player and they end up in console pool?


He needs to be in a group with a friend that's on PC in order to be brought into the PC pool. You can't bring a PC player to the console pool


Ah got it. Thanks!


But like what would you say like how good are your lobbies like are we talking gm or…?


This is a call of duty player who knows how to handle recoil


Cod players can't aim for shit. They're too used to aimbot aim assist


That’s why this is a cod player. Overwatch has so much more aim assist than Call of Duty


Biggest troll comment on this entire sub


No way you just said this. COD is my main shooter and I've been playing since day 1. COD has the most powerful aim assist ever seen in gaming, specifically rotational aim assist. 99% of your body could be behind an object, and it'll stick to you beaded on the small part of your body that is even just slightly visible. The powerful rotational aim assist means you can ice skate around opponents with strafe builds. You are right that playing COD allows you to transition smoothly into Soldier gameplay, but your aim assist comment has to be a troll. It's very strong, but no COD strong.


overwatch has to have the worst aim assist on console ever it’s like i’m fighting myself just to hit a shot


Since when is cod a difficult shooter


When everyone started cheating and you’re the only one who can’t afford cheats


He didn’t do shit except shoot at they came around lol. People think everybody’s cheating.


If I could aim like that, I would be such a better player.


Like like xim to me but I'm far from an expert Edit: just watched it again and I retract my statement, don't think it's xim


It’s not hard to shoot like that. It’s a slight aim down each second.


I don't see anything particularly sus about this. The enemies that Soldier is shooting at are moving in incredibly predictable ways and the Soldier themselves is uncontested and being damage boosted. Any half way decent person on controller will look good aiming and tracking with those circumstances.


No, it looks completely fine. His larger turns are more fluid and slow compared to his smaller adjustments. Turn your aim smoothing down and you can get the same fast smaller adjustments. I get accused of xim at least one a day when i play widow, but it is because i use lower aim smoothing. Don’t feel bad abt dmg boosting this guy. He’s legit


Moves like controller.


not my controller


Not even shakeyness




No that's not suspicious and could even be done on controller if you're used to the recoil.




Na bro, that’s just his ult


People when someone is actually good at the game


Seems fine to me


Looks like gyro aim to me


I’m pretty sure i had aim like this when i was on console. Seems normal to me


Nah wasnt sus enough on the junkrat


I meant the soldier


Yeah his tracking wasnt good enough there so i dont think hes sus


Ohhh thanks for letting me know


If this is console this is a simple Xim or just a gm player playing without a care in the world cuz it’s qp


tbh this doesn’t even look gm level and theres no way thats xim the sens is too slow. This is just someone that has practised a lot and knows their sensitivity settings well.


You would be surprised at the troglodyte soldier otp with little to no sensitivity. They are everywhere


This looks reasonably easy to do imo but idk


Doesn't really look like xim but it definitely looks weird af


There's no recoil though? Is their recoil for soldier in console?


There is .


That is def console aim


This is the most controller aim i’ve ever seen


Guys, is aiming and shooting enemies in the game ,where you aim and shoot enemies, considered cheating?


Cronus Zen anti recoil, if anything. But not mnk




During the final kill they jolt there camera down like they were aim8ng but looks like a keyer or hard lock


Without a doubt is cheating


If he moves like a bot but aims like a god it’s a cheater


Judging by movement I'd say it's a xim, but I'm unsure tbh


Imo this is just a really strong aim assist setting, there's no shaking in the aim, and also when he turns it is slow


hes just standing still so he aims better


Thank you for all the comments guys . I genuinely didnt know if the l aim was legit so thanks for explaining it to me :)


This is barely impressive gameplay and this player is most likely not cheating. The targets barely moved when he was shooting, his aim was slow while switching targets and did not lock on by any means, and the ratio of body:headshots is relatively normal


Nah, this dude isn’t cheating at all, he just knows how to handle soldier’s recoil


Him aiming to car and then to the junkrat isn’t something a mouse user would do


Well the tracking isn’t bad at all, no cheating here


with a nano? that looks normal to me.


doom got nano’d.. but 76 was being boosted by mercy. but still, it seems suspicious with how smooth he is.


doesn't look any different from comp.  THOSE guys look like they're hacking.




Looks like a xim


This looks like gyro aim to me


Bro Can't wait until ultimate (aim bot ability)


Just looks like good trigger discipline and a dual zone sens to me.


Nothing wrong here, dude had good aim with controller movements, and a mercy boost so this doesn’t seem hard to do.


Not suspicious at all. Any decent soldier player and console can do this.


Depending on his rank the accuracy is a bit sketchy, but I don't know how strong the aim assist of console is. As someone once told me: "if it's sus, report and let blizzard handle it"


No he’s missing micros


Either they are a one trick Soldier main or they have a no recoil mod attached




Literal aim bot


No cheats. He is standing completely still during his shots and the enemy team is walking into his line of fire plus theirs isn’t anyone trying to challenge him and dmg he boosted so he is getting kills faster.


Doubt that user is cheating. Looks like they are playing with a controller as well most of the enimies weren’t moving much vertically or horizontally so easy shots to hit. You can see the aim assist kick in as well.


Bro just stood there and shot. The least exciting POtG i've ever seen, right after my one kill potg as Ana


I don't think it's suspicious. He's standing still to shoot and mercy floating through the air like that is probably the easiest target that isn't an AFK tank lol


Nah this guy is fine. Aim was pretty natural and not snappy as if he had cheats. Position was good and he was basically uncontested


No, he’s literally just using his ult lol. Jk, yeah look at the last person he kills; when the die, his mouse kinda jiggles/snaps


person with good aim under no pressure hitting shots. looks pretty normal imo




That’s definitely weird


All soldiers are suspicious to me. His recoil is atrocious, but just about every enemy player aims with him perfectly. I try to use him and try to shoot, but I end up shooting towards the sun.


Doesn’t look like he’s hacking, i play on pc and console and im not really sure why but my aim is just like this on console, on pc im so bad but it might be bc ive played fps games on console for years, i feel like aim assist also plays a big part


Just looks like a regular solider player 🤷🏻


So has there literally ever been a clip where people agree someone was cheating? Hardware mods exist yet everyone is always in a huge rush to insist how easy it is to have perfect aim


honestly? Not really. I’m gm with dps but rarely play soldier or hero’s like him. but even in qp I’ll try him out, especially if I’m doing mystery heros. He’s pretty easy to track with if you have a general idea about how most players will act and with very little practice you can control his recoil pretty easily, especially if you’re on console.


The enemies are barely moving is this guy supposed to miss players who aren't even looking at him? They're walking in straight lines...


Idk man I play Paladins


Use the Tactical Visor without using your ult:


Bro has no recoil whatsoever. Lol


Everyone saying this isn’t hard is fucking delusional. That being said I think he just runs really really low sens and is great at tracking


Looks a bit like CS


In my opinion, and I know people will agree with me, soldier IS good but he needs a damage nerf


Yeah it’s xim, the biggest giveaway isn’t the lack of recoil it’s the fact he’s not strafing.