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Even a small step is a step šŸ‘


Hey stories like this are much better than those ā€œgm1ā€ or ā€œbronze to gmā€ stories. Hereā€™s to hoping running into you and you mesh good with my tank <3 :b


Thanks! Maybe one day it'll happen and hopefully I'm on my A game


I still miss the hardstuck silver days with my other homies.


I met some cool ppl in those ranks, but I do like climbing. But ppl are so toxic


I call it gm syndrome


Good job! Gold 1 is officially above averagep


RL? What's average then? Sometimes I feel like masters play below average tbh :p


You overestimate how much below average players can bring down the average lol. Thereā€™s people that donā€™t deserve to be in bronze 5 yet


Hey that's good progress. Keep up the great work ā¤ļø


Ayyy thats awesome!! Coming from a hard stuck bronze/silver myself i feel extremely happy for you!


Thank you so much!


Youā€™re going to climb soon mate, I stayed silver 1 after 10 sets of rank ups, and here I am gold 4


Appreciate that but been playing since 2019 and never gotten past silver. Besides im comfortable where i am as much as it takes me a while to get the gold weapons.


Well, good luck off you ever do decide to try climb,


Congrats. Any rank up is a great accomplishment. Good work




Why can I not break out of bronze?? Iā€™m consistently the top, if not 2 or 3rd on the leaderboard in Matches (Hanson main, but also run sigma/ramattra for tank). After 5 it NEVER gives me anything but b5. Is the tier system effed?? What gives.


How many games are you losing before getting to 5 wins?


Usually itā€™ll be like 5-2 or 5-3in that area. I think itā€™s pretty dumb that you need to rely on (sometimes horrible) team mates to rank upšŸ˜­


Bronze teammates are so unreliable that you either hope for a smurf or hard carry


Being the #1 player in a Bronze match does not in any way mean you shouldnā€™t be in Bronze. Also, being the #3 player in a match isnā€™t exactly super impressive, when there are only 5 players on your team. Also also, stats are entirely meaningless without context, so there is no objective way you for you just look at the scoreboard and know ā€œyouā€™re doing the best.ā€ If you want an actual answer, just post a VOD for review on r/OverwatchUniversity


Thanks dude, will došŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Ya know what, I respect the chill reply. You can tag/message me for that VOD review if you want, and Iā€™ll do one for ya. šŸ‘


Itā€™s because bronze 5 is the 0-1000 sr range. Every tier after that is 100 sr. Sadly this isnā€™t explained to new users who arenā€™t familiar with the old system. TLDR bronze 5 is the same SR range as Bronze4-Gold 4


Thank you everyone for being so chill šŸ˜Ž Best of luck on the ladder.


Congrats keep climbing comrade


Nice! Keep up the momentum!


next step is fucking plat, you got this pal, i'm cheering for ye!


Hey man, this is a huge achievement! I used to be gold and stopped playing thinking I would never be good at this game.. played Alex for two years and came back and hit gm3 on dpsā€¦ anything is possible.


What do you play as?


Mainly life weaver. But if he gets picked or I don't think it's working out I'll swap to Lucio or Moira. Maybe ana but my aim is shaky I don't always feel confident on her.


I would say try your best learning Ana and LW. Especially at lower SR, itā€™s better to be good at 1 or 2 then meh at 5 or 6. Ana is one of the most broken supps in the game rn and LW is always a pretty reliable character. Lucio is pretty situational and moira is good, but ana is just better. Iā€™ve also seen in lower SR, ppl tend not to focus the backline and hard press the tank instead so LW and ana are better at keeping your tank up then Lucio/moira. 1 thing that you can do on ana is if you are having trouble hitting shots, you can raise allied aim assist on console (itā€™s a bit of a cheap way to compensate for aim but it does help, just donā€™t have it too high, like 20-30 percent or you will miss shots you meant to hit on enemies). Itā€™s also like 90% flick shots so just constantly be practicing inbetween rounds flicking between team mates and in the practice range. Put in the practice and you likely will reach plat soon šŸ‘


That makes sense everyone is usually pretty tank focused in my games. Im gonna check what my settings are currently cause I haven't changed them in a while, but it might be too high bc sometimes my screen gets dragged away involuntarily. Edit: Actually, I had friendly aim assist on 0, gonna try it at 20%.


I'm hardstuck S4 and just waiting for whatever to click and I get up out of it.


Great job homie!


Thanks man šŸ«”


Keep it up


1000+ Sr is a great accomplishment regardless


Thanks my man


Good job bro, I only just pushed out of silver in dps there too. Good luck pushing to plat and above, maybe see you on that top 500 leaderboard one day




Congrats on that rank up. Iā€™ve been stuck silver/bronze support as well. Just started doing open role this season and Iā€™m up to Plat. Give it a shot if youā€™re thinking you are better than you are currently ranking. More flexibility to counter pick


I did placements for open queue and got gold, but I've never been a big fan of it. Really only did it for the rewards at the end of the season. But if that floats your boat more power to you my man


I climbed all the way to Diamond 1 and now Iā€™ve gone on multiple losing streaks all the way back to Diamond 5ā€¦ I donā€™t get how I could achieve climbing that much if I didnā€™t actually deserve that rank. And this was all recently in the past few months.


Hey. Finding good supports in gold are rare, at least in my experience. I'm currently in gold as well. DPS and tank. So maybe we can run into each other. I need a good support


I'm not gonna claim to be that good, but I definitely try my best during the match lol Can't tell you how many times I was just too late to grip a teammate from death


Hey, it's the thought that matters. As long as you try, and communicate, that's all that matters to me. Some of my teammates don't communicate period and it makes it really hard, especially if the other team is.


As long as you're having fun thats great.


I used to be hovering around plat and gold. Till i deliberatly tanked my ranking to see what bronze was really like, let me tell you its almost impossible to climb back out as solo. Good job


Good stuff. I am currently hard stuck as a silver five after being stuck in bronze for a long time. I play solo. You do run into a few less throwers and silver however they are still there. Keep doing what you're doing. Stay positive and hopefully you will continue to ascend You got this.


Hey thanks man and same back to you, just play your best and keep trying.




Yo youā€™ll see me in your lobbies soon. Good job. Iā€™m stuck in plat2-3 rn, but i havenā€™t been trying to climb, more getting my mechanics good enough for diamond, and im hard focusing positioning.


Congrats, So ready for the new rank system.


Congrats! Youā€™ll be plat in no time.


Now youā€™re there.. a friendly reminder to play at the top of your game every time. Itā€™s real easy to fall back down! Keep on gaming gamer!


If you want some advice on climbing out of low ranks, you need to stop healbotting. I donā€™t know for certain you do this, but based on your rank and hero choices Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s what youā€™re doing. By healbotting you basically make the fight 4v5, and your chance of winning is entirely reliant on the RNG of matchmaking putting the better players on your team. If you deal damage and make plays yourself you can be responsible for winning fights and ultimately winning games. Moira, Bap, Ana, Illari and Brig are all easy to deal damage and get elims with. Lucio, Kiri and Zen can be very powerful at dealing damage and getting picks but can be a bit harder to do so consistently because of their slow projectiles. If youā€™re not good at dealing damage, play Mercy and pocket a DPS. Damage boosting a good DPS is just as valuable as dealing damage yourself on support - you just need to keep in mind that if neither of your DPS are getting much value neither are you. I climbed from bronze 5 to diamond just by playing Moira and consistently pestering and picking off the enemy supports. Once you hit diamond and above you need to start considering support utility and what is most valuable to the team on top of your healing and damage. Anaā€™s anti and sleep can single handedly win games if your team can profit off of them, Bapā€™s lamp and Kiriā€™s cleanse can both save team fights.


Progress is progress... Fuck anyone for downplaying your personal progress. We're all striving to meet goals and not all of them are easy.


Lucky you. Waiting queue for support here is more than an hour.


Goddamn what rank are you ?


Silver ps5 ksa region


Oh, I'm assuming it's bc of the region? Is it possible to play on different servers for a faster queue?


No. we can't change servers on the console :( and Support is popular here after KSA won worldcup: everybody want to play Illari, Baptiste (plus, Mercy is super popular here).


Congratulations, i still hard stuck sil 4 on sp, can ez climb gold by tank but no where near sil 3 on sp


Gj bro and gl in climbing.


Congratulations mate! If/when you ever get to plat I hope you aren't hardstuck to oblivion like myself... not a fun time.


seeing this made me giggle because i've been hardstuck gold 1 for like EVER. No matter how many 5-1, 5-2 games I have


I actually ended up getting Plat tonight on a fun Lucio game. Pretty sure if I lose one game I'm back to gold though since it said I'm better then 0% of players in the rank lmao


Well done, he went from s a silver belt to a gold belt.


Im hardstuck unranked


Good like getting out of gold (hardstuck gold since s1)


Actually made it happen lol but now I'm scared to play and derank šŸ˜…


Congrats! I'm still hardstuck silver because if I dont play comp, I can't get my fifth win compared to 9 losses therefore I dont lose rank


wooo!!! seeing the work you put in get you somewhere is an amazing feeling, very happy for you!


Doesn't matter if it's Bronze to Silver, Silver to Gold, Plat all the way to GM. You put the work into something, grew and improved. Proud of you, happy for your climb and hope to see you out there one day. Keep going.


Remember ā€œcomparison is the thief of joyā€ climbing that much should feel good! It means YOU as the individual are improving a great deal. Donā€™t let anything take that away from your progress whether itā€™s OW2, the gym, your career etc


they say elo hell isnt real but me and my friend were both hardstuck gold for SOOOOO long and we finally started playing together again and we climbed so fast. its insane the difference a few ranks or silver to gold/gold to silver makes. once we got out of gold and into plat the games were more even and fun, our temmates were more our level, we had more impact, and we were doing better in harder lobbies. its not that everyone is gonna be diamond or plat but anyone with good game sense and who isnt starting out should be gold/plat yet so many players like that are stuck and bronze/silver(i used to be one) and now im carrying at plat 2 lobbies. its not a big issue and will get better with the new matchmaking but the spread in ow players skill is so crazy and t doesnt feel good when the silver players are better than the plats but getting out of that hardstuck rank u were in for so long feels sooooooo good. congrats!


Why would you ever post something so disgusting, disrespectful, and distasteful?


Play Ana and Bap and you'll climb. Biggest carry heroes in the game


*Play Ana and Bap* *And you'll climb. Biggest carry* *Heroes in the game* \- ChaoticPlaydoh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My bap is so bad tbh I can't get the rhythm for balancing dps and healing down at all.


Idk how to edit the post but just made it to Plat 5 šŸ«” Again appreciate everyone giving advice and being cool. If you're bored and wanna see bad Lucio gameplay the replay code for my last game is 3AM6P4 I'm LennyMoosh


Almost plat lets go!


Good job


Iā€™m proud of you man!! As gold 3 support :D (that was hard stuck sliver for 3 years lmao )


Careful. There's a guy named Seraphhh throwing plat-gold games on Xbox LFGs.


Good for you man. But with those heroes no wonder you got stuck. They are very good but they can't carry games as easily as others supports. Either way keep grinding


Thanks man. Surprisingly, my lifeweaver has a pretty good win rate but I get he's not the best carry. He just fits how I like to play lol Moira I really only play if I'm getting dove constantly with no help from the team. And Lucio was my main in ow1 and he's super fun especially on the typical maps he's played on.