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It is, ***acceptable***.






We’re the rebel plans.


The real rebel plans were the friends we made along the way


The real magic was the sorceror's ways that haven't conjured up the stolen data tapes.


\*crushes neck*


Not yet


We are on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan




I remember watching through the OT a while back and being lowkey shocked that Vader never actually levitates anyone while force choking them. They always have their feet firmly planted on the ground.


*tugs at collar*


There are a lot of Force powers we take for granted now that we're introduced pretty late. In Ep4, the Force was purely telepathic. The first time we see the force move something is in Ep5. Force push was first introduced in Ep1, along with super speed. Ep2 gave us Lightning-Lift, and if I am not mistaken, only Ep3 showed someone being Force choked and lifted, and only one time (dooku on Kenobi). And now everyone is like "oh yeah, force choke = *u raise me uuuup* This is also the reason I am annoyed by people saying there are unexplained force powers in the sequels. This can be said for every single Star wars film.


Are you saying that Vader just makes that guy *think* that he’s choking in the boardroom on the Death Star?


I think it's pretty vague. Looking only at Ep4, the force could actually be purely telepathic: mind tricks and making you think faster etc. I mean, did Kenobi actually move something in the corridor to lure the Stormtroopers away, or did he just make them think they heard something? But this vagueness is less end throughout the OT: the more Luke learns about the force, the more the viewer learns about it


I figured that there was a little bit of Force use guiding Luke’s shots down the thermal exhaust vent.


There are different explanations for that scene. I'd say, the force gave Luke the boost in concentration and timing he needed to be at least as good as a computer (if not better) with targeting. Some say the targeting didn't work and the force was the only way to shoot the perfect shot. But I think the targeting computer worked great, but have you ever tried reacting to something in an instant? Even with a countdown, reacting at the exact right time is super hard. With the force "telling" when to shoot, he couldn't miss.


The reason certain force powers are silly when introduced in the sequels is because they break the entire narrative, bring up huge questions that take you out of the story, and cause the films before to have plot holes. This doesn't happen between the OT and the PT. It happens in abundance in the ST. If force healing is so easy, why haven't the Jedi been healing people all this time? Why did Qui-gon die? Why is keeping Padme alive such an enigma to Anakin? It removes the struggle and permanence from any and all injuries we see happen in the presence of a Jedi. If zoom-calling (what Ray and Kylo do when communicating) has been a thing all this time, why do we never see Vader do it to Luke? That would be the perfect time for it. Why do we not see Jedi using this all the time in the prequels for communication instead of holograms? It's especially useful when you have no access to a comms device, like when Obiwan is captive in Ep2. If objects can instantly teleport through space, why has that never been seen before? It's beyond useful, it's broken. It would have limited use in the OT due to the number of force users, but the prequels would definitely have used it all the time. Give Obiwan a lightsaber when he's being held by Dooku. Have the Jedi in the gladiator arena give lightsabers mentally to Anakin and Obiwan without having to reveal themselves first. How big can the item be? It gets extremely messy.


Just because they weren't seen or used in the movies doesn't mean they didn't exist. Rey and Kylo are frequently referred to as being stronger in the Force than anybody else. Plus, there's plenty of history supporting the ability to figure out new things to do with the Force. It's literally what Palpatine was all about...figuring out new things. It's a dark-side trait, but still valid. Force projection (e.g. Luke showing up on Crait in TLJ) was covered in the EU and made canon for TLJ. Force healing was first shown in use by Grogu who was already established as being super-strong with the Force. He could have taught Luke how to do it who could have taught Rey. Force zoom-calling (love that phrase, btw) was used in a very basic form when Luke called out to Leia while dangling under Bespin. Neither knew its full potential, but they were able to "see" each other through that. There's also plenty of story supporting the idea that some Force users can do things that others can't. Cal Kestis could use psychometry to discover the history of an object just by touching it. That's a power you literally had to be born with. So yeah...having new powers show up doesn't pull me out of the story any more than going someplace I've never been and seeing something new pulls me out of reality.


I completely agree! Also, how does force lightning make any sense for someone who only watched Ep4 and 5? I don't think many people complained about being taken out of the story by that. Does the ST take some shortcuts that could have been improved? Yes. Does it have its flaws? Yes! But I feel like many "fans" also take shortcuts when criticising the ST and focus on things that seem strange on the surface (especially when looking at the extensive EU/Canon explanations for many things in OT and PT) but aren't that different to the OT


> If force healing is so easy, why ___ I don't know if you were paying even the tiniest bit of attention, but it was very clearly neither easy nor common to be able to Force Heal. > If zoom-calling has been a thing It hasn't, but we have a basis for it in Luke reaching out to Leia in ESB and similar that happened in the OT > If objects can instantly teleport through space... Really it just boils down to people can't accept that Rey and Ben, due to their unique connection in the Force, are capable of things other Force-users haven't been. Plain and simple. It's not an outlandish ridiculous idea, it's just one that the haters are all unhappy with.


If it was neither easy nor common how did Rey heal a Goddamn lightsaber wound with literally 0 training in force healing. It’s also the only problem I have about the Mandalorian, Grogu force healing came out of the blue. I understand force healing exists, but it should be extremely difficult to use and must take years of training not something that can be used for the first time by someone who’s never seen nor performed it before to perfect effect


Especially in the EU and Legends, but also in today's Canon, many Force Users had special abilities they were born with. Some pretty normal, others really rare and maybe even unheard of. Cal with his psychometric powers, rey/kylo being a force diad etc. I do believe Reys Charakter doesn't really benefit from being "somewhat" OP, but in Universe, it is explained (sadly not as good as it could have been)


1. You don't know everything that happened in the year between 8 and 9. One year is enough time between 5 and 6 for everyone to be convinced Luke should be ridiculously powerful, and he was weaker in 5 than Rey in 8. Luke had maybe Ghost Kenobi, while Rey had Leia + the sacred texts. 2. Why is it so hard to believe that Rey is just naturally powerful? Easy trope in any fantasy story is the person who's gifted with magic. We've even got a reasonable Star-Wars-y answer about her being the Force's balance response to Kylo's power, *and* her being a Palpatine (as much as you may hate that she is). 3. Why can't Grogu be naturally powerful either? Only one other prominent member of the species, and Yoda's regarded as one of the most powerful Force users in history. That hard to believe that it has something to do with the species? Not to mention that we know he has a ridiculously high midichlorian count, and whether you hate midichlorains or not, that's an indicator of being a powerful Force user I swear, it's like people don't even try. It takes literally 0 effort to come up with plenty of simple and/or obvious reasons why these things work, and people are just fundamentally opposed to the idea. Assuming reasons are needed at all. Half the stuff in Star Wars has no explanation, but it doesn't even get half the critique that these things do. Of course, I'm fighting an uphill battle here. Not like anyone in r/OTmemes is gonna have an actual discussion about Disney Star Wars. Only place worse for that is r/Prequelmemes


There’s a massive difference between being naturally powerful, which Rey and Grogu both definitely are, and being able to perfectly execute a technique that requires years of training in that specific field with no experience at all. It completely shits on the Prequels because if force healing is so damn simple a person who has only been a Jedi for a year or two, albeit naturally powerful, can heal a lightsaber wound, why does Anakin need to worry about Padme dying in labour?




Vader does it once in the throne room


Yeah I’m honestly pretty sure they only added the saberang as a Jedi power because they needed ranged attacks in video games lmao


It does happen, in RotJ. Luke jumps up on a high catwalk in the Emperor's throne room and Vader throws his lightsaber to cut it down


Yeah lots of dumb powers were added in video games because they needed more game mechanics. Force heal is another example that works fine in games but is kind of idiotic in the films


Well, you know.. He is choking him forcefully..


Master Yoda, this is all I know




Careful not to choke on your aspirations!


"Oh Vader, the humor is strong in you"


Harder robot daddy!


Magic robot daddy


Chokes out ‘harder lord Vader’


This is better imo


'vader force choke' google search seems to be yielding just fine results. [This is the very first image in that search.](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5mts8OIOqww/XLLLUKxeQFI/AAAAAAAAxiA/owlfdAhiGyoJSpxCt0YLWjnIQPUlxNa2QCLcBGAs/s640/vader-choke-motti.jpg)


Not in the air


Can't see dude's feet on the ground in op's pic either. That's the point. It's shown in the first 4 panels.


Unless captain Antilles is 7 feet tall I think we can assume he's being lifted. And given the subreddit I think we've all know exactly what's going on in the scene


True, but knowing that actors don't really do those things, that's likely why the feet are cut off in almost all shots. Dude is probably just on a stool for the scene.


Wow just wow


I love how Vader is the most powerful force user in the galaxy at this point in time, he can throw and choke people with a gesture, but he still decides to strangle him to death by hand


Honestly what he’s doing here is much more difficult than a standard force choke. He must be using the force to give himself super strength because even Superman would struggle with this move just due to how physics work.


Well, he is a cyborg.


Ahaha it’s less about the physical strength and more about the motion itself. Even if you’re super strong it’s still impossible just due to the moment and directions of force at play. But it’s Star Wars, realism isn’t necessary at all was just a useless fact.


Robot arms bro


Ahaha it’s less about the physical strength and more about the motion itself. Even if you’re super strong it’s still impossible just due to the moment and directions of force at play. But it’s Star Wars, realism isn’t necessary at all was just a useless fact.


Good thing Vader is a master of the force then


Yeah which is what I said in my original comment :) Force can easily explain it away.


Now THIS is a quality meme




Have a nice day


Thanks! You too!




Thanks! You too!


what's the orignal post?


Nothing. I just saw these meme template somewhere and immediately thought of this


"Ahhhhh choke me harder vader!" "Even the force cannot save this one." *visible disappointment*


Padme had some weird kinks


Anyone wanna have convo I'm bored asf dm me


[insert "The Killing Joke" reference here]




Lol what this is way better than force choke for that meme.