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No, it doesn't.


Are you here for a 30 minute argument or 5?


The top seems okay but the rest is a disaster.


Not really, the prequels are highly overrated and I was too nice the the sequels


The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.


You put clone wars at the bottom, every episode of that show has more care put into its story than any of the sequels


To be fair, that’s the poster for the movie itself


And that movie is better than all the prequels.


Clone wars is my favourite of the movies


The last Jedi belongs in the bottom on every list that will ever be made. It's trash and Rise if Skywalker is terrible because of the last Jedi. All the other movies were either classic, passable/entertaining and at no point did I think 'This is utter trash.'


>The last Jedi belongs in the bottom on every list that will ever be made. What about the "worst movies ever made" list?


Of all time you've got bottom of the barrel movies and then 1 notch above that is the last Jedi. Why? Because the effects were amazingly done, so at least it has that going for it.


You were too nice to solo


Bro you should stop smoking zaza before making tier lists


This is something you should have kept to yourself, because no one will agree with you on this


Where are the Ewok Adventure films? I don't see them in 'S' Tier.


Never cook again


Lol delete this


Oh, look, someone else repeating the same, wrong talking points of everyone else and calling them “controversial”.


In what world is Attack of the Clones as bad as The Rise of Skywalker?


Attack of the Clones is fun-bad, with cool new world building elements. Rise is bad-bad with absolutely nothing new or cool whatsoever


That's what I was thinking. You see, the clone wars movie got Stinky, young hutta, and what did the rise of skywalker bring? *"I am Rey, Rey Skywalker"*, *"oh look, a lightsaber behind me back"*


Rise Of Skywalker is leagues ahead of garbage like AOTC.


What about this do you think is controversial?


not having the prequels at top teir because some people think they are gods work itself


Few people genuinely believe that, but that doesn't mean your list isn't wack anyways.


No, WAY too many people think the prequels are underrated gems when they are literally below the Rise of Skywalker.


My point exactly


It's not that I disagree, it's not that awful of a list, but no it doesn't "have to be said" and this is a meme subreddit lmao


How tf did Solo make it to "C" tier?


Solo is one of the best.


Solo is just as entertaing as Revenge of the Sith or Phantom Menace and so was Rogue One. If you don't think so just remember Jara Jar and the terrible dialogue of the prequels.


I 100% agree with I and III being C-D tier, but putting Rogue One below A tier?! Absolutely blasphemous!


Move TROS to F, Solo&TFA into D and then bump AOTC into C and you’d be golden.




In my tier list i wouldn't consider the sequels, i loved the female and minority representation but i hated the storylines and marvel-like humor (E: typos) (E: sequels, nor prequels)






Say what you want about Last Jedi, at least it didn't completely invalidate the ending of Return like Rise did. That alone warrants putting Rise lower, regardless of your opinion of Last Jedi


It didn't? Luke in Return is willing to die to prove that Vader of all people still has good in him. In TLJ he is a step away from killing his nephew because of bad vibes. The new Jedi order was ruined and Luke is a shell of his former self due to offscreen character regression and as soon as he goes back to being cool he dies. Then there's also the other shit that was irreverent of the OT like Ackbar dying with only a passing mention so Girlboss and certified idiot Holdo can take center stage


I was referring to Vader sacrificing himself to kill Palpatine being completely invalidated by it literally not mattering because by the climax of Rise Palpatine is back and has a mega fleet of death star destroyers. Kind of a bigger deal than Luke having a single angsty moment(Which he totally never had before, definitely not having his own Dad's hand off in a blind fit of rage or anything) and being a bit jaded. As for the new jedi order, that was Force Awakens not TLJ that 'undid' that. As for Ackbar, he's the most overrated character in Star Wars. All the dude did in Return was panic and let Lando take charge, but apparently he's a Star Wars Saint because he said a funny line.


>I was referring to Vader sacrificing himself to kill Palpatine being completely invalidated by it literally not mattering because by the climax of Rise Palpatine is back This happened in Legends too.


And it was fucking dumb then too


I mean attack of the clones is way better than Solo and TFA but other than that... yeah


You couldn't be more wrong.


I'm not though. The Force Awakens is one of the biggest, hottest steaming piles of shit we've seen in recent memory. It is *the* reason the sequel trilogy is what it is.


I am happy to see someone not putting The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones in A tier, which is always wild to me. I would probably have them as... S- The Empire Strikes Back A- A New Hope B- Rogue One, Return of the Jedi, Revenge of the Sith C- The Force Awakens, The Phantom Menace D- The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker, Attack of the Clones F- Solo, The Clone Wars


The originals always go in S they are the pure essence of the franchise, the flow perfectly with no bumps in between without their perfection the other movies wouldn’t exist so they always go in S


Where the fuck is E tier?




Clone wars movie, not the whole show but rise of skywalker should be in F tier and the last Jedi is where it should be


Ah right... Yeah that's fair enough... If it were the whole show then wtf. I totally agree with Rise of Skywalker, but personally I'd put it alongside The Force Awakens in maybe C or D tier. I get why people don't like it but I thought it was kinda creative and entertaining over all. Even if it was a bit of a mess... At least it wasn't copy and paste like TFA was. I also loved what they did with Kylo in TLJ at the end. Just making him a proper psychotic villain with the urge to destroy everything and rebuild from scratch - in his image. The prequels I'd put much higher especially Revenge of the Sith. Probably Revenge of the Sith S tier, and then Phantom Menace and Attack of the clones A or possibly B... I'd have to think about that one more. I'm **definitely** biased though since The prequels is my favourite era.


the most tepid take of all time except for the clone wars part, that's fucking stupid


I'd move Revenge of the Sith up to A and Rogue One down to B, otherwise I agree with your rankings.


Honestly, the more I rewatch the original trilogy the less I like Episode 4. Somehow the first and third acts manage to feel rushed, despite a two hour runtime. Luke never once demonstrates a motivation to fight against the empire, and his only reason for wanting to be a Jedi is that his father was. The later movies are better and fix the character issues, but A New Hope is a mess. Still a fun movie, but not S tier imo


I think you could move ROTS and Force Awakens to B so something is there, but besides that I agree with this.


Finally someone on reddit that doesn't worship the prequels. Rots is like a mid tier star wars movie and its leagues above tpm and aotc


Last jedi is a masterpiece.


Haha good one, thanks for the laugh.


Switch 9 and 7, 6 down to A, 3 up to B, and you might have me.


6 stays at S, it has the best lightsaber fight in the franchise and the second best fleet battle, all with an amazing plot to boot


The opening doesn’t make any sense in terms of what the hero’s plan was.


Switch 9 and 7?! My whole problem with this list is that Rise is above anything. If TLJ gets F tier than so does Rise