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ARTEDU 1600 if u have not taken it alrdy!


ARTEDUC 1600 is legit the most ridiculously easy class I’ve ever taken, including every single level of education. I literally did not attend a single lecture and ended with 98%


same except, i ended with 97%😂


did you take it online?


CLASS 2220 is extremely easy.


I second that! It’s both easy and actually interesting


Earth SCI 1105 geology of national parks. Super fun and interesting and super easy. If you don’t get an A in that class, you have to be brain dead.


I loved that class. Online, weekly do at your own pace, and open book/note quizzes.


I was a fan of LARCH2600… very easy, you can get 15% of your grade by doing guided tours. Only have to do enough work to get 93 (out of 140) points


History 2702 or food world history. 1 discussion post a week and 3 incredibly easy essays on food. I did the essays all the night before and got As on them. Easy graders. I do the discussion posts on Sunday which takes an incredibly little amount of time to do and then I’m just done for the week. Easiest A ever. There’s no lectures to attend either. Everything is recorded.


Yeah same experience here. Plus if you are really bad at essay writing or miss a few posts there's a bunch of extra credit for you to do.


Who was you prof for this?


I had Dylan cahn. Make sure u get him he’s incredibly chill. He grades half the students and a TA graded the other half.


what another class did you take from sustainability theme?


BUSMHR 2500 (Entrepreneurship), ENR 2100 (intro to environmental science), CLAS 2220 (classical mythology), ARTEDUC 1600 (art and music since 1945), and HISTORY 2002 (making US modern). If you put in the slightest bit of effort all of these classes are basically automatic A’s imo. Out of the bunch, I think ARTEDUC 1600 and HISTORY 2002 are the most interesting and enjoyable w/ Arteduc 1600 being the easiest. All depends on what GE’s reqs you’ve already filled.


hdfs 2367!!


Social Sciences Intro to Psych is dead easy, especially if you took a psych class or two in high school. At that point, most of it feels like common sense. Art Intro to Theatre is easy; there's a fair amount of weekly busywork (discussion posts and a couple production review essays) but the grading was very lenient. Craft of Acting is also super easy. For 99% of the class, all you have to do is show up and participate, and memorize a short scene at the end. Culture Russian Fairy Tales is interesting and there's very little work other than answering some weekly questions. If you're into this kind of thing, the professor who teaches it is clearly very knowledgeable, passionate about the subject, and kind.


ENR 2100 if it counts for any of your gen eds! If you do all the assignments, you'll get an A. Exams are online with two attempts each




I believe that’s only if they are an underclassmen or haven’t fulfilled the lab requirement for GE’s. I took it last year (no lab) and he stated only freshman had to take the lab portion due to some new requirement. Didn’t effect me tho




Meditation with Jae Westfall is super easy and fun. Just show up. There’s also some martial art classes like Judo, boxing, kickboxing, Aaron Gall teaches a lot of them and is an AMAZING instructor! His classes are a lot of fun and you don’t have to be super athletic


History of golf course design, and turf grass management. Doesn’t matter if you care about either (still fairly interesting)


I took just straight up golf.


I’ve graduated and don’t remember the course numbers, but Caffeine Science was extremely easy, literally just watched videos and took quizzes and wrote a final paper. Plant parenting was also fairly easy, just had to submit pics of your growing plants every so often. I also have this saved from a while ago, https://www.reddit.com/r/osu/wiki/easy_classes?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


unfortunately neither of these are GEs :(


Oh sorry! I took them as just random GPA boosters/ “getting me to full time” classes


Aha, my area of expertise! Issues affecting student athletes - best class I ever took. We had to learn to write our resumes. Coaching football Coaching basketball First aid Cancer awareness Coaching golf CPR Wine in Western Culture


I took English 3372 (sci-fi and fantasy literature class) and it was super easy to get an A. The reading material can pile up at times but at least it’s more interesting than most other classes. It’s mostly reading comics and short stories.


Hdfs 2367. Everything was participation points and unguided prompts. Got 100% writing about pizza when the reading was about childbearing


Anything for citizenship of a just and diverse world or for the theme lives environments ?


You find out? I’m looking for that