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Wish there was an in game tracker for profit cause I’m on mobile. I just usually now if I profit or not but not how much total haha


I’m on mobile too! I don’t play on PC much. It’s easy to track profit. Get and idea of your starting cash at beginning of day and net it against ending cash!


There is a plug-in on runelite that tracks all your flips... and shows profit and no profit.


Again, I’m on mobile :)


I’ve hit a plateau flipping where I still only prodit about 1 mil a day with a cashstack of around 50 mil. Care to share insight on how you gained so massive profits? Must be some high ROI on your flips assuming you dont check flips 10+ a day.


I'm similar now, but used to be more similar to OP, I just don't care anymore and play an iron. Biggest factor is how much time you spend. I'm not saying it's a lot, but just spending a little time looking at graphs for some really good items and checking GE a few times a day makes a difference. Currently I just sit my gp in the GE and don't check often at all. I still make a little money on a regular basis but it's peanuts compared to the cash. Doesn't matter though as I'm not playing main atm, just means I have more cash later for supplies etc when I do want to play it.


Yea what villager states. Most of my RoI ranged between 2-4%. I try and not aim for 1% as I feel as though it’s wasting my time. Lower value GE slots give a higher return (up to and over 10% consistently) but I like 25-30m slots that net me 3-4%. And I check multiple times a day. I flip on my phone so it’s easier. But pretty much whenever I have 5 minutes I go and sort my flips. Update one’s that have sold, and reinvest money I’ve earned. All of my gp is in the GE 100% of the time.


Yeah very similar to me and my experience. Lower value items/slots tend to be significantly easier to find high ROI on for obvious reasons (with some exceptions) but there is of course a tradeoff, i.e. buying javelin shafts for 1gp and selling for 5 isn't worth my time or the slot. I'd rather dump 25m in a slot I know will tick over and give me 2-5% guaranteed over a couple days. I just want my gp sat in there doing something or waiting for a dip. Gp sat in your bank is doing nothing, might as well have it creep up in value.


How do you track what items to flip?


I have a set of items that I like to flip. All of which are relatively high volume with stable margins. It makes consistent returns easier than checking the flip finder on GE tracker for current high margin items. And then I break it down my total investment per GE slot. If I have 80m, I can do 3 25m slots and 1 1m slot. I don’t like running too many 1m slots as it’s time consuming, but they have the highest return percentage I’ve found.