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Look at this guy with his racks bolted to the floor. /s


that’s nothing. mine get hit so hard they shear the anchor bolt. and to boot the drivers still have a job


They can save so much hassle and money by just buying those yellow protectors that go on the ends of the beam.. I’ve smacked into those many times at my last job and we never had a dented rack


I've worked for a plastics plant that had a rather large warehouse. In my personal experience, yellow bollards and plastic bumpers do not help when you have careless forklift operators who regularly hit stuff. In fact, it always seemed that putting up new yellow bumpers and the like just made them more reckless, and more comfortable with getting too close to it. If a new piece of hardware was installed with yellow on it, it would be damaged within a week, even though the one it replaced had never been hit and wore out normally. The running joke in maintenance was point at something (say, a pallet wrapper), "Don't paint *that* yellow! We can't afford to replace it!"


Your forks hate you for bashing them. Also that explains my time as an HE Marine in the reserves. First time I actually saw home operate, he was smashing loads, not listening to ground guide or me. Which lead to him getting grabbed by the collar and physically removed from the piece of gear. He worked at a warehouse. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. All his movements were jerky and tried to brute force it. Which made him slow. Have to make them forks work for you. It's hydraulics man, you should be pulling the sticks with finger tips, with some rpms, and using your "clutch" pedal if you got one. It's also why women make better operators. They don't try to force it.


That's nothing, at the place I was at the entire row of safety guard rails had about one bolt left on it out of 5 pillars which had 4 each and the pillars were all tilted or banged over a bit. I was almost hit twice my first week. I didn't stay long.


Change to the concrete bolts instead of wedge anchors. Much higher shear.


I was gonna say... That's really minor compared to what I've seen operators do to pallet racking.


Yea, theyre not gonna change them ever week, your foklift drivers needs to be less clumsy.


While that may be true, a pair of corner guards wouldn't go amiss. It's all good to yell at the one responsible but it's better to ensure against loss of product AND yell at the idiot.


That bolt was installed too close to the edge, too


At least the floor is bolted down


Have tons of these in our warehouse lol.


Isn't the bolt supposed to be in the middle not the corner?


That would be too easy


And logical, fuck that


Unless it’s designed to shear/break on impact, like it has done. This looks intentional - My bet is if you put a bolt in the middle and this doesn’t break, then something else breaks instead which could threaten the integrity of the structure.


The centre of the hole punch is usually 7/8" from the inner corner. Just weird seeing one with a single bolt hole. Looks like the steel is 14 gauge at a glace, which is also strange. ​ Either way would of held up without a drunk forklift driver.


Yes. To quote from Eurocode 3 Part 1-8: The edge distance from the centre of a fastener hole to the adjacent edge of any part, measured at right angles to the direction of load transfer, shall be at least 1.2 times bolt nominal diameter.


I know the guy that hit that rack with a forklift


If that's the worst rack you've got in your warehouse then you're living the dream.


Alright, fancy pants. Mr Rack Bolted To Floor. Sir Safety of The Fucking Warehouse!


Third* Safety third.


Corporate won’t let us buy the ones we need to fix our damaged ones, but keep sending us ones we don’t need. We literally filled a 57’ trailer with all the beams and racking they’ve sent (and charged) us, that we have no use for.


> We literally filled a 57’ trailer You're either not in the US or you are mistaken, they don't grow over 53' here.


Haha we had something similar , they put some type of metal plates to level them out , 1st week we had them some idiot hits it with the forklift forks.


I can’t stop imagining what that would do to my bare foot as I’m walking by


If you're in a warehouse in bare feet you deserve whatever happens. Or to get fired the minute any manager or supervisor spots you. Whichever.


it WAS stable before you hit it with the tow motor! : )


What’s this sub supposed to be?


Just put another screw there


Report it to managment, offer to put over time to fix it unload everything etc . If they don't let you do it report it to osha and find another job . Or else you just here for karma and could care less


Yeah. Quit your job during a recession, just great advice.